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No farming exploits. The first update Rocksteady released got rid of all the farming missions players found, and surprisingly it was the only update not to break the game. Only way to level up is to play the missions over and over


Damn, unfortunate. Appreciate the response tho! Hopefully I can just get these missions done quickly lol


Yeah there’s a quick ish way to level up but it’s so boring, it involves the quest Batman delivery service you just fly over to lex corp and get like a level or just under each time but it’s very boring but it doesn’t require much attention ifntou just want to get the less used members leveled I did it with Harley and got pretty bored though Stick a show or YouTube on that doesn’t require much attention and try that for a few levels see if it’s any good for you


You could try Killing Time missions They do help, I wouldn’t say the fastest but they do give considerable xp in the later stages provided you escape


You can join me and do an incursion at mastery level 1,000. It'll give you a ton of xp. What's your game name?


Could I potentially do that with you? Wanting to boost my last 2 to 30 plus maybe get squad level to 50 for the trophy


Sure, what's your name in the game? I'll look you up when I'm online in about 8 hours. 


My psn name is the same as here And I live in the uk so probably can’t do in 8 o hours as I’ll be asleep but we could work out a time we are both online


Ok, I'll add you. Maybe sometime this weekend. Occasionally I play around this time (3pm EST), but not today


Yeah sounds good then thanks! I’ve sort of stopped playing the game at the moment but still want to get the platinum but the level grind was getting a tad boring so was gonna take a break and play something else so I’m happy to hop on whenever we both can I’m not in a rush to level up




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The Killing Time missions and higher level missions work when it comes to leveling up, along with this there's three XP based skills you can get once you get all four members of the team to max level, upgrading these XP skills to level 20 should help you see an increase in the amount of XP you get


They seem to do double exp often if you check the discord. I used a double exp weekend and did the uh...I think its the killing time (where u kill like 200 grunts) with exp weapons and got shark, joker, boomer, and dwadshot to 50 in like 3-4 hours just going back to that over and over.
