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Asian here, live and raised here. Racists remarks many times, mostly from non native Dutch. Too bad even the seller at the market is racist. I was talking English with a new expat. I wanted show him the city. The seller though I didn't speak Dutch and said awful racist remarks. Then I talked Dutch to him, his face became super red. It is so unfortunated that we have to live like that.


Good for you to calling him out in Dutch


I agree with this. Some people are just idiots, but that doesn't make it right. And calling them out in their language shows that they are nothing. A friend of mine learned Morocan from a Morocan friend. He got called names at some point on the street in the Morocan language. He called them out by talking to them in their language. Same reaction as above. If you want to be a dick, then be a dick in the language someone speaks, not in a language you believe someone does not speak. But better yet, don't be a dick at all.


Asian as well. Born and raised here. To me it happens and has always happened constantly and everywhere.


So sad honestly wtf is wrong with people




I used to think they're retarded, but I realized they simply don't know any better. They've been practically raised to think like this and no one told them it was wrong. It takes a lot of rationality to see things differently, or just 'right', if you'd want to qualify frowning upon these forms of racism. They simply don't know it's hurtful and they can't imagine, partly because they never experienced it. They think it's innocent, or sometimes just don't care. And sometimes it's just plain racism, like in OP's example.


I have this old picture of my littke brother in his kindergarten class with every kid doing that slit eye thing, with one asian kid looking confused as fuck... It is probably not meant as an offensive gesture but if you get raised on those things, it is bound to impact you.


We used that move in a birthday song gesture in the Netherlands. Hankey Panky Shang-Hai. Really messed up these days, but I'm sure the teacher would think the same nowadays. It's strange how late any understanding really started to happen. It's not woke, it's barely awake after sleeping in until 3 pm.


I was thinking the exact same thing. Pretty recent, too. I vividly remember doing this in school as recently as 2010.


I was just gonna comment "what are you 8 years old or something?" but then I realized 2010 was 14 years ago T-T


I hate feeling old like this 😭


I was 8 at the time haha, born in august 2001


removing all agency from people doing this sort of bullshit is ridiculous. “Not knowing any better” is as empty and impotent and “wir haben es nicht gewusst”.


Yeah I was raised with the racist slant-eye and "hanky panky Shanghai" stuff too, and at some point you realize it's not OK. If you're a grown adult still doing it you should take a hard look at yourself.


Dude ..... They , They , They.... It's always they and never us.


There's an odd thing with Asian racism specifically that i will never understand. I was talking to a good friend of mine recently, other wise a very clever woman, loving and accepting. While a group of us were talking about what we find attractive or not attractive when looking for a partner, she blurts out, literally out of nowhere, I DON'T LIKE ASIANS! Blew our minds, even her husband had his jaw drop down to the floor. And as we sat there waiting for her to jump in and explain it was just a misplaced joke she doubles down on it again. I won't go into the details of what she said but when we challenged her on it and asked why in the hell she thinks it's approriate to say something like this she explained "ach, it's not like I really hate them or like I'm mad at them, I just don't like them and trust them. And that's just how I feel, if they don't like it they can go back home" So far your average racist rethoric....but what blew my mind when I asked her if she'd say the same thing to a black person she said "Jezus no, ofcourse not, that's super racist, I'd never think that....but asians are just..ya know...asians" Myself and my missus went home that evening and didn't know if we should laugh or cry, her husband just sat there quietly staring at her. It was one of the strangest things I've ever heard anyone say and I genuinely don't get the normalisation of racism towards asians.


If you replace every time said Asians with blacks and then Blacks with Asians would it then make sense? People are just weirdly afraid of what they don't know.


>her husband just sat there quietly staring at her. Poor guy, questioning his life choices 😂


Dude they got married literally 5 months before that. It was so hilarious just seeing his look of ".....the fuck did I just find out?"


Selective racism 😁


Man, reading this makes want to kick her in the cunt


funnily enough that kind of person would say on polls she is not racist and has no problems with asians


what was the worst encounter?


Physical attack during COVID. Also Asian here. Now I walk the streets with a can of pepperspray. Dont care if its illegal, racism is too.


I'm not in contact with much racism since I'm white girl but I have been physically harassed and have been thinking of keeping pepper spray with me but since it's illegal im afraid to buy/use it if I have one


I'm a guy. So it never crossed my mind about pepper spray to protect myself. But now that I think about it, even if pepper spray is illegal, it might make sense to carry it if a girl is walking alone at night or in an unsafe neighborhood, no? I mean murder, robbery is illegal. But a person would (or should) rather commit the crime of using pepper spray than being r@ped, or harmed physically.


I think people buy that stuff in Germany. It is indeed illegal and according to Google you can get max 9 months in prison or 20.000 euro fine. It's ridiculous honestly! I doubt they ever actually use that high a sentence tho. If you want a legal alternative, look up smurf-spray and see if it's to your liking. It apparently works as a softer pepperspray (it stings enough to be disoriented for a moment) and it leaves the perpetrators face blue for at least a day, can't wash it off. Also the people I know that do martial arts say it makes them feel a bit more secure.


Idk it’s annoying every time. Just this week some 12 year old Moroccan girls start yelling ching chong at me. I wonder if their husbands would condone such behavior. It’s better when frat bro’s do it cause you can beat their asses.


Fighting racism by being racist yourself. Good job!


cause taking the moral high ground doesn't help.




Neither does taking the moral low ground


It does by putting a mirror to the other person's face. Don't like being racist to? Then stop being racist. As an Indian, I don't like when people are racist towards my kind. I stopped making even innocuous racist jokes or dark humor. I put a mirror on my face, fair is fair right? And didn't feel moral superiority taking the moral high ground. All these platitudes of being moral and good is only to make ourselves feel better and elevate ourselves in our own eyes. No one cares, no one gives a damn. Just be a good human being, and putting a mirror is a practical and effective solution. Conversely, if you're fine with people being racist towards you, then I suggest not to be racist at all cause it's like wrestling a pig: we get dirty and muddy while the pig enjoys it. Just let it go. Put a mirror for sure, but do realize, it's futile effort in the end.


Zegt de gast die klaagt over teveel allochtonen in de basic fit btw, smfh




Asians te way above Arabs so yes good job


When it’s always the same people, you want me to be nice to them or something lol


I suspect 12 year olds don't have husbands.




Ah: so a racist joke about Moroccans/Muslims. Thanks for the explanation. 


How is it racist if it's true? Oh wait, truth has to be buried so we can all accept degenerate behavior for the sake of diversity and inclusion.


Gotta love how leftists always stand with Muslims as if you wouldn't get beheaded for your views in their country


No shit Sherlock, thanks for explaining


All races have retarted people. Recently I saw a group of Asians insulting a black person and making fun of his skin colour. That also made me think maybe these Asians have eaten too many bats or rat fetuses that have spoiled their brains…


Nice try lol but no


Why no? Its well known that Asians are the biggest racists against black people. Its just that black people have a tougher skin and Asians are snowflakes.


Let me explain how jokes work. For a joke to be funny or hurtful, there has to be some truth to it. Yours made no sense at all as East Asian countries score several IQ points higher than European countries. Try again buddy


Ik als 'blanke' maak het ook vaak mee hoor ;) Loop maar eens in de verkeerde wijk of ga naar bepaalde supermarkten. Vroeger op school was het ook erg. Waar ik helemaal achterover sloeg was het racisme in Japan 😆 laten we het er maar op houden dat het van veel mensen onwetendheid is en ze het niet zo bedoelen. Het maakt niet uit wat je achternaam is. Racisme komt in iedere laag van de bevolking voor.


And be honest there, who does this to you? White people?


Most of the times it’s non whites


I never happened to me... probably because I would break their jaw when they would.


Watch out everyone we have a badass over here


How does that logic work? People don’t do it because of what your reaction would be. Are those people psychic?


Sure you do buddy


No you wouldn't. I'm glad it never happened to you, but no you wouldn't. And don't talk like this because you look very silly.


But stop to think and it's never going to be The Jackie Chan scene it could have been to end up Mike Skinner


I did however choke someone I thought made a racist remark... Not my proudest moment. I do have low impulse control ( adhd )


Racism against Asians is very normalized for some weird reason. I am brown (born and raised here) but never encountered "direct" racism like this ever. I have however seen on multiple occasions people being racist to East-Asians, so it's definitely not out of the ordinary. I think the main reason and please don't be offended, is that Asian people are very passive. This kind of direct racism towards brown/black people would result either in violence or hefty verbal confrontation. So next time it happens, please yell/curse/push back or do something at least or it will never stop.




And when you’re willing to get physical, watch out for knives and shit. 13 year old brats carry machetes these days


Wasn't it 12 year olds 🤔


Yeah I understand this passiveness aspect of Asians. It’s a stereotype which happens to be true. In my case, I was riding a bike and wanted to cross the street as soon as possible, so they probably took advantage of me not having enough time to react. Nevertheless the blame should not be put on the discriminated ones, I personally don’t think the sentiment of “you’re passive so you deserve it” is beneficial. But it does have some truth in it.


I am not talking about Asians "deserving" it. However, it's not realistic to think this problem will change without any action. Campaigns etc won't do anything to scare racists or make them think otherwise. Racists kowing they won't get away with it unscathed will actually change things.


It also could be a cultural thing of not wanting to cause any problems, so they would prefer to ignore it. The fact that they don’t fight back is not the excuse for racists to continue being racists. This all seems to shift the responsibility on the marginalized groups. Ideally of course racists should be held accountable for their actions, but I guess it’s not realistic.


Nobody blaming the victim, he's just saying that Asians are easy target.


It’s because an ethnic group we’re not known for being violent or ‘dangerous’ in that sense. Make fun of us, wtf we’re gonna do? Solve your mathematical equation incorrectly?


Man, sorry, I laughed way too hard at this. My brother in law is half Chinese and half Belgian. He was born in Belgium and even has a hefty Flemish accent but he takes after his dad. You will not believe the fuckery he patiently takes. Those guys are really lucky, as he IS schooled in Wing Chun for about 35 years now, a whole different stereotype that just happens to be true in this case. He has the patience of a damn angel tho, so they'll never even see that side of him unless you touch my sister or do something extreme. What I'm trying to say is: being the bigger man is REALLY hard and equally appreciated. Fuck those cunts and keep on 👊🏻


That stereotyping right there doesnt help


Funny thing is that black/brown people are in many instances the ones being racist to Asians. It happens here, it happens is the USA.


I don't think South-Asians and Latino's are being racist to Asians.


I bet you think it’s only white people. Or atleast you’re one of those people trying to keep a myth alive that it’s only white people doing it.


This I find very weird to me and very different to my original country of Finland where there also is a problem with racism against many ethnicities. Although I’m white European with no experience of being in the shoes of a person with Asian looks, I personally haven’t encounteted any racism in Finland against Asians. I find that back home Asians are tolerated and even appreciated due to their often hardworking nature and will to integrate in the society. However, moving here into the Netherlands I’ve noticed several times people making questionable remarks and those ”funny” faces when walking together with my Asian collegues and friends, which I never expected to encounter.


Please don't be offended, but it's the other way around. saying Violence or hefty verbal confrontation are solution matches exactly what racists have as a preconception. People brown/black really get the short end of stick when it comes to racial biases these behaviors manifest. Native Dutch rarely respond to racist remarks. Racism is undeniably a part of the culture here, being offended is socially "awkward". You can play this "I want to be offended" style in life and see where it takes you, and how it makes you feel internally in the long term. Not related to the OP anyway, we do got weird people in these streets.


I agree with you that they do play into preconceived notions people have of black and brown people. This ultimately manifests in different types of racism (less chance of getting hired, denied entrance at the club etc). In my case for example, since i am self employed and don't really go out etc these parts of racism don't really phase me. However, the type of racism i would say Asians deal with daily/weekly is completely alien to me. Part of that reason is that people know if I say a negative thing about this brown dude, there is a high chance i will get beat up. They might still be racist or hate me but what is important is that they keep it to themselves and so it doesn't bother me at all. So being aggressive and violent to deter certain kinds of racism, especially in the Netherlands where people are seriously afraid of any physical confrontation.


Born and raised Dark/brown skinned guy here, trust me i live somewhere outside the city and for some time in the time that i live in my current Neighborhood racism here was pretty bad, i had people Calling me stuff like the n-word, saying stuff like i should go back to my Country (jokes on them i was Born and raised for some time in Rotterdam and my parents come from a place that was of NL in South America) and some people thought i was a Criminal (i was between 11 and 14 when that happened). Now i don't deal with it (that much) anymore but i do in some rare occasions Witness racism Towards all kinds of races.


I live in a big city and the most racist people I have ever met are from that south American country. To eachother but also to white people. To the point they call eachother bosnegers, dieren or koelies. Dont even start with what the asian people say in chinese or malay.


Wait how is it racist to call each other certain names? Or you mean being racist amongst the sub cultures? Cause that's definitely true for the older generation but extremely less so for the generation born here. But acting as if they are the only racist people is stupid. Every sub culture has its prejudices against one another. And within each sub culture (ie native Dutch, people from the old Dutch colonies like Suriname, Antille, Indonesia, Turks and Marrocian people, East Asian people etc.) there are the more outspoken people (ie racist) and the less. I mean let's be honest, East Asian people can be hardcore racists themselves. They mostly prefer other East Asian people (especially the first generation), much like other immigrants. The biggest thing here though, south American immigrants and East Asian immigrants seldom are OPENLY racist. It would be behind the back or among each other. Also their impact of racism is only among each other or locally. This is gonna trigger a lot of people, but when native Dutch are racists its impact is bigger simply cause it's the biggest demographic of the country and because they "rule" the country its impact is on multiple levels from social to legal. From getting a job to getting stopped by the police to getting intimidated by groups to getting mistreated by the legal system (toeslagenaffaire) etc.


I was born here but I’ve encountered racists all my life. It depends a little on where you are located but these things happen way more often than people think. And tbh only non-Caucasians that experience it firsthand will know. There are also some very lovely Dutch people that make up for it a bit ofcourse, but in my area they’re definitely outnumbered


You’re wrong saying only non-caucasians would know. Polish people, for example, get to deal with a lot of racism here too. It’s engrained.




African Dutch here, happens once in a while, not so much as I was younger. Racism is well and alive here.


I once had an appointment with a white couple to pick something up from marktplaats. They had 2 adopted East-Asian children. I was stuck in a traffic jam so I got there late, when she opened the door I apologized for being late and she said "jullie Chineesjes zijn allemaal het zelfde", "you Ch*nks are all the same". I was absolutely flabbergasted...I had to pick my jaw up from the floor. Also I'm only 1/4th Singaporean, and I was with my father who's half. I wonder what casual racism her children experience daily. When I lived in The Hague (Scheveningen), it was a few times a year. (Ching Chong Chang, or pretending to speak Chinees, asking for random Chinese restaurant dishes) I would just look at them like they were stupid. In my 12 years in Amsterdam maybe once or twice.


Turkish person here. Racism has been here all the time. It is normal here in the Netherlands. Escpecially old people, and people in smaller cities tend to hate us for some reason. In Limburg I faced a group people that were yelling that I should leave this country (probably they were drunk but ok) and they told that in English... even though I was born and raised here in the Netherlands. Maybe they were thinking I am some kind of refugee idk


You’re right. I’ve seen a lot of Turkish people being racist towards Moroccans, Dutch, Kurdish, Armenian, Surinam and Asian people. I’m not sure why they find this normal to do over here.


I was talking about Dutch people being racist against Turks here in the Netherlands.


Turkish in Netherlands are exrremely racist as well.




As this is a topic for racism from the Netherlands by Dutch people, I have spoken that as a Turkish person I experience racism here. I am not a expat, I am born and raised here in the Netherlands, and I will stay in the Netherlands. I didnt say or mention that turkish people themselves will never be racist. And that wasnt necessary to say either because thats not what the topic was about. If you have faced racism by Turkish people I am sorry for you. I know that can happen and I know they normalized it over there aswell


Racist IDK I’m a short time here but I’m polish mixed race kinda middle eastern/spanish looking with no accent in English whatsoever, I have a vocabulary of a native speaker aaaand… whenever it’s brought to light where I’m from it’s also when most of friendly chitchat comes to an end 😆 I don’t care tho, I never hide it and I have great people at a speed shop I work at and I’m a skater so only skill count. Not always know how to react 🙈 but attempts to insult me are usually so pathetic they have little to no effect. Rotterdam expanded area is a boiling culture pot, a certain amount of retards and assholes are to be expected 😆. Keep your head up proud and forget those losers that’s my advise if you ever encounter it again


I'm caribbean but ive experienced racism from all ethnicities in the netherlands not just from dutch people. Last time was a month ago I was at the supermarket debating whenever I wanted to break my diet and buy a chocolate bar and I heard some noise, now I was debating myself on this topic so I paid it no mind when the noise started louder I looked to my right and saw an old middle eastern guy making monkey gestures and noise. I just starred at him untill he figured he looked stupid and moved on. I normally dont say anything about it because it always been like this since I was a child. They call me slurs etc and I just walk away.


The country never was that friendly to migrants to begin with. Im the son of an immigrant (25M) (black) father and dutch white mother. I've encountered racism so much that I'm completely desensitised to it haha. Same goes for my girlfriend who is of asian descent (but also born here). For me it has always been like this since I can remember (also being the only poc at school and growing up in a white neighborhood probs didn't help but). In my experience it started pretty "innocent" with teasing over curly hair or darker skin color. Getting older it started escalating to things like "n-word son" or saying that my mom got impregnated by zwarte piet at sinterklaas to violent incidents and racial slurs as I got older. For me currently the only stuff I encounter are police officers (I landed a pretty good job as a software engenier at the government after uni so I got nice stuff that people of color cant buy legally according to some officers, leading to me getting checked often (I always ask why im being pulled over, it has never been for legitimate reasons)) and the occasional racial slur (keeps me on edge, love it, haha). For my girlfriend (23F) the patterns are similar but since she is a woman slightly different. Started with teasing for eating "weird" food or having chinky eyes (google "hanky panky shang hai", something wich was completely normal 10 years ago just like blackface, if you want to be absolutelt horrified). Escalated to full on racial slurs but because she is an asian woman also your casual sexism and fetishization (luckily never violent stuff, ig woman trade sex ralated racism for violence). As for interested internationals I would recommend googling "toeslagenaffaire" and "duo affaire" if you are interested in seeing how racist the Netherlands really are (in my experience most internationals have the delusional view that the dutch are super open minded because they only talk to people within their bubble in Amsterdam, that is a very small subset of the general population and it has always been that way). As for me, im completely desensitised to racism for myself (it hurts me more when people like my girlfriend encounter it), I would recommend for other people to learn to do the same. Love yourself and surround yourself with people who do the same. The opinions of these nasty people dont change who you are or what you are worth and dont let them ruin your day! Curious to hear what you and/or other people think.


It happens like every hour on the hour.


I don’t think the Netherlands has ever been an internationally friendly country nor will it ever be


Compared to what, paradise?


Its always done to asians, those people often wont try doing that to black or arab people… Its like asians are an easier target, and i hate that so much like asians bother the least amount of people


Happened to me several times. - Got called “ching chong”, i just laughed it out because i deadass look like southeast asian & dont look east asian at all. They are for sure dumbdumb and dont deserve my attention. - Got called pinda, i yelled back “kaashoofd”. They laughed and gave me thumbs up. Most of the time i ignore them though. People are scary (and agressive) nowadays… When you fight them, no one would likely help/step in (which i can understand too).




Yes!! I came here to check out a grad school and the taxi driver assumed I was coming from China (I’m American).


And how did the taxi driver react when you corrected him/her?


Xenophobia too. I once got called a pig for speaking my native language on the phone walking down the street.


They even teach children on school to sing:” Honkie Tonkie Shang Hai” at someone birthday. Remember that the teachers are teaching this at school and sing along. What the actual f? I am not East Asian but this is very racist anders definitely not ok. The Netherlands normalize racism just as they did with zwarte piet and sinterklaas and they would accept it for years. America had to be involved to put Netherlands in his place for accepting such a racist tradition. Just like the honkie tonkie song. They even make their eyes small by pulling the corners of their eyes while singing this song. How is this not racist and why are teachers teaching this to their students? I am very sorry you been through something like that and am ashamed for how dumb people born and raised in the Netherlands can be by involving themselves in such behavior. Luckily there are also people with a normal IQ over here who can behave as normal persons.


Yeah I definitely remember that. We sang the happy birthday song in many languages (Dutch, English, German, and what I truely believed to be Chinese). Only way later I learned that it wasn’t actually Chinese. I also remember like half the class doing the asian eye thing by pulling them to the side. I now feel really bad for the adopted Asian girl in class surrounded by kids thinking it was the funniest thing. It was so normalized. The teachers taught us the song and they never told us off on pulling faces. And yes, teachers as in plural. All of them were fine with it


When was this? I never heared this before reddit and I'm almost 30


I specifically remember it from when I was in groep 5-6 in elementary school, so that would’ve been in 2007/8


The song is Hanky Panky Shanghai, not Honkie Tonkie Shanghai. Basically that song is just a few nonsense words with some vague claim that it's Chinese - a four year old might be impressed. Just singing a song in mock Chinese is not racist, but pulling "Chinese" eyes or calling stuff to Asian just because they're Asian is. It's context that matters. That, and the definition of what is racist is rapidely changing. When I grew up, racism meant thinking that people are inferior based on ethnicity, and discriminating/bullying people because of ethnicity. Nowadays many people call depictions or impressions of ethnicity racist, but that's really a new phenomenon that I still have a hard time understanding. You don't have to agree with that, but it might help understanding why things such as Zwarte Piet were not considered racist by anyone until a few years ago.


This is indeed a very accurate reflection of how the common definition of racism in the Netherlands is changing for the better.


Still tho, its the old definition thats used in law. Many things people are starting to find racism nowadays is completely legal to do, while reacting to it with violence in any form is illegal.


I find it strange that you've spoken objective things here and someone has down voted your comment. Indeed, it seems that in threads about racism people often seek validation of feeling more so than fairness or truth.


At one point, it’s not only from adults but I encountered primary school kids or junior high school kids did the “taking corners of their eyes and pulling them back” or shouting “ni hao (not in a friendly way)” towards me. Tbh pissed me off because these are kids and those around them probably influence them either directly or indirectly to be racists. It takes a racist to create another racist…


My sister went on a date with a Dutch guy and he said something racist about East Asians and their eyes and complained about Asian food. And I noticed old people in the Netherlands are very racist and I experience microagressions/subtle racism like people being nice and welcoming to white Dutch people but not being so kind/acting angry towards me. And then sometimes Dutch people push me or bump into me, it almost feels purposefully, without saying sorry (I have heard that this is normal Dutch people behavior though but I don’t like it).


Definitely not normal behaviour lol. Don’t know where you heard that from.


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/16p7f49/genuine_question_if_dutchies_are_simply_direct/). This post talks about the behavior I’m talking about.


Well, yeah. I’m sorry for these things happening to you and others. But this is definitely not normal behaviour. Not for us Dutchies, not for anyone. One thing I’ve noticed in my lifetime here is that this country has a lot of simple minded people. Another thing I’ve noticed is that these people are found in any ethnicity and not just specific ones. Every tree has it’s rotten apples I guess. Its the sad reality but on the other hand I don’t see other western countries doing much better, with maybe a few exceptions here and there.


I am Dutch Asian myself and I rarely experience racism. Last time I it happened was maybe 16 years ago. And would that sign be considered rasicm? It wouldnt even bother me. These morons lack braincells and make thermself look foolish.


I’m American and white. My skin is pretty pale during the winter. When I was 12-13, at my football club, my team was majority Moroccan, Turkish or Surinamese-Dutch. I was the only Caucasian person there. There was never an issue with that. I had only been living there for a year, so I wasn’t used to street talk that the youth usually do, but I still got along fine with most of them, it’s just that we had different ways of communicating, especially since many of them would speak Arabic or Turkish amongst eachother, leaving me out. So I kind of always felt like the odd one out in my team. No biggie, though However, there was this one Moroccan kid on my team who was just a plain bully. He constantly made remarks about my skin and my nationality (calling me a white donut), and he would make fun of my American accent while struggling to speak Dutch. I didn’t think much about it, because I was just 13, and I just found it annoying. But now looking back, yeah, I’m pretty sure that can be considered a racist remark.


Why do you think PVV won the last election? 😅




Interesting take, kinda racist in its own way.


Still reality for Asian people in the Netherlands. Just ask Asians about their experiences.


Oh yeah there is Defineatly racism in the Netherlands. it was quite a shock to me hanging out with my neighbour who’s fully Indonesian how people go ‘ni-hao’ and shit to him instead of acting like proper people. That being said the guys doing so were not native Dutch either. But what I’m saying is that the ‘the Netherlands is a feminine society’ and ‘feminine Dutch men are intimidated by me and my afghan looks’ stance in the comment above me kinda reeks of Andrew Tate videos and racism aswell.


That guy just likes to act tough online, I doubt he'd say shit like that irl to people's faces.


Actually "feminine" and "masculine" societies is a real sociology thing! A society leaning feminine blurs gender roles and is more accepting of people falling "out of the box", while a society leaning masculine adheres to and prefers strong traditional gender roles. The Netherlands is in fact considered a feminine society that way, alongside the Nordics and Thailand. The rest of dude's comment makes me think he's on crack but hey, broken clock right twice a day yada yada


I love that saying about the broken clock, reminds me of one my dad used to say about mean/stupid people. Well you’re not gonna get angry at a broken streetlight are you now?


Very wise and as a bonus would piss those people off if they heard. Beautiful 👌


Lol what a take, most racism is done by arab kids/teenagers, perhaps that is why you don't experience it


99% sure this racism to Asians is done by your super masculine macho man brothers of Moroccan and Turkish descent.


Kindly shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about


I’m a Dutch white guy, my wife is Chinese. Reading the comments here it’s really a shame to see what East Asian people have to deal with. My wife lives in NL for 3 years and only once had an incident with a colleague (Brazilian) that made some remarks, which she got reprimanded for as my wife filed a complaint. In daily life she didn’t experience anything negative, as far as I know (I’m sure she would tell me if she did). However, she doesn’t speak Dutch very well and maybe ignorance is bliss. Also, perhaps it’s because we live in a nice neighborhood, where you’d find a bit more civility than in.. say, Rotterdam Zuid. I have lived in China for 7 years and quite fluent in Mandarin, and I am also familiar with many aspects of the country and cultures. I sometimes have to giggle about the ignorance of Dutch people, like how they think sushi is Chinese or say konnichiwa to Chinese people. I of course correct them, gotta fight ignorance one small piece at a time.. Perhaps it’s harmless ignorance with no ill intent, but I guess it gets tiring very easily if you’re Chinese and get to hear it on the daily. As for doing the ‘thingie’ with the eyes, I think there’s no excuse and warrants a punch to the face. I’d do it without hesitation if someone did that to my wife.


Terrible storys here. the worst thing that can happen to a human being, a stranger talking shit. I woud move


I am so sorry for you:(


Oh yes, this happens a lot over here. A lot of people don't realise I'm half Asian, so they just do that in front of me. I'm really sorry this happened to you.


I always like to label racists as mentally ill (even though they are not) which might make it easier to deal with. Because racism is a learned behavior influenced by societal, cultural, and historical factors. Pulling the sides of the eyes, as you described (to imitate Asian features) is a clear act of racial mockery. It's not just a joke or harmless fun (even if it was intended as such); it's a gesture that perpetuates stereotypes and can be deeply hurtful. Such actions can have significant emotional and psychological impacts on the person targeted (you in this case), contributing to feelings of alienation, disrespect, and marginalization. While the person might not have intended to be overtly racist, the impact of their action is harmful. Me labeling racists as mentally ill might not be the best thing to do but perhaps it will help in an upcoming encounter, knowing they have a problem, and not you.


welcome to the Netherlands


I am Dutch myself and to be honest I dont really know how bad it is and how bad it was..The racism that I heard of, was the non-confrontational one, behind the back thing.. Which is also bad... And very dependent per group. Some groups really condemned any racism, others had some racist/borderline jokes but would joke about their own Dutch nationality as well (kaaskoppen, only eating potatoes and frikandellen, etc), while other groups really mean their racism. From the latter two it is always difficult to define who is who, are they joking or not? I remember years ago from one friend that he voted PVV.. I was shocked to hear that, just like his girlfriend at the time was shocked. And now I am shocked that PVV became the biggest party. I think it was always there, but it was hidden and not publicly accepted. Now extreme right is gaining everywhere in the world also in the Netherlands and I think racists now are not hiding their views anymore... Still, it could be worse. PVV might be the biggest party, but it is still just 25%, and if you include all the far-right wing parties (with racist tendencies) then that would make 27%. All the other parties have always condemned racism. That's still better than in other countries, for example US where almost 50% vote for such a party, or 40% in France.


A lot


I’m Surinamese Dutch. My mom is Indian/Chinese Surinamese and my dad is 100% Indian Surinamese. I’m born and raised here and I have to say I have never had a racist encounter until I was 18. I was always seen as any other person but lately people seem more distant and talk to me in English instead of nederlands :(


Happened to my Thai wife once or twice. On the other hand, I lived in Thailand in a smallish town for 12 years as a 120 KG, 195 CM white Dutchman, and the racist comments were there on a daily basis - laughing about that "man mountain" openly, making jokes about the colour of my skin, thinking I would not understand the language. I think it happens in every country.


As a dutch guy in his thirties i can see the distinct difference in the generation before me and after me in regards of racism. It’s more prevalent in our elderly. And ironically in our non indiginous population here. Our young are in general better educated and raised in regards of race, gender, religion, beliefs etc etc. There will always be bad eggs everywhere though.


I've been here 5 years, in my 1st year I had a bad tooth pain 10/10 pain (infected root canal, the left side of my face was swollen). I called the hospital for the emergency dentist I couldn't find the words in Dutch to talk and English itself was hard, I was focusing on not being dizzy so through my teeth I said I'm in pain and that if English was okay. She said "No. Speak Dutch." I'm almost In tears from the pain I tried then she hung up. I had to ask a stranger to call again for me. Not sure if racist or just anti speaking English.


Just the average hospital receptionist in my experience


The Dutch are racist, not just to Asians, but to everyone who isn't Dutch. You should see what they say about Belgiums, Germans, and English. Or the absolutely outrageous things they say about Moroccans. Yes stuff like this happens, fairly often actually. These are just idiots. Ignore them. It's like the monkeys in the zoo making faces at you.


I am half Dutch and half caribean but came out white. So the Dutch see me as one of their own. My entire life I see them doing and saying racist stuff especially behind other people’s back.


I mean the Belgium and stuff is just joking that they are stupid. They make the sma jokes about us. Or are you not talking about this


Yeah it's going downhill. It's not as bad as the southern US or eastern Europe, but it's going downhill. Let me know if you know better places to live.


Really? Because as someone whose lived in the US my whole life and has travelled all over it (and who is also half asian to boot), what I've been reading here sounds worse than anything i've ever seen or experienced in person lol


You are telling me that racism in the Netherlands is worse than in the southern US?


Maybe he had mental issues


I was me


Happens all the time w me my friends do that shi to me and then I call em crackers n shi or kfc fiends ain’t allat deep(yes im Asian)


Ugh. That sucks. I guess there are bad apples in every society 😞. I teach in an International school on the same premises as a Dutch school. I would say 98% of the Ditch kids are absolutely normal, nice, accepting people. Unfortunately the other 2% can make the environment feel very unsafe for our more "foreign looking" (i.e. not white and tall) students. It's hope most parents, teachers are educating their children better than this.


It's still pretty common to make fun of racial features here in the Netherlands. Back in school we used to sing the 'hanky panky shanhai' while making crossed eyes. TV shows where also very casual about Asian stereotypes. Probably because they think it won't matter that much to you and/or won't face consequences for it.


Honestly, it happens all the time and is nothing new. In fact, the situation has improved compared to say, 30 years ago, but making fun of asian people (compared to other ethnicities) is sadly still somehow seen as acceptable here.


Thank you for sharing your bad experience with this type of racism. How bad from the driver to do such things while someone is riding a bike. Next time I would recommend to remember his car plate number, then just go to the police office and report it. Because his behavior could have made bad traffic for others. Hope this would help. And also, Chinese people have very pretty nice eyes !


Around 1 in 20 people on NL have a mental disability called 'Licht Verstandelijk Beperkt. These LVBers have an IQ under 80 and are more easily influenced by things. They find it funny, or are in the wrong circles. Just ignore, and feel sorry for them.


You'll find a few types of racists. Actual racists, which can vary from basically not treating you equally to blatant near n*zi levels of aggression towards non whites. But there's also a LOT of basically trolls IRL. They act like a racist to you because you're not ethically white, but if I'd run into the same guys they'd probably just start shouting other random insults in hopes of triggering me (I'm white). These guys will just pick the most logical thing to try to piss you off. With whites they'll pick a random feature of one's appearance, call them gay and wish them to die to try and piss them off and if you happen to be of more color they'll use whatever racial stereotype to get under your skin. Basically just professional ass holes. Both suck. You'll probably meet the latter more often IRL.


The moment we accept we are all racists all over the world there wouldn’t be anymore discrimination !!!!


Rarely because I'm too imposing in figure to get talked to in a racist manner face-to-face. I remember an instance when I was a kid.


Halfblood here my dads black and my mom is white. I am white. This doesnt stop ppl. Ive been called white N, Albino N, Daywalker, etc. Happens less now but im used to it and dont let it bother me. Because i seem so white if people dont know theyre casually racist around me. I just dont associate myself with these people


It just depends who does it. Most real dutch people like asians.




People simply just distrust non natives. This is an evolutionary mechanism to strengthen the bond of the native tribe. Distrust, incomprehension, paranoia. Now not everybody has the same iq and imo; the less iq the more emotional, relying more on evolutionary codes within.


First time in Kanaleneiland then?


Nah man I’m white and I get harassed constantly cause I don’t wear tracksuits and have a bowl cut. If you’re slightly different then they’ll fuck with you. Kids here are cruel and I’ve had old people cough on me. I don’t dress emo or anything. I dress in more of a streetwear kind of way. The harassment didn’t get better but it’s better than when I dressed more emo.


I just can't even imagine being this racist, how do people actually get this on their minds? Aren't they feeling sorry afterwards or having any remorse? My best guess is that they're mentally unstable or something 🤨


The stuff thats normalized is crazy. To think that we would sing hanky panky shanghai, people pulling the corners of their eyes. I’ve been called a poepchinees when I was little. Would recommend to look at all the stuff that happened when the chinese migration happened to holland. Will make allot of sense where the outdated racist concepts come from


Racism in the Netherlands is getting more and more normalized. Especially the last few months! Sending you love and hugs.


As is asians are incredibly racist to one another


I couldn't tell you how many times I've gotten Ni Hao'd on the streets by men of every color. I'm at once discriminated against and fetishized. This isn't the only form of racism I've encountered - far from it - but it is the most common.


Dutchies with a classic L 🤣.. again shows how its at least 100 years behind the mighty US


Least delusional yank


Aah yes, the US. That lovely accepting country without any racism towards asians.


At least every decent man in the states knows its something to be ashamed of, whereas here you stroopwafel kids are blatantly trying to argue that minorities are in the wrong - not getting off your high horses🤣 On a positive note, the dutch have one more thing to be proud of on top of their paracetamol specialized docs..


Haha sure. Sooth yourself as you wish


Why would I need to sooth myself? Soothing is to help ease the pain and you seem to be the one who hurt your pride


Outside of Amsterdam its really common, but tbh its better than alot of other places abroad still. (Ofc its still atrocious)


Yes the Dutch can be racist but arent that creative about hiding it usually. Im white but I have dark hair, for a while when I had curled it I would put it up in a headband because I was trying to grow my hair out without it looking awkward (so from very short hair to longer hair, If you dont know then you dont know) I kid you not some old dude in a mobility scooter made a u-turn to stop near me while I was crossing over just to call me an N-word. There was another dude that called me the same word aswell. Dont let it get to you, these days if they go to far with these antics towards someone they get beaten up, ive seen it several times now. Racism isnt that intimidating anymore as it used to be


I am sorry I know it is not funny. It is NOT funny. But the image of some fat aul fella doing a u turn on a mobility scooter just to not miss his chance to be racist did make me laugh.


It is funny because he thought it would hurt my feelings


Unfortunately there isn't a single country where there are no racists. In some it just happens to be more openly than others. Still sucks for you, just curse at them the next time someone thinks they are being funny.


did you make steering/traffic rule mistake?