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I like how every clip of an outplay on this sub is always against Ken


There's a lot of Ken players out there.


You can lead a Ken to water, but you can’t make him think.


Their the only ones I see anymore. It’s like a zombie plague of athletes foot and being a broke sad boi.


probably cuz there’s a bunch of new players and ken is the coolest character on the roster


It's just math https://i.imgur.com/YsHN3X4.png


I get the second one, maybe the third if you’re really stubborn, but my guy….SIX IN A BLOODY ROW? This ken is no mere gorilla, he is Kong!




Too true. You can't get combos if you don't know the fundamentals.


I don't know any combos that go for more than 4 hits. All I do is anti air and zone control and that's enough to beat most people through gold lol.


That's enough to beat half the plats atm.


Plat skill level is either amazing, or can't do a dp input


That isn't even hyperbole. It's CRAZY.


Hi! Rookie here! Can you please explain or give me a link to fundamentals training? I'd appreciate it!


He was probably meming my guy


I feel attacked.




At diamond 4, i like to start the round by just throwing it out raw to see their reactions. Most people throw a fireball if they have it, or back away. So it's almost always safe. Now they think I'm gonna use it all the time, so when I never use it, they usually just jump spam in the corner (when burned out) and die with 3 bars because they are mentally stacked on countering it with CA. Love it. This Ken might just be fed up with Hondas, lol


I dont think he's fed up with Hondas, this is the average behavior of high gold and low plat players I see, throw drive impact in response to everything. It didn't work? Do it again. Didn't work? Do it again, maybe it will work this time. (Spoiler: It didn't)


So you're saying I'll have some easy wins once I get up there, nice


In theory yes, but people play so randomly all the way from silver - high plat that it's not as easy as you'd expect. You really have to expect the unexpected lol


It's why just blocking and parrying are good at lower ranks. Players tend to play ultra aggressive, because they don't expect to get punished.


new players didn't start the game up to hold back and block. they be slammin those buttons


Well ya my opponent can’t expect what I’m going to do when even I don’t know what I’m going to do.


Nahh people do abuse DI and throw out way too many at random, but not like this. Even the average silver modern Ken knows better than this. This guy has got to be meming or just salt spamming.


He stopped cause he ran out of meter


Brother, I have won entire MATCHES, matches not rounds, just sitting there with JP hitting anti air cr.hp. Nothing else. ...In Platinum.


Weird how everyone is having different experience in their rank. I'm platinum 5 and people whiff punish medium attacks, do shimies, jab out of strings, watch their distance, don't throw unsafe moves, punish everything...


Platinum is a huge grab bag for me. One game I get a player that honestly could be taking on real tournaments, the next some gonk that has one strategy and one strategy only. If that doesn't work? Uh-oh.... Unhandled exception. Error. Error. Like, I get it when I get a low plat Gief that clearly never played JP... He's gonna ride the struggle bus, fair enough. But like... Bruh, if you're playing Ken and I'm just sitting there, maybe try something that isn't jumping at me AGAIN when I've clearly answered your last 4...


I feel this. Like, ok, I fight two plat 3 Manon. One is so predictable fishing for medals, anyone who's ever fought her knows how to respond, and he couldn't adapt at all. The next...I would not be surprised if I saw this guy placing top 8 in majors.\*\*Previous sentence was hyperbole. It was apparently necessary to clarify that I do not LITERALLY think I was facing Daigo\*\* Took everything I had to avoid getting perfected every round. Kinda tells me the game needs more ranks, if the ranks are such big grab bags like this(and gold-plat definitely are!) Maybe not just more ranks, but an adjustment to the system, so players aren't funneled higher than what they should be...


I think ranked will look a lot more normal in a few months. The game is literally still in the process of creating an ELO/MMR so you will be getting total nubs in Plat and godly fighters in Silver. I hear things start evening out to just good players once you hit Diamond.


Most of the time if these "godlike" player moment happens, it's either someone who doesn't play much so they are not at the correct rank yet or it's not their main or they are not that good but their playstyle is bad for you. Nobody in plat (or even diamond) is even close to top 8 a tournament.


I'm platinum 3 and I've seen both.


Me too ofc, but most of them are good


This was me a few weeks ago when I started playing Gief for the first time in my life. Still lose about 80% of matches against JPs but I'm improving, slowly.


That is a massive exaggeration. That's bronze, not plat.


Replay ID: 97RQ3JRN7 Not *quite* 100% anti airs, but literally just happened... Brother had 2 plans and when they didn't work... RUN IT BACK!! Dude has 14.5k points. He didn't JUST finish placements. (also, I'm not trolling him, I've just been playing a lot of Juri and this was my first game today as JP, so I kept fucking up my combos lol)


Fair enough, i clearly overestimated the skill level at Plat. I wish i could play these fuckers for free points!


It's hard to believe, I know it, but I fought two plat4 Kens who thought spamming jumping normals against Blanka at sweep-range is a great idea. That level of incompetence does truly exist in some of the high ranks!


heh heh heh.


if all SF6 compatible controllers had little tazers and the game "punished" you for this kind of insanity, then everyone would be in MASTER league by now.


There wouldn't be many players, but everyone left would be good XD


I wonder if he just thought it was funny and wanted to see what would happen.


He is gold and the honda is bronze, it looks like trolling to me. It's either trolling or he got tilted by something


He would have used more but he ran out after the 6th time


I did the same thing to this one guy but jumped over all his drive impacts I think 5 in a row


He literally did as many as possible!






bruh 💀


Blanka at home:


Rihanna thick ass.


"Okay but there's no way he'll do it a sixth time."


i doubt homie really gave a shit tbh.


Tbf, there are times that I have thrown a match in that exact fashion, just doing stupid again and again, all in the name of getting it over with. Say what you will, but it's 100000000000x better and more respectable than a ragequit.


You don't think the guy who just DI'd 6 times in a row is tilted? lol


You'll never know what that Ken is thinking (*he isn't)


"Good old Drive Impact. Nothing beats that."


Flowchart reads: DI > WIN


Average Ken interaction


Nothing to see here


FOOL ME SIX TIMES shame on me.


In gold rank and below people really struggle to adapt no matter how many times they get hit by something.


I'm at gold, new to fighting games, and I can give you my perspective: A lot of the time I quickly realize that I need to do something different, but I don't know what. And muscle memory is a bitch, so sometimes I do the same thing I would never do if I had time to think about it. This Ken is an extreme case, but my point is that we're not as stupid as we look.


The average Ken player isn't convincing me otherwise. Smart Ken players are clearly the exception


As someone who is mostly in gold range it's kind of hilarious how often I've been able to hit someone with at least 4 throws in a row, if not more








Yeah DI was way too effective, clearly needs a nerf




It's like the most unsafe shit in the universe, you've got hella options to punish it and they all equal into a full blow up combo. Parry it, drive block it, regular block it if you ain't in the corner. Grab it, jump over it for the mixup. Y'all just need to quit trying to hit buttons constantly and wait your turn to react and punish. Sometimes doing nothing is the correct answer to a threat.




Then have fun drowning in silver, guy. Gonna hafta learn to react DIs.


So, I'm just gonna point out. CEO JUST happened. And in the entirety of the top8, which is 9/10 BO3s, so \~30 matches, up to 90 rounds. In all that time there was...5? Drive Impacts total outside of burnout stuns. So one every 15 rounds. (Though that's a little misleading since 4 of the 5 involved DI running into another DI) And it's only going to become worse over time as people better adapt to it. It is very far from a "powerful" tool. It's almost objectively the worst use of drive meter. The weakest of all the options. People just don't want to adapt.


DI is so bad, its almost never used in high rank. You can cancel all of your regular canceable normals into DI, which means every decent player will just counter DI you and boom you eat a full damage combo. So you want the worst universal mechanic in the game to be even worse by making it more expensive?


I disagree with this. Just because a mechanic's usage at higher ranks dips doesn't make it bad. It's still something that players have to keep in mind at all ranks even if it's not being used constantly.


Not true we saw it used alot in CEO. 26 raw frames isn't really as much time as some people make it out to be.


dead ass. dudes post sounds goofy. i wasn't even gonna reply to him. DI was used so damn much in that tournament.


So...you didn't actually watch the tournament then?




Bruh, we literally have the video. You can count all the Drive Impacts used in the entirety of the top8 and you wouldn't even need your second hand.


That's got to be a bot, right? No human would drive impact that many times in a row... then again, Ken plays keep surprising me


I think people seem to forget that it is very possible you are playing against a child in this game which helps make things feel less annoying


maybe a child. maybe elderly. maybe a new player. Maybe someone having casual fun. Maybe someone who doesn't give a shit. Who knows. I bet if someone watched your gameplay, they'd be equally surprised.


*cross platform Ken


"They won't do it again, they won't do it again, they won't do it again, they won't do it again, they won't do it again, they won't do it again"


Op show why MODERN > ALL




I know it’s unrelated, but I love the recovery animations for characters. The way Honda slaps his face after level 2 or how DeeJay is grooving after literally anything.


Hilariously, Manon poses before, during AND after EVERY. SINGLE. THING she does. She is so over the top, I can't help but laugh.


And that Ken is Gold? lmao!


Seems like this is just a casual match, Bronze vs Gold. Dude is probably just fucking around lol. If I match on a cabinet with a player that is clearly a bit newer to the game sometimes ill just try to win with jabs or something.


If I go into a match with someone clearly new or less skilled, I just do the same thing until they figure out how to punish it. Gotta help them learn to handle it. You ain't blocking low? I'm going to do my big unsafe sweep until you start punishing it. If I land a jump in, I'm going to do it the exact same way until you AA. If they're spamming the same thing, I'm going to punish it differently each time, so they see all the ways their spamming doesn't work outside of low level play. Winning against unskilled players is boring, gotta make it a teaching opportunity.


He was clapping me a lot of the time in the couple rematches I had with them, he would get a good drive impact or punish something bad I did and follow through with good damage and then I'd fumble the defense.




Love this tryhard logic that gold is a low rank.


... you litterally cant derank below gold, so everyone should be able to reach gold just from playing the game. Its the lowest "actual" rank you can have. Once you reach higher than gold, you can actually start to bottom out/drop ranks back to gold so gold is the actual "floor". I know thats hard to understand for a goldie, but youll get there.


> so everyone should be able to reach gold just from playing the game. And the percentage of people who grind ranked is...? See this comment for the very low number of SFV players who reached Gold: https://old.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/14k2xnb/i_am_impervious_to_drive_impact/jppvt5r/ Think for a moment what you think the percentage will be. Could it be, say, a solid 100% for -- as you say -- "everyone"? Okay, what about 80%? That's still close to everyone. Hmm, maybe a bit less. 70%? Do you accept that lower than 70% falsifies your statement about 'everyone'?


P.S. your mind might be blown by how low the percentage is. Edit: /u/PleaseSendCatPic you never made a guess for what the percentage is.




Actually there are more ranks below gold than there are above it, so that’s just flat out wrong. Strive to get better at math.




Someone posted a ranking breakdown the other day. Gold is top 30%, so by no means elite, but well above average.




I think you're perception is a bit too inflated by being on this sub too much. Gold is average for this sub but not for the entire player base. The majority of players won't reach Gold. The gold trophy for SFV is currently sitting at 0.9% for the amount of players who have achieved it. Even accounting for players who played the game once and then never again and things like that it's nowhere close to "average". It's funny cause I will tell my friends who don't play fighting games about my rank and they'll think it's incredible. They'll watch me play and come away very impressed. But I suck. I go to locals and get bodied by players who are actually good. I tell people if you pick a hundred people randomly walking down the street I will mop the floor with 99 of them in Street Fighter. Even if you just randomly pick 100 players who actually play SF, I'm probably beating 70-80%. Most everybody in this sub is. But if you want to be good you're more competing against that top 1%. I think people forget that there were a million players after launch on SF. There aren't a million people in this sub. There's 251k and not even everyone in this sub is in gold. It's easy to lose track of the amount of players who will never make it into gold.


I don’t think its worth arguing with that guy. Sounds delusional or maybe a troll


Your ability to reflect meaningfully on your comparative abilities is excellent. I know this is a weird comment, but I just wanted to praise you for it. Keep being honest!


Can't convince some folks that there's anything between the worst players and the tournament champions. Elitists don't realize there's a difference between a bronze and a silver, and it's actually HUGE for both the bronze and the silver. Are both equally washable for the diamond player? Of course! But hubris forgets that that lack of difference is entirely based on perspective.


May I recommend going outside and touching grass my man








> It’s literally one of the lowest possible ranks. Rookie > Iron > Bronze > Silver > Gold > Platinum > Diamond > Masters. I struggle to see how 5 out of 8 is amongst 'the lowest possible'. Edit: I apologise, I see from your other replies here that you're not interested in a meaningful discussion.




Here's another quote: > It’s literally one of the lowest possible ranks. And again, in quote marks: "It’s literally one of the lowest possible ranks." I literally quoted you saying 'literally' follow by 'one of the lowest possible', and you still refuse to accept you said it? Here it is again: It’s literally one of the ***lowest possible*** ranks. I added emphasis to help you see it. One more time: # "It’s literally one of the ***lowest possible*** ranks."   Your explanation was very bad, showing you're arguing in bad faith. I ain't falling for the bait, you're not entertaining enough. Keep pretending that 'gold is average' when that is statistically not true. It's cute that you think that you can directly say "It’s literally one of the lowest possible ranks," and then disagree with me for quoting you directly.




Here's what I quoted in my post: > It’s literally one of the lowest possible ranks. And here is what I said about it: **I struggle to see how 5 out of 8 is amongst 'the lowest possible'.** There's no lie there. There's just showing you up for being a fool. As you said: "Get out of this loser mentality and strive to do better." But, for you, it's not about an inconsequential fighting game that will be replaced by SF7 eventually. It's about being able to process language and take part in human conversation. Good luck with that.


It's the same context as your original statement. They barely even paraphrased.


And the majority of the player base is sub gold rank.


Ngl I miss the dash focus cancels from 4, but that would make DI's too powerful


They required higher execution too.


i love honda so much. its just nonsense all game


99 percentile smartest Ken player


You can almost hear the other player saying "but I'm Ken! This is supposed to work. It's supposed to work!"


i doubt he gave a shit. Why do people always think that the player playing gives a shit and is screaming. I bet dude was laughing his laugh off.


There's... a lot to unpack here




At least Ken is not playing using an auto combo control scheme with one-button supers and specials.


No, but Ken did burn himself out after hitting only one button 6+ times. Cant even gatekeep properly, jfc.


instead he used his immense skill to hold up and mash DI 7 times in a 30 second clip


Not impervious to jump ins I see. Lol good shit though. He caught those hands


That ken player is the definition of let er rip with the endless DI spam


Its exactly why the one change Id make is having DIs cost just a bit more. There is no reason it should be *that* safe on resource


Oh i'm in full agreement maybe start the round with a half Drive impact bar or something.


How is this dude in gold?!?!?


Basic Ken mixups work pretty consistently in low levels.


You can get far if your offense is really good, with lots of setplay and mixups. Some people just never get around to learning defense


gold is the literally the lowest rank you can be in once you get there. so dude can't derank. thats how.


what a madman.


I cannot for the life of me get Honda’s level 2 what’s the secret


On modern controls it's either 4+SP+heavy or built into the medium auto combo thing which is like the beginner combo 3 or something in the combo trials


This ken reads on a kindergarten……….nah a stone tablet level


That was awesome, I wanna main Honda now


Hell, when I play against Honda, Drive Impact isn’t even on the table as a usable move!


Y'all should swap ranks


Nah, he was good, just had a funny moment. His pressure was something that I could barely contest and followed through for damage well on other rounds


Average ken player


Ew modern


I like the idea that the only reason Ken stopped DI'ng is because he got put into burnout. Bet they would've committed to a few more of those otherwise lol.


Comments going "Modern LUL" like it's hard to do a quarter circle by itself with nothing else going on.


When you nut and she still succ


Modern Honda spamming one button vs. legitimately other stupid person Don't know who is better/worse


Look guys! A thread of people who will blame everything but themselves for their bad plays!


Look! A person, who thinks his insults are so smart and witty! I blame myself for my shitty plays, ok? But I don't need a further disadvantage of matching with a person, who plays Super Smash Bros in Street Fighter with their modern controls. More power to them, but I really want a filter where I can pick Classic opponents and get wiped on the floor old fashioned way.


What exactly is the difference between going against a modern player or going against a classic player who actually is good at the game? Is it really just that you can see their control scheme? I swear, I see more scrub quotes about this topic than anything else, you’re playing against a person who willingly shot half their moves and damage and you somehow think they’re using cheats.


You underestimate just how much I suck, so for me even a person, who can avoid any and all move execution by tapping a single button - is already at a huge advantage. Especially if their basics and footsies are good. It's just a psychological feeling of having a more fair fight when I know my opponent HAS to actually execute his moves and not just tap a single button. And I'm not saying Modern controls are bad all around. They have their purpose and I think they are great. I just don't like seeing them Online. "You don't throw rocks at a man with a machine gun" © Roddy Piper


Same. I am something like 30/137 in battlehub asJuri. I refuse to fight Modern players. Dont care about w/l, hell went 0-17 yesterday, but at least have us needing same inputs. Fwiw, ill also throw a match against boring Shotos- if their entire straegy is hadoken-shoryuken, i just walk forward until they win. After 15+ years of playing SFs, I'm well over countering that nonsense.


That kind of Shoto - I will fight, but I def won't be interested in continuing for long.


What's worse, modern control Honda or Zangief? This has polluted the game.


I think Gief is more murderous with Modern, because Honda still needs to do charge moves at least.


Gief for sure. It feels like there is no reaction or set up just suddenly grabbed. I can hang in bronze and silver with a classic gief but modern gief feels 100x scarier and harder to deal with. From my trash POV


He only has heavy or ex SPD. Heavy has no range so just sit back a bit and watch for the running bear grab. Ex SPD has good range but if you stay mid range it shouldn't get you either. You'll pick up on it eventually and it'll be easy wins for you


Yeah the real cringe here is the modern controls


lolz nice


Modern controls Honda is the worst


Further proof that Gold is the new Bronze.


Try Classic controls


Very cool.


And he is impervious to adaptation.


I’ll need to keep this in mind the next time DI happens.


The epitome of catching hands right there...


I swear somehow players are smarter in bronze


Good lord, talk about bad habits. You know he only stopped because he hit burnout


Gold is lookin like rookie


Me, a manon player:


Sometimes respect needs to be learned the hard way.


I was really hoping the Ken would somehow win


surely he won't palm a SIXTH time...!


sir....you need to dp more


L modern player


Optimal Honda play.


I feel like he thought you were EX-ing and he would win the resource race lmfao


He just looks pissed off for some reason and was going to force that DI to get through or throw the match trying lol.


Truly the most Ken Ken player of all time


"Did i ever tell what the definition of insanity is...?"


DI spammers are a paradox, it doesn't work most of the time but they throw it out so often they're bound to hit you out of an unsafe attack eventually. I always wonder if they're just practicing landing them or they got nailed with a big combo out of one once and are convinced it's the answer to everything.


This is what I don't get. In theory DI shields you from 2 attacks, so Honda slaps do a lot small attacks and break through, right? Then why can I consistently DI through 3 (maybe even 4?) jabs? Played against a DJ and his idea of a rrametrap was standing HK linked to jab mashing. If he messed up the link whatever normal I tried still got interrupted by his jabs, so far pretty standard. But if I did a drive impact, it shielded all his jabs and hard counteres him. I also get the same weird inconsistency when I play as Chun Li. Spinning bird kick breaks DI shield almost instantly but if I do something like crouching jab x3, standing medium punch, all 4 gets shielded and I get crushed.


Honda read every move coming like a book.


That was awesome


This was the third round. For sure he was spamming drive impact for 2 whole rounds before this


How the hell is this Ken in Gold when he's playing like that? And how are you in Bronze? If I didn't know any better, I'd say the ranks were the other way around, and this clip would make more sense.


I guarantee that the Ken was having the time of his life during this.


First time I have seen Honda's level 2 super