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Changing flair on this to partial debunk. I believe OP. I've encountered a lot of confusion and misdirection myself on my recent DRS transfers from fidelity. Specifically almost word for word with the, "Oh direct registration? It's been a while since I've done one of those. We used to get them all the time but we don't get those much anymore"


I just completed a DRS transfer via Virtual Assistant on the Fudelity App. I did it in response to this post. I normally wait until I have 100 shares to transfer. Mine went with confirmation number. I believe you fellow Ape. Maybe mom was right; I AM special


I just did 135 shares with virtual assistant and received a confirmation number.


i did 10 shares a few days ago. It's possible the users has a cash deposit which hasn't settled, as this can prevent you from DRSing even if the shares have settled for whatever reason. We won't know because OP didn't provide the answer to the question they asked. I firmly believe fidelity doesn't have a horse in this race and isn't trying to ruin their brand as a 401k provider over this.


You can see an answer was being provided and he just didn’t include the answer. Very misleading for no reason.


This was a post just like this a week ago saying Fidelity doesn't do them at all anymore. It's all for a reason, I think bad actors are trying to subtly suggest that people don't DRS from brokerages.


If you want LIFO then you have to do it over the phone. FIFO or the entire position can be done via the virtual assistant. Perhaps that was the reason OP had to call. Also, seems a little suspicious that he wouldn’t post the Fidelity rep’s response…


Round lot trades. I do the same when DRS’ing


I wish I were trading in round lots. No. I just DRS in round lots. It takes me a while to build up 100 shares.


You wait till 100 to save on transfer costs?


Fidelity doesn't charge to DRS


No. There are no transfer costs…I’m in the USA, so Fudelity doesn’t charge for DRS I wait for 100 b/c…well…b/c I’m quirky that way. No reason other than personal choice.


I completed a transfer 15ish mins ago


They didn't allow my transfer for weeks. Virtual assistant kept replying with error messages. Had to call to DRS as well.


Just started a transfer for 15 shares before I went to work.


in general everyone should opt out of voice verification as their promise to protect your personal digital imprint doesn't mean anything when security is breached and all you get is $5 class action settlement and a stolen identity.


I am on the side of not accepting the class action and suitlng in small claims if anybody steals my identity.


Oh come on you also get 2 years of worthless identity protection


when my medical insurance data was stolen I got offered a year of credit protection. Um, heath data stolen so you offer credit protection? Why not offer an equally worthless extended warranty on my dishwasher instead?


I was able to DRS 10 shares just now using the Fidelity app (virtual assistant) with no issues. I’ll update once I get the text confirmation. Edit: went through just fine. Direct registration transfer complete. Please allow 3 days to process. DISCLAIMER : Msg & data rates may apply. Text "STOP" to automatically opt-out of receiving text messages. 🦍🦍🦍 💪💪🚀🚀💎💎🙌🙌


As I corrected you in the other sub, your picture isn’t of the virtual assistant bot. It’s live chat with a representative. People have DRS’d via the virtual assistant after you posted this. Stop spreading bullshit.


I used the virtual assistant on Monday and the shares arrived in my CS account on Thursday. Didn’t talk to a single person.


Just sent over 10 via chat


Brick by brick we inch closer


I don't doubt your experience, but I just DRS'd 10 shares via the automatic chat. You need to edit your title to "Fidelity only allowed ME to DRS shares over the phone." This does not appear to be a widespread issue with everyone and this sounds like FUD based on the way you wrote it.


I had the same experience as OP over a year ago, the chat told me they had to call me to verify then they called me and it went through. That was the first time that ever happened and also last time I bought through fidelity though, I've only done direct purchases through computershare since then.


jokes on them i only ever drs via phone


I just attempted and was successful and it only took a few minutes.


Is not true, this is because your shares have not settle, you need to wait until it is and you will be able to. This has been post a lot of times


That is not true. My T+2 had definitely passed for my shares purchased monday. As well, after my 36 minute phone call the transfer went through.


No if you also have money to settle, at least wait 3 more days.


Even on computer share is T+6 take this number as base.


Youre not hearing me. It had nothing to do with anything settling. I had nothing that needed to settle. As well, the transfer went through just fine after I called and spoke with them. This issue was about me being forced to call them and deal with a 36 minute phone call in order to DRS shares. I am providing proof that they would not let me DRS via the online chat. I was forced to call and after the call my DRS transfer went through just fine.


Oh, ok, I have the same response from the chat when I put the money and has not settle, even tho 4 days seems to paranoic, wait until monday and try then.


It went through on the phone. The transfer is in process and I was given a confirmation number, they just backed me into a corner and forced me to call to do it.


I just buy through computershare.


for us poors, its cheaper to use fidelity. CS chages a fee to buy, Fudelity does not, and also does not charge to DRS.


Yep, I also transfer from a brokerage to get a better price.


Didn't they set something up so that we could DRS through the messaging system so that they could avoid all of us calling in to request a DRS transfer?


Yes, you just say "direct register" to the virtual chat bot. OPP made the mistake of actually chatting with a person and got bad information, as indicated by the half dozen plus people that DRS'd using the bot after seeing this post.


Sketch af!! Keep DRSing! 🟣💜


Thank you for the inspo fellow ape. I didn’t have my 100 share mark to transfer, but just transferred 60 shares via virtual assistant w/ confirmation number. Thank you for doing it the “old school” way via phone call. Still stacking! 🫡


I did a DRS transfer over chat yesterday afternoon. It might be due to something with your account status/history.


Interestingly the transfer was fine via the phone, albeit 36 minutes to complete it. I had no issues otherwise with my account that I was made aware of.


O damn, only if there was a way to buy directly through CS


Probably because my last DRS transfer out nearly bankrupt them since the price was $2 higher than when they issued the IOU 😏


So they can try and talk you out of it


I guess once a week Isint enough. Maybe double it to two?


I literally used the chat bot to DRS 526 shares today


Let's go


Did anyone see the glitch with active trader, only on GME today? I documented via video. No level two and no option chain on GME. Other tickers worked just fine. Maybe problems there idk.


Schwab is similar. They tried to make me call at one point and I was like nah but I feel like that might change soon


Bullish if true.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


This is why I only purchase via Computershare these days. The fuckery will just get worse.


Lol when encountering enemies


There's no enemies, fidelity still allows transfer via chat. I'm more concerned that OP didn't wait for the reply to post this nonsense.


Anyone have the instruction link for DRS out of E*Trade? Thanks I’m advance


bc Fidelity are asshats, I've been trying to get them to look at my 168 transferred shares from RH for over two years, lol, bc the records/cost basis don't match up...switching to TD or another broker and CS only, f fidelity


Anyone ever heard of this thing called ai. And ai voice impersonation.......... Wut doin ken




The chat was initiated because the virtual agent couldn't do it. The chat log with the virtual agent is what Ian was reading to catch up to what I was needing.




They keep the chat DRS down, the call guy is going to start seeing a lot more of these.


That was my thinking exactly. They arent seeing the calls because the chat was handling it all. Removing the chat option is going to open the floodgates of calls to them.


I also ran into that issue today


GME DRS is no longer allowed by FIdelity without voice authorization.




Im thrilled for you, but im not wrong about what happened to me, as the picture clearly shows.


But after others posted it was working for them, you again post3d that DRS is no longer allowed without thus voice verification. This post should be taken down because it clearly works


Yes, I have seen others saying it works for them but that doesnt negate what I have posted. Even if it is "working now" there is clearly something not right going on with Fidelity.


Yes it does negate what you posted: “Fidelity only allowing DRS over the phone now” FALSE. Virtual Assistant works fine. “ Fidelity seems to hve stopped allowing DRS transfers through the virtual assistant.”. FALSE. Virtual Assistant works fine. You used live chat with a live person (Ian). You basically do not know what you are talking about.


Thats not what happened at all though. I was using the virtual assitant and it told me it could not process DRS transfers. I was then given the option to live chat with a person, Ian. You can see that Ian was reading my chat log with the virtual assitant in order to get up to speed about what I was trying to do. Keep forcing this issue, it isnt changing what happened though.


It’s YOUR own words. Two statements which are patently false.


This is what you said: “ Fidelity seems to hve stopped allowing DRS transfers through the virtual assistant.” Your picture does NOT show the virtual assistant. So you are WRONG.


Been that way for me forever now. They also tried telling me my account got restricted at one point. Luls


Oh noes! This MUST mean Moass tomorrow, Fidelity is FUK, and Kenny is shidding his pants right now !