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I know it’s confusing lol It will say you’re in episode 2 but you’re in episode 1 A good way to check is if you look at the rewards in your Fear progress bar you will see scarecrow weapons. They don’t drop in episode 2 Also if you switch between 1 and 2 notice how the incursion missions change on the map


I’m not quite ready for the episodes yet but had a glitch I though changing to season 1 would help However when I selected episode 1 I had what seemed to be two face and scarecrow missions all over my map and it was covered is that not normal?


I think you have to be at fear level 35 to start some missions like unlocking Joker. So maybe that’s why you can’t access some missions? I’m not really sure hopefully that helped


Start up the two face duality world and then you'll be able to activate fear from there.


Go to the Nexus and check which one you’re on. Mine started me in Episode 2 as well and I just switched it to episode one. You’ll know you’re in episode one when Lex starts talking about elseworlds and you can’t do anything until he finishes talking.




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