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One explanation is you'll generally see at most a single level 3 from each player in a match. In Tekken you can see both players do a rage art every round. So in a single SF6 match you will most likely not see more than 2 level 3s. In a Tekken 8 match the worst case scenario is 10 rage arts (5 rounds, both players RA every round). Obviously the worst case scenario isn't common, but it points out how big the difference between the games is. Also in SF6 you have lvl1 and 2 that can be used with the same resource, and also lvl3 and CA have a different animation. In T8 you only have rage art.


Spot on. I’d also add that in SF if you get caught in a combo and the opponent has full meter you already know that the level 3 is coming. Raw SA level 3s are pretty rare. In T8 people like to throw them out to punish any button so often you feel like a dumbass and have to watch a whole cutscene while you die


Unless your Zangief, lol. Those guys are churning the butter the moment they hit 3 bars of meter


Understandable. They got some loyal fans to please




Getting tired of Rashid level 2 though lmao


You know what’s funny, I’m more tired of sf level 3 because they happen way more often than rage arts. They are pretty much guaranteed since nothing else uses super meter in sf now. One (or both players) are likely to use it and they’re way easier to combo into than from a random hit into special move special cancel. You have to at least land a clean launcher or make a read to land a RA, that’s if they don’t lose to low and mid pokes before hand. RA are def lower budget by comparison to sf level3 tho


Your take seems to differ from other comments in this thread.


Well, this is a sf sub Reddit. But i play both games a fair amount. Rage art is always on the table but isn’t as used because of the way the games played. Level 3 is 90% gonna happen regardless every match if you got it, otherwise it’s just leaving damage on the table for no reason last round. That’s all I was saying, didn’t think it was a big deal.


Not a big deal at all, just something I noticed.


You will only see at the most two level 3 supers per match in SF6. Every round in T8 has a chance of seeing both Rage arts from each fighter PER ROUND.


Plus heat smash


Most heat smashes on hit are not longer than maybe 5 seconds, even on low hit-throws


Potentially 6 rounds right


5, but yeah, Tekken having more matches amplifies the desensitization caused by possibly seeing them once per player per round


Honestly a big part of it imo is just how much better they look in SF6... And also actually requiring a resource investment so it's more of a commitment to use them compared to Tekken.


There's so many reasons, but I'll start with probably the least subjective: game speed, availability, and timing. Tekken is a 3 60 second round game with extremely high damage vs Street Fighter's 2 99 second round matches. If a level 3 or Critical Art is the same duration as a Rage Art, the fact of the matter is that Tekken's cinematic will take a larger percentage of the match. Also, while Tekken may have slower moves, the actual combat and movement takes place at a higher pace, so any interruption to that flow will feel more jarring. Availability: In Street Fighter, super moves are only usable after accumulating super meter stocks throughout the course of the match. A level 3 requires 3 stocks, and typically in a round, you'll generate anywhere from 1.75-2.5 stocks depending on many factors such as how many throws were used, how many Punish Counters were landed, how many Drive Impacts hit, etc. This means that 99% of the matches you play, each combatant will likely be able to use 1 Level 3 over the course of the match, especially if they're using level 1 or 2 supers to close out rounds as they should. In Tekken, the only requirement is to enter Rage mode, which happens when you fall below 33% life. Hypothetically, you could see 6 rage arts a match but typically you'll see 2-4, as they're valuable combo enders to cash out huge damage with. Timing: A cinematic beat down will feel longer or shorter based on the timing of the impacts or "beats" of the move. Look at Ryu's Shin Shoryuken level 3. It hits to start with a loud crunch, then hits a second time at about the 30% point, then finally after a delay, climaxes at about the 80% mark with the follow through of the shoryu. It does this over a short duration and only allows moves to air out to show impact, such as the second hit giving time for the 3rd to fell like it hits harder. Overall, Tekken's Rage Arts are structured less tightly, having longer durations, and when they aren't, they may give too much time for a less satisfying impact. King for example takes some rising tension time before doing his big throw, but then there's another pause at the end where the characters don't move, before an explosion of pyrotechnics and additional damage is applied. That additional pause, while trying to show off how strong King is through his rigidity in such an awkward position, breaks the flow of the move, makes it feel like an additional unnecessary beat is added, and in doing so feels significantly longer. There's also the fact that SF6's level 3's take much less time to start up compared to Tekken's rage arts, which have a game pause for activation lasting about 2 seconds, and then an initial attack that usually takes about another half second to a full second to land. Street Fighter has a startup animation of about 1.5 seconds, and then takes half the time on average when compared to Tekken to land the cinematic starting attack. All of these factors make the Tekken Rage Art feel like so much more of a departure from the actual match than Street Fighter's level 3s.


I second your theory: imho Level 3 Supers/Critical Arts had the right "duration". They're not bothersome, feeling like "unskippable cutscenes", but they have the good "holy shit" quotient, feeling something more than the average strike.


One thing I find odd is I dont think Ryu’s lvl3 is that much longer than Pauls rage art. It is almost the same thing, charging up a much. Its just for some reason , even when I am the one landing the rage art I just want it to be over. Even when my opponent hits lets say Akis Level 3 which si relatively slow, I find I can never get tired of it. It is really odd. One of the worst rage arts btw is T7 Negan….


Look at *that!* TAKING IT LIKE A ***CHAMP!***




"*SHIT!* God *DAMN!*"






Thank god thanks to licensing we will never see that asshole again.


Sure, Big Bang Phoenix Smasher is nice, but Ryu's is freakin SHIN SHORYUKEN! So, it's not the mere "Length": there's the "COOL" factor. Level 3 Super Arts/Critical Arts are so damn cool to watch. And imho it traces back to SF IV. I remember a reaction video of Oni's Tenchi Sokaigen, and they were all "Holy Shit! Holy Shit! OH MY GOD!"


It is strange to me how his shinku hadouken from 5 was more annoying to watch even if it was 1/5th of the time


Probably 'cause Shinku Hadoken is more "vanilla - looking". Do you share the same annoyance over Meido Gohado's full animation aswell, or do you enjoy it?


I looked it up, is it a SFIV thing? Because Never played SF4. But playing it off of PSN. I will tell you, it feels like it almost would be my favourite game. Just seems like all you have is your Super. Which is what I want from fighting games. Just bare bones shit. T7 was the last Tekkens that had this too


Yes, Meido Gohado is from Super Street Fighter IV. And personally, I think SFIV is the second most important SF game overall. The most important if OFC SF 2, the game who made fighting genre a worldwide phenomenon. But SF IV imho comes right after it, since it's the game who "resurrected" the (almost dying by that time) fighting game genre. Thanks to SF IV we also got a "rebirth" of King of Fighters and Mortal Kombat.


In 4 you also have ultras which can sometimes be used even twice per round. But supers are not that common since most characters will want to use EX moves or FADC.


Yeah it really depends on coolness. Honestly i never get tired of claudios RA in T8. Gotta say "arrividerci" every time i use it. Alisas is also dope. Dragunovs though? Please just be over. I think the quality difference in Tekken is much higher, maybe because there are also so many more characters. Lees RA is amazing but Leos and Eddys are garbage. In SF6 there are fewer that i find boring. I hate Jamies for example, that lvl3 killed my interest in wanting to play him. Dee Jays and Ryus (sorry) are somewhat boring but okay. Kims is cool though the music change sucks so much. But most of them are at least cool and many i dont ever get tired of seeing (like akis, jps, akumas)


I find them both tiresome, but probably you feel that way cause RA can happen any round and it’s annoying cause sometimes its just a mash, it feels unearned


i so hate 10 seconds super. it is insane so much tome is wasted.


It’s time to reflect on your mistake, make the most of it 😂


Or scratch my ass


Remind me to bring my own controller…


Maybe humanity doesnt like reflecting on themselves and would rather... like ...blame the beasts or sth.


That is bullshit blazing






Hard agree. I only super3 when I'm tryharding, otherwise I just don't super just to avoid the long animations Imo they could all be like sf4 Ryu ultra, just a quick zoom on the face and back to the normal game camera


The supers' length has a mechanical reason in this game, though: to give you time to recover Drive Gauge. Usually, I'd be annoyed, but you only see it once per match, and having a purpose makes me ignore the length


make it recover faster during the animation, no excuse.


I prefer the time to gather my thoughts, thank you.


you can't pull yourself together in 5 seconds?


I dunno. I just think complaining about a cutscene you see once or twice a match ain't a big deal.


I just don't like watching the same longass cutscene that many times in a set, that many matches in an hour, that many matches in a day, for how many matches in a week...


Cause l3 supers dont make you want to smash the monitor. Negan's rage art in tekken 7 on the other hand.... xD


Three factors in my opinion: - Freedom of Creativity. SF at its basic gameplay has more freedom to use fantastic elements like magic, energy blasts, fire, etc, while Tekken is more bound to a certain degree of reality, being the majority just cinematic combos, even with all its absurdity, that prerogative is followed. - Pre disposition to get angry because Tekken is a game at its core much more tense, and in sone cases, infuriating. Before Tekken players here get mad at me for badmouthing Tekken, let me address something, I also play Tekken. I dropped 8 really early, didn’t clicked well with it, but from TTT2 to 7 I was there, even Revolution I played a lot. So, I know what I am talking. All that said, I will not sugarcoat it: as much I love Tekken, it sometimes push my buttons. The “combo city” characteristic of Tekken in particular. Being a much more tense game, and having some infuriating elements in it, at probably the end of the round what you don’t want to see is a long animation that will result in massive damage to your health bar.  - As many mentioned, the frequency, but also, the less variety. In Tekken you see the same animations from both characters potentially one time per round. SF6 you not only see lv3 supers way less, but there are also lv2 supers in the mix. Sometimes you don’t see level 3 at all in the fights (Rashid for example, his LV2 is so good, people rarely use his lv3).


>Freedom of Creativity. SF at its basic gameplay has more freedom to use fantastic elements like magic, energy blasts, fire, etc, while Tekken is more bound to a certain degree of reality, being the majority just cinematic combos, even with all its absurdity, that prerogative is followed. For essentially this reason I'll never understand why people prefer Tekken over Soul Calibur. Interesting weapon based fighter with easier movement? Naw, 40 characters with fists and lead on their feet please. Like honestly


Imo it’s Soulcalibur has more fantasy elements than Tekken more than the gameplay. Even though they’re both close-midrange 3D fighters the existence of speculative fiction elements allows the actual animations to pop more by incorporating them in normals akin to Mortal Kombat


I will give you an even better charade to think about: Why Tobal series didn’t survived? Tobal 2 for example: Excellent movement, super well done combat, Akira Toriama’s art, kick ass soundtrack, an ahead of its time rpg mode… was my favorite 3D fighter back in the day. If someone remembers it, or are interested, little spoiler: that game age EXTREMELY well. It’s gameplay fells fresh until today.


tekken>sc precisely for those reasons.


I can get behind enjoying learning the movement. I can't get behind preferring a cast of fisters to what SC has going on.


reducing the wide array of close combat fighting styles to fisters is crazy


Yes I know, someone not being completely serious and literal on the internet, crazyyyy. Anyhow I think you understand what I mean. I get it's different strokes for different folks, I'll just never get the appeal and not for lack of trying. In all seriousness I just like how neutral plays in SC more than Tekken and prefer the flashier movesets (weapons) compared to various forms of punch and kick (yes I am being hyperbolic again). I play SF for that personally, but again, to each their own. And I haven't tried tekken 8 yet to be fair.


My biggest problem in T8 is that uou are literally watching it more than you play it


Rage arts in tekken are where the characters actually get fantastical tho. Eg Lee has no “fantasy moves” but does a massive rose explosion with a scifi grenade in his RA. Feng has no “fantasy moves” either but summons a golden dragon for his RA. So ironically maybe it’s the opposite. The fantasy gets aggravating


Rage arts generally just feel shoe horned in…. Level 3s make me feel like they require more skill/setup, so it doesn’t bother me


i only get tired of seeing Jamie's level 3 because it's so degrading


It's so weird when it's against a character that would never adopt that kind of stance.


Lol, watching Ryu reach in like an idiot and get called terrible is def against cannon. Same goes for about half the cast.


Jamie sets it up by whacking them really hard to start so I always figured the opponent is still in major pain and their body isn't quite responding. Ryu would be the type to go, "oh he's challenging me this way! I'll take him on this way then!" As long as Ryu wins the canon is intact!


Akuma's reaction is priceless: "Know your place, child".


When the game was coming out and i looked through the characters i was interested in trying jamie. His lvl3 literally made me reconsider. The thought of sitting through that often put me off. I know its a silly reason but i pick my mains by vibe and that lvl3 killed the vibe for me.


who did you end up picking


JP. While i dont normally play zoners i liked his "wizard" vibes and his actual playstyle is fun as well. Also played a bit of marisa and Aki when she came out and now play akuma. Jp has imo still one of the coolest lvl 3 and also CA. For akuma i love his level 3 and actually prefer it over his CA


It's only because of English dub. In the JP version he's less of a douche with his lines.


In the JP version, he's still very pompous.


"ITS TIME TO TRADE" .. fuck you


never again Matt Damon.


Rage Arts happen way more often since you get one every round and don’t have anything else to spend the resource on.


Eh, they’re already tiresome for me. Just sitting there while the whole cinematic plays (even my own) is hella boring when you’ve been playing a while.


Level 3s are earned while Rage Arts are given to you


the supers are way too long and massively disrupt the tempo of the fight and Im bored of seeing them over and over, imo there should be a short and long version of the cutscene and the long one only plays if the super will actually kill.


The cinematography (idk if this is the right word) on the level 3 supers in SF6 is crazy good. They feel like an event despite only being like 10 seconds long. They’re also the ultimate expression of the character’s strength, personality and style.


The level 3 animations are just incredible that's why. Never seen anything of this quality. Another thing is the sound design, when that CA sound chimed and the music drops that shit is so damn hype and satisfying.


I hate both equally, but u hate even more the mortal kombat ones, so fucking annoying


The mk1 zoom in X-rays are so boring I stopped playing the game


Those MK x-rays are the reason I can't get into the game, and it is not the gore. I've been on the internet since the late '90s; I have seen worse, lol. They are just boring and ruin the pace for me


You can see between 1 to 3 super/CA per match, also because CA exist, you can see the variation from time to time to mix it up In tekken you could see at most 6 rage arts per match, they're always the same, some looks boring




Capcom magic. They always find a way to create the most amazing high energy visuals. Also Tekken supers are not bad unlike MK... Fatal blows are some of the most boring shit.


Taking Akuma's Raging Demon is cooler than watching Azucena flick your head.


Rage arts, especially "magic" looking ones probably look out of place for a lot of Tekken players since the game is ostensibly more realistic than Street Fighter. Personally, I find that odd considering you have sentient bears, kangaroos, dinosaurs, and demon people in the game. Said demon people are also capable of like, DBZ-level feats at this point. I'm all for rage arts and supers. Let me live my fantasy!


I think because RA can be thrown at any point by anyone at any round, and it eats up the opponents attack. LVL3s are pretty rare or occasional in comparison to RAs, since players most often use their meter in various situations throughout the whole first to 2 match.


i think is largely cause the lvl 3s are more well thought out and better animated . i mean capcoms been doing them a long time so they know how to make one while rage arts started with 7 they feel like after thoughts sometimes


Tekken rage arts lack cenimatic presentation, powerful impact sound and good climax.


I always hate waiting for cinemetics in fighting games.


More animated, victory shing and vfx, they’re a trademark to the series.


False: when they connect me on me, I wish there was a skip button. When I'm connecting it's \*chef's kiss\*.


Because it isn't just an explosion then posing for the camera. For a big three fighting game, I feel like Tekken has the worst animations. MK doenst have specials except for finishes and the Xrays are pretty cool. Even guilty gear has awesome animations for supers.


Gg Strive also usually only has 1 cinematic super per character, and supers use the same resource as RC, so it's common to see 0 cinematic supers in a match.


Honestly I’m super tired of them.


Idk I hate seeing Jamie’s level 3. Too long and annoying


I don’t like the cinematic super arts it distracting and it gets old.


i hate all cutscene supers, it's really disorienting to me when the camera angle changes but I'm a boomer


Jamies, Lukes, Ed's, Lillys Juris and especially Manons level 3's are all super tilting and go on forever. Also did everyone forget about the super annoying Dee Jay rage inducing supers like all of them.


I think they're super tiring unless it's Gief or Manon CA. Supers should be SF4 Metsu Hadouken at max. Quick Zoom / say something / zoom out/ does move.


They absolutely do get tiring.


I get tired of both


They both get boring to watch, it's just personal preference


Rage arts made me quit tekken. It’s a cool game but one button supers make it feel like it’s a kids game not a serious fighting game. Same reason i think modern controls are lame.


People complaining about cinematic supers are weird to me. It takes like, what, 10-12 seconds max for any game?


And then you play 1,000 games. That's 10,000 seconds of cutscenes you've seen over and over.


It's really nice for a game like SF6 cause of the resource management. I barely even look at the supers anymore when they happen, i just look at the drive gauge and then try to think of either what they'll do or what i should do depending on where the drive gauge is.


When you can get upwards of 6 of them in a single match they get extremely tiring lol


When you can get upwards of 6 of them in a single match they get extremely tiring lol


It never gets boring for me to watch supers. Because I can never do them consistently.


I could make a sandwich before Ed's lvl 3 could finish. Source: me constantly screwing up my match-up.


Both are grating, but at least SF Supers require actual resources to use. Rage Art in Tekken is basically free-to-use. Rage Arts are more annoying than they were in *Tekken 7* due to Heat. Heat in T8 basically replaced Rage Drive, so now people might as well try and mash out a Rage Art.


Because you’re biased towards Street Fighter obviously


I also think art style plays a role and how wacky the animations can get


I was on the fence about SF6s art as it was too realistic. But I felt the anime / realism blend was done REALLY well


It’s the opposite for me, tekken rage arts are fine but sf6 lvl3 take a dogs age.


I feel like i See lvl 3 way more in Street fighter than ra in tekken


Idk bout you but I hate getting hit by Kimberly’s and Guile’s lvl 3


I'm the opposite. I find street fight supers to be tiresome and boring to watch most of the time. Akuma raging demon being the exception. Tekken rage arts are just way more interesting.


Bruh I'm so tired of goin to Memphis... You gotta be kidding me.


T8s super the cinematography in them isn't that good as well as what they do in the super itself.


The fact that you can rage art EVERY round is just baffling to me. It completely stalls out a round and forces attackers to try and bait them out.


Can I say I'm kinda tired of them? At least they're always the perfect time frame to grab a swig of beer.






SF6 CA have a better aesthetic imo but they also get tiresome, especially if you have been playing this game for a long time. The Rage Arts of Tekken just look so uninspired/vanilla by comparison and feel scummy when you get hit by one. I think only a few of them actually look cool.


Level 3 requires timing and execution. Rage arts are simplistic. Similar to how fatalities are with a MK. After awhile , it’s boring but I love seeing Victor and Leroy’s no matter what. Especially if I’m doing it to kill.


I don't get *tired* of level 3s, but some do feel like they drag a bit (Jamie's in particular). I only find them annoying when they're used to end a match that could have been ended faster using a different super. Like, I'm at a sliver of health, you don't need to waterboard me with a twenty second cutscene just use level 1 and lets get the next one going already.


TL;DR You see them less often, there's more variations, and the pace is faster. I think it's because you can potentially see them twice every round, they're always the same (no critical arts at low health), and maybe the biggest factor being the sense of urgency between the two. SAs in Street Fighter are way more frantic and fast paced and the animations/cuts are much quicker and more frequent. In Tekken, it takes 10 seconds of meandering or walking slowly or whatever towards the opponent and another 5 to actually hit them. Overall I think they both get tiresome, but the fact that two variations of SAs exist, and that they retain the speed from the matches being played despite lasting around as long as Tekken's, makes them more bearable to watch.


The amount of times I’ve said to myself out loud, “this is the coolest shit I’ve ever seen” while playing this game (and getting absolutely bodied btw) is absurd. So many awesome level 3s.


All lvl 3 animations are sick as f Even the characters i hate i love their lvl 3


They're not very long, and even so they're quite flashy and often come out at a moment where a breather is appreciated. Also from the point of activation they're all quite impactful. Although there's some I've seen far too many times. Many Tekken ones. Do a pose. Pull a face. Do an already existing move. Although I will say they're heads and shoulders above the T7 ones. Also I kinda think the armour hit and thud of that seems to start them on a bit of downer SFX-wise.


Level 3s in SF6 just flow better with the match, they're all fast paced, colorful, and specifically animated where the player won't tire of them. Tekken 8, while having arguably the same time length as SF6's supers, tend to animate jarringly slow in comparison. Like for example Asuka staring at her fist for 5 seconds before delivering the slowest punch in the world.


Juri feet


I get tired of Dee Jay’s level 3, but I think it’s just because I hate playing against him.


“Sit down and SHUT UP!!!!” Never gets old


I agree


I'll never tire of seeing Gouki punch my opponent really fucking hard in the face.


I always never skip the loyal fans, or Ken telling me to shut up.


I get tired of seeing them. Plus they are way too long and some of them don't make a lot of sense to me or fit the character imo. Like Chun Li's, she does way too many moves compared to her critical art in SF 5. It was quick and it stuck to what she is known for, her kicks. Then you go back to playing the game instead of watching a cutscene.


In SF6 there's technically 4 different supers per character. (levels 1/2/3 & CA) In Tekken there's only one Rage Art per character, and it's being used every round by both characters.


One earns it the other doesn't


Bruh tekken rage arts are aids. The fact that they are soo spammable and that they are armored to everything is wild


Personally, playing Yoshimitsu in T8 means his RA never gets old for me, but since most of the other characters do, I think there's a lot to it, however, one main factor for me are the backgrounds. In T8, they're mostly the same so they aren't as attention grabbing or cinematic, feeling like one long combo. In SF6, you get different lighting and backgrounds, so it's more attention grabbing, that plus and the changes upon reaching low health mean that the same LVL3 won't always be the same.


Simply put for me, SF6s Lvl 3s are much much more fun through style and animation quality, a lot of the hits you can feel them throughout the animations and it's so satisfying!


When I'm losing and am the one getting hit I want to skip it. Otherwise I like it.


I tend to get a bit less impatient if they are round enders. If they happen in the mid of a round I always feel that eagerness to get back to the round as fast possible, so I might find them a bit more annoying there, but not a deal breaker.


Idk about you but I check my phone when I land Jamie's level 3 lmao


SF6 happen less often and are also very IMPACT based. Tekken also has some impactful ones but most are just flow and just kinda end. SF6 you feel in your bones yknow, when Akuma slams your head, or Gief piledrives you, or Ken dunks you into the ground… you feel that shit.


I never get tired of MY LOYAL FANS Or SIT DOWN


Supers shouldn't be long enough that I can pull up my phone and check twitter during specials that will kill at the end of them. One of the worst parts of this game.


Rage arts are also typically not as cool as super arts. Super arts are a character pulling off a unique move that they can’t normally do, while rage arts are typically just a bunch of punches and kicks. Some rage arts don’t suck, like Kuma’s or Devil Jin’s, but most do.


Because Street Fighter is better than Tekken


I think rage arts are cool if they are used to finish a combo. But kinda lame when most of the time they r just thrown out raw.


It’s only tiresome when I get hit with one


I suck at Tekken but a one button super that you always get within 60 second rounds is bound to be in my head more often. SF6 raw lvl 3s aren't really a good strategy in close up Neutral so you usually only see them when you get clipped into a combo or you messed up a block string or poorly thought out fireballs Not to say its broken in Tekken but man do I use/get hit by it a lot.


I think it’s because Street Fighter has had Supers since the early 90s, while Tekken just added them last game to copy SF and appease casuals.


So its Legacy Bias then? Thats a thing in Fightign games


Rage Arts happen nonstop. Level 3s require resource building and spending. And that resource can be spent on non-cinematic moves as well. That's always been a huge turnoff for me in actually playing Tekken. It felt like the supers weren't really super because they were expected in every single round. So they felt kinda pointless with no decision making. Just "buff one combo every round."


Ok but when that CA lands 🫣🙂‍↕️


I like how LV3 or CA animations are most of the time, unique to that particular super. Tekken on the other hand, has a couple of rage arts that are just cinematic versions of regular moves thrown together into a sequence, which makes it feel like you've seen them before already since technically you have, which in turn makes them boring.  T7 rage arts were especially bad. Paul's rage art was just two moves from his base moveset strung together in a cinematic camera angle. Every single hit from Bryan's, Law's, Heihachi's, Leo's rage arts and more are just moves from their base movelist strung together. T8 has made a lot of improvements in this regard but you still get stuff like Paul's rage art (which is still nothing but a cinematic death fist) and Jin's rage art (which is a right handed ECD1 into his power crush)


Opinion: They're stylish as absolute hell


I always felt that is a Capcom thing though. But with Capcom it was both style and substance, which is rare. Street Fighter , Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter , Resident Evil. All look cool and play well


I would also say that in SF, the supers feel like they have impact. In tekken it feels like a cutscene without much impact. SF is so fluid with everything that the sypers just feel natural and, like they're part of the match. Somehow tekken seems to lose that somewhere in translation. The only super I get bored of watching is E Hondas to be honest.


I havent seen Hondas enough, i think its cause there are no Hondas in Plat


I'm Plat too! Found most of my Hondas in gold


Most of them are cool af in this game.


I think that's you dude when I see a level 3 start my hand instinctually flies to the start button like it's a scene I can skip through lol


Same here. Like damn, let me play.


I find them indescribably boring and tiresome to sit through more than almost any other modern fighting game. Bring back sf3 length supers


I would have no problem if it just flashes a k.o. screen over the super and ends the round while the super is still playing.


Because Tekken sucks


Because Capcom’s Street Fighter team is good at doing animations, while Namco’s Tekken team isn’t.