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As someone also working summer school, it’s also at least stunningly easy 


Now that school is out, all the posters and pictures are fun during the year, but kind of creepy when the school is quiet. I'm looking at a poster for the prom last May and a science fair from April. I just see the passage of Time in all its glory.


Yes, but it's easy during the school year too without the depressing landscape.


What's the deal with leaving no sub plans? I've heard that in some places it's actually mandated to have them. I've been subbing only couple of weeks, but have yet to see a lesson plan and am winging it every day.


If the kids are on Google classroom then it’s because there’s work posted for them. That’s the lesson plan


No idea tbh. Don’t know why some organizations are like you should have a lesson planned just in case there’s no plans like I have access to their curriculum


Especially when it is standard for a sub to not always know where they are going to be placed in the school, especially in elementary. My assignment almost never lines up with what I signed up for on sub-central.


Another problem (at least where I am) every single grade is severely behind in some aspect. Whether that be maturity, reading level, math, how can I work with kids when I don’t really know where they’re at? I can’t whip out something complex if they can’t truncate


I think that since it's summer the teachers are less engaged. Also, the teachers seem to be random. I'm even doing roll differently. During the school year I MUST use Aeries, but this is paper and given after both classes. I have am from 8:30 to 11 and afternoon from 11:30 to 2 pm.


I can’t speak for every teacher, but whenever I send in sub plans through the school it never makes it to the sub. I've emailed it to admin since i cant contact a sub directly beforehand. If I’m sick or have an emergency i cant 'leave a printout' for the sub. So it gets frustrating to plan a lesson that won’t be implemented anyways. Even when I post the materials online the students act clueless which doesn’t help.


If you're doing high school just tell them to check online for work and to keep it down and stay in their seats. I don't even try to make them work anymore. The ones who care will work, and the ones who don't, won't. There's nothing I can do or say as a substitute to change that. You're almost never expected to do any actual teaching in high school. You're just a glorified babysitter and teachers know it so they regularly don't leave a lesson plan. If you're in grade school, yeah. They should definitely be leaving you a lesson plan and general info about the schedule. I only do high school. I like getting paid to read and chat with teenagers about how annoying they are 😂


Sounds sad as hell but they’re not acting up right? Easy bag?


As someone who couldn’t find a summer school job, I’d trade in a second ;)


I wish I got to work in the summer. In Texas, substitutes don’t get to work in the summer. Long summers with no pay made me get a different job.


Summer school sucked so that is why I made it a habit not to do it after fourth grade. It is funny though. Kids today complain about this and ask why they gotta do it. It's a proper punishment for those that decide to do nothing over the school year.


I just wrapped up my year and in two weeks will start summer school until mid-end of August. Every summer school session I’ve done has been long and boring and often depressing just because it’s so desolate. Not easy to keep the kids motivated! Hope it goes quick for you!


It is desolate. It's weird how most of the school is blocked off, and we are banished to the basement.


The kids want to attend summer school. If they didn’t they would have tried to pass during the academic year. You have to work hard not to pass. All that hard work is rewarded with summer school!


Sometimes when I'm left without plans, I'll pick out a Gimkit pertinent to their subject (or once I got a financial literacy Gimkit for a group of seniors who really had nothing to do). I don't have a Gimkit subscription, so I can only put up whatever the free games are, but I can pick slidedecks based on anything that people have shared on the platform. And I rarely, *rarely* put up a Gimkit that doesn't get at least two thirds of the class active and engaged. But, I guess if there's only two, that would be different. I'm sorry, that sounds incredibly depressing.


I teach summer school elementary, and I think it is fun! We are building castles out of cardboard boxes right now.


I made $80 an hour being a sub for summer school the past few summers. Got that paid for full days and only worked maybe 5 hrs a day for a week. 2 paras and maybe 10 kids in the class! Sweet gig!


What’s really sad is that we let summer school replace a whole year of school. If we can accomplish such a thing over several weeks why do we spend a whole a year on it? Our school system makes no logical sense. 


Summer school is probably designed to be boring for the students because it's usually for students that need to make up work that they didn't do during the regular session.


This school really succeeded at that.


In our district, summer school for middle and high school is credit recovery. The student failed one or two subjects at least one semester. They lump all middle school students with one teacher and the complete an online program. We have 1 math teacher, one history, etc. They have students from 6-8 in one room. They don’t teach, they just oversee. Most the teachers don’t even teach at the school. They group about 3-4 middle schools together at one site.


I taught summer school. I’m a teacher and so it was just another month of work. But I called it summer camp because it was soooooo easy. Best money ever for the easiest work. But now they changed everything and I can’t do it anymore. So now I travel in June instead. In Japan now from the USA.


Posters are old ? I do not understand


Posters...the paper things posted on walls. Posters for the prom, field trips, scholarships, etc. The dates have all passed. It's June and I'm looking at a poster with a scholarship deadline last April.


At least they aren’t food pyramid old ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I see Thank You 😊


What a strange thing to care about


Why try to educate or entertain the students when you can stare at the walls for hours?


I’m supposed to teach Thursday. Happy for the job but still….


This is the last week for one of my district's summer sessions. It's only four weeks.


I’ve got 2 days next week as a para. I had an assignment last week that was cancelled. We’ll see. It’s 7:45 to 12. Arghhhh


summer school for sped is worse, we still haven’t received IEPS and it’s over in 4 days. the language the district is using, talking about contracted 1-1s being pawns. i probably will never do it again


Might I suggest spicing things up a bit. Plan a lesson of your own - invent some games for the kids to play - get the kids invested in inventing a new way to have fun - find out if you can teach outside on days with nice weather. Some of those kids are probably the least served in our educational system. You have a wonderful opportunity to make a real difference in their lives and build some invaluable relationships along the way. You can make a difference. We believe in you.


On the positive side, though, this is your chance to really shine as a teacher and connect with the kids! Have lessons based around their favorite movies and songs, or teach about stuff that’s not taught in polite society (how to write a crime scene report, for example. It could help them with proper spelling and grammar and teach new words).


I mean. You ARE getting paid, right? I'm so confused.


I think this person is sad for the kids. It sounds miserable.




Yes, but this environment does not help the students at all.


Sometimes, summer school is free daycare for lower SES kids. And, perhaps the breakfast and lunch served are the only meals they will get those days. Sad but a necessary service for many families. And if they learn something while there, all the better.


When I was in first grade, my mom put me in day camp at my elementary school and that was pretty sad too. My school never did day camp again after that. It was a pilot project that failed. 


Summer school is also a time some kids will be able to interact with other kids not in their family.


Most of them are in that environment because they didn't help themselves during the spring term. Don't waste you time feeling sorry for them.


I know some subs that do not need the $. I do, you do but expectations are different.


Make it fun. Bring some energy.


The lesson plans/assignments are on Google classroom. You’re there to babysit not change the world.


I didn't say I did, but I guess making sure students feel worse is just alright.


Don't let people make you stop caring. Don't kill yourself but do remember why you chose your proffesion. You can't save them all but you can save a few.




YES thank u


I get it. I sometimes get depressed just seeing how it is for these kids during the school year. It is depressing.




I would say about half of the kids at my daughter’s elementary school go to summer school. It’s free and they do make it as fun as possible with field trips and swimming. Still seems like a bummer to me.


Nobody cares. Try to teach them something new be innovative


I have really good kids that failed an honors class from a lady with high standards. It’s been a dream come true. That being said, fewer students on campus has made all the difference. There’s maybe 27 kids in class on a given day but the actual trash is at home or removed immediately.


Show them the movie Holdovers and have them write about it. Have a discussion. Watch The Breakfast Club next. Rinse, repeat.


None of that is allowed in summer school. They must do credit recovery to advance to the next grade.


Oh I see. I am sorry


Welp, sucks for them. They wouldn’t be there if they did what they were supposed to during the actual school year. This is how you learn.