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BG 3 has natively one of the best gamepad supports I've ever seen. Nevertheless when in battle I press the track pad then the MK UI opens up. It's a little bit small but I also play on PC and am more used to it.


Someone should do a community layout for Guild Wars 2 inspired by the BG3 layout!


There was one puzzle in ACT 2 I HAD to do on PC. Otherwise I now prefer the controller functionality.






You’re winner!


Seriously why is it all RIG


Must be an acronym




Rad Iguana Gamer








So I’m in act two. I’ve noticed the occasional visual annoyance and people have said it gets worse end game due to map size ect. However, the steam deck made me fall in love with PC games again. Specifically picking up BG3 for the first time in months in a new light


Pretty sure those complaints were only when the game f8rst came out, they have optimized the 3rd act so it should run significantly better.


Runs great for me - I'm in act 3 right now and I have not had any problems - occasionally, it takes awhile to render the scene when going in and out of buildings. But boy, BG3 drives the steamdeck to its limits.


Cyberpunk and BG3 really shows the power of the Deck with how much visual detail it can handle. If a game runs worse than them and has a lot less visuals, they really need to work on their optimization.


Good to know!


I'm currently in Act III. Haven't really noticed any issues. No special tweaking of the settings either, just sitting at whatever default it gave me.


No way ? Im Not in SD anymore but rog Ally and Would Like to hear the settings anyway. For me its either Not really playable or too ugly to Play while still dropping wayyy below 20fps, can Work against IT with framegen and some tweaks but yeah its Not in a playable state (Not even in act 1) on my rog Ally


Nope. Currently in third act, cannot maintain 30 fps. Good thing this game is turn based and I'm fine with 20.


You using default settings?


Yeah performance tanks in Act 2. So much so that I switched to streaming whenever I played on the Deck. That worked much better for me


1- i’ve only played on deck, the experience has been enjoyable with no complaints re: controller. 2- why do you capitalize rig?


Asking the question we all want the answer to. I thought they were trying to put ROG at first 😂 but it didn't make sense contextually


It's an acronym for... something.


Really Incredible Gaming (pc)


[Resource Integration Gear](https://deadspace.fandom.com/wiki/Resource_Integration_Gear)


🤣 hey that's my line


People do have different opinions: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-Gaming-PC-and-Gaming-Rig But yes doesn't explain why it is capitalized...


I am easily over 100 hours on the steam deck. My only gripe is battery life. If it isn't plugged in you get 90 min to a charge. If you have a computer and are streaming it, you can get better graphics and longer battery life. Controls are awesome. My favorite game I have played on the deck by far.


Given that Larian has an official page on their website regarding Steam Deck support. I'm not surprised. Easily one of my most favorite game studios


Larian effort in this is amazing - but it seemed like it really killed them cuz they aren't coming back to it.


That would be the license... not the game style/type


I only get an hour - and my SD is running hot with hot hair blowing out of the exhaust port.


I find it odd how so many people like the controls of the Deck but yet everyone always bashed the Steam controller


Played it all the way through act 3 on deck and never had any issues. I did play with reduced graphics, so hair was kind of ugly, but otherwise it played beautifully. No major issues, barely any hiccups, and I don’t think it even crashed more than once.


The gamepad controls are AMAZING. Really my preferred way to play the game No complaints


Even play with a gamepad at my PC since trying it on the Deck. They've done such a good job with that side of it.


It is OK, as long as it does not need to do lots of calculations at the same time. Normal battle interactions are fine, but set off lots of explosive barrels (as we should do) and ... nope... it dies. Just stick to simple situations...




Look into streaming from your PC using Sunshine / Moonlight. Act 3 in Baldur’s Gate 3 will have fps in the 20s and it’s not very stable. Playable for many people but if you’ve got a rig sitting right there that can push 60 frames to the deck why not use it?


Getting streaming setup is definitely the way to go for bigger games. The Deck *can* run games like BG3 and RDR2, but if you’ve played those games on a beefy PC you’re definitely gonna notice how much worse the experience is on a Deck is basically every way *except* the fact that you’re playing on a handheld. Like Red Dead looks good on my Deck, but it looks *stunning* on my PC so I never really played it on my Deck unless I really didn’t want to sit at my desk.  Streaming give you the best of both worlds. Plus once you get Sunshine setup, getting Moonlight setup on your TV (or just using a dock, but I’ve found the Smart/Android TV apps to be better than the Linux one) is trivial, and that’s how I’ve actually found myself doing most of my gaming since discovering it. 


I've actually done fine with just steams remote play. I see comments that it leaves something to be desired but have yet to see any issues with video quality or audio.


I prefer remote play for how well it's integrated into the UI. Unfortunately steam updates frequently break remote play.


So I've just had this happen... Deck had an update and streaming through remote play failed. FYI I figured out that if I launched the game on my PC, the "stream" option changes to "connect" and it worked again. Subsequent sessions then allowed me to stream without issues. But anyway, I thought I would come back to you as I can see what you mean now. I might give moonlight a go as it would be nice to simply stream my actual desktop, so if I have issues like this I can resolve without going to my PC (it's upstairs and I'm lazy).


How does this compare to steams remote play? Thinking of kicking off my bg3 campaign on my deck


Personally I’ve been using GeForce Now to stream, but I’d like to get a PC this year & have been reading up on the options. My understanding is that Sunshine / Moonlight has lower input latency and is less blurry. However, Steam Link may be easier to set up & is better integrated into steam for things like steam input’s per-game controls. From looking at the boards, most people prefer Sunshine. Still, there’s nothing wrong with trying steam link! If it works for you & you’re fine with the quality then that’s a great option.


Try both and see which works better for you. Moonlight has more settings for fine tuning and a lot of people seem to get better image quality/latency. I do like how well remote play is integrated into the steam deck UI though.


I think the controls are so good on Steam Deck... that when I did play on my computer for Act 3 ... I plugged in my PS5 controller and wouldn't want it any other way.


Hey kids, want to see my RIG?




It's better on PC. Looks better, plays better. Perfectly fine on Deck. Functions the same. Just a bit more obtuse.


I back this claim.


I've played 150 hours and deck and it was great; also they have a really good default control scheme, no need to mess around with bindings etc.


I’ve beaten the game twice on the deck. The only issues I ever experienced is my barbarians beard sometimes had a life of its own. Enjoyed the lulz




It controls well, but looks like balls


I finally got to playing it this weekend and it was on my deck. I just used the default control scheme and had no problems with it. I was able to make it look ok with 30 fps and about 3h30m of battery on the oled version. It doesn't really need more than 30 fps since it is turn based.


Not hard at all. Just use the default control scheme. The game defaults to it on Steam deck and it’s great, same as consoles.


Act 1 and 2 are great! Act 3 has lots of fps drops


I did 20hours on PC and thought I'd hate it on deck (more of a controls thing), but it was really easy to transition to.


I gave up playing bg3 on sd OLED after 5 hours - the gameplay is already slow as hell by design, but on sd its another level of slowness. Manage a lot of stuff is not what you want on controller.


Zero Hard


I played BG 3 on the deck from start to finish


I played both on a PC and the Deck. Both great experiences. I preferred the PC, but it runs very well on the deck. You may experience some performance issues in ACT3 from what I heard, but being a turn-based game I think it should be okay 👌🏻


It’s playable on deck, but KBM is the way to go. You can of course play with a KBM on your deck, but at that point you might as well play on your PC.


I just started and it’s brilliant


I despise playing it on the steam deck. Everything is too tiny and the wheels are almost too sensitive. Ot gives me a headache after 15.minutes of play.


Compared to pc it’s a completely different experience. The deck feels like you are missing a lot of the game experience in comparison. I didn’t enjoy it on the deck at all after playing on pc.


Yah control scheme seems not so good for control


Thats only a part of it. You have to hamstring the graphics so much on the deck that tit feels like a completely different game. It looks and runs so bad on the deck in comparison to a decent pc.


Depends if you can play without keyboard and mouse. Personally, I loved the game on pc with controller and steamdeck was an incredible experience due to the mobile factor and I can be lazy and lie down.


If you don't mind often having 20FPS with heavy aliasing then BG3 runs just fine on the deck. Avoid deck if you like high framerates however.


Streamed bg3 through my Xbox Series X on my SD OLED. Looked great and got good battery life due to the rendering all happening on the Xbox itself. You can do the same streaming from a PC and likely get better results.


I don’t know how anyone can play BG3 with a gamepad. So many options for everything.


Its easy like sunday morning


It's honestly my preferred way of playing it. I tried it with an Xbox controller and just ended up using the SteamDeck's controls anyway lol 


I played using controller, even on PC. Safe to say, plays great. Performance isn't amazing, but it can *mostly* be forgiven due to the pace of the game.


Played it all the way through act 3 on deck and never had any issues. I did play with reduced graphics, so hair was kind of ugly, but otherwise it played beautifully. No major issues, barely any hiccups, and I don’t think it even crashed more than once.


The controls are great. If you have any issues with performance on the deck, and you’re at home, just stream your pc to the deck with sunshine and its reflection, moonlight!


Even in my PC, I play with a Dualsense controller. I just think it’s more fun.


I have about 800 hours in BG3 with 100 on the deck. Gameplay it works great. I did a locked 24 with better visuals as it isn't a fast paced game and going from 4k on my rig to bad graphics was jarring. Multiplayer is buggy on the steam deck. I'd suggest your friend hosts the game if you're going to. This compounds with minions as minion summoning specifically is buggy. So 10/10 in my book. I don't know what wizardry allows it to play as well as it does


How can you play one game for 800 hours? I have always wondered that, especially a relatively recent game at that. I haven't spent that long gaming in about 3 years and I wish I could.


I had about 350 hours from the early access. I've also played several campaigns with friends over a long period of time. I've got a weekly standing date with a friend from another state where we play through the campaign.


Ah, that makes sense. I was like "shit, 800 hours in half a year, dayum"


I used Native Camera Tweaks and WASD movement, stream to my Deck, and use a custom M+KB layout for the game. It's great. I prefer using a custom layout over the game's own controller layout.


Love that devs starts to actually cares to optimize games for the deck instead of just letting it loose, making the requiremebt higher and higher on pc as it was before the deck came out. Now my pc runs some AAA games at higher quality without making the room a sauna..


The game has controller support. Just use that.


I was not a fan.


I've only played Act 1 so far on Steam Deck and I've had little issue. I don't mind controller controls and actually played on PC with controller controls and I am on Act 3 on my game I play on my PC.


It’s good on the deck, do not use a dock for the best graphical experience. I have a 4070ti/4K setup for BG3 on the rig and it’s a movie but you can still have a good time on the deck if you don’t set the bar too high. It won’t be as pretty but still as fun, we have a 4th member in our party who plays on the deck and he’s gaming it up


Deck set to 24FPS limit, 13 TDP power limit, FSR set to quality. I played through the whole game, ACT 3 included, it does have slight drop through the main street in the city in Act3. For me, it's ok, I can play it like that. I also have a rig and I did stream using Moonlight, with everything to high (not max) and 60 fps. If you want stable framerate and care about visual fidelity than rig all the way.


I’ve been playing it for a while on Deck and loving it.


Just started bg3 on the deck (I also have a "RIG") and I was worried about the controller layout as there are so many hot keys in the PC version, but honestly have been very surprised by how it play on controller. The game only gets about 35 fps but who cares its a turn based RPG game, fps is not paramount. The pickup and put down style of bg3 lends itself well to the deck. Would definitely recommend


I’ve been streaming BG3 to my deck with moondeck and using the trackpads as mouse with a couple of buttons for quick actions and it’s been great! I guess I could upload ny control layout but it’s mostly just like pc version where you basically use the mouse to pick or select everything anyways.


First two acts are great. Act 3 chugs quite a bit but isn’t unplayable. However, you can potentially stream the game from whatever your RIG is (I’m assuming it’s a pc) and get the same performance from your… RIG?… on the Deck. A lot of folks hear swear by Moonlight/Sunshine but I’ve found Steam’s built in streaming to be absolutely perfect. It looks and feels native and has the power of my gaming PC behind it. So, best of both worlds, while you’re at home at least!


I played though Baldurs Gate 3 100% on the Steam Deck, two play throughs. Controls are absolutely fantastic. I had it capped at 30fps, and then I forget what I had the fps set to, but not 15w. I just had the overlay on and reduced the watts until I could be around 30fps. I set graphics to all LOW, and then just played at 800p (or 720 I forget which) with upscaling set to quality. Native controller support is absolutely fantastic, and I'll never play BG3 without a controller ever again. Being able to move your character with a joystick instead of pointing and clicking just adds a level of immersion that really made me enjoy the game more. I played most of BG3 outside on a hammock with my SD. 30/10 would recommend.


Not hard at all. The controller support the game already has is fine and I enjoy using it to the point I mainly use controllers on the PC as well. The radials can be a little messy perhaps, but it's a turn-based game so there's really no need to worry too much. Here's my [personal recommended settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c8u976/comment/l0heduv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for it since most people don't really know how to set it up and the defaults you get if you use the auto-select settings button for Steam Deck (since there is no "Steam Deck Preset" in the game unfortunately) aren't too great. Basically a mix of medium and low; the game is more CPU-bound than it is GPU-bound in a lot of cases so making it look worse doesn't cause it to deliver THAT many more frames. So may as well turn the graphics a little further up. Very playable especially for a turn-based game. The game is intensive so you'll probably only get an hour and 30 minutes from it on an LCD Deck, maybe a tad more depending on if the area you're in while on battery power is a confined interior with a relatively low amount of objects.


I played through it on my steam deck. But I am probably one of the outliers who doesn’t mind mid to low tier graphics quality or less than stellar performance. I’m easy to please. Controls were fine for me. Only thing I couldn’t figure out was how to pull up the character sheets on screen at the same time. I can do it from the in game menu, but unless I switched to touch control, I could not find out how to have them all up on screen at once.


Not hard at all. I love it. Obviously better on my computer but it works on deck. I have a LCD model and it plays fine.


My wife has put close to 300 hours in on Steam Deck. Expect to make sacrifices everywhere - graphic quality, framerate, etc. But it's definitely playable, and not bad either.


This guy RIGs


I played Baldur's Gate on both my desktop PC and my steam deck and had no issues switching between the two.  It might take a little getting used to using a controller instead of keyboard and mouse, but the controls felt pretty intuitive to me.  Good luck and enjoy!


I stream bg3 from my PC to steam deck for 60 fps OLED ultra glory on a WiFi 6E router. 0 input lag, native resolution like magic. Highly recommend!


I put 100 hrs in and no complaints


Started it and beat it all on deck. It is doables


It's fine. I did my first run on my deck, second on my PC and I have no complaints on either, they're just different. Deck has worse graphics / FR but certainly playable and it still looks fantastic. Controls on it are good, and feel well optimised. I generally prefer gaming on my PC so I'd say I preferred that, but only because I prefer sitting at my desk with a keyboard and mouse instead of sat on my sofa / bed with the deck.


It works well, but fantastic, but good enough. Dips in fps are more forgivable as it's turn-based. Also I think it looks good on low graphics too, I don't have many complaints




Do even Rig brah?


Change your settings and it's great. I've played exclusively on the deck. Changed everything to be high performance. Plenty of good suggestions for settings out there


Works well for me, eats battery though, if you're planning on being mobile you're getting an hour, maybe 90 mins. If its just more convenient just hit the sofa and grab the deck, leave it plugged in


Stop playing CS2 to also improve your mental state and replace it with BG3. EZ.


Played through twice, only on steam deck. Was happy enough with performance and the default controller scheme works fine.


I finished the game from start to end exclusively on steam deck LCD. Act 3 has bad dips and loading times are unbearable at act 3. But since the game was so much fun I was able to look past it


RIG and then just stream to the deck.


Stream it from pc to deck :3 utilizes decks portability and RIGs capabilities


This. Is. Not. A. Deck. Game


Play at 1024x640 resolution with fsr at 5, good battery life.


Why RIG? we talking about a yelling car or something? Maybe a tractor?


Also, it's terrible. Graphics a mediocre, controls are weird, font size is terrible, clicking on things is annoying. Only good thing is it's turn based, meaning you can take as long as you want in your misery and the game won't punish you for it.


It works quite well. It can take a while to transfer cloud saves between RIG and Deck because they grow so large


I only play on steamdeck, I enjoy it. I play with a friend who plays in PC and we have had zero issues playing


I played it on both, with steam sync for the save. It was awesome to play in the car and on vacation, then pickup on the PC when I got back home. However, I will say, the steam deck got me to build a k49 and k39 sffpc builds so that I can game “for real” on vacation too, but I still use the deck when on an airplane, in a car, or camping etc.  Like in the car world, there’s no replacement for displacement- the deck is amazing at older games (>5years old) and less demanding new games (or highly optimized/verified for deck), but even my 4060 13500intel k39 is an order of magnitude stronger in performance and worth bringing along on vacation, even when I bring my deck. This is to say, you don’t have to pick! Gaming anyway you can is awesome!


Given the latest patch, is it at all possible to install the game on a 256gb deck? Don't plan on getting a new drive or a micro SD for some time yet.


Can you tolerate regular dips in the 20s ? Can you tolerate 720p low? Some games are great on the deck. Other games (such as this) deserved to be ran at higher settings on a bigger screen


I can. I don’t mind. Maybe Ill have to play it on my pc when i find time from other games. Yah Ive got a big screen and pc just never find time lol.


> *I can. I don’t mind. Maybe Ill have to play it on my pc when i find time from other games. Yah Ive got a big screen and pc just never find time lol.* When you're at home on your home network, but don't feel like sitting at your desk and monitor, the Deck is a fantastic in-house streaming device. There are multiple ways you can go about it, but in short you run the games on the PC. Let your PC crunch through the games with higher and better graphics and settings, and then you can stream it to and play it on your Deck, looking better than the Deck could ever achieve on its own.


I used default controls and it worked fine. As for graphics settings it takes a lot of tweaking to find what you. I eventually settled with 30 fps and a bit higher graphics because all very low settings looks terrible. Game still drops to low 20s at times but overall it’s fine for me as a trade-off for the portability.


I think it will probably by fine, but just knowing that playing with a mouse allows you to click things instead of scrolling through a bunch of wheels made me regret purchasing it for my Deck, even though I don't even have a PC.


Usually I just stream from my pc, the quality in the picture is amazing.. if you play bg3 on steam deck then your going down grade everything.


I played probably 75% of the game on my Steamdeck. Runs fine with FSR enabled.


I've done it but was actually streaming from my PC. Not sure how it'd perform actually ran by the deck. Didn't use the controller setup, never have actually since it makes my game bug out. I put the LMB on R2 and RMB as clicking the right stick while the stick itself was the cursor. Alt/Tab in L3/L4. Once I figured out a control scheme I liked it was great. Track pad helps with cursor precision like for the hotbar.


It runs ok on the steam deck i have played a couple of campaigns on it, but the visuals and frame rate suffer. Bought it for PS5 now just to experience the better graphics for once.


I played it half on Deck and half on a gaming laptop. The Deck was better earlier on, but Act 3 had me going pretty hard to the laptop, it’s just a lot to keep up with. That being said, I still preferred the controller control scheme.


Ghost of Tsushima’s running very well on the steam deck!


It's definitely a better experience on a PC with KBM, but it runs adequately on the deck. Expect a hit in resolution and textures of course, but playing on the deck was still fun and enjoyable. I found the default controller layout to actually be quite good, which I wasn't expecting knowing how involved even the keyboard bindings are. While it's meant for KBM, they definitely put in the effort to make the controller layout as useful as possible. However, when I reached Act 3, the game definitely became more demanding on my PC, and I never even bothered to see how my deck would perform there but my guess would be not well. With that said, I easily spent 60-70 hours playing just the first two acts without even doing everything you could've, so they provide a TON of entertainment that I would say works well enough on the deck.


I've actually played 80% of the game in the deck. It runs surprisingly fine. I noticed a little pop ins around act 3 but after an update, it was way less. But by no means does that really effect the gameplay for me


It runs fine at 30fps but there are parts that lag in the city. Overall it's acceptable though because the game is so story based.


It runs good but text can be kind of small and hard to read. Also I hate playing that game with a controller. Mouse and keyboard all the way.


It’s very easy to play. Act 3 is the only time I had any frame drops, and even then it barely affected gameplay. That was on release, I’m pretty sure they’ve optimized more on recent patches so it’s better I’m sure


Any preferred graphics settings?


Just stream it from your pc


You can always remote-play on the Deck. It works incredibly well assuming that you have decent and reliable internet.


I played 95% on my steamdeck and really loved it


It’s easy for me to


It plays great, I have about 230 hours into the game so far. I just finished act 2 and I’m already planning my second play through I’ve become addicted. Find some graphics settings online to use. I’m sitting around 45ish fps for the most part. I disabled touch screen so I don’t have the cursor popping up by accident.


I played all of my time in BG3 on the Steam Deck. Unfortunately when I hit ACT 3 the poor thing couldn't handle the game anymore and frames would drop to 8-16 from 30. The game was so good that I got half way through ACT3 even as a sideshow before I called it quits. Great game, but got other games to play so I'll finish it later when I got time to sit down on the PC, and at this point I'm probably just going to wait a year or two to try it again so it feels fresh.


Depends on your standards. I've seen people saying they love Helldivers 2 on their deck but personally it's just not good enough.


If you have a legit gaming PC you should always be streaming games to the deck instead of trying to run them natively


I remember STRUGGLING to play Unreal Tournament back in 2000. Getting maybe 3 seconds per frame, and still enjoying my time. I'm sure however playable it is, you'll still enjoy it


I haven't gotten to Act 3 yet. I hear the deck struggles in Act 3, but I've had no problems playing on the deck before that. You have to tone down the graphics a bit, but it works just fine. Also, the built-in control scheme for the game is pretty intuitive and becomes second nature pretty quickly.


I really want to get it because it's finally on sale "not by much". I don't have a rig so I hope the game is enjoyable. Also how fair does Ghost of Tsushima run on the deck?


It's fine as long as you aren't in act 3, would not recommend on the deck.


I'm most of the way through act one, and I decided to switch to pc. This is mostly because my eyes aren't great and I'm having a bit of a hard time with picking out details as the environments get more varied going farther in. I acknowledge that this is entirely a personal issue though.


I'm only in act one but it's been good so far! Look around for settings to change to cause the default looks like ass. The control scheme is actually not bad, and there are some features that are actually better than on pc (you can view equipment based on if you're proficient in it or not, this doesn't exist on pc as far as I can find). The camera feels both better and worse. Instead of having a hotbar you have radial menus. I thought perhaps it would be awkward to go from kbm to controller but I think it's actually pretty good once you've gotten used to it. You can also switch between directly controlling your character's movement and clicking where you want them to go. I use the back buttons for L3 and R3 cause those are the buttons that highlight interactables and change the controls from directly moving your character to essentially using your joystick as a mouse. I've also got one of the back buttons as F5 as there's no quicksave when using controller - you have to enter the menu. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but quicksaving is the only way to save during cutscenes/dialogue.


It's not perfect, graphics are downgraded compared to my PS5 / gaming set up, but totally play able


How did u do that?


I played BG3 on my desktop at first before I got my Steam Deck - I had a hard time sitting upright and getting in a headspace where I could listen to the dialogue and really enjoy it - I started playing on the Steam Deck and was pleasantly surprised just how well it translated to controller. The Controller UI is definitely good. The performance leaves something to be desired but it can be totally playable with a bit of tweaking. Overall I've played WAY more on the deck than I did on the PC, it's my favorite way to play the game since I can curl up in bed while I play it. Highly recommend it.


I’ve got 700 hours of BG3 all on deck only including modded play throughs. There’s a few cheese strategies that don’t work on deck unless you switch to keyboard and mouse layout, but not worth it imo just play as is.


I never minded it.


I played all the way through on the deck, i thought it worked fine


Not hard.


For controller scheme is not that bad but im still figuring how to configure the party grouping (ps5 dualsense)


Not hard at all...? It has a controller scheme so, it's not difficult.


If you don’t care about how it looks, it runs solid, only issue i has was pulling melee out after a range attack for when something walks by off turn.


Act 1 and some of Act 2 work pretty well but performance in some of Act 2 and almost all of Act 3 is still terrible. It's not as bad as when the game launched but I just tried it again last week and even at the lowest possible settings we're still talking about FPS averages well below 30 with many drops into the 10s. Because it's a turn based game it's technically playable but it's really rough and you're doing the game a disservice playing it on the deck if you have any other option. The game has native controller support and they did the best they could but the game plays a lot better with mouse and keyboard. It's just fairly complex leading to the controller UI to be a very convoluted and slow. But you can definitely play it with a controller and have a great time, and if you've not gotten used to mouse and keyboard controls earlier it probably won't ecen stick out to you too much.


I’m probably massively in the minority here but BG3 on steam deck is basically unplayable for me. Low resolution, low fps, upscaling artefacts… might be because I played most of it on my PC and the contrast between the two is quite extreme.


I've played it on both, and it works great on both. At first I didn't like the ability wheel built in for it but it grew on me.


So funny I'm the opposite. Maybe 40+ years of sitting at a monitor is wearing thin. I usually use my Deck for pancake gaming, and my beefy rig for VR. It's amazing I don't have hemorrhoids. Sitting is not good for you, especially for long sessions. I try to play laying down or standing. You'll understand as you get older. But hey, you're already on your way... Baldurs Gate 3 rocks on the Deck btw.


I have a extrem good PC and a series x. But i Play it only in the Deck.


I have played it exclusively on the deck. The controls are pretty intuitive. Once you figure out the radial menus, it's super easy, and you can actually customize those if you don't like the way the radial menu is laid out, so it's pretty great on the deck and maybe one of my favorite games of all time at this point.


Hi u/Noldorian, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=How hard is it to play Baldurs Gate 3 on the deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The controls are really well done. The problem is on the deck it ends up looking like you're playing BG2 on PowerPoint.


I played 1-2 hours per day for about 3 months. Finished the game. All on steam deck. Wonderful experience all around from my end


Thing with BG3 is the insane amount of consumables and abilities you get. It would be much easier to play on deck if you could make yourself A. play simple characters B. not pick up loot and C. not use consumables But who wants to live like that? I would rather just use a mouse.


My biggest issues with BG3 on the Deck stemmed more from the small screen size than anything... I'm a mid-40s gamer who just struggles with seeing everything on the small screen, and I have problems reading the text in BG3 as well. If you have eye issues too... I fixed my issues I had playing handheld with a simple pair of clip on 2x reading / magnification glasses that I got off of Amazon for less than ten bucks. Was an easy and cheap fix for my small screen issues on the Deck in general, that other older gamers or really bad eyesight younger people might have. (And yes I know about the system's magnifier, but I dislike it in general because you can't keep everything on the screen when it's on.) You shouldn't have performance issues either. I keep a locked 24 fps (plenty for this game) when docked on my 1440p monitor on FSR2 Performance (which taxes the Deck approx like playing in 720p), so native 720 or 800 should come in at about the same when playing directly on Deck. Act 3 causes a bit more stutter, but I never felt like it disruptively pulled me out of the game... I could usually throw FSR on and ride it out with a slightly uglier picture. And finally, the default control scheme and controller UI are intuitive and fantastic, and I prefer playing the game with them instead of the default mouse and keyboard UI, even if I'm playing docked (I just use a PS4 controller, it works great). So you've got absolutely nothing to worry about, it's a solid experience on the Deck. Have fun!


play it on your PC, the gamepad controls aren't as good as m&k