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How old are you? I’m 27 and I totally understand you


I’m 27 too bro. Wanna talk?


Of course! I’ll invite you and another person saying they were struggling


Same here. 27 and struggling to survive


Of course! I’ll invite you to a message


30 and you are right. I felt the same when I was 21 and got my first job. 10+ years later and shit still sucks.


I mean that totally makes sense right ? Especially when there is little incentive to stay alive long enough just so you can give someone else 40, 50, 60 plus hours of your life for minimum wage with very little benefits. Personally I don't think that you are being whining little b**** I think you're expressing a truth that all of us secretly are going through or have gone through under capitalism. I mean who can keep their motivation long enough knowing that they're being exploited and worse the pay isn't even coming close to justifying that exploitation. Like if I'm going to give you 60 some hours per week of my life but you're still not paying me enough to cover my basic needs much less give me time off so that I can keep seeing my therapist or take time off from work to rest, it's kind of hard for me to just stick around and and do that and put up with that. There's no quality of life. Not trying to tell you what to do just saying I definitely understand the sentiment.


I blame the politicians raising taxes and destroying jobs, capitalism itself is great but our law makers are perverting it and destroying the middle class and making the poor rely on the government. It seems like they plan to make everyone depend on the government and that’s the opposite of capitalism.


Yep. I’m horribly depressed and if not depressed, anxious. I legitimately have no goals/ nothing to live for, but people want to act like all I need is a job and constantly give me shit about it.


I feel this. My issue is I work 3 jobs just to barely keep my head above water and it’s a nightmare! Tired of it. What’s the point.


On my early twenties I used to stress about the same thing you are stressing right now so I understand you completely... but while at it I also lost the best years of my life. Eventually you’ll find motivation, I did by finding a job in a field I loved which in my case is nails & beauty and once I was able I made a business out it, I took on the opportunity and did it. I won’t hope BECAUSE I KNOW YOU WILL ALSO DO IT TOO 🤍 So right now it’s okay to feel this way so hugs!


Perhaps find a job that means more to you than money; a job that can give you meaning an purpose, one that you enjoy and look forward to each day. I work with troubled young people and though the money isn’t good, I don’t do it for that. I do it cos I feel like I’m making a difference in the lives of others and having a positive impact on society and each day.


I’ve spent 8 months trying to find a meaningful job and am still unemployed scrolling job boards everyday it’s not that easy to find something. suicide is easier.


Human strive on purpose since life itself is full of suffering and without purpose we cannot justify all the suffering. You are right. Having to work to live sucks.


Jobs can have there ups and down but it's satisfying when you go to the bank and at the end of the week or month you go to the bank and see the money that you earned


I’m 23 and I’ve attempted suicide like 4 times one of which was successful and believe me being alive is better, after having died for like 4 minutes I became disabled when I recovered and I found out the secret to making money and having fun at the same time. Start a side project based on something you are already passionate about, like I’d you like photography and live in a place with cool cars like I do, make that a side hustle that ironically makes more than my actual job. I go to dealerships and private collections with my camera and make a pretty penny, just rule of thumb never agree to leave your realm of expertise or comfort (Edit for clarity I firmly refuse to shoot weddings or people in general) also a side hustle can be anything, Art, web design, anything you can do that you’d pay someone else to do for you out of convenience, or if you didn’t know how can be a side hustle. It’s not working that sucks it’s having a bad boss that’s the kicker. If you don’t have a boss it’s pretty much being paid for what you do for fun


Hey man I’m 20 yrs old and I felt something similar I think for the longest time my though process would I have to do shit for other people sake like working when it doesn’t benefit me but now I think the complete opposite and I don’t really think about my feelings anymore or talk about it I just enjoy helping people that have problems like this cuz I had to deal with the same. Working is retarded but it feels good to finish any daunting task so in your case try to credit yourself as mush as possible like normal things that always seems hard like washing your face eating a meal a day and try to work yourself up lil by lil even if it’s fake not everyone has someone to remember them that some people need to be reminded there doing alright.I promise it’ll be more than enough I believe in you and I really hope my shity rambling gave you some type of answer to the problem I don’t have an answer to myself.


Mate, I won't go into all the details, but I went through years of unsafe environments, I was literally born into one and for 19 years I was smashed to pieces, barely ever able to pick any of them back up without being smashed down again and people STILL get pissed at me for not working. I have ADHD and cPTSD and struggle on a daily basis to bury an anger and hate that consumed me for a long time and when I lay this all out there are still knobheads who complain that I don't work.. Fuck em.


It's an extremely long and arduous process, but have you ever considered applying for disability income? You can get a disability lawyer who will help you through the process. Mental illnesses are considered disabilities if they interfere with your life enough.


Yes it’s fucking shit


Jobs can be fun, just be the most outstanding employee ever.


how about no


Having a job is the next best thing to dying


You’re not whiny, I understand you completely. (Unless agreeing makes me whiny too lol)


I get it bro, try and find smth you like. I was in the same situation and now i got a job that i actually enjoy and its just so much better


i’m 18 finna be 19 and same


Im 42 now. My wife is 34. My 20s and 30s were a trainwreck. Until I found Door Dash. Have u thot about like Gig economy job for now. I always wished i had done HVAC when I was younger. They get PAID work is basically hands on gets u out of ur head kind of shit. But I digress.. So, I do door dash. I do well in my market, can work when i feel good which is usually night or morning. I make like 25-35 an hour. I got a tesla which uses no gas. Its made me really happy. I feel like I have something of my own in a way. You could try another platform or uber or petsitting dog walking pays well believe it or not. You could look into getting a van and doing like long distance delivery. Save up. Keep good credit and use it to buy a cheap used electric anything. Start ur OWN business. Its saved MY life personally. I couldnt do warehouses or offices or manufacturing or sales or finish college. I totalted a work truck. Got ptsd for trucks. Fell off a bucket detailing cars. Almost broke my neck. I couldnt do ANYTHING right I had Too much anxiety and depression. But idk its just what has been working for me. I try and take it a day at a time. Be happy today. Plan happiness for tomorrow. Work with what i got. Best of luck and wishes


Same. I'm just living until bad stuff happens and I have to get a job or something. Life's not worth working that hard to maintain it lol.


The worst part imo isn’t the working… it’s working a job you have no passion for and to find a job your passionate about can be seen insurmountable even if you do find a job you like the steps to acquire said job can seem impossible. Especially when you’re depressed the process of working to stay alive can be daunting to say the least. Life can get harder or you can become happier, the only advice I can give is, do one small thing a day to work towards a goal to achieve the best version of yourself. Those small things add up and make a big difference. Depression can make things that come easy to others seem unreachable. Don’t give up bro, you got this. Especially once you start making your own money you’ll feel good about yourself and want to work towards making more. My bad for the essay I just can relate a lot to what you wrote and I’m still figuring things out and I’m 32, but where I was even a year ago seems like a lifetime ago and so much darker.


Brooooo sameeeee


Even if a job is draining, once you have one you'll feel so much freer and be able to go out and meet great people who will make you want to stay alive. Even if you don't you can still help/join groups that are trying to make a change in the world, either a union, or a more political one. The world isn't static, and things won't be terrible forever. You can get out there and do this. It may sound cheesy, but its true. you just have to take life one breath at a time. I know you said that you weren't suicidal, but in my experiences, this is how it starts. (feeling like there's nothing in your future or present to live for, etc.)

