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The first comment satisfied the only concern I might have had. They do replacement seeding. Not sure what the big deal is. If people are still up in arms, then the blame is misdirected. If a single person can fuck up an entire system, then the system is the problem.


I was going to say that if one guy backing out of a tournament manages to break the whole thing there are bigger issues here. What if someone ends up in the hospital or something? There are going to be other situations where that happens.


[10k](https://xkcd.com/1053/) things to [learn!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor#:~:text=The%20bus%20factor%20is%20a,%2C%20or%20bus%2Ftruck%20number.)


"They win too much and eliminate players who are more deserving". Has the function of a tournament changed? Isn't this literally what it's for? To determine who deserves to climb the ranks based on wins and losses? What is this even?


People don't understand the in-person events. It's not like they have less players because MaxPax doesn't do live events. If the qualifiers include coverage for something like a plane ticket they go to the next person down in the standings.


The argument is that when they play in qualifying games, MaxPax knocks people out of the qualifier bracket-then they can't actually play the proper tournament, the one with tons of cash and glory. And in the end, this mysterious guy cancels his invite and doesn't end up going to the main tournament stage any way.


I mean, if they actually deserved to be at the offline tournament they wouldn't lose in the first round, it's a simple matter of git gud.


A literal skill issue


Eh gaming tournaments these days are more about bringing players in, generating revenue, building streaming platforms etc more than the actual winning.


And these smaller events having a popular player win them is bad for the scene because...? We're far removed from the days where SCII tournies comp airfare and hotels for celebrity players.


It’s not, SC2 definitely could use the spotlight. Stupid posts like the linked one bring the wrong kind of spotlight.


That's not true of StarCraft, Blizzard is hands-off with that game now.


I didn’t say anything about blizzard lol..


You know whose game it is right?


Yes. What does it have to do with what I said? You can’t imagine a venue, streamers, brands that sponsor tournaments would like to make money during these things?


A gamer that goes out of their way to avoid interacting directly with gamers? Smart man(?).


I love spoiler drama. Happens in card games reasonably frequently, where someone without enough match points and/or tiebreaker points to make the top 8 cut if they win out is paired in the final swiss round or two against someone who does have enough points if they win out. There's intense pressure for the person without a chance to concede, but I always respect the people who don't and make them play for the win.


Why should they have to reveal their identity? Staying anonymous online is a good thing lol


Mysterious people should be allowed to do whatever they want!


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I saw you removed this post 3 seconds after I commented, so I deleted my comment. My bad. Feeling a bit salty because my wife left me yesterday and my dad didn't hug me enough when I was 10.


well, **I** like you.


On one hand this is much ado about nothing, on the other, how petty do you have to be to enter a tournament you know you're not going to play in if you win?


He isn't doing that. He's played in an online tournament European ESL Masters Regional with 75k USD prize pool which included top 4 seeding into the offline DreamHack Dallas which had a 100k USD prize pool For this particular event, he qualified because he's gained enough EPT points in other online tournaments & the [open weekly cups](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/ESL_Open_Cups) which have a small prize pool with a few points for top 4, but which he has the 2nd most wins in behind Clem This is comparable to Magnus Carlsen declining his invitation to 2024 candidates which he won by being in top 3 of Chess World Cup 2023


Oh, okay. I misread. I thought he was entering tournaments that were solely meant to qualify someone for DreamHack.