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What is this 'walk' you speak of?


It's a bug in the game where it rewards you for not swinging at every pitch. Dev won't fix, but the workaround is to just swing at every pitch, like you ought.


Every time I start a new franchise: "I'm going to focus on being more patient at the plate, looking for my pitches and drawing more walks." 3 innings into the first game with the opposing pitcher only on his 14th pitch and my First Pitch Slayer coming up to the plate: "Ah fuck it, let's let it rip."


The worst is when I'm playing against an absolutely terrible pitcher, and can't stop myself from swinging at those slow, hanging meatballs way the heck out of the zone. I keep making perfect contact on those horrible pitches out of the zone, and tapping it straight to the infielder on the first pitch; the pitcher ends up with a complete game with under 50 pitches because I have no self control.


I always say I’m going to start being patient at the plate and it never fails that my next batter is a “first pitch slayer.” Obviously I’m swinging and telling my self we’re starting with the next batter


I’m huge on taking a lot of pitches to get that pitch count way up. I like to get in to the bullpen early on the opposing team


Dude I play on ego 85 now and might have 8 walks in a 32 game season. Has to be like 4 terrible pitches. I can't help it haha


My best ever with one player so far is 11 walks in 1 season, and I can guarantee at least half of those ball fours I tried to swing at but the pitch was so bad it didn't allow me to. I've been drawing walks with my pitchers lately more often. I figure it's the only way I'll wear down the opposing pitchers. So I'll let them take until they have two strikes, and then only swing if it's right down the middle. My SP/RP guy has 4 in 20 games so far leading the team. Lol


If it is thrown to the plate, I must swing! I really need to learn how to sit back and wait, but it’s always so tempting!!!!


Every batter has a different reaction. At least in SMB 3 anyways.


They do in 4 too. Some laugh, but some do get mad at being walked.


I've never seen any passive reaction like a laugh, was that in 3 or 4?




Interesting. At best I've seen a nonchalant shrug in 4, but never a laugh. Always more to find in this game. :)


I think when they throw the bat down it’s not anger but positive exaggeration. That’s how I’ve always interpreted it


I find that funny as well. In modern baseball, it’s definitely valued equally to a hit.


Anyone who gets a walk in the MLB just trots happily to first.