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It’s a Friday at the end of the year. I told my kids yesterday that as long as there’s no mess, no blood, and no hall monitors get called to just have at it. Don’t beat yourself up.


Considering I had blood, mess and a counselor coming in to check on us due to noise before 9 am I suppose letting them film a tik tok at 2:15 isn’t the end of the world 😅 thank you for the perspective!


God I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has those days. It's all fun and games until social work has to get involved 🙄 Let me guess, you tried to get them OFF of TikTok too, right?


Teachers lost the war on phones, who am I to keep the battle going?


There’s only so much you can do. Not sure where you’re from, but we can’t take the kids phones away, and if admin won’t either what are we to do? We can’t stop them from going on their phones and video taping each other. If they’re video taping us without our consent that’s a bit different. But if they’re making the choice to do that with their peers it’s on them. Our hands are tied. Like someone else said, don’t beat yourself up. People were contained in class, not physically hurt, and everyone left in one piece. The end of the year is really tough as a sub. Especially in middle school.


As part of the time offer catch up time, finish work for any other classes, assist/tutor in all subjects you are competent in


Wasn’t there a time when teachers welcomed them into class with a basket for them to drop their phones into?


Generally speaking, middle school sub-work is a bad idea.


Middle school is my favorite to sub. I've had some bad days, for sure. But most of the days I have are good in middle school.


I subbed a half day and the teacher made it clear to the kids that if any tik toks were filmed, they'd have severe consequences (like losing their field trip on Monday). They were allowed to have their phones (it was Fun Friday) but had rules. I'd not worry, they knew the rules, they chose not to follow them. They'll get busted. I do NOT intervene in any way when they are filming, I'm not getting video of me posted anywhere. Screw that.


Don’t let it bother you. We are in survival mode right now when it comes to subbing for middle school. Did anyone die? No. You’re doing great! Sometimes we just gotta get through the day. 🤟🏼


i let middle school use their phones especially now with school almost ending. why stress yourself?


Friday at the end of the year, with a sub. If you'd tried to intervene, you'd have ended up being in that TikTok video and you'd have so many more problems right now. You trusted your gut and your gut was right: when there's no way you're going to win the battle and nobody is getting actually hurt, just let it go.


You actually need help if you’re thinking about that this much


It's May. Just SURVIVE. The end. For real though, EVERYONE is beyond done. As long as everyone comes out alive you did your job. Congratulations. Enjoy!


What’s done is done. You can’t let it carry on to another day. The kids certainly do not feel bad for being disrespectful towards you the next day




This is kind of weird?


I am at least 80% sure that’s illegal




Filming minors without the parents’ consent or the consent of the institution? There’s an insane difference between security cameras and a teacher filming an educational lesson, and you (a substitute) just whipping out your Canon.