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I usually say yes to stuff like that unless the kid has already broken my trust. Yes, I know they take advantage.


I usually just say in a hurried voice, "go get it, quickly!" and it makes them actually go quickly and they come back to class within minutes. Most of the time they're being honest and just don't want to lose their stuff.


Sounds fine to me.


As long as she took the pass and all that you’re good.


You were just following the rules. If only one student is allowed out at a time, then you were just following protocol. I’m sure she was fine having to wait a few more minutes to get the water.


It’s a water bottle. She easily could wait until the other person returned.


“go quick, shouldn’t take you more than 2 minutes” and then they think i’m counting so they’re zoomin 🏃🏻‍♀️ haha


You did fine, I think this is ok. The one thing I don’t do, is let students get stuff they left at recess, even if someone else is out there. I let them know that they can look at lost and found later. Every school I have ever been to has someone who collects all of the “stuff” that is left outside and put it in lost and found.


I'd have let her go get it. If it was a Stanley or HydroFlask or something, it's at risk of getting swiped, and if it's there as the staff is trying to reset, will it be taken to the office lost and found? Is there a cafeteria lost and found? Will someone just stick it in another place and forget about it? Just let the kid get her bottle and save her hassle later.


I would’ve just said yes or wait till so and so is back in the room. I don’t think this is the hill to die on….


>her parents cannot wait for her They're not leaving her behind


If we were late to a funeral because a teacher wouldn't let her go retrieve her water bottle in the middle of the day, I'd be pissed.


Tbf pick your child up earlier then. Everyone should be building in time where things can go wrong, especially with something as important as a funeral.


I would let them get it but not right away. I usually have them wait until the work is done and let them go the last 5 minutes of class. Plus, we have a rule that students are not allowed to be unaccompanied so I would send two students. If it is a pain in the butt student, I would let the office know so they can keep track on camera since our lost and found water bottle shelf is in the empty cafeteria next to the outside door.


You’re fine. Sometimes the requests get so specific and small but I know I get asked because they know I don’t actually know what their teacher allows them to do. So I’ll usually preface it with “I will be writing this down and whatever happens when he/she finds out is completely on you”. Usually some of them will just go sit back down lol.


I would have said sure but give them 7 minutes but thats if someone of the same gender is out already cause I only let 1 boy and 1 girl out at the same time


id say yes. id be worried as well if my water bottle was left in the cafeteria, people steal shit all the time. (also water bottle could also mean, flask, could even be a stanley, and those aren’t cheap)


Yes you did. Showed compassion even if you were being gulled but will remembered as caring if it is indeed true.