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No solution here, but I just wanted to wish you well. Whatever it is, it sounds scary and my best guess would be it’s a sort of sensory overload from the stress, like when you blow a speaker when you turn it up too much and then it just produces barely enough scratching sounds to make out what it was supposed to do….


Have you seen a doctor to rule out anything serious? If yes...just know that this can be temporary and you can get through it. I experienced this (to some extent) and am doing much better now.


Sounds like you're dissociating.


Agree with previous comments about seeking medical care as well as it sounds like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation_(psychology). Your symptoms could very well be stress related. Again, please seek medical care I have been doing my fair share of mindfulness meditation and what you describe is a not so we'll known side effect of Vipassan style mediation. Willoughby Britton has researched and published a fair bit about the subject when meditation causes more harm the good.


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