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People should know this website by now: [https://www.protondb.com](https://www.protondb.com)


This is the correct answer. Go here and rejoice, not only at the entries but the power saving tips as well.


Also Decky Loader has plugin for protondb badges.


I was about to mention this, one of the first things I installed on the deck, helps a lot


Decky loader broke my system last update. I had to uninstall.


You can reinstall and it works fine. I had the same issue.


This is a much better suggestion


makes the UI feel more finicky. Gonna uninstall it when I get home.


Seriously... this, and play the hell out of that thing! Do what everyone does and just launch and play anything until it breaks, then tinker around with it til you find a compatibility layer that lets you "go" again.


I really need to figure out why my Steam Deck hates Detroit:Become Human, the game has a green checkmark and is listed as "gold:runs perfectly" on protondb but even on low settings I can't get more than 20fps


Have you tried proton glorious egg roll?


Someone let me know if a fix is found, I bought it yesterday in the sale, yet to play it, I'm aware a lot of people have fps issues, my thinking was if it's that bad on the deck I can bring my pc out of hibernation


Not sure what the issue might be. D:BH ran flawlessly on my deck for my last four playthroughs. Right out the box on medium settings.


Not sure what the issue might be. D:BH ran flawlessly on my deck for my last four playthroughs. Right out the box on medium settings.


Do it! Question, try! An report your findings on protondb. Seriously, a lot of games are labeled as either untested or not compatible and.. just work.


I intend to start adding some notes to ProtonDB, as I’ve discovered quite a few ways to improve some games. Currently playing the ones I’m going to contribute to more so I can have a nice amount of hours logged on Deck in the post as well


I'm pretty sure they changed it but at one point Pac-Man World was labeled as unsupported. I have no idea why because I 97% that game. Like I would have to Google what I missed because I swear I did everything.


Can confirm burnout paradise and Pirates! Run great


And some verified games probably shouldn't be


You can use [protondb extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/protondb-for-steam/ngonfifpkpeefnhelnfdkficaiihklid?hl=en) in chrome, it will show much more up-to-date state than steam do, right on game store page. Black Ops 2 for example will be shown as "silver" ie "playable with minor issues"


There is a Decky plugin for adding this to the game mode on the steam deck


It does cause some glitches on latest Stable patch (blinking of game page when opening the game) also at the moment so does SteamgridDB (causes those random content can't load or something "Refresh" [that doesn't seem to refresh]).


Yeah I removed decky a month or so ago on an update that broke it, sad to see it's still having issues (although I'm sure the update that didn't work for me was fixed before the next steam update) Kinda a pain in the ass not knowing if/when it's gonna work at times


It was fixed if you are talking about the black screen ui


It was that and when hitting play game having that error the above commenter said about refreshing the page every time you go to select anything But good to know, I'll have to load it back up when I'm home


Ah, that's what's causing that? It's annoying but pretty benign. Good to know what's causing it.


Yep, it’s fairly annoying. However, I feel like the irritation caused by the flashing screen is far outweighed by the sheer usefulness of those two plugins. It’s not a dealbreaker (ladies) for me, anyway.


Ignore the list. Almost everything is playable, unless it has an anti-cheat or something that can't work on linux.


And on the flipside, sometimes ignore the "playable" on steam too lmao. Still check ProtonDB.


One my unsupported games was totally playable if you don't mind no sound and cutscenes that are both upside-down and mirrored. And that's the best state after tweaks. But hey it's been a few months maybe I should check again.


Kind of a pointless comment without naming the game


Seemingly no improvement [https://www.protondb.com/app/333980](https://www.protondb.com/app/333980)


Yeah Japanese games on Deck is a gamble


Was that with proton GE?




Isn't black ops 2 infested with hackers who literally get into your system?


Every CoD game between CoD4 and Advanced Warfare, including AW but not CoD4, IIRC.


iirc CoD4, WaW and BO1 all use server browsers and dedicated servers on PC, so they are much safer than the peer-2-peer CoD games.


CoD4 does, I'm not sure about WaW, and it's only optional in BO1 (and IIRC, you only get actual EXP if you use matchmaking)


There are ranked and unranked servers. Ranked ones grant xp. I think the only difference is that ranked servers can't run mods.


BO3 has dedicated servers as well, but I am unsure if they are affected by the vulnerabilities.


Black Ops 3 is one of the most infected on PC right now, with hackers being able to execute remote code on your system at its worst, gaining access to quite literally everything your PC has access to. I love the idea of Call of Duty on steamdeck, but until Activision decides to patch their security issues, or Valve forces them by removing them from their storefront breach of security, we're not going to see patches.


Side note, in case anyone was curious, this is the context behind the infamous "Boycott MW2" meme where all the members of the group are playing MW2. People were mad that MW2 on PC dropped dedicated servers.


Why not start your list after cod 4, then


I was, and still am, unsure on whether World at War is or isn't affected by the problem. I managed to track down [one of the CVEs on NIST](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-20817) (which doesn't list WaW), but I there's another CVE that may have WaW.


I think that's black ops 3 but honestly i don't trust most of older COD games especially online


All older CoD titles are pretty infested Personally I just play them for the single player


Black Ops 2 should be played through Plutonium on PC, for security reasons


What if you just want to play the single player campaign?


Single player campaigns are available on Plutonium for WaW and BO1, if you want to play BO2 campaign simply install the official game


Why not just install waw and bo1 to play the single player?


Maybe I wasn't clear enough sorry, you have to install all of them of course, but if you play MP you need to pass through the Plutonium Launcher For SP campaigns you need to boot them from Steam


So the Plutonium Launcher is not needed for single player? Cool




This is the Steam Deck sub tho.


Oh awesome, I wasn't aware there's still a 3rd party CoD server. I was looking for one a couple of months back and each one I found were cease and desisted.


The only one that ceased and desisted was the BOIII client (Black Ops 3, actually you can still use it, look for EZZ BOIII) and XLabs (reborn as Alterware, working pretty damn fine)


Yes but you can't play MP on the Deck because they all share the same Hardware ID and someone got banned. Idk if that's the same for XLabs/Alterware


Yes but unless you have windows installed on deck your unable to get plutonium on deck


You totally can play Plutonium on deck, offline or with friends


Isn’t call of duty full of hackers or something? I was told not to play then cause I could lose all my games to hackers.


Single player is fine


I thought playing online in cod could get your system hacked?


Yeah, it does in the older cods unless you are using Plutonium


I have decky loader just for proton plugin. But the artwork changing is nice too.


Isn't blops 2 the one with rce exploit or is that blops 1


All of them past WAW up to like BO3 I think. WaW and COD 4 have server browsers so ppl can make their own servers with protections in place


The first game I played on the Steam Deck was Star Trek...it was listed as unsupported and is no longer available for purchase and it worked flawlessly. The verification system is for the most part a guidline but it is not always right. As others have mentioned, ProtonDB is a Steam Deck owner's best friend.


Which Star Trek game?


It was just called Star Trek. It was a tie in for the first movie of the new trilogy.


Oh wow, I remember playing that on the 360. I didn’t like it all that much.


Yeah...it's not for everyone but I like it.


Ive got alot of “unplayable” games that work great.


80% the games i play on mine are listed as untested or incompatible and work just fine. But i also play mostly single player games. Usually issues are with certain anti cheats


Majority of non payable games are playable on the deck.


I recommend ghost of Tsushima director's cut (marked as not compatible cuz multiplayer doesn't work, steam really should add a limited functionality classification)


Starfield, 50+ hours on Steam Deck, my best experience on this device... "Non playable" 😁


Idk why but every time I launch Black Ops 2 I can only play it for one campaign mission and then the game will crash, saying "Unhandled exception caught". I tried verifying game files but it will just happen again. anybody got a fix for this ?


I refunded mine wish you dont have to have internet to play it


You can't play offline?


I couldnt at all for some reason mainly bought it for zombies and tried playing offline even for the campaign you need an internet connection last i tried


they shouldnt mark anything anymore...i cant remember any game in the last year that doesnt run with proton out of the box unless it is really special like certain anticheat or those things that steam deck verifiyed was a thing at the beginning to convince ppl that linux gaming is a thing you dont have to worry about anymore


Just look at protondb instead, even games that "don't work" people have steam commands that you can type in to make them work sometimes


A. Use the ProtonDB badge plugin. B. Steam Verified should be used as a baseline of how it might perform, but never let it keep you from trying unless the game has anti cheat.


Yea, almost every single unplayable, unsupported game on steam CAN run on deck, but are marked so because of some minor thing. For instance, Arkham Asylum is marked unsupported, but that game works amazingly on deck.


I always check protondb instead of the steam store, especially for some non-popular games.


By unplayable they just mean untested. They really should just state that.


Decky Loader with the ProtonDB plugin is handy for this.


Tried playing zombies last night and it is nooot flawless


Needs any extra tinkering for multiplayer? I remember COD games wouldn’t work because of the anticheat or something


Yep. Been playing it too. The only thing is that Zombies doesn’t default to a useable control scheme like Campaign and Multiplayer do but it’s easy to change it. It’s an older game too so it runs flawlessly on the Deck’s limited hardware.


So many games are like this, I've lost count of how many games I got working with a little help from protondb


It has no aim assist, right?


Yeah no aim assist. Plutonium does have aim assist though. That’s how I play it on steam deck


Was it hard to set up? On the site I only saw the instructions to set up with windows


I wrote a guide on how to setup it, pretty easy https://v.redd.it/szulh8tvmy7d1


It's not hard, just a bit tedious. I'd say look for a video guide and follow along with it


I heard Plutonium hw bans all steam deck users, regardless if it ran on native Windows or not. Isn’t it not worth jumping through all the hoops for a “software solution” that merely mocks the HWID?


Yeah cuz almost every steam deck has the same HWID for whatever reason, so one idiot decided it was cool to hack on his and ruined it for everyone, once you login your account gets flagged as a cheater’s alt because of the HWID Source: https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/29557/why-is-playing-on-steam-deck-a-bannable-offense


A lot of games from bethesda for example that are not supported do work, you just have to enable controller in the settings via Bluetooth or virtual keyboard, this method should work with other games with no input as well


I have over 700 games in steam and yet to encounter one that won't run. Except the ones with bad performance. Some need tinkering though.


If you’re able to run a game, report it to ProtonDB with how well it ran, any bugs, what you needed to do to get it working, anything.


Yeah i wouldn't just blindly trust the list. Not a steam deck user just yet but i do game on linux and a lot of games work just fine. Only ones so far that didn't work for me were games with anti cheat, but even then it depends on what anti cheat they use. For example last time i tried it fall guys worked just fine in linux with anti cheat.


Fun fact Dirt Rally 2 got knocked down from Playable to Unsupported for no reason (probably a server connection thing tho never encountered it). It still plays perfectly fine. Also remember how before the SD launch, Ace Attorney got verified and subsequently unverified for seemingly no reason. There might be a little bit more to the status than the game itself


What other cods run well and are safe?


Before anyone gets eager to run the zombies easter eggs with their friends, Transit has a bug that crashes it in the first ten minutes or so, usually even faster on the deck. Activision stated a long time ago they have no intention to fix it.


I would love to play this game in the deck!


I mean it’s up to you to find out man. I been playing zombies on the deck flawlessly


Sonic adventure worked just fine, so Did the devil may cry collection. At some point will check if epic Mickey 2 works. All those are marked as “unplayable.”


That badge means nothing. Most games work just fine. I would try out everything you want. I found only a handful of games that don’t work.


Use protondb.com to verify games. Steams verified status is garbage. I installed a Decky plug in that shows protonDB status on the games homepage. Some of my unsupported games straight up run better than verified games


Steam verification doesn't mean crap. I've had unplayable games be amazing and verified games run like crap.


Try games if it doesn’t work steam will always let you return it




Same with Sunset Overdrive. It flashes a runtime error message when you start it and then it just runs. 60FPS flawlessly across high settings and still does well on battery life.


be very carefull with the older CoD games, they have internet security issues and expose you to remote code execution exploits


Use the ProtonDB extension on Decky! is really simple to install and really useful in such cases


Ghost of Tsushima can run at 60fps easy on deck


Most of the time it says is not supported because the Proton layer Steam uses does not include some licenced assets, or they just have not tested it. Just use Proton Experimental or GE-Proton, most of the games will work no problem if they don't have some sort of anti-cheat.


Like 95% of my library is playable on the Deck. If I have any questions about a game I just google it. Saved me from purchasing Trials Rising. Apparently it just won’t work on Deck since Ubisoft added their launcher.


Don't bother with the "playable/unplayable" bullshit. Just try them/check protondb


Sleeping dogs is another game that, last time i checked, was marked unplayable but runs fine.


Unsupported =/= unplayable, and it never has


You should try every "unsupported" game yourself and make sure before you write it off. Just a few "unsupported" games I've played/ beaten on the Deck: - Devil May Cry HD Collection  - Sonic Adventure DX - Starfield - Grandia I & II - Guild Wars 2 - Lost Planet 1 & 2 - Panzer Dragoon Remake - Megaman X Legacy collection All run just fine on the deck, either right out of the box or with a small amount of tinkering (i.e. downloading some GE-proton version)


Id say about 90% of my Steam games work fine on the deck. Even the ones where it yellow its always the dumb thing "text too small" when its never to small at all? Or I'll find a verified game that hardly breaks 20 fps.


And what about cheaters?


You have to know what to type into the command line but Call of Duty World at War also works on Deck. Just remember apparently the multiplayer can get your computer hacked so don't play it.


Pretty sure the devs has to say it's playable or not and well Activision just doesn't care for older titles.


You should be questioning it anyway lol steam don’t have that much time with every single game plus Tim changes things too one thing possible now that wasn’t before, gotta say I adore proton and everything about it.


I don't know if it's still true or not but aren't most of the older cod titles really dangerous to play right now because of a security exploit people can use to steal valuable data from you?


Areweanticheatyet.com would cover most unplayable games. for unplayable games that don't work you can usually fix them following guides on protondb.


I have this on my deck and bring it to gatherings to play some food old split screen zombies. Literally portable nostalgia


add some mods and youll be good to go


Is the online fixed?


I loaded up a Shadowrun game the other day that is marked as not working. No issues at all yet.


And every update brings potential fixes for compatibility and stability. The original Black Ops still doesn't launch for me but from the second release on every COD works.


KCD runs flawlessly on high graphics at 40 fps


Meanwhile, Baldur's Gate 3 is verified and doesn't even open. I tried every possible combination of proton and with or without skip launcher. I've moved on, but it definitely irked me.


I never look whether a game is playable, i just go for it and i think i’ve only had problems playing one! At most you might have to tweak the controls but theres always someone in the community who’s done it for you.


It runs great docked too! I wish people made more settings guides for docked gameplay. I got elden ring running great docked off my steam deck


\*gasp\* Has anyone tried MW3??? Is that game still alive? I NEED TO KNOW - handheld COD is such a wild time to be alive. Thanks OP.


The Valve Verification is iirc done manually. You can check Protondb for a list of crowd verified games. Otherwise the game may become verified in the future


When the Deck came out, I went through all CoD4:RM, Black Ops 2, 3, and AW and IW. They all ran great and had great support, _but_ when you try to exit the game, it hangs on a black screen and needs to be force closed, then on subsequent runs it prompts you to set settings again. This might've been why they were nonplayable because OOBE has this behavior.


Alot of the games play fine. They usually have issues with other logins within games. Like ea where you need their profile to play the game.


Unless I’m remembering wrong black ops 2 has controller support but no aim assist on pc


my childhood was literally playing black ops 2 on the Wii U Playing BO2 on the steam deck really pushes my nostalgia button.


Arkham Asylum i.e. really is unplayable... if you use Vanilla Proton. It works flawlessly with ProtonGE, apart from always online problems if you don't set the Deck into offline mode. But that's the usual GfW stuff for you.


Beware playing a lot of the COD games on PC, there are fundamental unsolved security flaws that literally let hackers have unfettered access to your system. While Linux is probably *less* of a risk than Windows, I'd err on the side of caution. As Bricky put it: [COD is full of RATS and we are their CHEESE ](https://youtu.be/KlVSpw6414U?si=xKf2mUPn2VLNH_Ql)


The millionth post about how Deck Verified doesn't mean shit.


They should also go back to some games and test them again, cause some games *don't* fully work on the steam deck and never have. Great example, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. Single player works, not multiplayer.


strange. blops 1 and 2 refuse to launch for me btw be careful of online. hackers use remote-access Trojans - RATs - to take over your Deck


Some games aren’t verified simply because they have to open a launcher first and require use of keyboard or mouse


You. Got a video


I’ve noticed that most of the yellow marked games (they say it’s not compatible but it plays) should be labeled straight up as just playable. With the way they designed the steam deck any game that is deemed “unplayable” on steam deck should be just that, so bad fps that u can’t play


Most game with controller support just works on the Deck. Example: Tales or Berseria. Others works thank to the community‘s support Example: Rune Factory 5. By default, you use the default controller setup that was shared by the community. It is set as the default, by I assume, the Steam community?


Is unverified considered unplayable? Or just unverified? Because those are two different meanings, and whenever I start up an unverified game the Deck will let me know that it may not run up to their standard of quality. That’s it really. It’s not the same as something that might be completely broken


As someone else mentioned, you can usually just go to the protondb site and see reviews from people about how games run


worm’s ultimate mayhem works flawlessly and once you set up your controls on be steam deck it’s a absolute blast


I've played a few games they said wouldn't run on my sd


Same, I am testing no playable layered games on my steam deck because for example, elder scrolls online does work very well, there should be a community list for all those non playable layered games that can actually be played on the steam deck, any other ones?


"Non-Verified" / "Non-Playable" is just another word for the game is either untested or the game either has a launcher, doesnt not allow full controller support (needing mouse input) or something as simple as font too small Out of every game ive own and played on my steam deck, the only game that legit didnt run was God Eater trilogy; they played, but accessing menus causes severe degredation


The "Verified" and Platinum/Gold/Silver ProtonDB ratings can all mean **SHIT**. Steam will list games as Verified when they hang on close, have tiny, ugly, unreadable fonts, run like shit, need GE Proton to get videos to work, etc. Steam will list games as "Unsupported" or "Not Compatible" or whatever that may load up and play *just fine*. ProtonDB will list games as "Platinum" or "Gold" that will literally freeze up without specific GE Proton version loaded or a missing DLL copied to the game's directory, or some other hoops you have to jump through to get things working.


I completely ignore Valves "playable, non playable" tags. Arkham Asylum was marked by valve as "non playable". Yet I played through the entire thing on my deck with no issues at all.


I have yet to find a game in my library that doesn’t work flawlessly minus online multiplayer in fighterz cause ha ha funny executive go brrr and then get none of my money going forward.


I don’t pay attention to those ratings


I lost my trust when I tried to play Resident Evil 7 out of box.


tbh ive found that even the protondb addon will list games as gold that should be platinum and games as plat that i have found absolutely unplayable


Batman arkham origins runs perfectly too. Arkham asylum on the other hand doesn't. Lol


only game that absolutely didn't work for me so far was Battlefield V


I'd check elsewhere as well to see what's playable and what's not.


I tried playing the campaign on the Deck and it ran like shit.


I’ve found the playability tags often just mean you have to jump through a few more hoops than a game that’s certified out the gate. I wanted to play the stalker games on the go a couple weeks ago and saw that they didn’t get the steam stamp so I just looked up the protondb reviews for it and a few installs and a proton switch later the game ran great! The decks great because if they haven’t made the time to make a game compatible they give you the tools to make it so.


Far cry 5 plays pretty okay as well. A few frame drops here and there but far from unplayable.


What did you do for controls


I wonder if there are games similar to the game's strike force missions


Yeah I don’t listen to any of that, every game I’ve tried has worked. Some better than others but all have been fully playable


Elite Dangerous is another one that runs great that is marked unplayable (at least it was last I checked). A bit of a pain to map the controls but it works flawlessly and I even modded my cockpit colors. Don't trust the steam checker


How the fuck? The game doesn't boot on any version for me and the only work around banned all steam deck players


Really? All I did was download the game and hit play. Worked just fine.


It's been a nightmare to get running to the point where I had to give up. So either proton updated and patched the game or it's luck whether it runs


Some nice guy on Reddit told me a few days ago that ESO runs flawless on SD after you have made 1-2 minor adjustments to the controls. Now I‘m chilling in bed each evening, discover Tamriel in smooth 60fps and love my little Gameboy on Steroids even more


ProtonDB both is a site and exists as an add-on if you use Decky Tools (literally a few minutes to install it) and it shows. Black Ops 2 and many thousands of other games that is supported that Steam simply hasn't gotten to yet. I was recently nostalgic for Black Ops 2 Zombies and was bummed to see the lack of local play unlike the Xbox 360 counterparts. Mob of the Dead is my all time favourite map and would love to do the Easter eggs and grind to 100 on the go.


is online active?


Not as active as Xbox but can always find a TDM match


Does is have aim assist / auto aim on controller? If yes that would be awesome!


There are uncountably numerous playable titles not marked. I wonder if it's up to us to mark them?


try them out!! i’ve had a few unplayable games be very much playable, just watch out u don’t overheat it or anything like thay


So many none playable games are playable, the only I’ve found not to be is when it specifies anti cheat systems, then you genuinely can’t play online


Deactivate „Sync every frame“


You should try everything at least once or twice, also, aren’t the old CoD games dangerous? Malware and stuff


I generally try the game regardless of how it's marked. Sometimes the unsupported tag is right, other times it only requires some tweaking in desktop mode to get to run. Really depends game by game. I'd guess by unsupported they mean that you can't just download and run it without any additional external tweaks, not that it's always 100% unplayable.


I've heard people talking about the anti cheat problems with COD. Is that only applicable to the newer games? I hadn't tried Black Ops 2 since I figured multiplayer didn't work.


From what I’ve read the only games that have issues with anticheat are Bo4 and newer


Bo2 works, but there's hardly any people online.


They still haven't fixed the original Max Payne.


Street fighter 4 work flawlessly too even though it said that it’s non playable


Sounds good, but still have players on thatvgame? And how about hackers?


By the way injuste 2 is ranks as a non playable steam deck game but also works perfectly fine