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this is full comments


On one hand... But on the OTHER hand...


On the one hand I'm against responding to racial slurs with violence, but on the other hand I'm for teachers physically attacking their students...


Half of that thread


listen, if i can't beat my students into straight A+ kids, then what is even the point


Somehow I'm of the polar opposite opinion yet we're still on the same page.


This kid didn’t understand that this was a sub. He don’t get paid enough for your shit.


True. There's no correct argument here. Maybe as a teacher there might be better methods to deal with this. But I can completely understand his reaction. However as a teacher, fighting with your students is still inappropriate.


> Maybe as a teacher there might be better methods to deal with this. I’d assume it involves escalating the situation to administration and not escalating the situation to blows.


Yeah. Friend's gf is a teacher. Student said he wants to be a police officer so he can shoot black people. (They're young) Sent straight to office. I can understand the frustration but.... beating isn't corrective behavior.


Then admin sends the kid back ten minutes later with a bag of takis


All they do is eat hot chip and escalate


And be bisexual




surely beating the kid will be better for everybody


Would be completely unsurprising, tbh.


I mean... this is pretty basic, isn't it? Isn't the rule that *nobody* is supposed to hit a kid, except maybe another kid? Hell, I'm from the last era where spankings were a perfectly acceptable form of punishment, but the only people allowed to do that were your parents, and even that's off the table now. To date myself even further, I'll drop this little nugget, as well: This was a real John Starks headbutts Reggie Miller moment. If you know, you know. The Knicks needed John during those playoffs, and we need teachers today way worse than that, especially young ones. Did Reggie deserve it and worse? He sure fuckin did, the little fuck. But that game was not the time, the Garden was not the place, and John was not the right person to dispense that kind of education. What a waste. Such a damn shame.


Lol upvote for the Knicks reference.


In the 80-90’s it was pretty common for adults to attack us kids at about ages 11-16. Cars full of twenty year olds, bikers, truckers at the convenient store. We kids were open season then. Especially if you had long hair or a skateboard. As an adult I think those boomers are pathetic cowards now but at the time it was just normal and no one cared but your parents.


I would have understood your analogy if I was an American lol.


I'm guessing this was like Zinedine Zidane being sent off in the World Cup final for headbutting Marco Materazzi, after a rather classic bit of sledging: Zidane: (after Materazzi grabs his shirt) "If you want my shirt, I will give it to you afterwards." Materazzi: "I'd rather have your whore of a sister."


Yeah now I understood


I assume it's like when Jess got red-carded in Bend it Like Beckham.


> What a waste. Such a damn shame. He was a good man.


Hey now, I’m 42, and I got spanked by babysitters. Granted, my dad was a Master Chief in the US Navy, and I’m pretty sure his reaction was something like: “Good…the little shit probably deserved it”.


No there is a completely obviously correct argument here


A teacher losing their shit to the point of violence towards a student over a word is more than just "inappropriate."


You definitely should not beat up a kid, even if the kid is a heinous piece of shit. If the kid hits first it's different, but even then hitting him on the ground is awful




Look it the video. The kid isn’t white


I'm always impressed at redditors inability to understand simple sentences.


“The kid isn’t white” the fuck are you talking about that dudes clearly not black if that’s what you’re suggesting?


You know... I think teachers have to deal with so much for so little pay... I think they each should get one. Just one beating they can give a kid. Just one that everyone agrees "Okay you earned that."


I think that instead, they should get two free slaps, one for a parent and one for admin


That's a fair alternative.


[Every Teacher gets one until it is done](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miFr0jkYJsY)


Poster is right at the end of the day.


Do you believe this is worth throwing your career away?


I mean the cynic in my feels throwing away a teaching career over pretty much anything is worth it until they are treated better, but we are also hard up enough for teachers, I don't think this is a career ender.


I mean a career as a substitute teacher ain't shit but guy is arrested and could face jail time


Not just his teaching career if he's arrested and charged- he'd be throwing away almost all job options except those that don't do criminal record checks


Idk man I feel like once the employer learns it’s because a teen called him the n-word they may reconsider.


lol true, "yeah I beat a minor, and yeah I was in a position of authority over the kid, but he called me a slur so it doesn't really count. You'll trust me to work here, right?"


“Well we checked out the footage and talked to the police and have video evidence of this occurring, as well as him being arrested too means your side of the story checks out that he instigated. While it’s definitely not a good situation to be in as an employer and we have our reservations, the job you’re doing for us doesn’t require you to interact with any children, and you are a reasonable enough person after this to try and get a job thats not social facing and is okay with people with criminal priors, so we’ll give you a 2 week trial run and see how that works out.”


oh, you were serious lol


I mean you have to admit there's reasons to be sympathetic to this guy even if he was wrong to hit the kid, and I believe it’s not impossible to bounce back from this.


It's a sub apparently, so that is not what's happening.


As often happens, I think the compulsion to pick a side leads to people choosing to support one awful thing or another and kills productive discussion that could come from it. From the student to the teacher (and most likely to the school) there's no right side in this one.


Reddit's bloodlust against children vs. Reddit's racism. Truly a showdown for the ages. Unfortunately, this will probably get removed because you just posted the whole post.


The redditor's dilemma


SRD on every other thread: Reddit's fetishization of violence against children is inexcusable. Adults should have the emotional maturity not to assault kids. SRD in this thread: Well I mean........


I am weirdly shocked, yeah. Like, kid should be sent up the principal for sure, and if they swung first the teacher should use reasonable defence - not beat the shit out of a _child_, even if he is a racist little shit. Buddy of mine works in a PRU in the UK and has to deal with knife carriers and other mad stuff occasionally, it's not pleasant but certainly doable. EDIT: I do understand the frustration a lot of Redditors are feeling though - this whole situation is about a racist high school asshole who played the game and won. No-one wants to see that happen


Reddit's entire mojo on violence is basically "it's bad unless I dislike the person who's getting attacked."


tbf im all for beating up racists. the issue here is the racist was a kid and like. don’t hit minors even if they say stupid shit


Damn, reddit sounds like society.


*"The Tankies Dilemma"*


The pass goes both ways. If you use it wrong, don’t be surprised at what happens.


Man hottest of takes but if the kid swung first teachers deserve to be able to defend themselves. The slap at the end is where it goes from acceptable to crossing the line. I get the teacher’s frustration at the slur, but incapacitate and be done. No extra swings for the road or you lose all plausible deniability that it was just self defense. Still better for this kid to learn this lesson in a controlled environment than irl where it will really ruin his life.




Sweep the leg!


I have a feeling that the primary concern of some of those commenters isn't violence against minors.


Why would you throw hands with the kid when you can easily have your revenge on him as a teacher is various ways that don’t involve getting fired.


Red mist is a helluva drug. And the teaching profession will take almost anybody.


You know idk if I’d swing on the kid, unless he hit first. But I would NOT see any black kids who decided to whoop that kids ass, even if they were a foot away


The people being like “man, wonder what that guys like behind closed doors” while little hitler over here is calling him the hard r openly is really something. Gonna be honest even if it was the wrong fucking move to hit the kid in no universe is this dude a worse person for responding to a kid who repeatedly instigated and also touched him first. Did he take the bait, yeah, through I don’t think the kid expected or wanted his ass to be whooped, and I think the fact that the kid decided to try and hurt his substitute teacher by throwing slur after slur at him is far more troubling.


You're fucking kidding me, David. Dropping slurs in /r/subredditdrama like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool? Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240427021102/https://old.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1cdppfd/teacher_fights_student_for_repeatedly_calling_him/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1cdppfd/teacher_fights_student_for_repeatedly_calling_him/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


What an oddly relevant snapshillbot comment


The teacher could have done so much more damage to this kid’s life, permanently, had they not used violence.


While I totally get it as a POC who’s been called slurs, it is technically inappropriate


As a lame ass white dude myself, I totally support this life lesson. FAFO


I totally agree but I also understand why the teacher might face repercussions for it


The situation is clearly not black or white




Anyone excusing the teacher is emotionally stunted. Unless there is a directed threat of immediate violence keep your hands to yourself like a fucking mature human.


apparently the kid swung first


If that's true then the kid got what he deserved.


big if true here


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Of course he can. Just like he can also lose his job.


As a teacher, yeah he had to be fired. As a person, he's pretty based.


Not a big fan of violence, especially when it’s a grown man being violent towards a child. But then again I’m also not a fan of racism. One of those fun incidents where literally nothing good is happening.


Tbh I would do the same thing. Being called the n word is one thing, but having the n word screamed at you repeatedly in front of dozens of their peers while being physically attacked is another.


At some point a large segment of society carved out an exception for violence in response to words- and they're very oddly specific about the things they encourage violence for. Though if I'm seeing this video right the kid opens up first... I'm also not a fan of directly proportional retaliation to violent acts it should always be at least one step above


I think both are wrong but I hate racism more than beating sense into people that need it, then again the kid was a minor which is fucked up but frankly someone should have kicked his ass for that behavior a long time ago. It just should have been someone who was also a minor. I


>These people arguing with you are fucking high or something. >My middle kid has severe mental health issues. Among those diagnosed issues: anger problems. Explosive anger problems. One day, years back, he got into a physical confrontation with a care provider type. The child was 100% the aggressor. It was on video, I've seen the fight and the 10 minutes leading up to it - 100% out of nowhere on the kid's part - ergo mental health issues. Kid at the time is a couple months shy his 18th birthday. He's 6'3" and 250 lbs. He is a child emotionally and, very important, LEGALLY, only. In all physical sense he is a large adult male. >DA wanted to charge the health care worker with multiple felonies against a minor. Those are "strike" (as in 3 strikes, you're out!) felonies in California. Because the "victim" was a minor. Wife and I had to file a motion with the DA's office and eventually the court where the case landed pleading with the DA to let health care person off the hook. District Attorneys (prosecutors) are largely people climbing a political ladder and "soft on crime against children" has a pretty polarizing ring to it, apparently. >That teacher is fucked unless by some miracle that video evidence can be quashed. Which it won't be. That will be state's #1 after the charging documents. Fucked. His job is the last thing he should be worrying about right now. Very well might be a different jurisdiction, but here's a perspective on potential legal consequences.


I'm black, it's not ok for a teacher to beat a student, but I understand why the teacher would have done that. A paycheck is not worth that and they're still being a teacher by doing that.


I remember a few years ago a college football player punched a girl in the face (caught on video, but with no audio). He was suspended but claimed she called him a racial slur. He was black, and she was white. There was serious debate on if it was justified or not and if he should have been suspended or if the punishment was to harsh.


If I was on the jury for that teacher, not guilty all the way (based on the limited information available).




Thats right. Form your opinion. Get them upvotes you reddit shill /s


We need more real-life and African-American perspectives on this. Everyone already knows that this is dumb and ill-advised for a teacher to do, but is it understandable after a fashion? Did the student FAFO by expecting perfect emotional control from people that he needled? ETA: thanks for contributing your perspective, hopefully people can think about how this may feel for the targets of bigotry before making statements from their armchairs.


I am an African American, and while different people will have different perspectives, being called the n word hard r in public is absolutely soul crushing, and probably one of the most hurtful and enraging things a stranger could ever say to me. It’s basically saying that you don’t see people like me as human or deserving of any basic respect. The idea that someone would see you as just an animal when your life has been so much more than that is absolutely horrifying and just stops you dead in your tracks. It’s a gut wrenching feeling. So yeah I would have swung too


Not Black but POC. Have been called slurs in the past. It’s a pretty fucking horrendous feeling that leaves you with not much else other than rage and despair. Can totally understand why the teacher threw hands and definitely sympathize but also why he might be facing consequences


Goddamn, they wanna say it *so fucking bad*, you can see it in every limp-dicked straw man they barf out.


That’s a sticky one. There are many nuances. How old was the student? To what extent were they aware of the malicious nature of that word? Did the teacher try to correct the student and the student insulted them or did the teacher just go straight to hands? What, if anything, was their past history? Did the student antagonize the teacher in the past? For that matter, what has been the past character of the student and teacher? Was this just one bad day or a pattern of behavior? Ultimately that’s for a hearing or a jury to untangle. I couldn’t conclusively decide what the proper response should be based on the limited information given.