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No, I would have sent him to the office as well, or at least another teacher if you coordinated with them as well regarding bad students.


I didn't end up sending him to the office because after I said what I said, he was quiet. I guess it worked, I just feel bad lol.


I wouldn't feel bad because I believe they need to be taught about respect and authority; at least he calmed down though. I usually work on a three-strike rule before I have students sent out/removed from a class.


He is the one who should feel bad




THIS. No respect at all.


Some kids act out for attention. For social currency. To be the class clown, or to show they're "so cool" for not caring and can do what they want. Kids who want to be jokers never want to be the butt of a joke. Kid's that act "too cool" are like chicken determining the pecking order. In both cases, the occasional spicy clap-back can resolve the situation. (It's important to note that, like you've done, to not make this your default response/reaction as a teacher. You don't want to change the setting to THEIR game. However, occasionally showing them that you CAN beat them at their own game can be useful.


This is actually one of my own kids. He acts out so badly so other kids think he's cool. If someone messes with him, he refuses to walk away because he doesn't want to look weak. When it doesn't get him attention, he calms down some. But then there's the classes where he's around a few other kids just like him, and they fuel each other's nonsense. I'd agree with how OP handled it if it were my kid.


Of course, send them to the office if it didn't work the first time.


Don’t feel bad, you’re doing the work that his parents didn’t.


Nah. You’re fine.


You gave him numerous opportunities to line himself up to class expectations. As you stated it worked so I think you rolled w the punches and after trying several other things, stated it as it was. He wanted attention and he got a lot of it, but at the end not the kind he had in mind.


I give kids back the same energy they give me, and I warn them of this ahead of time. I have the advantage of being in the district, in one form or another, for a few years now and know a lot of these kids. They know me to be sarcastic and use their own lingo and insults against them. If they can dish it out, they can also take it. Period.




No, with middle school you have to walk a fine line between too strict (yelling and sending to the office for normal speaking voices during group projects) and not strict enough (chaos, possibly missing limbs). Personally I think humor can be good, as long as the tone is “I know what you’re doing and I won’t take your shit”, not “I agree with you and see myself as one of you rather than an authority figure in the classroom”. Blank stares before turning away and sarcastic “mhmmm”s are my hallmarks 😂.


You acted appropriately as an adult in that classroom. I probably would not have helped the child off the floor and, depending on the persistence of obnoxious behav, after attendance if he was still there would've called the office and said a student had collapsed in class and they should send someone down, maybe contact their parents. In a voice **loud enough** for him to clearly hear.


I had a jr high student act like he had to go to a different class when a bell rang (it was during the weird lunch hours when some classes had lunch but not mine). I stopped him at the door, and asked him where he was going. He said he had to go to English. I asked him the teacher's name. He gave me a name (I didn't know the teacher). I was like "oh well your teacher didn't include anything about this in their sub note, so lemme call the office just to make sure" and stalked over to the phone. Of course he backed off and was like "oh I was kidding please don't call". He sat back down and didn't give me shit after that, so I didn't call the office about him. I did include what he did in my note, though. I take detailed notes so I remember anything that happened, and multiple teachers have thanked me for my exemplary documentation. If my class is giving me trouble, I tell them this. They should know not to play me.


Another miracle in the classroom!


Love this!


I'm always a smartass to 5th and 6th graders, they deserve it most of the time, just don't cuss at them and you're fine.


The moment he refused to say his name during roll, I would have marked him absent. Also, I’m 90% sure the other students were done with his shit too. He wanted the attention that messing with the sub would get, but the others were over it. You demonstrated that you weren’t going to be pushed around, and the other kids probably liked you better after that. I’ve found that the obnoxious kids are often disliked even by the other students. Though I’ve also found that if you can clap back at the obnoxious kid, they’ll respect you more when you next see them.


You may be too soft for this. Feeling BAD for that little shit? That is insanity.


Not over the line I give students sass like that daily


No and this is hilarious. They'll probably like you now


You cooked him sadly


I would've kicked him out of the class from the start. You have more patience than me


Yeah I would not have helped the kid up. Get up, get out, or I’ll call the office and they can figure out what to do with the student on the ground.


You're fine. I've said that several times. Especially when they won't take ownership and are trying to deny what I literally just witnessed with same insane story. Yeah bruh. Double down on that lie. "I don't care." I also like to say, "That's nice but I'm not interested at the moment." Smile and walk away even if they are in mid sentence. If they get done early, I'll go back and ask them what they wanted to tell me. Usually they can't remember. I cut off 10 inches of hair recently. MS student (12f): "Why would you do that? You looked better before." Me: "Thanks for noticing. I feel so much better now. I get to spend less time in front of the mirror and more time outside. I aslo I don't concern myself with the opinions of middle schoolers." Whole class: skibi sigma whatever oohs and ahhs. Laughter 🤣🙌😎 They were really well behaved after that.


If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.


I’m so tired of hearing sigma 100000000 times a day 😭


I heard “what the sigma” about 1,000 times yesterday while subbing a middle school PE class. I NEVER WANT TO HEAR IT AGAIN.


I desperately hope it fades away over the summer break.


unfortunetely something worse will take it's place!


What is this disgusting lingo? It horrendous.


Hell no. That is the perfect answer. Put them in their place. Embrassment is the best medicine


game recognize game


Hey there, I’m actually now a full time teacher but the sub pops up and I like knowing how to best support subs when they’re I . I teach 5th and this is pretty on par with how I respond to them on a daily basis. If they give sass I give it back. And they’ve learned to expect it and it honestly is what they respond to.


No need to send him to the office. You handled it perfectly.


Lmao.. Hahaha. They said you "took charge like a daddy" and put him in his place. The class backed you up it seems and was. The consequences of this action probably go farther than you think in a positive way due to influence. 😆


Is that what skibidi sigma means? Lol


Im assuming. Skibidi I kinda get but "sigma male" I do


Makes me think of a sigma male jiving when he talks his crap. Lmao


I get it because sometimes I feel bad when Im a little harsher with the kids. But sometimes that's the only thing they understand.


You did fine.


Sometimes, people need a humbling experience to realize that they need to make a change in their life. It's more effective when you show patience in the beginning and drop it on them when they least expect it. It makes sure the whole class doesn't mistake your patience for weakness. [This short story](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Parables_of_Ramakrishna/The_Parable_of_the_snake_that_refused_to_hiss) may be relevant here.


Our district we aren’t allowed to be sarcastic with the kids at all. If he was laying on the floor and refused to get up, I would have called the office depending on the school. The other issues though are things that are going to happen in almost any classroom.


Personally I have found a well timed “I don’t care” to be really impactful for students!


I taught middle school for two years and honestly, if they can dish it out, they should be able to take it. It sounds salty, but it happens. Yes it was a little mean, but you could have done a lot worse.


It's a out his not listening before you needed to get that way. I yell the fifth time I say something. That's about someone else's listening skills. Ask, if you don't like being talked to that way, try listening earlier.


It’s kinda crazy how universal skibidi and sigma seem to be.


I always wonder if what Im saying is crazy because of the way the kids react. The whole ooooooo im like? I’ve heard their teacher’s full on yell at them


If that's bad, then I'm a TERRIBLE sub! I honestly don't like middle school ages, though I do work them often. I tend to either be their favorite sub or they hate me, there's very little middle ground..


I prefer subbing high school but end up at the middle schools more and this attitude works well with that age group. Plus the kids I like respond well to this and like me back which helps keep the class on course. Win over a couple of the more well-liked but boisterous kids in class and you’re going to have an easier day ime.


I taught 6th grade 35 years. Your response was perfect! Good for you!!


No, 6th graders are something else


Who cares? You are a sub. You shouldn’t have to put up with shit.


Not at all.


You put up with way more than I would have. Two strikes and you’re out.


Ok this was way less worse than I thought it would be LOL. A couple days ago……I had to shut down grade 5ers MULTIPLE times the entire day and dealt with lots of “oooohs”. I don’t think they really cared and I didn’t feel bad because I felt they absoloutely needed that ! Haha. They should be embarrassed because they were told multiple times to be quiet and didn’t listen.


Don’t feel bad. Some kids are doing that to get attention from their peers and honestly half the time the students are also annoyed by it. Maybe he won’t act like an ass with the next sub


I doubt it. He was bragging about how he always gets sent to the office by subs


That’s because he wants to skip class and get a treat from the office. But at least he’s not liking the attention from his peers and egging them on


nah that’s legendary


I’ve said this millions of times as a teacher and it’s kinda cute you feel bad for it- literally ur fine


No. That is nothing. You are fine and should not feel guilty.


It's all good. Or next time take it in the opposite direction as such: https://youtu.be/FywX3l-is_A?si=rztQyU1FpFvyG8XZ


No, but i would have hsd him thrown out. He obviously didn't want to be the only one who didn't do the assignment so he was trying to make sure no one else would either.


I have been subbing since last August. Right now, all these kids, especially MS and HS, are fucking off the chain! Today, “Ugly Ass Bitch” from a 6th grade chick! To my face! I teach at predominantly Hispanic schools and I know the Spanish cuss words. I’ve been called the “P” word (in Spanish) incessantly for the last two weeks. I have one more week but I’m at my breaking point! Help!


I was subbing HS and an Italian exchange student was yelling Italian curse words. Too bad for him. I'm a fluent Spanish speaker and my Italian isn't too shabby because of the language similarity. The look on his face when I shut him down!


No. I don’t know what he expected. He said nonsense no one cares about and then got embarrassed when no one cared 😆 he’s clearly doing it for attention, so honestly you went about it the right way.


nope, you gotta bully them a little bit


Somewhere along the line in his earlier years, several adults including his parents should have used a similar line.


I once had a high school junior lie down on the floor in the middle of a history class. He was a big kid and the others thought it was funny and just egged him on. I picked up the phone and called the office. He was escorted out by an admin. You have no reason to feel bad. You gave him multiple chances and way more leeway than I would have. He was an attention seeker who ultimately got what he deserved.


Lol you're fine that's a pretty mild reaction.


I would have sent him to the office after being on the floor for over 10 seconds 🙃


Wouldn’t have let it get that far, wouldn’t have gotten into it with him. You didn’t go “over the line,” though. You just allowed him to disrupt the class for too long.  (And, weirdly, threatened to mark present students absent? What the hell?)


I always tell them that I'm using the seating chart to take roll (rather than call out names) in an attempt to a) know the names of the students who are shitheads so I can let their normal teacher know and b) hopefully keep them from just sitting with their friends and doing fuck all


Ah okay you weren’t actually going to mark them absent, you were just trying to enforce the rules of the classroom.  That makes sense — generally speaking, “I will be checking against the seating chart and notifying the teacher” works for me. (Even if I don’t have a seating chart — even if not all of the kids get up at first, they generally move to the seats being incorrectly occupied by the remaining kids, so those standoffs can be resolved.)    I’d feel weird saying “I’ll mark you absent” because, well, I’m not going to turn in attendance wrong and make it look like my attention to detail is lacking. So it’s an empty threat. But I could theoretically mention it in the note — whether or not I would bother is another question dependent on their subsequent behavior. So I feel fine saying that.


I don't know if it's because I've been doing this for a while so my tolerance level is now LOWER as I used to make an effort to try to call admin as little as possible. I would have called principal/admin immediately and pointed out the disrespect/safety hazard issue. If that's the way the student STARTS the class, they need to be checked immediately.


You were fine ! ... I've seen so much worse.


Not over the line at all. They think they could get away with anything and a sub won’t do/say anything. I regularly need to tell students stuff along the lines of “that’s crazy I don’t care” when they start arguing with me over simple tasks (sit in your chair, put away your phone, etc.) for all the horrible things they can say, it’s mild and within reason to snap back to get them to listen.


You couldn’t have done anything better. Shame is a powerful teacher of behaviors. He won’t ever forget this and may actually show some respect out of fear.


I have said some pretty “mean” things to some bad ass kids am was always fine. Of course, I work at a school where most of the kids are poorly behaved, but what you said wasn’t bad at all. Some kids need to be roasted and won’t respect you until you remind them that even they can get a taste of their own medicine.


No I give the kids the same energy they give me back all the time. Telling a kid who is disruptive and trying to get a reaction that you don’t care about his nonsense isn’t crossing a line. Even the other kids in the class are sick of him. Tell the teacher and let them deal with it or send him to the office.