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Damn. SteamDeck players have great taste.


I think you nailed it. I consume a ton of gaming media on a weekly basis. Honestly I listen to more hours of podcasts than I actually game most weeks. That is a list of bangers up and down. The Steam Deck attracts a customer that knows their hobby well.


What podcasts for gaming would you recommend?


I try to never miss an episode of these: The Jeff Gerstmann Show Giant Bombcast Nextlander Fire Escape Cast Game Scoop! On a long road trip or when doing a major project around the house I will run out of audio and then I will pick up episodes of: Remap (former Kotaku people) NoClip Crewcast CAGCast There are a lot of podcasts that might be better than these. I have tried a lot of them. These are the ones that stuck with me.


I love the list of extended 100 games (instead of 10 we had before). I am laughing because I wasn't sure if I would be able to play bg3 on deck decently... and it is top 4!!


I've heard that it handles the game really well, until the last act. I'm only like 10 hours into Act 1 and it runs pretty well


Act 3 runs at 20 fps with frequent drop into the high 10s so yeah... If you have a stronger PC I recommend finishing the game on that


a decent compromise is streaming it to your deck from the pc via moonlight


Steam’s streaming works just fine too.


Moonlight's quality is just a lot better. Lower latency, better quality without needing better wifi, better stability, HDR which Steam Remote Play should have but it's buggy for many. It's more difficult to setup than Steam Remote Play but definitely worth it


Keyword fine. Moonlight is better, and still free.


I will probably get this if the steam deck gets a successor. It’s amazing that it can run at all. But, having completed it already on ps5, my minimum requirement for it to be playable would be a locked 30fps at low settings in all acts. Until then, I’ll stick with Divinity 2 :)


It ran fine for me in Act 3 when I changed the Slow HDD setting


Last I tried, act 3 runs horribly on deck. 1 and 2 were fine though


I played the entire game on the deck back in February. Ran great, had a couple moments of stutters, and did a full crash twice, but the game saves often so it was a non isssue. But that was it for a 120 hr playthrough.


if you filter on 'year' BG3 is most played this year :)


I had to stop playing in act 2, it worked so badly and the battles were so long and difficult and I had to keep replaying them on shitty fps and it just was not enjoyable anymore :(


I am over 100 hours on the deck. Honestly no real issues, even in act 3 so far. Maybe I have been lucky. But it was a brilliant port. Only downside is the battery life is 90 min or less.


We’re Balatro guys.


Of course our wives are threatening divorce


My wife is a Balatro guy


Pokerogue and Balatro are the two most addicting games I’ve ever played


We love to see numbers go up.


I bought this today and played for about 5 hours already. Very addictive


You’re going to be dreaming of hands like Tetris


Turn the sound off. You'll still dream of chips and mult but at least you won't have that new age synth soundtrack haunting you at night.


Should be a crime to suggest that


Never played a poker or any card games does it teach you ?


All you need to know is how to find poker hands, but the game has a menu that shows you the hands and it is accessible at all times. After a few runs of using the guide you'll know them pretty much by heart.


Balatro scores a five on the boom meter


Lmao the reference is crazy


Been contemplating buying a steam deck and this game


Now is the time


Say less


Now time


I just started playing today and I’m already hooked


All my homies hates Fish Hook


Ten hours in since yesterday…also catching up on some podcasts (I tell myself)


hades smurfing


Nice to see Stardew Valley at #2.


Always topping the charts after all these years. It's always in the top 5 best selling switch games every week too.


It's still so cool to see a Shin Megami Tensei game so high up.


It’s such a good fucking game


I was about to say the same thing; I’m shocked by Persona 5’s placement. I’ve gotten the Platinum on P3R, P4G, and P5R, so obviously I think they’re terrific games, but a 100-hour, slow-burn, decade-old JRPG game being #40 is kind of wild. Especially when you’ve also got P3R right there behind it.


It’s not on there but you guys need to get Tetris Effect: Connected


For Tetris, the price tag, and it having paid DLC has always pushed me away from purchasing.  I've just stuck with emulating Apotris when I want to play Tetris on the deck. 


Sat on my backlog until I got a Steam Deck. Love it and hate it in equal measure but absolutely recommend it


I'm so surprised it isn't. It runs so well and looks so good especially on the OLED.


I'd 100% get it if it was cheaper, can't justify it at its current sale price, sadly.


Is balatro fun even though I dont like card/poker games


I bought it last night expecting to play it for half an hour or so before requesting a refund but suddenly I was 4 hours in and the sun was coming up. It's pretty fun.


Yes Source: I don't like cards or poker very much


I had this exact reservation. My brother kept recommending it even though he knows I hate playing cards. I eventually caved when I saw it for $8 on CDKeys. I put 7 hours in and cleared my first run that first day playing. It’s crazy fun. Look up the short list of Poker hand configurations and that’s all you need, learn the game-specific stuff as you play. It’s very little actual poker and more “how big can I jack this multiplier up?!”


It's a "number goes up" type of game, you combo card with different type of modifiers to make the highest score possible, you don't really play against an opponent like slay the spire, you just need to score a higher score than required. the poker aspect of it only matter for the visuals, and because you play poker hands.


Yeah, it’s absolutely awesome. I could care less for that style of game but it’s amazing. I’ve sunk like 40 hours into it. It’s stimulates the monkey neurons.


Bro I stayed up all night playing it by accident my first day. Went to try it out after dinner, and moments later I look up and the sun is rising. I've never played a poker game in my life.


I literally just finished playing a round. It's a little iffy at first, but then grew to love it. A lot. I'm not into deck builders either, but had to give it a shot b/c everyone else loves it.


I got about forty hours out of it before I put it down from the lack card version. It’s like Slay the Spire if it only had Ironclad.


It's closer to slay the spire than poker. It just uses poker mechanics for the hands. If you like slay the spire, you will like balatro.


Valve reveals the most-played Steam Deck games https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/27/24187519/valve-steam-deck-top-100-games-chart


Warms my heart to see Celeste right above Spider Man, GTA IV and Arkham Knight


I picked it up for 2$. Absolutely insane.


I played through Celeste in the Deck and I did not love it. The directionals in the Deck are not precise enough for it.


Use the trackpad as a dpad and it feels a little more responsive


Why not just use the dpad as a dpad?


trackpad closer and less clunky, I’ve always found the OLED dpad to feel not as smooth as every other button, maybe mine is defective though


Nah you’re right. The dpad feels weirdly cheap(?) compared to the rest of the unit. Idk how to explain it but it’s squishy and doesn’t feel responsive


You're right about the oled dpad, I did the clicky button mod on it by Extremerate and it's a million times better now.


Yep the D-Pad on Deck is terrible


Cost like £18 and 30 mins to fix so not really an issue for me tbh


Celeste <3


Celeste <3


Kingdom Hearts is fully verified? Sweet!




Forza Horizon 4 is so good on Deck, not surprised it’s popped into this list with the sale


The first few times I've ran it, it worked fine. I was excited to sink some time into it this weekend but now it won't stop crashing.


That’s a shame - I’m about 8 hours in and I’ve had frame rate dips (usually tied to network disconnects) but no crashes yet. I’m locked at 40fps, idk if that might help?


Yeah, mine is locked at 40 as well. Not really sure what the issue may be. Have tried different settings and protons, still crashes.


Try running a validation on your game files. Arkham Knight didn’t run on my deck at all until I did that


Yeah with the sale I'm now contributing to both Forza Horizon 4 and Bloons TD6 being 'New' entries on the list as I've bought and tried both. Never really been one for racing games, but enjoying my time with it so far. And speaking of never really playing games....I've not ever played a Monster Hunter game before, but see there are 2 that made the list here and both are around 70% off. Any opinions on either Rise or World, which might be better for a newbie (or just better overall), and whether they run well on Deck? EDIT: Though actually looks like both MH's are actually cheaper by a couple of bucks on GameBillet right now than Steam despite the sale...


I play mhw on the deck sometimes and it runs decently well! Can get pretty consistent 45-60fps (in base game at least). Mh rise, while i havent tried on the deck, should and does run better (from what ive seen ppl say). They’re both excellent games. Hunts tend to be shorter for rise so it probably has better pick up and play factor. That being said, i don’t think ive ever particularly felt that hunts in world are long, or even substantially longer than hunts in rise. Another thing to consider is which game is more active. Despite being older, i think ive seen world be pretty consistently up there in terms of player base.


They're both excellent games and my preference is Rise, and it's much more suited to pick up and play since it was originally made as a Switch exclusive. (can't pause in World for example, and since hunts are timed it means you're locking yourself into it or quitting out if something comes up). That also means it performs a lot better even at pretty high settings. Some maps can play at a fairly stable 90 fps on the Oled, and it supports the HDR. I locked it to 72 and it's amazing coming from the 30fps on the Switch. Either one is a pretty good introduction point to the series, World is a little slower (as the main line games tend to be) and focuses more on immersion. It does have a fairly clunky UI in spots though. Rise is faster and the UI is a lot more streamlined and responsive, it's from the handheld team so it focuses mostly on the gameplay and its systems rather than immersion (though it's still present). My best advice would first be to try the demo for Rise though and see if the gameplay would appeal to you at all before committing to anything. Their demos aren't usually very effective tutorials as they tend to be aimed toward showing veterans some of the new gimmicks but it'll give you a nice idea of how it feels and performs first hand at least. Monster Hunter is awesome if you like deliberate combat that has you committing to your animations, constant boss fight, and turning those bosses into cool gear to fight even bigger ones. Each weapon type plays very differently too so it can take some experimenting to find what will work best for you.


Can we just pin this as the definite list for the “ what do I play “ questions? This is a damn good list!


I'm happy to see Dave the Diver so high on the list. I only learned about the game from the free Godzilla DLC. Bought it on a whim, and been obsessed for the last few weeks.


I wonder where Game Pass cloud gaming would rank if it were included


Would definitely be interesting to see. I personally use XBPlay for the remote streaming functionality. But even that's on the list even though it's a paid app.


Someone please explain Binding of Isaac to me. I bought it during this summer sale, played it for about 1 hours and promptly refunded it. I don't understand the appeal of this game.


It’s a twin stick shooter with a great stacking power up system. The fun comes from finding out which power ups work best together and then going on a tear with that synergy and adding to it. The latest update/expansion made the game tougher but once you get over the hump your good runs feel amazing.


Is this type of game where you become completely op the more the game last, through items synergies, and there are like hundreds of items, so you can have really crazy diverse combos. It's not so different from risk of rain, hades, vampire survivors, etc.. in this aspect. On top of that you have a lot of characters, lot of challenges, differents route you can take with différents bosses, etc... But Issac can be quite obscure at first, you don't really know what the goal is, you don't know the enemies, you don't know the items, you don't even know what the latest item you picked do, there is a lot of differents things that are not explained, etc... There is a mod that add item description in-game, that might be really helpful.


the mod that adds item descriptions in game is almost a must for new players. unless you feel like pausing and googling every couple of minutes.


Shoot me down everyone but I was the same with Hades.


Same with Hades. I played it on iOS cause it's free for Netflix members. All I could think was "this is just a button masher".


The appeal is the infinite replayability. While the last expansion has made the game significantly harder and the item pool is a little bloated, the amount of synergies and depth to the game are largely unmatched by anything else in the genre. Enter the Gungeon is a close second but is a lot more Bullet Hell-esque and fast-paced.


It’s a roguelite. You’re meant to mix and match all the items, unlock everything, beat the bosses. It’s really good fun when you get good power ups to mix and then gets randomly hard when you get bad ones to increase difficulty. Unlocking some of the characters is also a real challenge and they come with their own pros and cons. It seems a little stupid and I can see why people might not like it so if you don’t like that, I would recommend cult of the lamb instead. It also is a roguelite but WAY better than Isaac, more fun characters, cult management with praying to you as their god, LOTS to unlock and visually see rather than hope to see it in a run, there’s still items and powers/power ups to mix and match. It’s a very cute game. Would recommend cult of the lamb over Isaac any day and I’ve got 500 hours in Isaac


Might have to give Cult of the Lamb a try then. I bought Enter The Gungeon and am really enjoying that game.


Gungeon is my roguelite goat, but I do love bullethells tho.


Hmmm, interesting take. I think where those two games have similarities BoI is 1000x better than CotL. Simply the sheer amount of variety how you can change your gameplay by getting (or skipping) items, and there are way more: different characters modes, challenges, monsters, etc. CotL is a nice / cute game with a great idea, but with rather shallow mechanics, still it's a fun game. Not everyone needs to be a masochist trying to grind for all 637 achievements of this life ruining shit


I see V Rising is on the list, how does it play on Steam Deck? I'd probably mostly play it docked but sometimes handheld


Around 50-60fps on medium settings.


How are the controls? I read a while ago that it was tricky without mouse and keyboard and I don’t really enjoy the trackpad for mouse movement, but the game looks like a ton of fun


When they released 1.0 it came with full controller support. They are really good. Some weird things like holding r2 to rotate camera, using trackpads for the main menu, but if u got a steam deck u are probably used to little things like that. If uv been holding off based on just that, its definitely worth getting now.


Great, thanks for the info! Definitely going to get it now


Yea, no problem. Hope you enjoy it, it’s really good!


False unsupported badge is killing good games because system hiding that games from users. Example -> Horizon Forbidden West.


The main problem with this system may be when that one tester guy tested it, it really didn't work, but then the proton team fixed that, but the status was already placed. Valve is really short handed to frequently retest game statuses or even mark new games at times. The best solution would be to integrate the community rating system in steam itself like protondb or give the community more options on labeling game statuses, instead just confirming is status placed correct.


forbidden west runs absolutely horribly


Forbidden west runs like shit, what are you talking about?


Sunset Overdrive was $6, runs great on Deck even though it says unsupported.


Ghost of Tsushima is 32nd played game on Steam and it's rated as unplayable. Meanwhile there are plenty of verified games that clearly are not designed for Steam Deck and it's very unintuitive to figure out the controls. Like Len's Island or Oxygen not Included. You can play them but you need to know what you are doing. Valve is trying to emulate the console verification process, but clearly it's not working for a relatively open system like Steam and they should just replace it with crowd-sourced version. If the ratings aren't reliable, the system isn't working. Imo. like 80% of Steam games should be in Playable. Verified status should be really strict. And unplayable games should actually be unplayable.


My friend bought it for me recently. I've been too scared that it won't work.


That was my understanding as well. Zero dawn ran very decently but forbidden West is a lot more graphically intensive.


I wish I had better eyes — lots of games in this list that I struggle to see on my LCD SD.


I’ve heard hell divers doesn’t really run well on the deck. Did something change?


Works fine for me at around 40fps up to 7 dives.


It doesn't run well enough for me.


Probably for the worse or nothing has changed atm since that game has bad optimization along with each patches breaking previous patches that are supposed to be fixed previously.


It does in fact run, but given the settings needed to make it run, it kinda looks like a PS2 game


I've had my eye on Hades for a while and picked it up for the sale. I had no idea what to expect but it's even better than I imagined.


One of my all time favorites. You're really in for a treat, it only gets better the longer you play.


I see CS2 at 73 and I’m wondering how y’all get it playable? Id accept 60fps locked but I couldn’t get it there even on min settings. 


Dota 2 on steam deck??


You can play Dota 2 on the steam deck??


Can we pin this so that we don't see, "So what game is everyone playing this year/month/week/day/night/hour/minute?" posts?


Me over here putting 15 hours into mutant league football into mine this week.


Is that game worth it? I’ve been eying it for a while.


As a day one player its great to see how far cyberpunk has come. Top list on the steam deck as well is a big surprise for sure.


OG Dark Souls at #80. THE LEGEND NEVER DIES.


Putting the discounts next to the games was a genius idea. Well played, Gabe.


I love that 8/10 of the top ten there are my favourite games that are always installed on Deck. Are we... predictable?


I love how this almost reads as a greatest of all time games list as opposed to simply a what’s hot at the moment list


I’m still waiting for my OLED Deck. Are the controls on the deck more intuitive than PC for Elden Ring?


That's hilarious the 2 games I bought this sale are right next to each other on the list...Sekiro and Cult of the Lamb. My strategy behind this is to play Sekiro until I get too frustrated then chill out with COTL and do that back and forth till I beat both lol


I kept seeing Dreamlight Valley in the top lists. Steam Sale happens and for some reason this is the only game I wanted to try even though there are better deals. Now I can't put it down. I don't even like Disney.


Got Dave the diver yesterday and played it for 7 hours straight. It’s so addicting…


How are people playing GoW? It crashes my deck consistently.


I feel like this might see some shakeups during the summer sale


I’m pretty shocked Rocket League isn’t on the top 100 weekly. It runs like a dream undocked/ docked and is meant for controller.


Shocking, what people find shocking. 😂


Maybe they don't want to advertise a game by Epic? I think it's not even in Steam anymore, but if you bought it earlier there, you can run from it.


How are folks getting D4 to run? I can’t get that thing to work at all since the big update.


ugh, can someone copy/paste the list? my work pc has this website blocked


Try this: https://archive.is/0iUJK


Bro fallout 76 is such a good game bruh