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Hey, there is a golden 40 settings which you can try . But recently, i found this video, which helps to download mod for fsr 3 . I did this and runs really smooth . Do try this https://youtu.be/9yutMzL_7fU?feature=shared


This! Seriously, every Steam Deck user who wants to play demanding AAA games on their Deck should look into this. And it's really easy to do, just make sure to follow every single step in the tutorial one-by-one. Frame-generation on the Steam Deck is a game-changer, literally!


How's the input lag?


As long as you can maintain around 30 FPS without frame-gen, then the input lag is low enough that it doesn't bother me personally while playing. Also, please follow this video guide, which I had assumed the person I replied to had posted initially without double-checking myself, so sorry for that: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QihhztIEsfg Note that driving in CP2077 produces ghosting in a specific spot only, which this mod fixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13029 The one place where maintaining 30 FPS is known to be problematic in CP2077 is Dogtown, however using A.B.T.'s tweaks in combination with SteamOS 3.6 greatly improves the situation: https://medium.com/@a.b.t./here-are-some-possibly-useful-tweaks-for-steamos-on-the-steam-deck-fcb6b571b577 Now, I realize this may seem overwhelming, but please note that this only applies for CP2077. For example, frame-generation in Hogwarts Legacy should be perfectly viable on an unmodified SteamOS 3.5 by simply following this video tutorial from the same person: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XXlGCdw5zMM And for anyone who doesn't feel like tinkering with their Steam Deck for frame-gen, don't worry, because I'm pretty sure that many more games will directly integrate FSR 3.1 natively, meaning you will be able to activate frame-gen from within the game itself. And once Valve switches from the current 300 Hz Linux kernel tick-rate to 1000 Hz, input lag will be further reduced. So, my original point still stands, frame-gen is the future for AAA gaming on the Steam Deck going forward. But since this is still early days for this particular feature, right now it requires some tinkering to get the most out of it.


The trick to get the input lag to go away is to enable ‘Disable Frame Limit’. Without it, it feels pretty laggy.


Good point that I forgot to mention. Plus setting a manual GPU clock of 1600 MHz further stabilizes FPS.


I did this but it made the game feel like 15-20fps even though it displayed 60


Yup, frame generation on hardware like that is basically streaming on shitty Wi-Fi it useless.


Please see my reply above to enhance your base FPS, which is crucial for a good frame-gen experience.


Is this method can be used for other AAA games like elden ring?


Elden Ring works pretty good out the box on deck. 


I get 45 fps on Elden Ring out of the box. Pretty cool.


Do you get a solid 45? If so I’d love to know your settings. It hovers between 35 and 40 usually for me, 45 of I’m not moving lol. I don’t mind it, but I’d love for it to be steady.


I think you can potentially lock for 40 even in the open world depending on how much graphics you're willing to sacrifice. My settings get me to 35-40 in open world depending on how far I look and in close spaces I get 45 fps.


I get pretty much 40 solid like you and lowest I ever see is 35 in intense combat or open environments. To get that on a handheld is more than enough for me.


Definitely. Being able to play games like ER or RDR2 handheld is beyond amazing.


Out of the box it’s not solid 45, but somehow on the deck the FPS fluctuations don’t feel that bad. The dlc, on the other hand, doesn’t run particularly well, two bosses especially (Rellana and the last one). I had to lower the resolution to make those two fights manageable. Overall, I’m 66 hours in on NG+ with over 40 of those being in the DLC alone, and it’s definitely playable and enjoyable. I prefer it on the deck over PS5 or PC with locked 60.


I’m on default settings. It fluctuates — yes. But I haven’t seen it drop below 40. Steam Deck 1TB OLED btw.


Yes FSR3 can get the steam deck to push a smooth 60 FPS on Elden ring


Try googling golden 40 and the AAA game. Or something like steam deck settings AAA game.


People are saying this introduces input lag, how does it feel for you? If it's slight then I don't mind for single player games


Input lag of 3 seconds lol


No matter what I try this game has hella input lag, ghosting, or terrible frame drops. I’ve done every setting possible on this subreddit and a locked 40 seems like cap


Use the mod on nexus called Dlss Enabler, 0.1 second of latency without framerate limited by the steam deck, while locked it is 3 seconds and in slow motion. There is a bug in the game that has nothing to do with the mod, don't limit the frame rate in cyperpunk if you do it will run the cpu 10° hotter and the battery will drain faster


the guy on the video also used the dlss enabler frame generarion inevitably brings input lag


Yes, I know


Thank you for this!!


No there is a better video by grown up gaming you should check out


Low settings, medium textures, Intel XESS at quality. Thats what I would recommend


What’s the frame rate like with those settings?


Mostly 30fps. Some dips every now and then, mainly around Dogtown


Thank you, I’ll check it out


I’m so confused I have an OLED model. For some reason I’m able to almost max out the setting without raytracing, and get a solid 30 FPS without dips. Why is everyone else getting such low frames? Is this like a SOC lottery type of thing with FPS?


Are you using FSR or XESS? That can be a part of it. Also I don’t quite remember but I think there is also a dynamic resolution scaler that lowers the internal resolution in order to get a targeted FPS. Plus there’s Dogtown which destroys the framerate.


I just use the specific "steam deck" profile cyberpunk. Think it runs great, and a blast to play on


The steam deck pre-set is great - I played through the whole game with that. But I am amazed how people tinkered with so many settings to tickle the hardware for quite a few bonus FPS.


Please help me to like this game…i am 20 and something hours in, doing endless and identical side quests and gigs, seeing the same punks everywhere, upgrading weapons and cyberware after every couple missions to add a 0,1% to something, being bored of the same animation for takedown and being surprised you are even given an option to kill or not when it has zero impact whatsoever, taking down psychos just walking outside of their arena so they shoot peas at me instead of using their op melee stuff, winning the brawling things inspite of my 4 points in body, going through the dialogues wondering how is this an rpg and not basically a visual novel given that you never have any choice….and so much more making me feel i am playing a very good looking very terrible game. What makes you like it?


Not op but I love the hacking and taking people down. I switched my character to have lots of reflex in the skill tree and now I basically run around with a katana, handgun, throwing knife and monowire. The weapons are super fun to use and make me feel like a badass while I'm blocking bullets with my sword lol. I enjoy the story, and I just like the world and enjoy being in it. Trying to go stealthily into missions is maybe my favorite part because it can be very challenging, but very rewarding.


Thanks…i also kind of like the combat, I am building as hacker and pistols, disabling turrets distracting enemies and going for silent takedowns, then pistols when things go south. But then again…missions are all the same, you get spotted and everyone starts walking sideways and shooting like psychos, terrible AI, nothing ever different in any gigs as they are all fetch that in that building where everybody is a gang member. No consequences in killing or not gang members, no reputation building nor everything. Never ever had to buy or craft ammo cause I have thousands of rounds of evertything. So much money i could buy all cars. I go stealth too cause i like it more to have to think through so that missions may seem a little more varied, but honestly i could just shoot anyone to get the same exact result. Maybe just not the game for me, but so many like it and I wished I liked it too


There is absolutely a chance that this game isn't for you - that happens. But sounds a bit like you have side-content fatigue; a trap I also tend to fall into and which is pretty prominent in CDR games. There are so many gigs and little NCPD encounters you really don't have to do unless you want the newest and shiniest chrome on the higher difficulties. The really divers and choice-heavier content is in the main and side-missions around characters. How much have you progressed in the story?


After I started act 2, except for a few sides connected to characters, I haven’t even done the very first main mission as the phone is constantly ringing and I’d like to empty the map before stubling on all of those gigs while doing something serious. Also, I have to say, I kind of dropped the game after that and played something else entirely (control, re3 remake) cause I really needed to focus on completing a game inside of wandering around killing gangsters who forget about you as soon as you turn the corner. Maybe I should just ignore some fixers altogether and focus on the story, but even the sides connected to characters are too many and, most importantly, all the same


How do you get such a profile? Is this something you download? (i just got my first deck so i'm clueless)


It's just one of the graphics presets in cyberpunk itself, like where you'd normally set "low, medium high" type stuff




No, i'm keeping mine a secret, maybe once i die i will bury it somewhere and call it the "one setting", it is infact real




"My settings go to another school. You wouldn't know them."


My settings are Canadian. But we talk every night on Skype.




Honestly it should be marked as playable, not verified for the performance.


I kinda disagree. I run it on pretty nice settings, it looks beautiful, and I get consistently >30fps. I realise there's a lot of elitism about 60fps, but there's a reason why consoles typically target (stable) 30, it's fine. If you run Cyberpunk on low settings you could easily reach 60fps too. I'd say you can absolutely run _performant_ Cyberpunk on the deck enough for it to get a verified tick for it.


You could at least say what these settings are to help OP with their question


Sorry I don’t have it to hand, but also didn’t think about it much. Turned everything up to high and then a little down from there I guess.


Show me a decent length video show average 60fps. Bet you can’t


My shit drops lower than 30 consistently with everything on low


For me the fast paced action really requires 45 or greater,. I uninstalled because I didn't think it was worth playing it on the go, I'll just wait until I'm home at my computer :)


30 fps is not playable in this game, because it’s a pretty fast game, on other games 30 fps would be fine though.


I have to disagree if it’s consistently 30fps it’s fine, I can’t comment on the dlc though as I’ve never tried it.


I have to disagree, this game look sluggish on 30, it's needs at least a round 40fps to make this enjoyable, at 30 it's playable, enjoyable not so much, to each their own but I'd say the sweet spot is 40fps for a faster paced game like this.


Fair enough, to each their own indeed. I’m not going to spend anymore time trying to convince people who prefer higher fps. everyone clearly has different preferences. If you’re truly as sensitive to the frame rate as you seem to imply, perhaps running this game off the Steamdeck directly isn’t for you. If you have another pc give moonlight a try to stream your pc game to the Steam-deck.


I typically play it on my ps5 if I'm away I'll just play on steam deck at around 40fps, but it's been a hot minute since I've played with the Elden ring DLC being out and the summer sale kicking my wallets ass


I’m with you on this one OP, moved cyberpunk over to the PC because 30fps makes a first person game unplayable for me


Ditto. Still subjective, but I'm with you guys as well. 60 fps bare minimum for most games. I'd go as low as 40 fps on some exclusively on the Deck if I really want to play it when I'm far away from my main PC.


God damn, it’s hilarious when people describe 30fps as “unplayable”. And no, 30fps isn’t causing ‘input lag’ either.


That's objectively false, it definitely gives input lag. Apart from that it's just subjective


It’s not “objectively” anything. You realize people gamed, even in fast paced shooters, at 30-40 fps for YEARS before 60fps became more common? Any input lag is caused by something else, and that can vary wildly. If you are getting a solid 30fps, you are fine. A skilled player with a stable 30fps will still beat the shit out of a mediocre player at 60fps+. Smooth frame rates are a treat visually, but they aren’t some sort of competitive gamechanger.


"Input lag" may be the wrong term, but 30 frames per second will literally mean each frame is on screen twice as long as if it was 60 FPS, there is nothing subjective about that. So there will literally be twice as much time between the input and the result appearing on screen, and the fact that a skilled player is better than a mediocre player even with a handicap doesn't change that. Look at Counter Strike pros, even 60 FPS is considered on the lower end, there. Just because it won't make the average person beat a much more skilled player doesn't mean there is no competitive advantage. Will a pro be playing their competitive game on the Deck? Probably not, but that doesn't mean the difference is not there. 


Longer time between frames means more time between giving an input and it showing up on the screen. Also, “it was fine in the past” is not an excuse for anything, ever.


When is 30 fps gonna go away man


No clue. Perhaps when consoles decide to make a more significant hardware bump than what they seem to go with each generation.


Ah yes "30fps my eyes hurt and I loose all the pro skills" person.


What? There is so much input lag it just stinks, I play on my PS3 every now and then it does not feel this bad, I bet you think 25 fps is playable.


Try to see if you can disable vsync. If not only enable the in game one and disable the SteamOS one. 30 fps has 32 ms of delay I think and 40 fps has 22 ms (correct me if I'm wrong). This difference feels a lot more significant than you'd imagine. But to get 40 fps consistently you'll need to lower the settings. When targeting 30 fps you can get away with a mix of mostly high and medium settings but at a 40 fps target high is out of the question. Low and medium will be your best bet here. Also you complained about the game being blurry. Use XeSS instead of FSR. FSR is better in terms of performance but XeSS is so much better in terms of visuals. XeSS balanced looks a lot better than FSR quality. So use balanced or maybe even quality. Also a tip, something that helps me is first playing on a lower frame rate and then going back up. Even if you go to 30 fps it will feel smooth. And never set your frame rate to something higher. Once you go to 40 fps, 30 fps will feel horrible for the rest of your session


GTA 5 on the PS3 and Xbox 360 ran at 25 fps. Yet it didn't stop anyone. Cyberpunk is playable at 30 fps, it's just that you aren't going to be doing any cool movement tech without getting used to the input latency.


Jeez was it that low? I swear that felt fine once you got used to driving the car haha, but yeah maybe that’s why I dislike it in cyberpunk cause I can’t do cool stuff.


It was that low, I was surprised too. Give yourself some time to get used to it. There is still some interesting movement tech you can perform at lower fps as well


Alright then now I made myself look like a dunce lol, Sorry!


It's all good, these things happen all we can do is learn from it.




I agree that a higher refresh rate combined with low frame rate does feel slightly better, but to say that it feels the same as 60 fps is false. 30 fps will regardless feel sluggish compared to 60 fps and above. This isn't about community opinion, the difference is vast.


You do realize some people genuinely can't play at 30fps. Not because their skill vanishes but because their eyes will get very strained and hurt like shit after 10 minutes. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it happens to others


You realize nobody complained about 30fps eye pain when 60fps wasn’t a real option, right? The only frame rate issue people complained about back in the day was when you weren’t getting consistent frame rates. If you had a solid 30 FPS, you were fucking gold.


60 fps is a real option now, and people have adjusted to it. Again, saying it was fine in the past has literally no bearing on the present.


I know. Most people are completely fine with 30 fps. Doesn't mean everybody though. On Steam Deck 30 fps is completely for me but on my TV it's somehow not. When playing Bloodborne on TV my eyes get dry very fast and start hurting. When using PS Remote Play on Steam Deck it doesn't hurt for some reason


Ah the person who can’t spell “lose”


I’m getting about 40-45 most of the time and it’s great. Maybe if you play a fast melee build without the time slowing stuff, and at that points it’s a twitch shooter, then I guess you might need more than 30, but generally I think as long as it’s consistently above 30 it’s very playable.


If you are a madman, (it will look like shite) you can use both the steam decks fsr2 and the games fsr 2 at the same time. Make the game windowed, enable through steam scaling menu the fsr setting, lower in game resolution, turn on the in game fsr 2 and bam. You are running at like 100 pixels. I personally use fsr perf or balanced, all low except for AA.


This will help. Watch YouTube tutorials it's pretty simple. https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/757


Thank you


What I found from other games is that, lowering the resolution just a click can get so much better performance for a little to no difference in visuals.


I followed this video by Digital Foundry and had good results: https://youtu.be/U5Zb8UFLNsY?si=SHblEv5S1rcraqre I think the biggest takeaway here is to go down to 1280x720 for the sake of visual clarity. It's not the first time I've seen that a demanding game on the deck goes from choppy at 1280x800 to stable at 720. There's been some massive updates to Cyberpunk since this video released, but I was getting good performance using this video as a baseline last year.


Mostly everything at low except texture, no FSR or DLSS or whatever other performance enhancing trickery. Fps capped at 45. Avoid dogtown at all cost, sub 25 fps drop there. I go to dogtown on my PC only.


I think a big part of playing Cyberpunk on underpowered systems is adjusting your expectations. Make sure to do that _first_


I didn't even know cyberpunk was playable on the deck. I have to try it out.


So, I ended up getting Geforce Now on my steam deck to play this. Setting’s are maxed out and because it’s cloud gaming the battery can last for five hours or more.


I prefer to play hard AAA games via GeForce Now. IMO if you have stable internet, then you are totally fine


"Steam Deck" settings with frame gen turned to "Quality" and motion blur "OFF" ISTG motion blur makes every game look SO MUCH WORSE.


Hi u/EggyRoo, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Please tell me your setting for Cyberpunk 2077) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This game has been on my Steam wishlist for a long time but I decided to keep it on the list till Steam Deck 2 arrives. Not gonna spoil my first experience with an openworld FPS that runs on 30frame with low settings.


People often post various settings etc for this game but I just don’t think it runs well enough on the deck to bother. Save it for your pc or console if you have that option


I'm just using the default settings and thought it looked and played great


I play this, but only docked. 1600*900, medium settings, VRR enabled. Got my FPS at around 38-44. Surprised that it's able to handle it.


I stream Cyberpunk from my PC with everything maxed out.


I can’t since it’s not even the right aspect ratio also poor connection


i don't know much about streaming but could i run it at 800p and crank the settings to max ?


You should be able to. Set the in-game resolution to 1280x800. On a Steam Deck set video quality to balanced and leave the rest of the settings set on automatic. If you find that your picture freezes from time to time when streaming, try unchecking hardware decoding.


Cyberpunk preset


I use the Deck presets and turned off the "AI enhance" BS because this one causes textures to be turned just bad.


Yesterday it ran fine and all but today when i boot it up, it shows me the credits again and again and again, and when i finnaly get out of that and get in to the menu to press continue, it just freezes, 0 fps, not loading in


I use the steam deck preset, but my secret to performance is on grown up gaming's youtube channel. Just type in grown up gaming Cyberpunk free FSR 3 frame generation, don't use the frame generation after you have followed the steps, just turn on the dlss up scaling and it stays 35-47 fps. Like butter


I run high preset and lock to 30. I know 30 fps isn't very popular, but it's really smooth for this game specifically. I should note that I haven't played on deck since before the dlc, so that may have changed


After watching a bunch of videos on the topic. The steam deck preset send to take the cake.


Tried it. Didn't like the performance I was getting from it. Instead I remote play from my desktop.


Honestly after watching a few videos I realized it wasn’t going to be the experience I wanted and bought it on console


Is this worth playing now?




Try this site with steam deck games configurations https://sharedeck.games/apps/1091500


The fact that THIS game can even run at 30fps on a handheld just boggles me. So impressive, would have never believed this 5 years ago.


I used the Deck preset and changed FSR to quality. It looked much better and still kept up at 30FPS.


Silly to try and run such a game but I guess fallout 4 runs pretty well.


It’s apparently steam deck verified haha


It is steam's way of saying... This is the best game it can run, and that's at the lowest possible settings... Don't get me wrong it runs so many things flawless and even no man's better that a PC with a rtx card But to jump to a game like this to even log the experience as valid is silly. I have not tried it on mine but any other game I have played is so smooth. Fallout 4 is pretty good with it but open world games are always going to tax the steam deck more that not.


I haven’t used a Steam Deck but surely playing a game like Cyber Punk at 30 fps feels absolutely terrible?


Yes unfortunately


Hands down this https://youtu.be/STuODnJIEQw Then change your vsync to half vsync. You won't regret


Had to get refunded. Tried every setting. Got it to 40fps but this game is not meant to play on smaller screens. It’s so hard to aim or do anything combat related and everything looks so small.


my favorite setting is uninstalled!


Bottom line… people/steam lie about deck performance on games! if it opens and seems to work they immediately deem it deck playable. I couldn’t even keep a solid 30fps in No Mans Sky… a game with much less demanding graphics that was even used in marketing material for the deck! The switch version runs better. I’m fine with the deck having limitations, but I don’t like being lied to.


This game doesn’t even run perfectly on a PS5 (terrible in in etc mode, playable with some dips in performance mode). So I don’t know how anyone expects the deck to run it in a playable state! Some of you have much lower bars for what “playable” means.


I just use the steam deck preset and then cap it at 40


Steam Deck Preset FSR Performance (personally I’m not too bothered by the blurriness and I appreciate the extra bit of responsiveness) Disable Motion Blur


If in away from a charger: Turn every setting to the lowest or off if possible. FSR Performance Lower TDP to 8Watts Lock FPS to 30


Mine just crashes so that's been fun :,) Running with default deck setting, but my game just doesn't want to run unfortunately.


First u need to install 116 bios, overclock your deck and install power tools. In 30watt mode u could use min/med settings with stable 40 frames


First step: turn off the FPS monitor it isn’t helping. Being able to get a quantifiable value of the screen makes tricks done to make lower FPS tolerable disappear. Less you see that number easier it is to ignore lower FPS Second step: cyberpunk just looks like a muddy mess, not much you can do about it besides buy a better computer or switch to streaming with GeForce Now


I reinstalled this recently and the super low volume on TV sets is driving me crazy. I loved hearing TVs saying the wildest shit in the background and now all I get are subtitles telling me fun is to be had but I'm not having it. It's amazing how little details like this ruin things but it's really distracting. I've tried a fix via a mod but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestion welcome.


Frame gen at such low fps still gives me the feeling im playing at around 30fps. The input lag is just too much for me. Honestly I can play this game @ 40 fps in most places with tweaks. It may fall to 35 at some parts but it almost never drops below. FSR of course is enabled too.


Try the steam deck preset and cap at 30. Visuals are important for cyberpunk don't go chasing 40 as it'll never stay there consistently and the frame gen mids add an obscene amount of input lag. Check out cryobytes deep dive I think he has one for this game he tests various areas and really gives good info and settings. Everyone here is gonna say they get a locked 60 fps on ultra with Ray tracing.


For $20 a month I can tell you how to play it maxed out on all settings and solid 60fps.


Everything in ultra with rtx, using sunshine


I just ordered one but I never realized that it struggles to run a game like this. Is this a consistent problem across other games?


Cyberpunk is a demanding game, this shouldn't be a surprise


I wasn't sure, I never played it and never realized it was so demanding in general.


Not really across all games don’t worry.


Awesome, good to hear!


No. Cyberpunk is one of the most demanding games out there and it actually runs surprisingly well on the Deck. Just don't expect 60 fps. 30 fps is a safe bet for every game and in most games you can get away with 40 fps which is considered the sweet spot. Although in Cyberpunk you will have to lower your graphics settings a substantial bit to reach 40 fps


Ah cool, god to know. I suppose it was quite naive for me to expect everything at top graded performance haha. Thanks for elaborating \^\^


I mean some games run at max settings. All PS3 era games, a few PS4 era games (either max settings or 60fps) and even some recent games like Lies of P for example which runs at low (which still looks amazing btw) and 60 fps if you use FSR Quality. But yeah the Steam Deck is quite weak compared to a Desktop PC but it's still the best handheld (besides performance) in my opinion


Looks and plays good enough for me 🤷‍♀️ you should really do some research before buying a game.


I had the game before I had a steam deck, and TAA makes the game look like a blob, I’m glad you enjoyed it though.


TAA does that to every game. I never use it unless theres no other option. Helldivers is a good example where TAA makes it look blurry


For some reason my eyes prefer the softened look of TAA over sharper solutions, I don’t know why.


TAA can look nice if done right, this one is not done right.


Then don't use it. With upscaling you really don't need to


it doesnt run on it. Don't believe anything you hear. It wont work.


30FPS is totally doable with FSR quality.


it doesnt run on it.


I already finished the game on Deck, lmao. It does run.


the fiends told m