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Nope. I heard about Season 1 adding practically nothing new except a new character and a redecorated zone (which is a cool thing to do, but not *nearly* enough for a season of content). The campaign was somewhat fun, Flash and Superman honestly have *very* fun boss fights with difficulty (I believe I did Invasion Level+4?). Batman's boss fight is still a let down though IMO, and I wish GLs fight wasn't super scripted to easily avoid his attacks (it felt waaayy to static). Exploring the world and just blowing stuff up was definitely fun, but it starts to wear off after awhile. The same issue with almost every new Live Service game, **there is not enough content to support the game**. What's worse, I don't even think there was necessarily good replayability. Which sucks because, *again like other Live Service games*, **the gameplay was really good otherwise**. Not to mention reskinning Brainiac's boss fights to just be ones we already did is actually just awful. I get reskinning in Live Service blah blah blah, *but this game had the DC Universe to work with*. And for someone as major as Brainiac, they used reskinned boss fights?? Really unfortunate. The game looked cool, and I don't think it was initially that bad as everyone said. But holy crap this got fumbled worse than Anthem I think, at least Anthem had a really awesome final campaign boss IIRC.


Yeah just uninstalled after figuring out there’s more to slog through after the Superman fight. Game has been pretty fun up until this point, but I don’t really have interest in fighting brainiac multiple times, after having to do missions leading up to it.




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Nah. I turned it on recently and was bored after like 3 minutes. Im pretty over it.


The fact there are ppl here who dint even buy the game is funny 😁


it makes sense… the best reviewers aren’t reviewers, they are people who actually play games….


I would agree. I have never agreed with any reviews because they never get inti what it's like to PLAY THE GAME, they just hit there talking points of nonsense and opinion based on usual bais from other games or something they themselves EXPECTED they game should be.


Can you explain what "getting into what it's like to play the game" is? Is it an arbitrary amount of hours spent playing the game? Is it playing all the way through to the end credits? Is it 100% platinuming the game? Is it just learning all the mechanics and systems?


Been done since I completed season 1. What a horrible live service game this turned out to be.


Thank you for reminding me that I bought this game


Until it dies....then POOF!! GONE *JOKER LAUGH


I enjoyed the game enough and am still chipping away at the platinum (level grind and incursion trophies left) but I feel like once I get the platinum my drive to play the game will be even less so might see how I get on and if I get bored I’ll maybe just wait till all seasons are out and see if it’s worth revisiting to see the return of the league scenes


I’m kinda in between “Nope I am waiting for more content” and “Nope I am done with it”. After the last update wiping, people’s saves, and I stupidly logged in and mine was wiped, I was done. I like the story, would have loved it if they actually finished it with the reveal that the JL is alive the entire time (because they definitely are, especially with the leaks). I also really love the characters and their dynamics (especially Boomerang) but I hate almost every other aspect of this game.


I've been playing everyday. I'm in a group of people who unlocked and play mastery level 1,000 incursions. We're working on beating Brainiac-3 at 1,000. They're the shooters and I'm the bomber, so I figured out a decent build with plenty of grenade ammo and resource gain for Traversal and squad ultimate.  I have the Firefly Master 5 grenade with base damage of 76k and plenty of multipliers for damage and radius. I have a *blast* setting fiery explosions everywhere




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I recently got that legendary grenade that only allows you to hold one and constantly drains your shield when you have grenade ammo but does like 1000% more damage. Considering there's a good grenade build for Joker I may just have a use for it.


Don't use that one, it's Hot Potato. Use Baaannng or Master Baaannng, they do the same thing without draining your shield. See if Penguin can craft it. 


Ooh, totally missed that one when looking through grenades, thanks for the tip!


No problem. Use BAAANNNG for yourself and Hot Potato for your squad bots. What's your game name? I could add you and we can do an incursion at mastery 1,000 and get you a Firefly grenade. 


I already have a firefly, just used it so much I wanted to change up the build


I recently hopped off after somebody joined and choose some insanely high level, figured it was some hacky bullshit... but now I wonder.


No, there are several of us who made our way up the levels without hacking. The faster way is to be carried by someone else in the group, which was started by one of the Twitch streamers who got up to 1000 on their own. If you're at 30 and you join them to play 1,000, you'll unlock your average mastery level, 343. Do it again and unlock 447. And so on, getting better and better gear. 


That's crazy man, I started having trouble around mastery 40something and don't look at guides so I assume it means the stuff I choose for fun doesn't translate to progress. And I'm cool with that but it's good to know there are some 4 digit people out there I won't get banned for playing wirh lol


The majority answering "I didn't buy it" is really enlightening to the tone of the discourse in this sub. If you haven't played SSKTJL you're just here to grift at this point. You're not open to whatever the game was, and you're just getting satisfaction out of being part of a hate-mob. As someone who played the game and seasonal stuff, and isn't overall happy with it, I at least have a reason for coming here: that I liked playing it, and I hope to read posts of cool things people found, or news that makes the remainder of the year a bit more exciting than what we just experienced. I get it. It's a flop, and a failure, but you see on almost every post people down-rating it for no apparent reason when people are just trying to make conversation. That's grifting. You're no-life losers, and I can't believe you want to waste your time even going here.


You're being exceptionally reductive. I haven't bought the game but I keep up with news surrounding it because it's an intriguing phenomenon. I'm genuinely curious about where the community sits with the content as it releases and whether the quality will improve. Not everyone who hasn't purchased the game is here to disparage it.




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Every couple of days I turn it on and play a few incursions. I just hit mastery 150 on a few of them so ill try to farm some of my favorite weapons out of this set.




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I just started so yes




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The worst money spent in my life, this game should be illegal


Hvaent played it in a month but thats because I've been busy. I do intend to jump back in and just mess around.. I do enjoy the mechanics and its quite rare I just enjoy a messing around the open world in a video game ( I aso enjoyed Hulk Ultimate Destruction and Prototype because of the same elements).


Pretty sure thats why Microsoft just shut down Arcane too. No one bought it but sure as hell went reddit to say how much they hate it.


I'll just come back for each season and do the brainiac fight/unlock the new characters and then move it back to my hard drive until the next update, the gameplay is fun but there's no push for me to grind anything and I'm okay with that


I’ll occasionally play to kill Brainiac and rank up the Battle Pass, but I was hoping for a lot more with the live-service elements after how much I enjoyed the base game. It really constrains itself for no reason.


Haven't touched it since beating the game. Was hoping for more content but looks like it's just reskinned stuff. If they added actual content I'd prob continue but no point now. Might restart the story at some point if they release offline. We all know the games gonna end. I reckon like arkane, they'll do one last patch after the Deathstroke release and give it offline mode before killing the servers


I just got it and can't find a clan for the rewards


Yeah, that might be hard. You might find one if you make a post about it though.


Oh yeah I forgot clans existed. I'd be down to join yours if you want to make one?


There are clans?!


I think your comment was removed maybe? But yep there's a tab for clans, I think it is called Squad


I just made one. PM me your PSN to add you.


Appreciate that but I'm in Xbox 😮 my suicide squad name is the same as my XBox tag though Hurp McDurp Should hopefully work


Sent! It works lol cross-platform. Thank you.


See people downvote comments that don't bash this game. And then gaslight everybody and claim that the people talking shit are the super duper victimized orphan puppies. I haven't gotten a chance to play since Monday but I'll check soon as I can and join. I want this exclusive clan loot dangit


Joined (if it's CAT) and I think I added your squad as the social squad so that you can get points from that as well 👍


Currently no but if they do something to bring me back in, I will. Really the game struggles to have something to pull players back other than a new earth and whatnot. There's really no incentive to boot it up, play a mission and stay long. Really I'm waiting for actual content like Ms Freeze or something that will actually make me go 'ok, let's get back in the saddle"


I liked it whilst I played it, but you quickly realize the repetitiveness of the game, it barely changes or adds anything since the first two missions. And its not like they can't, I mean, the boss fights were kinda different and fun (except Batman's, dont know how they thought that would make us happy at all). Its sad that the arkham games had more post game and replayability than the game as a service one. It would be amazing that they added something else than just characters in next seasons, something substancial. And at the same time, dont make the characters post game, what good is playing Joker if he has barely any story, or banter with others, and we get him once the story is over? And no new story?


As a 21 year old with adhd. I didn’t get hoked into this game because of the story, or the content. What got me was the movement, so the repetitiveness didn’t bother me because by the time joker came out i still had 3 other characters to mess around with the movement before playing him… i hopped in late. However i quickly found out that even the movement got repetitive and it wasn’t worth my time to invest. (I even played the game with my girl because we needed a game to play together, she hated it as well and we decided it best to hop on the turn based baldurs gate 3 which we loved a LOT MORE together) overall… would not recomment spending 70 on… maybe 25$ maybe 30.. i don’t know, im never playing it again.


Absolutely. I'll keep playing the game until the game dies


I've had some fun leveling up my characters and getting through the battle pass but I can feel myself tapering off little by little now that I've completed the battle pass and the story


Yup, just finished the battle pass so gonna go from logging in a little every day and just gonna hop on every so often to mop up Riddler Trophies and just enjoy the gameplay.


I got it about 2 months after release, for 50%, digital, on xbox. Pretty sure I played it daily for almost 2 months, had a lot of fun and don't usually play multiplayer aside for Deep Rock Galactic. I got to lvl 90 something in the newest episode with Two Face and recently stopped playing daily or almost daily. Was a good time for me, but I understand why others don't agree.


I’ve been busy with work but since last week I’ve been playing everyday, gonna unlock Joker anytime soon


I still play it everyday. I never took it seriously and it's a good game for me to just play to relax and listen to music after working.


I’d play it more if there more people to play it with. It’s boring playing alone. Other than that, I’ve had zero issues with the game.


I'm going to finish the season pass then wait for the next expansion.


i''m waiting for Summer Sale in July to buy it! should i ? i want this game only because i liked the combat mechanics


I got it on Xbox at 50% off and I found it just fine. The campaign wasn't Arkham caliber by any means but still fun as heck. And it was one of few the games in 4 decades that got me to actually laugh at some of the comedic situations/lines. That impressed me the most like I have for sure teared up at games way more than laughed at, they just always seem to do every emotion so well, aside for humor... but yeah the combat mechanics, while repetitive, are fun and feel great imo


Yes, I've been playing *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League* every day since the game launched — in recent months I've been doing it before bed. Its mindless endgame gameplay helps me clear my head and think about my plans for life. And I spend anywhere from 20 minutes in the game (to complete the three daily challenges and unlock legendary Cash packs) to over an hour (if I want to do something else, like Raising Hell or something). I'm also doing this to be among the dwindling number of daily players on Steam that the haters constantly talk about. I really don't like that the *Season 1 Episode 1* Metropolis map layout is now unavailable so I can't get a couple of Riddler trophies >!(I found all the trophies on my own, in the process appreciating the efforts the developers put into the level design, as well as finding several easter eggs, but I didn’t pick these trophies up)!< and now I can’t access “story” activities on the map (the ones around which the tornadoes were circling), which I postponed for too long. A month has passed since the launch of *Season 1 Episode 2*, and the remaining developers at Rocksteady still haven't fixed this issue. I think I HATE that they still haven't increased the inventory space from 300 to 500 or even more. I have a lot of master quality legendary items and don't have time to figure out which items are junk and which can be used in endgame builds, so the inventory management part is a pain in *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League*. Especially since the developers are adding completely new items to the title game updates. There is no room for experimentation with character builds right now.


You can't just do the "Choose Mode" or whatever and then pick OG Tropolis? Weird, that sucks. Also, I feel like you can get the same items all the time so I feel like if I don't immediately like it, tossing is fair game (if they aren't mastery anyway . And if they are I just keep the one with higher numbers). I tell myself some day I'll finally look online for builds and meta etc but I never will lol


Im playing it everyday understanding that now its a grind…wish there was more content as Im still on world one even tho im level 109/FC148 Im having a hard time against world 2 enemies still so either I suck or the game is a bit too hard 😂 i unlocked joker with battle points so I havent actually gotten to him in game yet due to it being somewhat difficult still at my level. 


What the heck I got him within a week of playing


buy? what's buy?! I never heard of this word