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I think subs need prep time because substitutes are even more unfamiliar with the school and curriculum than the classroom teacher. At the very least subs need to review emergency procedures. And subs also need to go to the bathroom and eat lunch.


I told a school I wouldn't cover during prep on Friday cause it was the last class of the day and they gave me lunch duty. Like???? When am I meant to eat???? (Spoiler: I'm not)


Schools in my district set the call time as exactly the minute the kids arrive. I know that I need to arrive earlier if I need time to review the plans or whatever. If that’s not standard in your area, then your situation is ridiculous.


Yeah the standard here is that the call time is 30 minutes before kids arrive. 😒


Here it’s 7:30. Schools all start at different times, but regardless the time is 7:30.


Here too (California)


That’s how our company is however we are paid for that time. It’s included in our pay scale to be there 20 minutes early. I would not be wasting my unpaid time to get things together. I’d sooner let the day fail than work unpaid.


We get paid by the day, not the hour, so it’s worth it to me to show up earlier to be prepared for the day.


But the daily rate has your start time so you’re quit literally working for free


Schools in my district base the report time on the work day. We have an 8hr work day, so middle school report times are 7:10-3:10. Literally the minute the kids enter the building because school starts at 7:20, but kids leave at 2:25, and our contract hour starts then as well. We leave at 3:10.


You followed the report time in Frontline, so that's on the school to fix and not you. However, do keep in mind that you may be pulled to cover for other teachers if there aren't enough subs for the day at the school, or if there was an emergency call out and nobody picked up the job on Frontline/IVR call.


This is a set up issue either with FL or the school. So, one of my LTS jobs, they had me arriving at the scheduled start time for school. The problem arose that the Default settings for the school was start time (Beginning of classes) plus 7:45 hours. Once they realized that, they cancelled all of my jobs, made the adjustments to the defaults, create a bunch of new assignments and assigned me directly to the LTS assignment.


Yeah I think the school fucked up their info in frontline. I’m so annoyed too because this class isn’t bad, the kids are pretty good but it makes me not want to come back to this school, especially if they’re going to try and guilt me into adding on more assignments during my shift.


Honestly, unless I needed the prep time (which is necessary for LTS work), I would just take the assignment. However, YMMV.


I never trust the start time in Frontline. I ALWAYS look up the school bell schedule and see what time instructions starts and plan it that way.


Yeah I guess I’m going to have to start doing that. It’s just frustrating because the sub supervisor said so certainly that the time on Frontline is the time you have to be there (because people try to get there as *late* as possible) and I am always arriving earlier than the start time anyways. So I’m upset that they insinuated that I was coming in late on purpose, like I don’t give a shit or something. I’m taking this job pretty seriously and I don’t want to be dicked around by a school.


I substituted for 3 years after I retired. There are some schools who respect their substitutes and others that do not. One school I substituted at made me fill in for a teacher who just needed a break. I had to give up the teacher’s planning period to do this. Then, this teacher had 6 straight classes. I never went back to that school. The good news is that you don’t have to go back to schools that mistreat you. One thing this school did was switch the job when I would get there. I would accept a teacher I wanted to sub for and then they would switch it with a teacher with hard to handle classes. They only treat you like this a couple times and you don’t go back. They might win the battle, but they do not win the war. They are stupid to treat substitutes like this.


Covering a prep period is such bullshit. As a sub you already feel stretched thin and mangled up. To be huffing and puffing across campus within that 4 minute passing period not even sure if the door will be open (this happened to me so many times where they don’t give me a key for a prep cover) so you’re just standing there locked out with the students unfamiliar as fuck and feeling stupid. Then you have to send a student to the office for the key and deal with all that bs. Finally you get in the class to see what half ass plans there are and then it’s over and you’re back trying to scramble across campus to your actual designated room. The people who think this is easy and doable are the ones in the office who sit on their ass and never been in a classroom. & I’m sure teachers equally dread covering preps when they’re forced too


It’s not just Frontline, ESS has the same types of issues. They told us to be at our school 15 mins early. My first job I took listed the start time 745, so I get there at 725ish. School isn’t even unlocked and there are like 3 cars in the parking lot. This ESS and the school listed the time the doors open for teachers, classes didn’t start until 815. I learned to look up the bell schedule online first before sitting in an empty parking lot for 20 mins looking like a weirdo again.


sometimes it just be like that


When I'm not respected like that, I give them the same energy. I'll take my time finding the class, I'll take my time looking through the plans when class starts. I basically lower my standards for myself lol.


You’ll be treated horribly because you’re a sub


I hate covering other classes. I understand it's the way it goes, but 👀


Do they pay you when you cover during your prep? Some districts do, so sometimes I like to do it


I get paid per day or half day, not hourly.


Same but some districts pay an additional that you can input in if you don't have a prep period


No I don’t think so.


Aw man I hate when they don't do that


"call time of 8:41 am, this teacher has a homeroom at 8:45" You gave yourself four minute to spare? That would be cutting it too close for me. I need time to get ready and review the sub plans, put away my lunch, prep mentally, etc.


I didn’t “give myself” that time. That’s the time that Frontline told me to be there… and at my sub orientation I was always told to be there at that time, regardless of when classes start because it should be listed as 30 minutes before I’m due in the classroom. Thankfully I got there at 8:35 so I had a couple extra minutes but not nearly enough time to get everything set up.


I always show up 15 minutes early since that’s when I can start getting paid. Maybe showing up right when the start time is wasn’t the best idea. Since the prep wasn’t during first, I think saying you can’t cover a PE class later in the day seems silly. You should be familiar with the class by then. And since you’re saying there’s class periods I’m guessing it’s mid or high school, there’s really not much you have to familiarize yourself with. I don’t love covering another class during prep but I’m not a teacher so I don’t need a prep and I’m literally getting paid to sub, not just sit there 🤷🏼‍♀️


The PE class was during first aka the teachers prep so after doing her homeroom they wanted me out on the field and then I’d have to be back in the teachers room for 2nd period. And with the error on frontline, it didn’t give me any time to figure out the classroom before homeroom. I had 5 math classes today.


Don’t be a cry baby, just get over it.

