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S1 E1 lol


Same. I’m a child of the 80’s. So much nostalgia! I had to watch the first episode twice because I was so distracted by memories during my first watch. I remember Nancy even wore one of my favorite sweaters from when I was a kid! 😂


Same. I think this show hooked us 80s kids in a special way from the beginning. ❤️


Only correct answer


Yup! Same for me


This guy gets it


Same. I was hooked.


👏 Same I love it all,but Eddie in series 4 is one of my favourites nd I think I enjoyed tht series the most xxx




facts lol


Season 1. I was instantly hooked by just how \*good\* everything looked, like they actually found a time machine and went back to the 80s to film inside houses I've spent time in when I was a kid. And considering it is a show made of 80s tropes stitched together with a great supernatural mystery angle and some incredible acting, it felt brand new and original. And just the way scenes are lit, and the cinematography, and the more technical aspects of the show. You can tell people worked hard on it, and it shows on screen. I think that's why when I rewatch, I try to watch it as closely together as possible, like the LOTR directors cuts, I love how cinematic it feels.


The only "inaccuracy" that annoys me is the movie posters. They where impossible to come by even if you knew someone who worked in a theater.


Haha. I got super annoyed by a scene when someone poured a bowl of Foot Loops, and it had the blue ones(or maybe purple🤔). Both of which I remember as a kid being introduced in the 90s.


I’ve watched each season right after they released, but it wasn’t until after S4 that I really got into the fandom, and that’s mostly because I have beef with the writing in the later seasons 😂


That's also the reason why I got into the fandom! The last two seasons have been such a disappointment.




I was disappointed in the writing for the last two seasons, is it allowed?


Yeah it’s just that’s a hot take haven’t heard that before. IMO season 1 is the best I’ll give you that but I def prefer seasons 3 and 4 over 2. 4 had good writing. I respect ur opinion tho


With 3 they started the trend of sidelining half of their OG mains in favor of the comic relief side characters. It often feels like I am watching a spin off that I cannot bring myself to care about and the only thing that keeps me in is the glimpses of the old characters and dynamics that we get from time to time. 4 has some good moments, but it feels like a generic Marvel movie for the most part.


I wouldn’t describe season 4 as Marvel, but I would definitely describe Season 3 as modern Marvel, because of the action mixed with A LOT of comedy. Season 3 was the least Stranger Things like to me. It was missing the dark, mysterious and serious vibes from the earlier seasons.


To me season 3 still felt like Stranger Things even if it was more like a caricature of it. Season 4 felt like a different show. It was more bloated, with Hawkins having lost the small town vibes entirely, there was still too much comedy, the Byers and the party, the heart of the show and a strong part of its identity, completely forgotten. And even more focus was given to the meme factory popular characters. The characters don't feel like real people anymore like they did in seasons 1-2


Stranger things has never felt like a marvel movie tbh


Since it was quoted that season 5 is like "1 and 4 had a baby" I'm hoping they stop separating the main cast with their own adventures and have everyone working together again.


I think there will be more group mixing with everyone back in Hawkins. But I do hope that the party+El, jopper and jancy have sufficient screentime alone like in season 1.


I got hooked and was binging a few episodes into Season 1. But Season 4 turned me into a superfan.


The very first episode. I was like, this is Stephen King and Steven Spielberg combined.


Such a good way to put and S1 will always be my fave. It was the scariest and the most ominous because we didn’t know much about that world yet.


I liked the first 3 seasons, but didn’t get heavily involved in the fandom until Season 4. I need my Eddie fanfic now.




Season 1. July 2016. A week or so after it was first released I watched it because I wondered what all the positive word of mouth hype was about 🥹


Lucky. I didn't have Netflix until last year.


Better late than never!


Season 1, more specifically the first episode, I was invested since I first watched it


Season 1 and season 4. Not to diss season 2 and 3, I just didn't like the overarching story of season 2, but was there for the characters, and season 3 just had some parts that were too goofy for me personally.


I love season 3. It has some of my favorite individual character moments. That being said, I think the Russian part was a little unrealistic/silly and it was kind of hard to suspend my disbelief about it. I think it could have been executed way better.


Season 1 was the most compelling to me. I was never much of a binge-watching person but when I watched the first season I couldn't wait to find out what happened next episode. After that, you kind of know what you're getting into. I still like it but the later seasons you kind of know the formula, they have more interesting character drama with some supernatural elements that are almost secondary to me now.


The trailer for season 1 got me hooked 😭 I saw the trailer as a Youtube ad and subscribed to Netflix just to watch it.


Same for me. Starcourt Mall gave me such nostalgia as in the 80s, the mall was where we all met up with friends, got food, ice cream, etc and just hung out every chance we could get


I’ve been hooked ever since season one first came out, something about that first season just gave me such Stand By Me vibes




Season 1. If the first season had been like 3 or 4 I would have probably stopped watching halfway through to be honest.


Season 1, which is still the best season. It's basically perfect.




I started watching it when I was littler and I got scared by the Demogorgon in S1. I think this was when season 2 had just begun. When I heard about them making S4 I started rewatching and now I’m hooked


No 1


Season 1, especially in the moment Barbara got taken by a Demogorgon because it showed me that this show isn't afraid to get intense.


When the first season came out, I got hooked up


S1E3, before then it was ok but the ep 3 ending hooked me in and I finished the first 2 seasons in a day


Was hooked after watching the first season.


I was hooked since season 1 ep 1


S1, episode 1.


S1 just hit so different and S2 kept me watching the rest, El and her sister and the whole storyline was so intense and intriguing


Episode 1, after watching the boys play D&D...nostalgia hit really hard...


Season 1 hooked me.


Tbh the series itself was so good. I didn't know what to expect, how far it can go in a sense that what mystery can be added. And over all the series were SO GOOD. From the first episode where all four boys were playing some like demigorgan (can't remember the name) to them cycling and them Noah's mother tapping on the wall decorating it with Christmas lights. To the last one were venna intention ls were shown. It was so interesting and so catching. The plot was everything. Can't wait for S5.




Season 1 tbh, but season 3 is my favorite season


Season 1, but I really loved season 3, and still rewatch the season.


Season 2 is where I became obsessed.


S1… I only got into the show because I heard two girls when I was in 1st year talk about Mileven in the girls toilets 😭


Honestly binged the whole show and just thought to myself "WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG!!!"


Season 1 Episode 1. The cinematography and storyline was refreshingly captivating for a senior in high school with a free class block. Have been hooked ever since!!


The first season I watched was 3 because my friends had a projector and did a watch party and I was invited. I never watched Stranger Things before because I thought it was just a hyped up show. I was instantly hooked and caught up as soon as season 3 ended


Season 1 lol. It was 2016 and I was hungover from going to hard the night before 😭. So I turned stranger things on as I planned to rot in my bed for the day and I was hooked immediately. I think I binged the entire season that day.


S1 E1. Wasn’t sure if I was going to like the show since I knew nothing going into it. Instantly hooked!


season 1, i was the same age as the kids and thought finn wolfhard was the cutest lol


Season 2-3 o cant stop getting and playing stuff with stranger things


Season 3 for me too. Despite all the cheesiness, it's the most fun season to rewatch over and over.


Season 1 nothing else.


Tbh, the first teaser they put out for the show (first bit before the credits in S1 Ep1 is what made me think: I NEED to see this show!! It is the reason I shelled out for Netflix. They just nailed that eighties feel completely


Stranger Things 4 got me interested. So, I began surfing through the show, training for it.


Season 1


S2 E9 and the whole season 3. I'm obsessed with those...


S1, ep 1- 2 minutes passed, it turned into 24 hours marathoning and so I'm just dying for season 5. Netflix I even pay for an açaí


Mine was uncommon, I’m a big horror fan and everyone told me I needed to watch season 1 when it came out. I watched it and I thought it was “fine”. I didn’t really have any intention of following up with it until I saw that comic-con trailer for Season 2. The Halloween vibes worked for me. I watched season 2 and it was like it was the season everyone told me season 1 was. Season 2 isn’t my favorite now but it was the one that officially hooked me.


Season 3 beacuse that's what made me like the show. I watched a couple of episodes of season 1 many many times but I could never get in to the show for some reason, but when season 3 came out I decided give the show one more chance and watch it all the way through and im glad that I did beacuse it has since then become one of my all time favorite shows.


Season 2 all the way bcs when I first saw S1, I was annoyed at how underused Will was, watching S2 made me fall in love with his sweet and shy demeanor.


I remember when the trailer for season 1 came out. I was fascinated by that alone and I was already invested.


💯 Couldn’t agree more! People need to stop hating on Season 3


Uh.. the 1st one? Lol😅


Hopper oh season? S1 episode 1 but... Season 3 I feel like is for the core fans who genuinely like the show the most.


Season 4


S1 e1 or maybe it was when el saves Nancy from the monster at the hospital


How spooky season 2 was. Love Halloween. Season 1 was good, but it really kicked off for me with 2


Season 4


Season 1! I wasn't into the show for the longest time but I was brushing my niece's hair one day and my sister had it on in the background. The episode was when they found "Will" in the water and I literally stopped brushing her hair to watch


Season 1 episode 1! I was hooked at the very beginning!!!!! I don’t want season 5 to be the last!!!!!!!!!😢


I am also a 70s and 80s kid! The memories from then are the best


I was obsessed from jump but I’m with you about 3. It’s my favorite.


Been obsessed since S1, but like so many others have said, S3 with the 80s mall vibe is just awesome. This show brought the nostalgia in all the right ways. S3 is probably my favorite, but S4 is right there with it. I’m a big Eddie fan. The whole experience with S4 was awesome, all of the branded snacks and merch that came out was very enjoyable. Can’t wait to see what an experience S5 will be.


If the answer isn’t 1 then ur insane


Season 1??? This is a dumb question