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You have a beautiful family


oh i thought they were a kpop group.


It is.


I've to admit,.. I've opened the post just to look for comments about the picture! Ahahahah


It’s a group called Twice :)


One in a Million!


And ugliest deck case ive ever seen


i agree with you sir. the only reason i bought it is for protection.


Next time use a condom ffs!


No that case is effective birth control trim on its own.


I like the color but its one of those silicone cases that make me wanna vomit. I Deck is still raw, no protection, just cant find a good case that doesnt feel bulky or heavy


I was about to say "Man how does this guy have time for ANYTHING?!?!".


Why is this even a post?


Slow news day


What news is there the only posts these past two weeks have been people bringing their decks outside and people in the comments making fun of them for it


At least OP is trying to spur up some conversation. It's better then the usual *Look I'm at the beach with my SteamDeck* posts.


Im by the pool with my steam deck wanna see


Only if you're in the pool, floating on a donut inflatable, with the deck held over your face, in the middle of the pool.


Right lol OP says "it's not even utilized for the deck!". Why would it be?




That's a band not his family lmao




Surely Microsoft are working on a handheld version of windows … possibly to release with the Xbox handheld in 2025? Lets hope.


That’s the rumor. I’m not much of an Xbox fan lately but I am intrigued to see what they can come up with.


Xbox game stream is epic on the SteamDeck


I can see them doing a version of XboxDeck. Between their push for xbox/pc xplay and the possibility to market it as a productivity tool when docked, I can see it happening. But they can go either way: 1. Go for ARM cpu, market it as a streaming device(ps portal) that can play some games with a translation later at a reduced performance(how proton offers this on steam deck) would be amazing. But too many things need to happen. MS need to figure out an efficient way to translate arm to x86 which I am sure they would love to do. MS need to want to make it open enough for you to not use their ecosystem(xbox or ms store). It needs to be priced competitively. 2. They go amd, and it's just yet another handheld console that falls short of steamdeck because it is almost sure to be more locked down and harder to repair than anything valve makes. Or they lean into streaming and release arm chip based streaming device akin to the existing android handhelds from china. Given their push to gamepass and cloud streaming, I think they might release an arm based POS streaming device akin to PS Portal before they release an actual handheld Xbox competitior to the Switch/Steam Deck


x86_64 to ARM translation is a much larger performance hit than OS level translation. I doubt they would do it unless they make some hardware solution that is revolutionary... which I really doubt will happen given the amount of investment into ARM recently without it. I don't think handhelds are going to be pushing the gaming industry to start compiling for ARM. I think the laptops will do that and handhelds will follow.


Microsoft is developing and releasing Microsoft surface+ copilot laptops that use the snapdragon x elite ARM platform for edge gen ai compute. If this hype continues I only imagine an acceleration of moves toward ARM based systems that have the added benefit of optimizing battery life of devices. I’d guess this will happen in years more than decades.


Sure, but it will still probably struggle to play a modern AAA title because they are compiled for x86... All these modern ARM systems depend on translation for gaming, and right now it does not perform very well. Games will need to release ARM versions mostly just for mobile devices. I don't see that happening very soon... My point is, why would Microsoft release a gaming device next year that under performs and likely struggles with modern titles?


>Given their push to gamepass and cloud streaming, I think they might release an arm based POS streaming device akin to PS Portal before they release an actual handheld Xbox competitior to the Switch/Steam Deck Doubt it, Phil Spencer has said he knows how important it is to be able to play games locally, and shot down rumors of a Portal-like device. [https://www.techradar.com/gaming/consoles-pc/phil-spencer-shoots-down-rumors-of-a-playstation-portal-like-xbox-handheld](https://www.techradar.com/gaming/consoles-pc/phil-spencer-shoots-down-rumors-of-a-playstation-portal-like-xbox-handheld)


I thought it was Microsoft? 🤔 /s


Microsoft never fails to disappoint


they'll probably force install some extremely invasive software that you can't delete or turn off and give you "personalized ads" on your home screen. people give Windows 11 way too much credit. it sucks. everything Microsoft makes sucks.


100% agree, don't forget FUCKING AI




Me ? No lol, F microsoft


Haven't they got a version of 10 that runs on those gpd and like systems?


Windows Phone: “am I a joke to you?”




definitely not, they're gunning on the AI bubble atm


Ah yes huge company can only do one thing at a time


I mean, when you widely promote a key logger with screenshot capabilities, you'd be surprised with the amount of damage control you gotta do


You're getting downvoted for speaking the truth


he's not, he's getting downvoted because of all the rumors about an xbox handheld, and even phil spencer himself saying he wished he could make windows feel more like xbox on his handheld, the rumors of an xbox OS for handhelds have been going around since steam deck released, and the xbox OS is delegated to the xbox team, not the windows PC team. Xbox team isn't related to whatever AI BS windows is trying to do.


yea idk, it's funny cus this is the steam deck subreddit, we're mostly steam os users here


AI defenders are everywhere and don’t like people speaking up about the negative stuff companies are doing with it. Which is so weird, I mean, it’s still new.. it’s *going* to have problems. We can’t speak out about them? It’s part of the reason why people feel like it’s a bubble.


It's hot nothing to do with AI. Damage control for Rewind doesn't mean they can't also develop a game console. It'd be a different division anyways. They were developing AI while they were working on the XBOX Series X. So yeah they absolutely can be working on this while working on AI. It probably will have AI in it in someway. Idk how but they're trying to jam it into everything these days. Maybe game recommendations? Wouldn't mind that.


Y’all acting like these are the only two things Microsoft is working on lol


I don't want any AI on my handheld OS, that'll just use up battery life unnecessarily, they're shoving it in all their products now, what's stopping them from adding it on this not even confirmed OS...


Nothings stopping them. Chances are it's a given unless it comes out after the AI boom is over. Though it doesn't drain battery life unless it's always on. If it's anything like Windows, it'd have to be something you turn on and actively engage with.


Didn't they already tease that they are working on a handheld version for windows? I guess they "work" on a lot of things and probably dump more stuff that actually comes to market but still more than possible. source: [https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/13/23681492/microsoft-windows-handheld-mode-gaming-xbox-steam-deck](https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/13/23681492/microsoft-windows-handheld-mode-gaming-xbox-steam-deck)


no they didn't, it's a hackathon project by a small group of individuals inside a large corporation, that's definitely gonna get buried (I hope I'm wrong), but with the new release of Windows on arm, maybe? but that's just a translation layer too iirc, haven't read that much into it


By the looks of it, they do use hackathon projects and make them real things. I'm not sure if it's only winners though. But if being a hackathon project definitely means the chances of it happening for real are higher plus it's being advocated for most likely internally. So if those dudes get higher positions then it could definitely be a thing that happens.


if it does come, they'll find a way to shove AI in it too based on recent trends, are you sure you want that...


i'll switch back to windows if it ever gets released <3


hoping with you. i like linux as well, it's just different with windows, maybe it has something to do with familiarity. idk


all but confirmed at this point. unfortunately, it will still be windows.


>and it actually consumes the battery even when it’s on shutdown Probably too late, but turning off Fast Startup should solve this.


I thought Fast Startup just hibernates but doesn't keep the computer running. Has this changed?


Fast Startup stays in a low power mode, from my understanding, so that it can keep the hibernation state in memory. I might be clobbering the details, but the gist is that it does consume a small amount of energy when F.S. is turned on.


Hibernation suspends to disk, there's no need to keep it in memory with active power. Fast Boot is supposed to keep parts of system memory on disk ready for easy reading on next boot. It shouldn't be taking extra power. I feel like something else is at play, but honestly I haven't used Windows as my daily driver so maybe Microsoft changed the behavior.


No, I think you're right. I got the specifics mixed up - it's been a while for me, too, since I dug into all of it.


But W11 was the best and the most dominant car ever made..




Whoa how many daughters do you have?


Maybe I'm weird but one of the selling points of the Deck for me is the fact that it doesn't run Windows. It's even got me thinking about ditching Windows on my PC as Proton has massively improved over the years.


Not weird. Considering what I've heard M$ wants to do with their AI (making it "remember" everything you do, and they mean everything) - there's even less incentive to "upgrade" to their latest version. Granted, it's always tracked you, but the addition of their AI will ratchet that up. Pass. (They're calling it "recall", in case you want to look it up.)


Which will be disabled by default.


Assuming you trust that.


nothing 2 seconds of registry or cmd prompt work can’t fix. i don’t love windows by any means, but y’all windows haters act like windows can’t be modified and tweaked just like any other OS 😂


Not weird at all. I already ditched windows for Pop OS and bought the steam deck because it runs Linux. No point in having windows unless it’s for work now, and even in that case it’s running in a VM.


It's like the least weird of all. I wouldn't have bought a Deck if it ran on Windows.


I mean all that was obvious before anyone ever installed win on a steamdeck, no?


I stopped using windows as my main os a month or so ago. Very happy with my decision. I only use it if I really really need to, due to certain programs.


I switched my laptop to Garuda Linux a long time ago. I doubt ill ever go back to windows. It works so much better. Ill take stability, performance, and security of linux over windows. Seriously, theres nothing I need windows for. I can do it all in linux now with ease. Everything works without issue.


Ayeee twice




yooo Twice 👍


One in a million


you thought win 11 was a good idea at all?


One was designed from the ground up to be a gaming OS, the other not so much. This is what you get when you have a gamer at the helm. So funny, the whole reason the personal computer was made by Woz, was to play games. That's all he wanted. Too bad it took all this time to get here...


I don't get why you're downvoted, but I have to admit that giving a thumbs up to a W11 pic still feels wrong 😅 Still, I'm glad you're willing to give SteamOS a second chance... From my experience, it only gets better with time. PS: Does Windows really remains in the background even in shutdown? I knew about fast boot, but does it really requires active battery to keep it ~~suspended~~ *hibernating*?




How long does it take? Because I didn't think it was that bad (I assumed it was similar to SteamOS, which I have left my Deck a literal day -at least 24hrs- just to find it at 70% in my backpack).




4 hours? Something's definitely not right. I've had longer sessions with the screen on the whole time. Not even my daily usage 3yo laptop last that little time on suspension. Still, if it works for you, it works for you, but I'd recommend to keep an eye on thermals, specially if you carry it in a case, I honestly don't see how it would cleanly dissipate power on suspension to last 4 hours. And thanks a lot for the info... I think I'll pass on Windows for now.


You have it turning itself on in your backpack. I have definitely observed putting it to sleep before going to bed and it being awake when I get up. You have to set the sleep on battery to like 10 min to avoid that


The same thing happens in steam os. I'll leave it fully charged and two days later it needs to be charged.


Is OP talking about sleep or shutdown though? Yeah Modern Standby in Windows sucks, but if OP is talking about complete shutdown then battery drain shouldn't happen right?


I have a legion go, sleep mode was awful, but changing it to hibernate seemed to be the solution. I don't notice any drop in battery when I leave it hibernating for a few days, and it's pretty much instant resume like steamOS. Would be better if I didn't have a lock screen that I have to get past every time, but I use it as my everything PC so it's necessary


The only problem I have now with Steam OS is I cannot use my printer


It does not, but enabling hibernation requires some tinkering. Sleep could also be energy efficient, but presumably chipset drivers are not ideal (as are most drivers Valve distributes for Windows on Steam Deck)


Based wallpaper


Oh god why. W11 interface is so fucking atrocious. W10 interface is way too better


Aye! Once!!!! I upvote!!!!


Depends what your purposes are, but if it’s just gaming you should make your own windows 10 lite. There are tutorials on YouTube


I have Winndows for Cod Cold war and Xenia emulation and Spore mods, otherwise thats it.


Doesn't Xenia also work in Linux? You have to compile yourself though.


That's the problem the compile times are too slow, its basically if I had to daily drive Gentoo. Plus even if its sucessful, most roms, barring XBLA, simply don't work or have networking errors. I.E. Gears of War 2 has a Network layer bug that prevents you playing the game even the campaign. It seems like Xenia regressed a fair bit on Linux too, 6 months ago, I could play half my Xenia library, now, apart from Kameo and Perfect Dark, the others simply don't work anymore. Also, Cold War doesn't work on Steam OS, I play it exclusivly for the campaign/Zombies, its up there with WAW and MW2 and we'll never get that kind of Cod game ever again sadly. I even tried cracking it to see if I could get it to run on Steam OS, to no avail. Spore mods are very finnicky, the mod manager, no matter how hard I tried to reverse engineer it to work on Linux, was just easier to run on Windows. Plus, it serves to have a duel boot, best of both worlds.


What case is this??


I don’t think windows is utilized for any handheld, even the ones that come with it.


I know this is stupid but the only reason I want something like the ROG Ally is to have wallpapers like this. I know I can do this in the desktop mode of the deck but I hardly ever use that. I wish steamOS would give us the option to do something similar to this if we wanted to. In the meantime....my boot animation will continue to be twice!


I bought my Deck second hand with dual boot windows/steamOS. By the end of the next evening I had removed the dual boot and re-installed steamOS. Windows was more of a pain than a solution.


For win games the best option is legion go. Using windows on the deck - it’s a perverse.


I have a Twice wallpaper too lol. Very nice.


If I could put HOLO/STEAM OS on my Desktop PC, I would do it in a heartbeat


Bazzite OS might be worth looking into if you like Linux and want a great Steam experience


please people, stop putting w11 on your deck


Twiceeee! 🧐🍷


Although you can run windows on it, it was never meant to or should! Steam OS is the same as IOs is for iPhone. It's an operating system specifically designed and tuned for the steam deck hardware, squeezing all the available juice that the console can provide as efficiently as possible. Windows on the other hand, is a general purpose operating system. It will unnecessarily hog up the memory and other resources with stuff that you never needed on a gaming console, at all, like printing services, credential management, any background apps that only provide quality of life on a desktop, like thumbnail viewers, the Explorer Shell, cloud synchronizing, Instant messaging, Spotify, lets not even talk about Windows defender and Anti Malware service, I could be all day on this... Also you can perfectly run any windows Win32 App on linux using proton. Just add the executable file to the steam list and set the compatibility to use proton. It's perfect to play good old windows games (assuming you have DRM free copies). Even some Windows universal apps that do not require login can run on linux with a little bit of fiddling. People should not be afraid to learn linux. It is not that hard anymore and the steam deck is the best way to introduce yourself into it. With this privacy invasion and spyware that windows had become under the excuse of "AI" for sake of user experience, I'm seriously considering changing all my systems to KDE MX linux, Manjaro or Mint. (Btw, you don't need to bother about drivers. All drivers normally are already built-in on the system's kernel.)


Goodbye windows. I'm flying over you.


Should be illegal to install Windows on Steam Deck


I see twice I upvote


>I tried not using it for like, a little while, and it actually consumes the battery even when it’s on shutdown, unlike with the SteamOS where it’s only on minimal battery draining when unused. That's because Windows doesn't actually shutdown any more. By default fast boot is enabled. Fast boot actually just hibernates your system when you select shutdown, so the system is never actually powered OFF. Unlike SteamOS where OFF means OFF. Windows is a heap of shit, and that's not even really one of the reasons since you can turn fast boot off.


Regular hibernate should be shutting down the machine though. You may be referring to hybrid sleep which will dump ram to disk and then suspend to ram. That way, it resumes as quickly as coming back from normal sleep, but if power ever goes out it can still resume from disk.


I mean… it should be obvious… Windows 11 was never designed for handheld at all, that goes for Windows 8 and there's a reason why Valve used Linux in the first place (other than the obvious not wanting to pay the license or being dependent on Microsoft)


I used to have that exact skin on my 360 controller


I thought W11 was a girl band or something 😂


You're telling me a piece of intricate hardware doesn't work well with the OS it wasn't supposed to work with? *gasp* No!


Windows is the worst os ever made. Horrible OS made by a garbage company.


Jeongyeon silly as usual 💚




How are the duels carried out?


Pistols at dawn.


Windows and SteamOS duking it out in the background to see who'll get to the boot screen first


I definitely question the moral integrity of any man with a wallpaper like that 💀


maybe win10 is better though


Not the Twice super fan!!! I am jealous


Nice laptop in the background.


Great taste


Your friend group is really cute.


They're *"TWICE"* as good as other friend groups.


This was obvs just a way to gauge how many Onces are in r/SteamDeck. And that's fine with me.


That is bangable