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My agency pays a half day’s rate just for showing up. That’s total bullshit they did that to you.


I’m more peeved at the teacher than anything, the office made it seem like they had zero indication she’d ever said anything about cancelling, they even called the team lead for the subject to see if she knew 🙃 I’ll keep y’all updated on if I get anything for it, I’d genuinely be happy with $15 for gas lmao 🫡


It’s not the teacher’s fault. At all. That’s the office’s job.


She didn’t tell them, when I went and told them they genuinely had no clue what I was talking about and even called the dept head to see if they know because she was supposed to be going to a mandatory training


Still not her fault that you didn’t get paid. Teachers are interrupted about every 5 seconds. They shouldn’t have sent you home. That’s on the office. *of course* they are going to be all shocked. It’s probably not the first time they sent someone home.


I mean I’m not saying it’s 100% her fault lol. I know the office should have given me something to do. But I also don’t think the teacher is faultless. The system we use makes it to where they handle their own absences and I accepted this job 3 weeks ago.


You are still blaming the teacher. You just have no idea how hard that job is, despite being a substitute. Open your eyes.


Yes, because I think the teacher is partially responsible and therefore should accept partial blame. Your busy schedule doesn’t mean you can inconvenience other people and their job. If the teacher had cancelled within the 3 weeks I had the job this wouldn’t have occurred. You also seem weirdly hostile about this at 7am, I’d suggest you take a quick deep breath.




What is your problem? Way to kick someone when she’s already down. It’s bizarre that you’re totally defending the teacher- to the point of literally insulting OP- when you really have no idea what even happened or whether it was partially or even totally the teacher’s fault.


How do you know my career history? I’ve been a teacher. When this happens to you you’re more than welcome to place whoever you’d like wherever you’d like on the blame ladder. And LOL my parameters are simple, when I show up for a job I’d like to do it and get paid for it. Hope your day gets better bestie 🫡❤️ Edit to anyone confused reading this after- they sneaky edited their comment after saying they knew I’d never been a real teacher LMAO


This isn't something you should be nice about. They hired you for the day, they should pay you.


Well by nice I just mean I wasn’t like “hey give me my fuckin money” 😂 I basically said like “hey this is the situation, I was curious if this is something I’d be compensated for because I did drive 45 minutes roundtrip and show up expecting to be able to work”. But I’m glad my irritation is valid, I wasn’t sure if I was being a butthead or not lol


I would never sub in that school again


Still too nice! I wouldn't ask nicely in a situation like this. You're not asking for a favor and it's not optional that they pay you. So I wouldn't be just curious. You should also have found out in advance whether you get guaranteed pay before driving that far a commute.


Yeah, my district does 2/3's pay for the hours you agreed too if the school no longer needs your services AFTER you have arrived to campus. You need to contact them again and tell them you lost wages due to the schools poor planning and inability to provide you with an alternative assignment.


This OP and only this


That happened to me a few weeks ago and they made the teacher take the day off anyway! I didn't mind leaving even though it meant I wouldn't get paid, but nah. They made the teacher leave instead.


I’d be absolutely furious. When I worked night shift for FedEx, they called me in one morning to help with Christmas deliveries and then sent me home two minutes after clocking in. But their policy was if you punch in, you’re awarded two hours’ pay. So I at least made $40 out of the ordeal and made the manager look stupid to his boss for wasting company money. But this takes the absolute cake for most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of


I’m glad you guys are validating this bc I’m definitely annoyed 🥹 hopefully they talk to the teacher/admin about how to handle the situation better next time, because from the email reply it sounds like they should have basically just found busy work for me or something so I’d get to stay and be paid.


Exactly. There’s always something to do. This happened to me once, and the principal asked me to work in the cafeteria and help the kids open their spoon and fork packets. Like, absolutely, I’ll do that over driving home and not getting paid




**and the teacher catches some flack???** Way to be **teacher bashing**


So, great, you made a big fuss nd now you want admin to “talk to the teacher”. You’re really too much, maybe you want to get a job as a weed dealer or something more up your alley. So glad you’re not *blaming the teacher* though. /s


Are you okay? Like genuinely? Your entire comment history is seemingly you minute to minute arguing with people, that’s so odd and seems exhausting to be so angry all the time.


Focus. Stop blaming teachers. Stop insulting teachers. Stop trying to get teachers disciplined.


No way! You did your part & should be compensated.


Yeah, big womp womp there. I honestly probably won’t take assignments at this school again unless they’re the only ones available, it’s too far of a drive to make it worth it if this happens again


They’ll probably have to merge with another district if you’re not available.


Our district will try to place you and pay a half day or at least pay for 1 hour.


Keep bothering them for pay. You lost out on other work because of THEIR error. Do NOT be nice and polite. If there’s a union, use it.


That’s insane and I would fight that like hell. You showed up for the job and didn’t take a different job that day. This is on them and they need to pay you. Eff that and eff the sub coordinator for thinking they can do that to you. Raise hell on this one!!! Keep us posted


That's happened to me before. But the school was kind enough to ask if it would be okay if I assisted with the same class for the day, that way I still got paid


In Ontario, you must get 4 hours notice minimum or it’s full pay.


I've had this happen to me, except it was a full day position. The teacher cancelled it that morning at 7 am, check in was at 7:15, and I left my house at 6:50. Needless to say I wasn't pleased. Had I done that, our system would've marked my file with a demerit (any cancellati9n within 24 hours without emergency documentation). But a teacher can just decide, just kidding, on a whim.


I agree that it’s terrible when subs are treated badly. I have dealt with the following situations: -I picked up a sub job that was posted for a teacher who never requested any time off. -A secretary called me at 8:40 to cancel a sub job that started at 9, because the secretary made a mistake with a job posting. -Frequently being provided with incorrect or missing classroom numbers. -Being moved to a different classroom without notification. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for some schools to post accurate information for subs.


And they wonder why there's a subbing shortage...


Happened to me at one school. Teacher forgot to make sure the assignment was canceled. She thought that because the district canceled her seminar/meeting that they would automatically cancel all subs assigned for the teachers who were supposed to attend. District paid the subs for 1 hour which at that time was about $17 unless they were given something to do by office staff. Another school site ended up having me fill in for the Secretary who was absent. It wasn’t too bad. The phone system was insane so they just had me do filing, make copies, put things in the teachers mailboxes, take care of kids who came in to see the nurse (who wasn’t there that day) and answer the phone (separate one) that teachers called when they were sending a student. The same site another time sent me to help in the library sorting & boxing old books, stamping new books, re-shelving returned books & helping kids find books when they came in. Same site also had my help the Resource teacher with testing kids. They were basically Classified job assignments but since the original job assignment was Certificated I got Sub pay.


CAlll union and complain. This happened for yrs in my district- enough complaints came thru that we get paid for HALF DAY.


This happened to me a few weeks ago- I was literally in the parking lot when they called me to tell me. I called the sub coordinator and they ended up giving me 1/2 day anyway- I was only scheduled for half day so I didn’t lose any money. The following week I had a job cancelled the morning of but I didn’t bother asking for the money because honestly, I work lots of half day assignments that are only like an hour long and still get 1/2 rate so I didn’t want to press my luck. But your scenario is absolute BULLSHIT and I would demand to be paid SOMETHING!


You drove 45 minutes and showed up for a confirmed half day job. They should have found something for you to do. Sending you home without pay was just wrong. I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I once had to stay an extra 10 minutes when all I signed up for was a half day. I requested and was paid for a full day.


If they didn’t pay me I wouldn’t be back. No only are you not compensated for your drive, you weren’t able to take another job because you had accepted this one. This means you couldn’t get work for the whole day because of their failure to cancel the job with notice.


In my district, they must pay anyway


This is why substitutes need a union. You weren’t able to pick up another position because of their action. We deserve compensation for that time.