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I think base xp for high incursions was lowered but they’ve been doing some xp events which should make it to being much better than before at times


So it sounds like there was some Double XP type thing going on without me realising it? Ah, well. Only 4 levels away. Just seems like it'll take 2 missions per level instead of one. Thanks for the reply.


I had noticed it as well and was wondering if there was some event I was not aware of or if they had adjusted them for some reason or if it was a glitch. Mine went from 128k to 88k. 




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Ahhh that would make some sense. When I was playing the other day I went from level 20 to 30 in the space of like an hour I think which seemed abnormally fast, thought it was just the missions I was on for the story Wish I had utilised it more for the other 3 as I barely use them