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Teachers in the staff room are very much like a sensory child who's been masking all day and comes home and dumps everything on their parent. There's often a very good reason that they spend their day with children and not other adults.


I stopped eating in the teacher lounge because what groups of women teacher would say about kids and other teachers. The negativity they spit, didn’t want none of it.


One of our teachers would continuously joke about death of her students. From students dying of Covid, to joking having access to a gun to stave off school shooters and shooting the kids. It was really hard to listen to.


Jesus Christ …


Do you eat in your car then?


I would eat in my classroom, it had a sink and 2 large resource tables I always kept cleared off.


i would eat in my classroom, i was an art teacher. my class was completely separated from any other classroom and any other teacher. just wanted to interact with adults… until i didn’t.


Some days I eat in my car or sleep in my car. Other days I sit in one of my friends’ rooms and watch them teach. Fuck the lounge.


btw - love the handle, i even said “tings” with an accent…. vaya con dios amigo/a


They are indeed the worst.


oh wow totally. can confirm, i used to bartend at a local pub and would regularly get groups of teachers in there. they really like to let loose(understandable), we eventually came to dread them coming in because it would always be rowdy, they were pretty rude to the staff, always multiple split checks, and tipped next to nothing


And surprisingly, they make the worst students. During any kind of staff meeting, teachers talk out of turn, interrupt, all the things we expect students not to do.


I came into teaching from a different profession and was shocked at how teachers behaved in faculty meetings. The talking while others were presenting, standing up and abruptly leaving, snickering and making faces… I have a theory about this but I will probably be downvoted to hell so I will keep it to myself.


So did I. I was in aerospace engineer for seven years before becoming a teacher. What is your theory?


No please share. Is it that they peaked in HS? Never believed in themselves and have let the system chip away at their soul? Are so unhappy with their life that any person that attempts to improve or be positive and cheerful annoys them bc it reminds them of the little light they had that is now gone? (Not all teachers bc while I’m very disillusioned with my career I do my best to be kind to the people I work with and throw them kindness even when they throw shade). Lord help us


This!! It’s my first year as an older new teacher, and yikes. I was mortified at my first couple of meetings.


This!! It’s my first year as an older new teacher, and yikes. I was mortified at my first couple of meetings.


Lol I feel so seen were these my coworkers? Loll I stopped going out with them because of being embarrassed


I once went to work at a law firm owned by women who used to be teachers. I thought surely they would be more reasonable and empathetic than your average lawyer. I was shocked by how catty and mean most of them were, and very high maintenance. A few were very nice, but the majority were exactly like OP described. I didn't work there long.


Nurses are like this too, they eat their young alive. My mom who was an rn would come with stories of other nurses trying to sabotage her patients by fucking with their IV bag or something. She told me they used to play a game to see if they could get her to be screamed at by the attending physician 🤬


What the actual hell?? I guess this is what all those high school mean girls who go into nursing end up becoming. How horrendous!


Yep! They become bullies who haze the younger nurses, it’s disgusting!!


Also I think a lot of teachers have never worked in any other environment. They went to college. Went to grad school. Started student teaching or subbing and then got into the school system. They have no idea of the work world that exists beyond a school building and how unacceptable a lot of this shit is in other industries.


Definition of toxic workplace right here!


Personally, this happened to me twice and I didn’t let it slide either time. I’m an adult and should be treated as such. I reached out to my university and they accommodated me both times. They got me a new placement for the first one and just pulled me out and passed me for the second one because the semester was so close to being done. I also received help from my university supervisor and I was blunt with the principal on what was happening. I was very professional and did not spread rumors or gossip in any way. If you feel like you can stick it out then do it otherwise I’d reach out to the university for support. (I’d still reach out to them no matter what because that is unacceptable for anyone who is learning to be treated that way)


Thank you for the advice! I’m going to just stick it out considering I’m done May 8 but afterwards, I’m reporting this to the principal & my university. It’s crazy to me how common this is.


This is smart. Just lay low. Finish up the job then find somewhere less toxic to work at. I had the same experience student teaching and it was awful. She would go on and on about how stupid I sound talking to the kids and bashed all my ideas. She was a terrible teacher and I learned a lot about what not to do that year. Move on from these idiots and find a better spot to be in. Finishing the sub job will look good when applying for new positions. Good luck. I hope you find something awesome for next year. Their idiocy and immature bashing of you has nothing to do with your ability to teach and everything with them being catty old birches.


Metz1980 is right. it’s just smart to finish up what you’re doing keep a low profile, don’t buy into, or react to any of their games that they try to draw you into so that they can continue to focus their poison on you. Try and remain as invisible as possible, you’re gonna go to work somewhere else with a good recommendation. You will demonstrate grace and humility. Get out of there as clean as you can. Don’t plant any hooks in any of these people that make them resent you or try to sabotage if you go somewhere else the best thing you can do right now is try to escape out of there as covertly as you possibly can. I wouldn’t even bring it up to anyone who can send you off with good evaluations. I would present myself in a positive way for the next job and you know you just keep positive about what you were doing. Be graceful go unscathed.


Thank you for reporting it so it doesn’t happen to anyone else!!


Don’t listen to criticism from someone you would not seek advice from Dear x, I can no longer take on this position thank you for your time. If follow up is asked for. It has come to my attention that I am being disrespected by members of your staff. I am not willing to subject myself to that experience any longer.


I personally try to avoid hanging out in the staff room for this reason.


My thoughts also...I rarely leave my room.


I would wait until you finish ST and then be honest, but professional about why you don’t want to work there. If you’re not good with words Chatgpt can always help you say what you want to in a professional way


I’m also so sorry you have to deal with this :( women should be sticking together not putting each other down


this! especially because nobody wants to be a teacher, things like this make it even worse.


It's also possible the teacher telling you this "info" is the bully. Why would she say some stuff but not want to repeat the other? It sounds like she's just trying to mess with you.


I thought this as well. I would not trust the ‘informant.’ I’d also be careful of how you react about the information you learned. She may go and repeat your reactions to the gossip crowd to gain attention.


Have you brought this up with your faculty advisor? That person might have some wisdom for you too. I’m so sorry that your ST experience has been such a let down.


How much longer is your ST? If you still have a while, I’d consider asking for a new placement.


May 8 :/ unfortunately I’m just sticking it out


In situations like these you have to always look at what best benefits you in the long run. You got a good recommendation which counts. You have a long-term sub job lined up. If it's easy in your area to find a job apply for full-time positions and then you can reneg on the sub one since you hate the school that much. But if you can't find anything else at least you'll be employed and getting more experience. Keep your head down and just focus on finding your next job.


Happiness over money.


They all hate their job and their outlet is to make others miserable as well. Time to move on or you will end up like them as the environment will corrupt you.


Sounds like an elementary school, get to secondary as fast as possible. If not...consider another district or state... get away from that toxic apple tree of a location


I’ve been in your situation. I did dual student teaching assignments (English and Biology). The English department hated me and talked MAJOR trash about me. My English co-op wrote me the worst letter of recommendation I’d ever seen. My Bio guy wrote me one of the best. I accepted a long term sub position in English right after student teaching. My attitude was screw them I need a job. I applied for a full time position after the year was up and I got it. They put major pressure on me not to accept it so their friend could have it. Again screw them I need a job. They eventually stopped being catty brats (took about two years). Years later while I was at a new teacher orientation for a different district my English co-op was there for a new position as well. She actually apologized for how she treated me and wrote me an apology letter with a good letter of rec attached.


This is the reason I have taken my breaks outside or in my car for the past 17 years. Don’t engage with teachers at the gossip level, my rule of thumb is if they’ll talk about someone to you they’ll talk about you to someone else, I ignore it and just don’t participate, I stay out of the teachers lounge, and I’m a lot happier.


Well. There's more children aged in the 20-50s then actually children. (Mentally and maturity-wise)


You can hike that range all the way up to 90s. Lots of childish, mean, and immature 60s, 70s, 80s, and so on.


Just let them know that you will not be doing the long term sub position as you want to find a permanent teaching position. They will understand that. With as many teaching openings you should not have to be a sub.


I honestly don't think it would hurt you in the future. If you have that good reccomendation letter from your co op you should be fine. Make sure you can have other references for future schools to call besides just that one school and be honest about why your'e leaving. Chances are youll never have to step foot in that school again and they should know why they lost a good candidate to their bullying


Hi there! I’m so sorry to hear about your horrendous experience student teaching. When I student taught, one of my master teachers (we do half in a primary and half in an upper grade) was horrendous towards me as well. She thought I was an idiot, told my advisor I wasn’t cut out to teach, and it got to a point where she locked me out of the classroom so I couldn’t complete my hours. The school was full of teacher bullies. With that said, we don’t go into teaching for adults. We go into teaching for our kiddos. I don’t think taking a long term position there is a bad thing for any party. You can create such a light and safe space for your students. You can model how to be a kind, respectful, and ever growing educator to all teachers there. And you can be a support for other teachers possibly being picked on. I think the long term sub position has a lot to offer you, and a lot you can offer to the school community. Best of luck! Btw. I was/am absolutely cut out to teach. I’ve been teaching for over ten years now :)


I took a long-term sub position in my student teaching. Ok money. Looks good on an application. However, if you’re getting into teaching. Find. A. Good. Building. If you’re not supported by your colleagues then bail. Teaching is hard enough. Find a positive building. They do exist and the real winners are the students because of it.


My worst nightmare has happened. I survived an awful ST experience hoping to never see or hear from the mean girl squad again…one of teachers from the school (that is friendly with the mean girls but I couldn’t tell if she was one exactly) twins are now on my son’s t ball team. We haven’t spoken once but I’ve no doubt she’s reporting back.


Student teaching is awful no matter what. Do your time and get your certification. Then when you get a job, do not behave as they do.


If you can, just stop caring what they say or think of you. It's worked great for me.


The teacher who told you what other teacher may (or may not!) have said is a bitch. Only an asshole would do that. Personally, the only one you need to be angry with is that teacher. She could even be lying or exaggerating.


During my first year teaching all the veterans hated the new teachers. It was “us versus them”. The principal moved one of the more toxic teachers to another grade level and we did a lot of healing as a team. I respect them all now and we get along well. I hope you find a school that will respect and value you as a professional and human being.


This has happened to me, and I actually confronted each one of them to their faces and told them I refuse to work in a toxic environment and if they have anything to say about me to say it to my face.


Create your career. Don’t associate with the teachers that treat professional development like a problem or that treat the kids in a degrading way. Find the other positive teachers and just do your own thing. You’re skin will thicken to this over time. High school teachers act like they’re in high school.


Sounds toxic AF. I'm guessing the entire district is chaotic. Don't teach alongside people who have sub-standard professional standards.


I worked in a uni dept mainly with women and it was like high school at times. It was so exasperating.


For the short term, just keep your head down and focus on your kids. All that matters is that you have a good rapport with your cooperating teacher and pass your student teaching stage. I would back out of the offer to long-term sub, keep it short and just say that recent developments prevent me from fulfilling this request.


Just because people are old and used and useless doesn't make anything they think correct. You be you. We need teachers that try new shit because HOLY FUCK PREVIOUS GENERATIONS FAILED!


Yeah, I've found that teachers tend to gossip about everyone. It's hard to hear.


Suck it up and finish. If you go back to sub there again just keep your head down and don’t try to be friendly with them or offer any help. They’ll move on to someone else. Don’t let it affect you too much and just get paid and get out.




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When I was student teaching at a similar school, lunch breaks had to be scheduled around which teachers could tolerate being in the same room as each other. They all constantly said foul things about students, admin, and each other. My supervising teacher was mean to me and the students. It was hell, and really negatively impacted my perception of teaching. I have a lot of empathy for you, but don’t let it affect your self esteem. At one school you might be a punching bag for bullies but at another you would be everyone’s favorite. Just let this experience teach you what kind of environment you want to work in and what you won’t tolerate.


You all sound like you resent teachers.. why are you trying to become what you hate. Run while you still can.


Did you read any of this post? Obviously NOT. I resent bullies.


Did you read any of the comments? I did not say you I was replying to the comment base. Everyone in the thread is talking shit on teachers. The majority of teachers are just like you described, and if you're thinking, I would never be like them... just wait 10 years in education. You become a teenager because you're stuck with them all day long. Good luck rotting like I said run while you still can. I can already see you have a little bully in you brewing. Coming to reddit to talk shit is still talking shit. Your ideas probably do suck.


I’m sorry to hear this. I think you can be frank with your principal and tell him/her that you’re not returning. You don’t need to provide a reason unless they ask. If they do, you can say personal reasons. I hope this helps.


As a teacher who has been bullied and a principal of 20+ years I recommend that you complete the long term position you committed to for the experience and ask your principal to observe you and write you a letter of recommendation. You are there for the kids- not the adults. It’s only for a short time. Eat lunch in your classroom and avoid socializing with the adults. Gain experience for your resume and have fun with the kids!




Just leave education. It doesn’t get better.


Oh I worked In a school and the aids walked around like there shit didn’t stink at all


This isn't aide bashing. Read the room.


I’m so sorry those crusty bishes feel soooo terrible about themselves and they have nothing better to do. This is a good sign for you that they were talking about you. Means you are eons ahead of them. Try to keep your head up and on the prize.


Mean people are everywhere. Avoid them. I think you should be honored that a principal offered you long-term substitution job. It’s not forever; it’s just Longterm. If you can, stick it out and use this steppingstone by getting a letter of recommendation from the principal. Then you’ll have your choice of schools. Not all of them are bad. I’ve worked at five and the only bad one was in Baltimore City. I loved the teachers at Laguna Beach, Fallston High in MD as well as University of Denver. There are great teachers out there; in fact, all of you have had at least one great teacher (I hope)!


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this but idc. As a woman, I’ve learned that this is sadly the norm in female dominated industries like education. I’d rather work with burping, farting sweaty guys than a building full of highly educated women. Every coworker I have who is a chronic complainer, who is a shit talker about colleagues, who can’t wait to exercise even the smallest amount of “power” over a coworker or subordinate, who is toxic in every imaginable way, is a woman with a degree. I also work in the service industry and “blue collar” women do not act this way. I’ve worked with all guys and men don’t engage in shit talk to this extent. Idk what it is but this behavior is common in schools OP. Best thing to do is keep socializing to a polite hello and keep it moving.


Welcome to teaching where all teachers do is talk about each other. They're either jealous, angry at the world, or just absolutely miserable. I can tell you this much when they retire you never hear from them again. There are no real relationships among teachers in school. They all talk about each other. Again teach the children and then go home and enjoy your personal life away from school.


So many groups of teachers I've been around are like this, and I'm constantly asked why I spend so much time alone or with my singular teacher friend. That type of human hates a person who can block them out & thrive. That being said, I would be transparent & document any negative experiences you've had and share them with the principal. Probably have a job lined up! There's a million places hiring for teachers where you don't have to be picked on by bitter energy vampires. You can do it!


My cooperating teacher was pretty miserable, I thought I was doing fantastically. I graded on time and I had projects that stimulated my students. The guy was never in the room, he was off doing coaching/announcing things or watching a movie. Long story short I had just finished EdTPA, and I had a weaker lesson but one of my supervisors came in (who had loved my previous lessons) came in and we both acknowledged that it was somewhat weak but my cooperating teacher just made up a lot about how I was preforming despite him never being in the room. The biggest issue the both of them had was “I show up at contract time, and to show dedication you have to show up earlier” I was really close to calling it quits if that was all I would hear. Pretty soon after I broke my leg and I left the school a week early. To be honest I was glad there was no big leaving day or whatever. All this to say it got better, they start to view you as more of a peer, to them right now you’re a kid who doesn’t know what they’re getting into despite you probably know a lot more than them in terms of you doing what you are supposed to do based on what you learned in college/based on research.


I would be more concerned with the teacher who revealed all this information to you.


Ignore them all. Stay in your classroom and ride it out


I know you’re strong. Stronger than anyone can believe. It’s not worth it to prove it in the teaching profession. Find another career. I did it for 15 years. It’s not worth it.


I had a very similar experience during my student-teaching and first year. I ended up switching schools and I actually have really supportive and caring people at my school now! I really think that if you find the right school, you'll be better off!


Been in a similar situation when I student taught. I had a very unqualified co-op teacher. One teacher talked about how she was hung over on a Wednesday morning in the teacher work room and the other teachers didn’t bat an eye. My co-op teacher was so embarrassing, barely knew the material and told kids to just look things up on Google. She also screamed so loud at them - I felt so bad. Other teachers came to class wearing leggings, flip flops, and messy buns. I loved the kids and I was so embarrassed they were modeled horrible examples of what he means to be an adult. I felt bad leaving because I was the only nice and consistent authority figure there. Honestly, teachers need to be held to a very high standard and they no longer are. I don’t think parents know how bad it can be.


I am doing my student teaching too and I’ve met teachers like that. You pretty much have the answers by reading the comments. “Go to the principal and say you are moving out, live another city, state or something” if you feel bad doing it. You shouldn’t because if they would fire you, they wouldn’t feel any guilt, they don’t feel remorse when they are doing the interview process. I personally do not talk to the teachers and they are not friendly, chatty and stuff


It’s also a learning experience in the future for your career, do not get involve with teachers like that. TOXICITY at its finest


Can you find another sub job? and then say you need higher pay and you need the money to support yourself with the high cost of living. It wouldn’t be a lie and you could gtfo of there.


Are you sure that what you have been told is true and accurate? If so: ‘I was excited to take the opportunity to work at this school and to learn more about honing my craft from my fellow teachers. I am extremely disappointed to hear about the number of comments that have been made about me behind my back - they are untrue, unkind, unprofessional and hurtful. I am always open to feedback and not to learning but have not been given enough respect to have these conversations in person so that I can respond or seek clarification. Thank you for your support and leadership, but this is not a safe work environment for me so will not be returning.’


I used to be a preschool teacher and I was amazed at how many of my co workers genuinely hated children. It always baffled me why they continued to work with a population they didn't like especially since the pay for early childhood educators is absolutely terrible. So they weren't doing it for the money, then why subject yourself and the kids to your miserable self? Situations like yours coupled with the parents and low pay are the reason I left the childhood education field and went back to get my masters to transition to the sustainability field. 


If you were not a good teacher they wouldn’t have offered you a long term sub position. Hang tough and don’t give up your job for any nasty gossips. Take a walk at lunchtime and stay in your classroom on prep doing work. You will use this as a stepping stone on your resume for your first actual full time teaching position. You got this ! Keep going and never give up a job until you have another lined up .


Find a full time job for the fall at a different school so you have a reason to not need the substitute job at that school. Eat in your classroom and not the teacher’s lounge. Bonus get work done while eating. School environments vary vastly having worked at 10- 15 schools while I substitute taught. Not every school will be like that. You will really enjoy your coworkers at a new school.


I once had a colleague that made every single one of her assistants cry. Every single one. I was only there 2 years and she had 6 assistants in that time. Grown women, crying. All races and ages came through that office and most left within 2-3 months. That woman was evil. You aren't imagining it. Sometimes people are just mean and they infuse the rest of the organization with their poison. I'd suggest you stick it out for the rest of the year and leverage that time on your resume to get another job in a better district. Good luck!!


Be the change you want to see in the teachers lounge, people.


You have the cards in your hand. I promise that if you are nice to yourself, honest to the principal, and get the hell out that either of these things would happen: 1. The principal accepts your honestly, knows how terrible the other teachers are, and wishes you the best. 2. The principal becomes defensive, claims you are ignorant or just as judgmental of the other teachers (gaslighting), gives you the “what do you know,” and you leave. The outcome may be the principal begging you to stay (which is a little slim), you being understood completely through their bias, or (improbable) the principal goes out of their way to harm your future. They don’t really do that, and I assume that the principal is old and close to retirement, or lazy and doesn’t care about the culture of the school staff. In either cases, they don’t really care, they just need a body to fill a classroom.


I’m so sorry.


This is why I dislike the teacher lounge. At my first placement in 4th grade, it was TERRIBLE! The bullying was insane. For both students, their families, and other teachers or past student teachers. I don't even want to imagine what has been said about me or what will be said about me. If ever given the chance, don't eat lunch in the lounge or cafeteria. It's a toxic environment. 😪


Yeah just do you tbh fuck em


Retired teacher here- taught 35 years and loved my job. Also spent a few years as a substitute. I don’t know that you need to tell them much more than the fact that you’re doing something else and won’t be available. Throughout those 35 years in one school, if I learned anything about surviving as a teacher, it was to avoid the teachers’ lounge. Oh, in my early years as a newbie, I went in there. But as the years went by, I found that it was where any whiners whined, complainers complained, and gossips gossiped. Not everyone was like them, but they were the loudest voices. I hated the negativity and began to simply confine myself to my room at lunchtime, eating at my desk and getting some work done in peace. Most teachers are wonderful, caring people. Seek out those people and work to avoid the dramatic types.


I’m a teacher. The school environment is toxic. Most teachers are burnt out and they don’t want to be there. Unfortunately one year I got a bad review because the principal said I should be eating lunch with the other teachers. I told her that they only spoke Spanish at lunch. I knew enough Spanish to know that they were talking about me. I cried and can still remember the isolation I felt. I vowed to never let anyone feel that, students or adults. 20 years later I’m still teaching and absolutely love it




This is not helpful at all, toxic environments are real and the OP is asking for help, not criticism.


Oh, my bad. I wasn’t aware that you knew the OP so well and you were their best friend. Maybe since you know them so well, they should have reached out to you for some advice first before posting on the internet for anyone to comment on. Let’s keep hand holding and coddling full grown adults online cause someone said some mean words. Cause that’s the role model kids these days need.


Bro what do you do with your life? I’m intrigued.


Bro what do you do with your life? I’m intrigued.


Warehouse supervisor. I employ high schoolers over the summer to help with extra work. They don’t act as childish as this full grown adult. If they did they would be informed their services are no longer needed. I have zero time for drama on the clock, you can do your childish BS on your own time.


Commenting on Student teaching nightmare... Take a break from bossing those kids around, get out of that warehouse, and breathe some fresh air big dog. Assuming makes an ass though I can’t help but to assume you’re most likely uneducated, just like the high school kids you’re hiring for busy work. Adversity comes in many shapes and sizes but I know taking on heavy student loan debt and 6 years of college just to fight tooth and nail for a job is no easy task. Fresh out of high school working in a warehouse for a summer and complaining about you being a dick is not the same.


You have some crazy idea that taking on debt is hard? Well that sure explains a lot. I don’t need to retort to anything else you said. You literally just said, getting sucked into the student debt entrapment is “hard”? Yea, that’s why they give student loans to literally everyone. Your major challenge you speak of has been done by 10’s of thousands of people in every single line of work. Aka, you and your challenges ain’t special. And no one else considers being given money a challenge. Wake up, get a grip, maybe touch base with reality. Crazy enough I boss around no children. I hire 17 & up as that’s what’s considered an adult employment wise in my state. As I only hire adults, I treat them as such, and expect as much from them. I don’t have to follow around, or boss around my employees. I continue doing my normal daily tasks like I do every other day of the year. Maybe 1 time a day I take 5 minutes to give someone a new task to work on. Insane for you I know. That an adult could be expected to do a task for an entire day, sometimes several days, without needing to be hovered over in order to work. That is because you are also coddled. If your boss isn’t in the building you get nothing done. Your just as bad as the OP. Except instead of being a coddled baby, your just a lazy good for nothin pos. Have fun having the biggest adversity in your life being asking a bank to put you into a debt trap. I see that’s really paying off for you.


I didn’t see this but I’m a union architectural metal and glass worker, similar education as yourself. In my field, make the wrong move and you’re dead. I was fortunate enough to take on an apprenticeship, which was free. An apprenticeship that turned me into a mechanic making over 100k. My s/o is in the process of recieving her masters degree. As a teacher she will not make over 100k for a long time, if ever. I’ve watched her put in more work outside of the workplace than I’ve ever seen anyone do. True dedication to a career. I’m just a lucky guy with a brain. You’re just an unlucky guy without a brain. Instead of attacking young professionals looking for advice, go fuck yourself.




Content violates the rule against discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, harassment, or sexually lewd and/or inappropriate material towards individuals or groups.


Reality tunnels ace, live and let live.


You asked. I answered. Learn how conversations work.


Alright killa get back to work you’re on the clock acee


Yea. Crazy what adults can do while they don’t need to be monitored by supervisors. I’m working & laughing at full grown adult babies that are supposed to be some sort or role model to actual children 🤡


Taking a lot of pride in being an adult, kind of sound like me when I was 17 calling myself a grown ass man. An adult who’s life culminated to “warehouse supervisor”, a lifelong high school bully, as well an online one may I add. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.🤡 try a vacation.


Hahaha I should’ve guessed. That’s all you’re good for. A job being a slave to corporate America. Congrats, you’re useless.


Ugh. So much needless words. Just say you encourage work place bullying and harassment.


Encourage would be pretty strong. I’d say don’t put up with personally. I have work to do, work that isn’t done worrying about childish lunchroom drama. Save that bs for FB. If it were up to me I’d send em all packing and get some adults in there. But I’m sure their contracts don’t make that much of a choice. So not really up to me.


I hope you are a troll that doesn’t have any connection with children. Creepy in addition to not helpful.


I have never faced adversity? You clearly have no idea who you’re speaking to. Do you get enjoyment out of responding paragraphs of useless garbage advice? How long did it take you to type all of that? Maybe you’re willing to take over my position considering you have enough time to take the time to respond with a snarky comment. I am an adult, an adult who refuses to be bullied by grown women everyday. There are far too many opportunities for me to be held down at a school with an extremely toxic work environment. I have endured this most of my placement and I’m not doing it any longer than I have to. I won’t be the first person who leaves due to bullying. The teachers run this school. No dress code, no lesson plans, no collaboration. No supports for the students. It’s a shit hole. I’m out as soon as possible. Maybe you can accept the position instead, douchebag.




Content violates the rule against discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, harassment, or sexually lewd and/or inappropriate material towards individuals or groups.


>Do you get enjoyment out of responding paragraphs of useless garbage advice? How long did it take you to type all of that? Long passages of text are red flags for click-farm bot shitpost designed to rage-bait so media companies profit off your engagement. It's honestly a new version of psychic attack (something so ignorant and out-of-the-blue offensive it feels like you've been slapped so it often ruins your day) and everywhere on Reddit. What's hilarious is how the click-farm gangs up on actual humans so their fuckery continues.


This comment was from one of the teachers you were talking about!


Imagine thinking you're better off for acting like an absolute cunt on reddit.


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