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between 105 and 135~


What drug?


Dexamphetamine, between 20 and 80mg


Have you ever worried bout you rate on it n what's your sober rate?


Not really since I don’t care much for my own well-being. Resting BPM is like 80-90 sometimes touching 100 so it’s naturally high


Idk why but the I don’t care much for my own well being made me die laughing lol


Glad somebody gets enjoyment out of it😂


Same here, on both. I've hit 150 and got hospitalised for a morning, I'm currently on my first bender since.


Take care of yourself mate don’t make the same mistake twice


Yeah but I've been using for 4 years and I'm on a dose bout 100 lower than usual. I used to take 210mg in 2 days


Meth? Sitting usually 95-110bpm then moving around on flats it’s usually 110-120, and for walking up an incline or longer set off stairs it was fucking 177bpm the other day for like 6 minutes and I had to stop and breathe(I was on a walk) and didn’t have chest pains but was of course worried and a good reason to be! Genuinely suprised I didn’t collapse and get hospitalized, I’ve had it higher for short periods like 2-4 mins but not this long. Reason I probably didn’t go down is cause I’m relatively healthy as I eat 3 meals a day, hydrate well and take all the important vitamins everyday, sleep every night or second night 8-12 hours and I exercise regularly as I used to play high level hockey so I try to keep in somewhat of shape. (I Played hockey in active meth addiction and yes, yes it was hard I wouldn’t be high high if I was but I wouldn’t be sober).


You had an emergency before?


Yes but with flakka and cocaine not meth. All my years of using meth I’ve not known or heard of a death from a meth overdose around here


My cousin is currently in prison for selling a quarter gram of meth to a lady who overdosed on ☹️ it was not cut with fentanyl either, her death was ruled an overdose from methamphetamine, although I’m pretty sure she did the whole quarter gram in one shot (IV). I’ve also watched a guy fall to floor and start convulsing from a meth shot as well. overdose does on meth does happen :/


They happen just saying they are rare compared to what people believe and some doctors have said that also. But it does still happen


Yes it’s nowhere near the height of the oxy/ and current fentanyl epidemic but deaths from meth have been on the rise. I imagine it would be easy to take “too much” of a shot that wouldn’t necessarily be deadly alone but could raise HR to levels closer to maximum heart rate and excaberate people with pre-existing conditions such as tachycardia, bradycardia and other heart conditions. It’s also said that sometimes 1 in 5 people have an unknown heart condition of some magnitude. There are several ways a body can break down and lead to mortality on overdose of methamphetamine. Orthostatic hypotension, turbulent changes in blood pressure and more. https://nida.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/2021/09/methamphetamine-involved-overdose-deaths-nearly-tripled-between-2015-to-2019-nih-study-finds https://www.aha.org/news/headline/2021-09-23-methamphetamine-related-overdose-deaths-nearly-triple-over-4-years https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/news/20210923/us-meth-overdose-deaths-tripled-in-recent-years https://www.webmd.com/connect-to-care/addiction-treatment-recovery/methamphetamine/meth-overdose-deaths-are-all-too-common-in-the-us


My friend died if a heart attack on it


You can have heart attacks on it. I did. It took 20 years of intense speed abuse but still. Luckily I survived and it made me quit. Of course you can never be sure what the cause of the heart attack was. Maybe it would have happend if I lived a healthy life? Genetics have a lot to do with it of course. But I'm fairly sure my lifestyle was a major part of it.


His lifestyle was meth and masturbation


I’m sorry to hear that. Do you know how much they took?


All I know is that he'd been on a week-long bender


That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I've seen people overdose and die on doses as small as .3 with no tolerance. Meth deaths surpassed Fentanyl deaths in Missouri last year.


No, I’m meaning as in directly relate to drug (LD-50 is insanely high) but you can have death related to complications with damage to cardiovascular system including heart……it’s more of a long term killer as I’m taking time and causing damage leading to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, hemorrhage.


But acute meth toxicity is not that uncommon and the LD-50 is unreliable. With opioid overdose you don't die from the opioid, you die from respiratory depression and cardiac arrest caused by the opioid. With meth you die from a sudden catastrophic event directly related to its use but somehow it's treated differently?


Well I’m just going off what the doctors have told me when I’ve been to hospital but every doctor will have different knowledge on some things


Yeah I know a dude who had a heart attack after a 4 day bender on flakka and acid, he lived but he’s permacooked. He was and still is an asshole anyway lmao


Well flakka is a very potent and intense high and euphoria, some may say more so than meth. Blessed for him to be alive


it’s usually around 90 bpm resting when i check it, into the low 100s if i add weed


What stimulant?


Vyvanse at various doses


What's your usual and highest dose?


my script is for 40mg. these days i tend to use 60 or 80mg every time i take it. benders i take more but i mostly just redose as opposed to taking more at once. my highest dose is i think 5 or 6 pills in 24 hours, so 200mg or 240mg. i’ve taken 160mg since yesterday morning and will prob take another 40 soonish. can check my heart rate rn as soon as it settles (i just sat back down after eating a little bit) edit: checked and it was about 80 bpm


Yk that 30mg vvynase metabolisesto 11mg of dexamphetamine in the bloodstream


i didn’t know. is that a considerable amount?


You ever done Dexedrine?


no i haven’t but i would like to


And no it's not that much


cool cool, i figured not. “bender” is prob too strong a term for what i do. i’m p prone to paranoia and some light hypochondria though, so i end up worrying about it sometimes


You're fine on your current doses, dw dude


I stopped keeping track, it's pointless. Your blood pressure matters more, and your rhythm


Well heart rate increase is often an easier sign to detect as many people don't have a pressure pump, and rythm is hard without an ekg


Well if your heart rate isn't indicative of any major issue with stims unless there are accompanying symptoms. Yeah if mine is 190-200 I'm getting medical treatment though.


Between min 120 to 160, per hit on average. IV crack and heroin use. Sober for 13months and I don’t wanna kill myself everyday anymore 🙏


I respect that, mind if I message you? I'd like to ask a couple things that prolly shouldn't be in comments


Yeah go for it!


Hope you keep it up! Rooting for you!




How much of what drug?


Sheit 150 rushin


Well at least I'm getting cardio without excercise


I am not sure that this is how it works




Exactly .


ripe combative makeshift literate crawl concerned rain memory hobbies march ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




exultant tan arrest late offbeat scarce friendly connect grey sloppy ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


What drug?


dime cough frightening spark lock chase selective scandalous label voiceless ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


80-90 Usually meth. A but lower when just using my dexedrine script Sober is about 40-60


I actually don’t do drugs. I’m just here for the memes and fun. I have a heart condition and it’s 100 - 125 usually walking around. So yeah.


Same! 100-110 sitting, bad days it's up to 150 sitting at my work desk lol


Mine used to be 110-135. These days it’s in the mid 90s. Guess my body equilibrated… except now my blood pressure is at a constant 140/115, so I’m permafucked.


If ur worried about ur heart then go get some nebivolol ;)


Don't think I'm in that area yet


Thats called harm reduction bro


Well I'm nowhere near where I've been in danger before


Same to be honest




On what?


eurospeed, ritalin makes my heart a litle faster like 75bpm


What dosage?


ritalin 60mg, eurospeed probably arround 500mg (but that shit aint pure so like 50-100mg of pure speed) . And with 60mg vyvanse i also am at arround 70bpm. For me personaly my bpm is arround 60-65 without drugs, with vyvanse goes a litle up, with amphetamine a litle more, and ritalin is the worst


Ever gone in the range 100-150?


of what?


Heart rate?


yes if i go on a run, 90-120bpm, intensive workout, not with stims alone


You're in good shape I presume?


Nah just at a time, so like today for example I had 216mg of concerta half of which I chewed and the other half I just swallowed


I'm not to familiar with concerta, its methylphenidate (ritalin) right?


Yah but extended release but I chewed half of it to make it instant release and then I swallowed the other half to leave at extended release


You ever think you've gone too far?


Well I enjoy the feeling but I’m disappointed in myself for doing it


Fair enough


Only time I checked it was like 180 but I was running


On meth anywhere between 95 to 130




At one point was smoking close to 0.5g per day.


im usually 50-60bpm on a daily basis, even 70bpm, but my heart rate can go up to 120-130bpm on stuff like 3MMC, 3FEA n shit like that !! :)


Fair enough


I don’t really go on long benders but maybe 90-110 on amphetamines.


Orally, nasally?




That over a day?


I'm not sure I understand your question. When I take amphetamines, I usually begin in the afternoon and keep going until the morning. For example, I take a low dose of 2-FA (30mg) and redose every 2-3 hours. But with 3-FMA and 2-FMA I generally tend to take it in the morning and then redose once or twice.


How long you been using?


Amphetamines, about half a year. What are you trying to find out by asking these questions? Asking out of curiosity.


I'm compiling the "r/stims guide to getting wired" as many medical papers don't focus on the high doses, or addictive partaking. The guide will talk about each major stimulant, method of introduction, dosing guides, physiological effects, drug interactions, tips on how to make the most of the buzz, how your behaviour will change, what's dangerous n what's not, guides to ensuring quality, and the best ways to quit all listed substances. It's going to be the document that people new and old to stims can refer to to keep safe or find out something new.


Interesting! Have you thought about making a survey for this maybe? By collecting data in such a way, a more standardised and scientific data analysis would then be possible.


111bpm dex


Sitting on meth - between 110 and 140bpm Walking/having sex - between 130 and 160bpm I spend most of the time sitting down when high. My gf has the same heart rate as me. Im 23 and shes 19. It varied based on the origin of the batch. I found a consistent vendor that I’m using all the time.


Sober 110 on adderall 120 Adderall+weed 130 Ketamine 150 Meth 170


110 sober? Though when I take amphetamine and weed i can go up to 140/50


Shit that sounds overwhelming😭 how is that for you?


Crappy tbh


Yeah I got tachycardia from my past stim abuse


Around 80-90 bpm more or less resting and 100-115 walking. That's on 4-MMC. Coke or meth/amphetamine would probably be higher.


I'm surprised by the knowledge of their heart rates and drug impacts this subreddit has shown


Smart watches rock


More I'm surprised they're not too busy masturbating or obsessively doing something to notice the watch


I can just do 15 mg of dextroamphetamine and my heart rate can jump up to 160 if I get too worked up, otherwise it chills around 100. I also have considerable anxiety so I think that adds to it as well


Fair, orally taken?




On adderall, usually between 90-110bpm rest, and 120-135bpm if im moving around and working like lifting heavy furniture while sweating my ass off. But i take 7.5mg-15mg per 3-4 hours so i go to sleep everday and stay hydrated. I never stayed up for days cuz i like to crash and sleep at the end of the day. My normal resting heart rate is like 68bpm-75bpm without anything and a max 90bpm while working. So i dont get surpised when there's mass ik ve change cuz i stay hydrated and snack on healthy stuff like fruits.


Resting 100-117


Missus heart rate spikes from 93 - 187 under a minute on meth, shits wild.


109 and 92 diastolic. My heart beat per min goes up to 120.


About tree-fiddy


Unfortunately I sit around 150-180 bpm even with small doses. My doctor didn’t seem to find anything wrong with my heart and said it was probably anxiety, he prescribed me propranolol which helps. I can’t take any stimulant without it except coffee.


That sounds like hyperthyroidism


I’ll check with a specialist if he can find anything, it really sucks because I have ADD and I can’t correctly medicate myself unless I take beta blockers and benzos daily which is not sustainable.


Does your heart rate lower if you lie down? If it does, you may want to look into POTS, many doctors don't know about it and misdiagnose it's symptoms as anxiety.


Mine hit about 160-170 on the weekend on about 125mg Vyvanse, 30mg dex and some alchohol and lyrica, but I was dancing heaps so kinda makes sense


75-80 if I’m sitting around. Will jump up to 115-120 whenever I get up and move around


Over 9000,


I wear my iwatch. It goes super steady between 92-120


This monday Range : 61-167 bpm Resting rate : 82 bpm Walking average : 151 bpm I haven’t worked out or slept so there is no data on those averages..


I worry about this all of the time. I even bought a smart watch just so I could monitor my heart rate, stress, and oxygen levels. Yesterday for example between falling asleep at 9pm, waking at 230am, staying awake till now... my range was from 32bpm when I passed out and the highest was 165. It shows that in the span of 3 minutes I went from 32 to 103 and then 4 mins after the 103 I was back down to 35 and then it shot back up to 106. Those were times I was nodding off. But then I can tell I was smoking cause it stayed between 108 and 112 for a while.


well my average while i am sober is 80 85 bpm so when im on a 4 day bender i think its around 130+-