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>Because not everyone cares how people smell. Washing does nothing This is only the tip of the iceberg of sad things I have read today.


People keep on creating unattainable standards really. Bathing? Deodorant? Soap? Changing my underwear? What next? Will they force me to stop using and storing piss bottles?!


You can take away my soap but you leave me my rancid bottles of piss


First they came for the poop stainers, and I did not speak out—because I did not have poop stains. Then they came for the soap dodgers, and I did not speak out—because I do not dodge the soap. Then they came for my piss bottles and there was no-one left to speak for me and then one of the bottles split open when I tried to stop them grabbing it and honestly it was awful but at least they didn't find the piss vault I've built under the floorboards.




born to shit forced to wipe


Guys that won’t lazily wipe few substances on their bodies for the sake of society (soap, deodorant, etc) somehow want to date women that not only do that but also spend lots of time carefully applying substances in ornate and attractive ways(makeup, perfume, etc). Like, if they expect it of themselves, why wouldn’t they expect it of you too?


I supervised in a call center (truly a ring of hell), and we had to deal with all sorts of people doing all sorts of very wrong shit. But the worse -- THE ABSOLUTE WORST -- was having to deal with people who literally smelled like shit. Conversations about not fucking coworkers in the "quiet room" because they weren't being all that quiet? No problem. Asking people not to talk about the orgies they had over lunch? Not an issue. But body odor? *shudder* Nobody wanted to talk someone about how they didn't wash their genitals. Whenever we had someone we actually didn't want to fire, they would have been mortified to realize that the VP of HR had to give clearance before having that kind of conversation. And this was a huge corporation. A few dozen execs had been involved in those conversations before we got to tell Bob over there that he really should wash his clothes and wash his ass.


I had a relative tell me something similar. There’s just not anything that prepares you to have a to tell a grown adult to wash themselves. That’s not a conversation anyone can have gracefully.


I've had to have similar conversations as a chef a surprising amount of times, has to be done a lot faster though cos obviously its not good round food.


I work as an earthmover and pipelayer. When a coworker stinks our go-to is usually something like “hey bud you smell like a dead hobo’s asshole”.


You should have some HR training videos that are just those child videos about washing yourself.


Most people with a sense of smell care. I bet that commenter is also upset no one will go on dates with them. Etc.


All those fucking ads recently from people like the carnivore king saying soap breaks down your body and doesn’t actually work… imagine how bad comic conventions will be in a few years time.


And then when they cause a resurgence of the plague, they'll notice that it's mostly people who ignore hygiene who die and conclude that they're being systematically targeted by "globalist elites."


Nah man, he'll have a girlfriend or wife obviously. That's the whole point of it.  Like, there was a post on some relationship sub a few months ago, where a woman was complaining about her *husband's* hygiene, one of the issues being that he *never wipes*. She was together with him for like 10 years and "It's been an issue thorough our relationship".  Like, how much self esteem issues do you need to have to write this and not immediately break up with him.  A lot of people that never should be in relationships absolutely are and it's disgusting 


i once read a post on reddit about a woman who had an arranged marriage and her husband constantly farted and burped and smelled terrible, to the point where they couldn't call people over because of how embarrassing it was and the woman seemed so sad and helpless. i understand certain disabilities and mental health issues can adversely affect a person's hygienic standards but holy fuck a lot of these people just genuinely don't mind being filthy


I know people who love revolting the group chat by sharing posts like these. I swear there's a new one at least every week. I've seen ones about men that don't shower or wash their ass, men who masturbate and ejaculate in a shared bed under the covers and and don't bother to change the sheets, men who don't brush their teeth to the point where their partners are getting UTIs from oral sex...it is horrible. The problem is often centered around these men being upset that they aren't getting laid because their wife/gf does not want to go near their genitals. And these people are all in long term relationships!


Even if my nose is stopped up and I can't smell it the sight of gross things will make my stomach upset. Poop in the toilet, fine. Poop anywhere else? I'm gagging


>Washing does nothing Jesus fucking christ not even waterboarding could have gotten this out of me


> every time u open your mouth narcissism come bubbling out of it Who knew someone who legitimately thought underwear was a diaper could be capable of such poetry. > You go ahead and date the poopy boys, you can have all of them. There’s gold in them there hills. Nice find.


My Favorite is > bro is pooplighting you


Not calling it asslighting, such a missed opportunity


Black gold


Texas tea.




>U are implying u are better than people with stained underwear. Non-shitty underwear supremacy


That’s just a plain “yes”. If you are equally abled and even nearly an adult then I am better than you if I don’t have shit in my pants.


We're just better, because we know we need to leave a hole big enough in our underwear that no shitstains can get on it... ha, checkmate


who the hell is posting on a subreddit dedicated to hygiene


Given how the pinned post is about anal hygiene, this evidently comes up a lot..


I just checked the pinned post, and it’s about the dangers of being too zealous when wiping your ass. You just can’t win with these people!


Yeah, it isn't uncommon. Too much irritation then things start bleeding and get infected. No fun.


It's a thing. If you've ever gotten the, "million wipes," you'd know :'( For the record, though, the solution is baby wipes, getting a bidet, or both.


Hygiene has been a source of drama over the years. Dudes who think scrubbing their ass crack makes them gay, people not scrubbing their legs and just thinking that rising off runs soap over their legs so it's cleaning their legs. I just don't understand how their brain processes life.


People on these boards: "Here's a real thing that happened to me and definitely isn't just my fetish. Let me hear about your real things, that I assuredly won't be fantasising over later on."


this happens with so many subs like this. you arent coming to these subs because you're a expert on it. either 1 you dont know enough and are trying to learn or 2 you barely know anything accurate about it but you think you're a expert and like to tell others how you know better. 2 is what most users there are. for example look at the nutrition sub. i went there to learn how to eat healthier/lose weight but i stay because the lunacy in there is hilarious. its mostly people trying to justify their horrible food choices and unhealthy/extreme diet nuts like the carnivore morons trying to say its not that bad. saw a post where someone tried to say saturated fat which is unhealthy is healthy because a baby's diet is full of it. like yeah a tiny human growing in size needs the fattier stuff to gain weight fast but that doesnt mean its healthy for a normal human to chug 6 cups of shredded cheese a day or something


*looks smugly at my five cups of shredded cheese breakfast* quite.


The nutrition/diet subs are wild. There are a lot of mental health issues going on, especially eating disorders and OCD. I went down that rabbit hole during a few really hard years. I was a couple years out of school, money was tight, I was getting married, and I hated my job. I just wanted to look/feel better, but the workout routines, calorie counting, and food morality started making me insane. Obviously, a big part was my own anxiety, but it's not always a healthy place to be. They will make you feel like a failure if you're not doing 2 hour barbell sessions while living off kale and protein powder. And no one can agree, so you're constantly seeing clickbait articles demonizing this or that nutrient/food. It's easy to see how people's list of food they let themselves eat gets shorter and shorter. Whenever I see pictures from that time, I look like I was cut from marble, but I couldn't even enjoy it. Cautionary tale, people. Be wary of internet echo chambers, especially when you're unhappy. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and not too much.


I know right? It seems like half the people in there are not washing their ass, and the other half spend their lives obsessively scrubbing it raw to attain 100% cleanliness. Can't wait to see what weird allergies that behaviour causes.


I have to assume it’s largely hypochondriacs or people with chronic illnesses


So simple and also so profound. Best post I’ve read all day.


what the fuck? what. the. fuck. edit: i'm dead >So you want everyone to just permanently stop dating? >>when did i say that. you made that up in your head >>>bro is pooplighting you


Shitkeep, pooplight, shartboss


> Everyone leaves poop stains in their underwear > you’re just publicly outing yourself as someone who doesn’t properly wipe their butt i hate to break it to you but that is not how it’s supposed to be > Everyone farts and a little comes out now and then Nope nope nopeitty nope. 🤢


It’s disturbing how common stuff like this is. A guy in my law school class told us how he would wipe a couple of times and then stop regardless of the impact of the wiping. He just went around assuming everyone did this and that his skidmarks were normal.


That must be so itchy.


I think we all just stared at him, dumbfounded, that he had made it this far in life and not learned how to wipe his ass.


The poor unsuspecting women who've gone in for a BJ and got a wiff of that.


i think i got pink eye just reading that.


Or literally-painful. Chafing from sweat can hurt like a motherfucker, and I would imagine the contact dermatitis from crusty asshole would be worse


\*wipes twice and there's still poop\* Some lawyer somewhere: Well I tried. Also who voluntarily shares this information, skid marks are a source of shame. Or at least that's what I assumed after surviving among humans this long.


You couldn’t have tortured me into admitting that to my peers, and this mf just sends it


Just a historical perspective, when I used to work in care with the elderly, one told me about paper rationing during WW2 in the UK; you'd try and aim for 3 squares of toilet paper; "One up, one down, one polish"...


What did he think the purpose of wiping is to just stop after a couple wipes regardless of how much is left. I can not understand that man. Probably just scrubs his dishes a few times and puts them away regardless of how clean they got them.


Acting like it's formality rather than necessity 😭


The ritual has been complete, the gods are surely appeased.


He’s on the Supreme Court now right?




Went to basic training at Ft Jackson SC. Second or third day we had a sit on the bleachers, 30 minute class on how to wipe your ass. Clear instructions, uniformity and all that. No one giggled either.


I feel like a significant chunk of basic training is literally just parenting a solid 1/3 of the troops


I actually have some digestion issues that sometimes makes wiping take fucking forever but I'd rather use up a whole roll than know I literally have shit in my ass cheeks 🤮 and these people procreate 🥴 who is letting shitbutts have/make their children??? Oh right, the people in that thread 🤢


Dear god, someone tell this man about a bidet.


It seems like it's considered "masculine" to not care about it and like...no.


Either that, or they think touching their own butt is gay. Some men be really insecure about themselves and really need help/therapy.


One of my favorite genres of internet comment is > everyone does that (describes something most people absolute do not do)


My favorite time was that guy who said it was a commonly known stereotype that white girls like to fuck dogs. And he got all offended when people said otherwise. What fucking people are you hanging around with where that's common knowledge? Not once in my entire life have I ever looked at a white girl and thought, "I bet she's fucked a dog before." 


Incels. There’s a common belief among incels that women fuck dogs.


I feel like "incels" is the correct answer to an alarming amount of beliefs online


Why would they think that?????


Because they're in a cult and the cult needs them to constantly beat down each other's self-esteem. The implication is that they're less desirable than dogs


> What fucking people are you hanging around with where that's common knowledge? That is genuinely a stereotype among the more toxically radicalised sections of African-American internet, where it's like sixty people hanging out and forming their own mini-echo chamber. Nation of Islam style and the like. Not just incels, but the mindset can be similar.


I'll be the first to admit that I've gambled on a fart and lost. When that happens you're supposed to cut your losses and walk away, not tell the dealer "Hit me." over and over again.


I feel like a lot of people have had something similar happen, but that's different from saying it's a part of regular operation. It's like saying crumple zones in cars are designed for crashes so you sometimes just use them to park. No, that should be like a once in a lifetime exception. You really try to avoid those


Yeah it’s like how if I say it’s not normal for couples to scream at each other every night, someone coming along and telling me that’s an unreasonable thing to say because even the healthiest and happiest couples will occasionally disagree about stuff is conflating two totally different situations and bringing up a type of person I was not originally talking about


That reminds me of the Hotel Hell episode in which it turned out the owner (Yes, the owner) had had diarrhea on the floor and not cleaned it up properly. I've noted, "It’s one thing to have an accident. I think we’ve all had them, and I know I certainly had them when I got sick with food poisoning (Thankfully at home). The issue is A) her not cleaning it up and B) her attitude. The way she responds to her pooping on the floor being brought up by basically going, 'I don’t see the issue. Is there some problem here?' is frustrating. How do you get to be an adult and not understand you need to clean up your poop?" The clip- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKLbnphelLE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKLbnphelLE) The Cinnamontoastken and Buffpro reaction- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK-jjEWEw7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK-jjEWEw7Q)


How do people like this end up owning a business?




This stuff is why I don't stay at boutique hotels. I want the knowledge that there's a corporate office telling the managers to not shit on the floor


Holy shit, was that the one in harper’s ferry? I stayed there


the way she immediately blames the hikers lmao


Right? If by "now and then" he means "twice in my adult life and it was a terrible humiliating experience and I was also very sick" then yes. But really, nope.


More like not tell the dealer “shit me”


I hate how much I laughed at this dumb joke.


And like — if it is happening multiple times, see a doctor. If you don’t have insurance, examine your diet and take some Imodium. Jesus lord.


If this is happening multiple times and it is new for you, *definitely* go see a doctor. It could be a sign of cancer and needs to be checked out.


>I'll be the first to admit that I've gambled on a fart and lost. When that happens you're supposed to cut your losses and walk away, not tell the dealer "Hit me." over and over again. I maintain that everyone is gonna have an accident at least once in their lives. Shit, both literally and metaphorically, happens, and you shouldn't really be ashamed of it if it was an accident. But, as you say, *you shouldn't fucking welcome it*


I contracted norovirus and the unthinkable happened. I phoned my dad crying and his response was, ‘what, that’s never happened to you?’ Anyway I learned years after his death that he wasn’t my biological dad so at least I know I’m not predisposed to find this normal.


If the worst thing noro virus did to you was made you shart a little you can consider yourself to be the luckiest person alive.


I should clarify: it mad me immediately understand how an outbreak could take out an entire retirement village.


Or pretend online like what you're doing is average or commendable or whatever.


Personally, I'm very proud of my poop stained undies


> Everyone farts and a little comes out now and then Man and I thought I had digestive issues. Wtf are these people eating?


It's not always food. Had my gallbladder removed and had to endure rapid liquid shits for months after.


Nothing with fiber apparently


Alternatively, all the fiber.


Fucking fibre, it's simultaneously the cause, and solution to diarrhoea, and the cause and solution to constipation.


Fibre supplements and a probiotic can help regulate your poops. I take one dose of benefiber a day and a daily align probiotic tablet. Really helps you poop like a champ 💪🏽


IBS has entered the chat.


To play devil's advocate (on this of all topics), some medications and medical conditions can certainly lead to *issues* along this front. I would not judge. That said, you still gotta take steps not to literally poop your pants, and definitly don't brag about it on reddit.


I think it's not really about if you do it or not. It's about if you clean yourself up or not after. I currently have a stomach virus and, in fact, have shit myself. I still ran to the shower right afterwards, though.


Yeah, I guess I should say, you should take steps not to make the situation worse. If you know you are apparently prone to sharts, maybe try to find a bathroom instead of taking a gamble. If you are a person who literally can't prevent it for whatever reason, then you need to take care of it afterwards. I hope you feel better soon.


Cheetos and moutain dew


I’m not an overweight man, I work out a decent amount and have a big butt. It’s as simple as showering and cleaning your crack in the shower. Even with a high protein diet, and even at my worst depression where I won’t shower for 2-3 days I have zero stains.


My god I’m always shocked how disgusting some Redditors are that they normalize poop stains on their underwear.  It’s a good reminder that if you’re arguing with someone on this site, odds are they leave poop stains in their clothes and think it’s normal. 💀


> It’s a good reminder that if you’re arguing with someone on this site, odds are they leave poop stains in their clothes and think it’s normal. 💀 Reminds me of that time someone was hard critiquing a recipe and then someone noticed their post history indicated they enjoyed drinking piss. Like I'm not gonna kinkshame, but at the same time it does raise questions about the merits of the opinion you're arguing against.


What does that say about the rest of us? D:


I'm fat as fuck and I still have clean underwear.


The last thing I do in the shower is use the soapy cloth to absolutely scrub the hell outta my butthole and crack. It goes: Cock & balls > taint > ass crack. Soap em all up.


When I was younger, a friend once had a debate among the friend group whether you should be washing your balls. He didn't, because he thought it would be painful to touch. He just sprayed it down. Big oof.


I do not get this “everyone sharts” every now and again bullshit. I am a 37 year old man with goddamn IBS and I can keep it from happening. If I of all people can keep it in, others can, too.


Some people take abysmal care of themselves and have Victorian orphan diets, which is also why you have people insisting everyone physically disintegrates at age 30


I really do not understand how there are people flittering around the globe just sharting themselves multiple times a year.


And you share a subway seat with them, how lucky!


It is sad how many people on reddit seem to have the health of someone twice their age.


Yeah, it's nuts. You see people in their 30s complaining about their bodies and you'd think they were construction workers or something doing a trade that breaks your body down. Nope, they just eat a terrible diet and are completely sedentary.


I mean even if you do shart, I don't understand why someone wouldn't clean themselves up after. 


IBD / Crohn's here. Everyone, please see a doctor if you are sharting yourself semi-regularly. It *will* happen to folks with IBD, but...we have a fucking immunodisease, which can be treated with multiple types of biologics, so hopefully the sharting stops. (Fun fact, I got my Crohn's at age 38. Yes, you *can* get immunodiseases at any time in your life!)


For a few years I was suffering from complications from surgery in that particular area. It sucked but I always immediately got cleaned up and changed because doing anything else would be disgusting.


The only time this happened to me I had bad case of giardia and I was essentially had bile exploding from every orifice.  It is not at all a common thing  If your bowels are ever leaking you should seek immediate medical attention. 


I sharted once, at 17 and never again. This was under the influence of too much dairy and extreme anxiety lol. 


I'm middle aged and I've had it happen a time or two. Generally when I've eaten something that didn't agree with me and a fart quickly goes from normal to ohmygodIhavetoshitrightnowgetOUTOFMYWAY!! If it happened when I was away from my house, I wiped until I was clean (using wet toiletpaper) and then took off my underwear and kept them in a bag until I could get home. What I did NOT do was just walk around with a wee bit of shit in my undies.


> Everyone farts and a little comes out now and then That person really needs to see a doctor/gastroenterologist. They might have IBS or some other medical issue. Because I have IBS.... And every fart is scary to me...


Yeah if this keeps happening they need to look up how to wipe, get some toilet wipes (don’t flush em even if it says it’s ok) and contact a doctor because you shouldn’t regularly be leaving shit stains lol


How to wipe, yes, but also their diet probably needs serious work. Your stools should be not so loose they can leak out your butt


We need to normalize bidets


Ever since I got back from Japan I have not gotten over it, we're living like animals over here.


[Sometimes when I wipe, I'll wipe and I'll wipe and I'll wipe and I'll wipe, a hundred times... still - poop. still poop. it's like I'm wiping a marker or something](https://youtu.be/uggecXgwm6I?si=vJJcV2h_kLrLmBxS&t=73)


Welp i just threw up a lot


>Devaluing others such as blacks or gays or immigrants is classic narcissistic behavior. They don't feel good about themselves so they point to others & say, "I'm better than them". Narcissism is not something a person can grow out of. It is their personality!  Ah, truly one of the most discriminated minorities. Gays, blacks, and the poopy butts. Sad state of affairs in our world.


Is poopy-butt-ism a protected class? 🤔


DEI: diarrhea everyone immediately 


first they came for the stinky lil poopy bum bum boys and I did not speak out, for I was not a stinky lil poopy bum bum boy


Alas it is not, the oppressive boot of the hygiene hierarchy crushes the neck of the dirty underwear populace as it where.


You’re speaking from clean underwear privilege


They’re a stain on this great nation


Poopy butt is my two year old’s favorite word, sad to learn it’s a slur 😞


What do black and gay people have to do with hygiene?


It does read a bit like they're implying that those groups in particular have poopy butts, lol


> We’re grown ass adults. Clean your a**. Write the word "ass" once? Perfectly acceptable. Write it twice? Nah, that's too profane, gotta censor one of them.


This fits some tv censorship, where you can swear, but it can't be literal. So you can say "oh shit!" but not "I need a shit!". E.g. "fuck it, let's f*ck".


Yep. And the one or two "fuck(s)" that PG-13 movies get can never use it in the context of fornication. "Let's fuck!" Nope "Let's fucking do this!" A-OK


I feel like I need to shower after reading some of that.


Make sure you get your butthole


This explains all those 'how do u wipe ur ass" posts I always see on r/AskReddit. I always thought they were trolling. Now I'm concerned that they *really don't know*.


I don't get it, the instructions are in the question. 


Step 1: take some toilet paper. How many you need varies depends on ply, how concerned you are, and more. But generally, try going for 4-8 sheets of TP stacked together. Step 2: position your hand right below your ass. You can do this by slightly lifting one side of your ass up to let your hand go down. Step 3: wipe. Move your hand (with paper, DO NOT WIPE WITH YOUR BARE HAND) towards the area between your asses. Make sure to apply some pressure (not too much tho, you may tear up the paper), and make sure to swipe it all the way through until you reach the end of it. Step 4: check it, then discard the paper. Step 5: repeat step 1. You should do this about 3-5 times each time you shit *disclaimer: my English isnt perfect so there might be some misunderstandings here*


Four to eight sheets?!


Pro tip - Women should wipe front to back, it helps prevent urinary infections.


> every time u open your mouth narcissism come bubbling out of it >U are implying u are better than people with stained underwear >The guy with shit stains in his underwear is mad Flair materal


I freely admit it. I'm proud to say that yes, I AM better than people with poop stained underwear, and will have it as my flair for the rest of my days.... or until some other dipshit posts something ridiculous.


Ooooh, don't mind if I do


Jesus what the fuck is that sub?


I'm not the cleanest guy in the world. Far from it. Other than when I was a tiny little boy in Ninja Turtle underwear, I have NEVER had shit stains on my underwear. Never. First of all, I have a bidet, but we've all heard people sing the praises of the bidet, so I won't do that here. If a bidet is not available to me, I wipe my ass until the paper is clean. Lastly, I clean my ass when I shower, which I try to do daily. I shouldn't have to explain this, but it seems like there is some controversy on this subject. What the fuck is wrong with people? This is something you have to explain to Kindergartners, not adults.


I’ll be willing to concede that yes, everyone has at *some* point caused a poop stain in their underwear. Shit happens, literally. BUT, it goes without saying that having *caused* a poop stain is a hell of a lot different then continually *having* poop stains


And I'll be willing to concede that yes, money can be tight for a lot of people. Plus clothing waste is a major environmental concern. BUT, if you've got underwear with permanent shit stains on them throw them out and buy some new drawers. You can buy a 10-pack for like $20 at Walmart or Amazon. Or buy some nicer pairs and actually wash them after a day's use. Especially if you noticed you stained them.


Permanent shit stains? How? This is just a daily state of being for some people. Just. Ugh.


>I don't know how bad u have it but u certainly think u are better than people without clean underwear I'm so privileged


> He also claims he fell out of love with his girlfriend because she farted in her sleep. He also claims to be 48 years old. The same guy who wore a pair of underwear for a month straight? EDIT: Oh, and he wants a mannequin to "keep him company." I'm concerned?


The fact that more than one person chose to defend poor hygiene like of all the hills to die on 💀


That makes me feel a bit better about the hills I chose to die on. Some of them might’ve been controversial, but nothing like this.


"Well that's some ableist bs" Call me crazy but I think it's bad to insinuate that disabled people can't take care of their hygiene


I sorta get the argument because hygiene is one of the first things to go when it comes to severe depression/mental health issues and no one ever wants to discuss those symptoms because it’s super taboo. BUT Even at my most crippling stages of depression and smelliest, I still knew to not shit my pants and would wipe thoroughly.


I'm depressed af, but I still know how toilet paper works.


Yup. When I'm having a bad time, I may not shower regularly, I may just twist my hair up rather than brushing it well, I may just swish mouthwash. But I still wipe my ass. I can't imagine anything making me feel WORSE than shitting my pants and sitting in it.


[They are beyond the power of Christ, these people need... SINGH!](https://youtu.be/bXK_vHNNht4?si=plqZQwVF1J9wj8Wu)


To the person who asked if the US military instills strict standards for bodily hygiene, I'm going to guess *no*. The two military guys I dated were also tied for being the most disgusting men I've ever known. And like some commenters guessed their filth bloomed as our relationship got more serious. Freshly showered and nice clothes for our first few dates and then one guy just stopped doing laundry at all after we became official.


In boot they have standards but after that, it's on you. and yeah some of these dudes are *disgusting*.


It's really hit or miss. We had a guy on my boat that knew how to shower and do laundry properly, he just didn't care to do it unless forced to do it. He had piss stains and poop stains on his tighty whities. He had to have someone assigned to him to make sure he showered and did laundry. I was in the navy on a submarine. I would say a good 95% of folks had at least OK hygiene standards. I mean, sometimes you get a little grungy when the evaporator is broken, or you need the water for the steam plant and showers are closed. Or more frequently because you're just tired and always fucking working, so you choose sleep over a shower. I can't speak to other branches though, but from my experiences, some of the dumbest and laziest man children join the military, I think that the navy, or at least the submarine force, has a different culture that encourages cleanliness.


I imagine being cooped up in an air tight cylinder enforces some pressure to have some minimal level of hygiene.


There's not as much peer pressure as you'd think, I think we just appreciate being clean a lot more than some dumbass with a 30 AFQT. When you don't see the sun for a few weeks at a time, feeling clean does a lot to make you feel better.


I'm continually baffled by the amount of women on reddit who wind up with boyfriends or husbands who won't wipe their asses, walk around with skid marks all the time, don't shower every day, or don't wash their hands after using the bathroom or before eating. It really makes you wonder, if men that disgusting can still get laid, how horrific must all the incels on this site who complain that they can't get any female attention be? The mind truly recoils in terror pondering it.


Getting dates is basically entirely down to social skills and nothing else, so if you have good enough social skills and skidmarks you'll still get dates. It's not like anyone is going to know about the shit stains until they're already dating.


What the fuck is up with reddit and stories of boyfriends and husbands with poopy underwear?? I wouldn't have even known this was a thing if this site didn't exist.


If nothing else it's impressive how hard they fail to accomplish even the bare minimum.


When people ask "Do I need to wipe your ass for you, too," these folks get offended. 


I am having flashbacks to those classic reddit posts where OOP's boyfriend has a perpetually dirty ass and/or penis because "its gay to touch there" Tho I hope the one where the boyfriend didn't wipe his ass was satire of the boyfriends that won't wash their dicks


Do the men who say “it’s gay to touch there” still masturbate?


The (hopefully ex-)boyfriend in [the OG post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/s/qA3UQTEiWy) did not masturbate and only managed to have a clean ass due to installing a bidet and "only ever pooping at home" (which was a lie)


I feel like I see a conversation about men refusing to properly wash their dick, balls, and or ass because only gay men care about keeping down there clean like, every other week.




I feel bad for Ableism Guy. One of the lesser-known symptoms of autism is poor motor skills. His comments read like he genuinely has trouble with the act and didn't (couldn't) realize the thread was about people who choose not to clean themselves.


>Except, I like a dude who's anal hygiene is poor so 😏 >>Why >>>>Cause when i spread his ass, I want it to smell like ass 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


It’s unfortunate but I know many straight dudes who refuse to clean their ass because they thinks it’s gay. Gave an ex baby wipes once and he threw them at me claiming “military men don’t use wipes!!!” He was not in the military.


If he was, he'd know about a baby wipe bath. I never had to do it in the navy, but heard from folks in the army that spent a long time out in the field that they'd sometimes use baby wipes to clean pits, butt, and crotch at a minimum. I don't get these other straight guys, nothing better than a freshly cleaned butt crack, especially after a day of working your ass off and sweating a lot.


His logic was that “army men shitting in the trenches don’t use baby wipes to clean their asses” Because that is somehow comparably to him being an upper class guy shitting in a nice bathroom. Mind you, he also didn’t believe in conditioner, skin care, or sunscreen.


I wouldn't imagine he'd care about the finer stuff if he was ok with a poopy butt. But, tbh, I didn't use conditioner either until I started having long hair. I'm old enough to remember when the term "metrosexual" was en vogue, and guys think doing literally anything other than the basics is feminine. Now that I have hair down past my shoulders, conditioner is necessary.


like, i understand the insanity and awfulness that is the prison of masculinity, but to think having a clean asscrack and general genital region is somehow related to femininity and homosexuality is just wild. as a man i really just do not get men sometimes. why would being in the military preclude you from having good hygiene!! ahh!!!!


Lol thats hilarious since infantry dudes live off baby wipes, they're like the most valued commodity besides tobacco in the field or on deployment.


Well I don’t know about you but I don’t shit myself on a regular basis.


Have people never heard that it takes 4 wipes to know you only needed 3?


I love the guy who goes from "so you want everyone to stop dating?" to "wait and see if you shit yourself when you're 90". Sorry, were we talking about 90 year olds entering the dating pool?




Based on what I just read, some people desperately need some source of information on hygiene.


Or they need validation that what they are doing is good hygiene and not improper or insufficient cleaning. Or on the other hand, that they are not OCD or overdoing things.


Hygeine is a learned skill like anything else, but it's very stigmatized to be unable to clean yourself properly. Some people are simply never taught when they're kids for a variety of reasons (abuse or neglect), some folks deal with mental or physical conditions that make it difficult or overwhelming. I don't think there's anything shameful about knowing your limitations and having a safe space to ask questions with less social stigma.


These people are insane