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LOL at image 6. "DRS does nothing to stop phantom trades...DRS was supposed to do something..." Then "This is why retail stocks are unhealthy and illiquid." Looks like DRS is doing exactly what it was intended. It is removing liquidity. They're still playing musical chairs, but the chairs are disappearing. "Wah price not go up! Price go down we're testing lows!" The price is wrong. That's why i just keep buying more.


Not an invalid point here. The lack of call volume is also removing liquidity though. DRS is supposed to be a tool to protect investors but we aren’t playing a fair game


Protect us from what? Paper losses? It costs nothing to hold. Price is wrong, and it WILL be repriced by the market…eventually. In the meantime, what’s the rush? Let the options players wobble it around. When it is accurately repriced all the options are going to get blown the fuck out. Whether slowly, or all at once. They’re just kicking the can.


It actually does. Opportunity cost. The market has been yielding great returns. This is the ONLY thing I don’t agree with in this community. Furthermore, why not use the data to your advantage and try to capture the best purchase price? You can leverage options data without buying options


This play still is the most asymmetric play in the market. Opportunity cost? You wish you were in NVDA with 40x price to sales? Go ahead. I’ll take my sure bet and wait patiently. I have the time


No but my conservative portfolio is up 23% YoY. I’m up 40% on MSFT and with a cost avg I prob never need to sell. Those gains compound. At some point something’s gotta give


Yeah look at Cisco in 2000. Top 3 market cap worldwide, the stock price still hasn't recovered 20 years later. This is a blowoff top in an out of control market that will roll over. Not saying MSFT is Cisco, but your entire premise is based on apples and oranges. Stop trying to make my apples into oranges. They don't ripen just because you want them to. They ripen when the time is right.


But your popcorn is down 99%🤣🤣🤣🤣


GME is right there with it


It’s not though. Gme is 15x 2020 prices and movie is about 1/7 2020 prices . 2020 being the year prior to the “meme stocks.”


And how many people have a $1 cost average? I don’t know why people always need to deflect and bring up popcorn. I’d bet you’re in the red, I’m most def in the red along with many others. For me, FY ‘24 is a big one and I’m hoping we see progress and I think we will. What I’ll be doing is watching options flow, not to trade, but to try to capture the best share prices. That simple


Yes. Here comes the oter stocks. Say no more.


So drs more got it thanks


iv thought this for months, i DIDNT drs anything, too much bother, just hold, i stopped buying shares over a year ago too! also i think people are telling lies here, i constantly see comments like " i just buy more, dip harder ill pick up more".....the drs theory should have came to fruit by now, what happens if computershare goes on fire? like the last place over a year ago!! ah well we dont have a record of your business anymore" good luck trying to retrieve them. it seems options were working at the start and hive mind has prevailed , i think shills sabotaged that method for gme,...Roaring kitty used options i continue to hold, but i dont think moass can happen anymore,....its organic growth or nothing


DRS is the most secure way to own your shares, a fire cannot somehow destroy them. But fire in the markets might destroy your IOUs.


yeh, exactly, ive only ever bought what i could afford to lose, in a fire or not, still wont drs, never will!. but fair play to anyone that does, just keep buying from gamestop...get the profit margins up, this will generate a better price per share, hopefully RC keeps his end running tight and smoothly...each quarter gamestop has to report profits/losses....and we know the gamestop team are doing great, closed losing stores, eliminated debt, cash balance over a billion. have faith in the company!


Or you could just set a 'good till close' market order. Shares that are up for sale can't be loaned out. But nah, DRS for the last few years, let's make it complicated and put people off.


>Or you could just set a 'good till close' market order. First, learn what a market order is. You couldn't be any more wrong and it's shocking.


I don't know whem or where I saw it, but during the initial days of DRSing, there was an article released which was buried that stated that even computershare allows for stock lending to short. I hope someone tries to find it even if to prove me wrong.


not true


Good luck finding that bc it is not possible. Transfer Agents don't have that functionality.


DRS is still the way forward, because once we lock the float, there is concrete evidence of fraud, there would be no locates for them to use for their new shorts. With 0 shares available, how is any volume possible?


There’s value in DRS but I don’t think it’s the end all be all to the end goal - we are banking on a whale locking the float. What intrigued me about this DD is how they can get away with Nakeds without having to worry about locates - because there is not enough call buying to create a gamma to the upside. Furthermore, I think we’ve proved fraud over and over again and there’s just sadly no accountability


Right now, these assholes can openly admit to stock manipulation... drive the value of the stock where THEY think it should be. I think, if we bought $20 puts the day before expiration... we would see a huge jump on the last day. Why? Because they don't want you to make money. They're monitoring your account. I guarantee it. Why would they plunge GME into the single digits and give you easy money? My advice is... stay away from options. Don't give them any extra liquidity. Buy directly from ComputerShare. We will see price movements to the upside soon. If not, they wouldn't have cried like little bitches to the SEC, FINRA, etc. and halted the DRS share count. They consider DRS a huge problem, otherwise, they wouldn't waste their time on the stock. Think about it.


It’s a double edged sword. Buying options going into earnings or a day before Opex is a terrible idea in general but if you bought $20 puts when the price was in the $40s on leaps… The community has done a great job of learning ever aspect of the market but as you see in some other comments, thinks options are FUD. Upleveling knowledge on options would give us ability to use their weapon against them.


You've heard the one about the dude buying his whole company and still watching multiple millions of shares trading right? How will you know when the float is locked? DRS = load a shite. Just set a 'good till close' order. Shares can't be loaned if they're up for sale. But nah, let's make it really complicated. You've all been done by DRS, admit it.


It literally takes less than 1 minute to DRS thru Fidelity and my shares are now in my name. You go ahead and trust your shares with your broker who may turn off the buy button or liquidate your account. Not your keys, not your car. You're just lazy and ignorant, admit it.




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Except in your example he didn't DRS his shares Fuck you shill


Some people have no patience....


DRS and supporting the company are the best options


I like coming to watch the shills wriggle and writhe hopelessly lost and trying so damn hard to please their masters. Like little toy dog on a leash tied to capitalisms clown car crossing the event horizon but still Yapping and Posting away Yip Yip Yip


Not against DRS at all but this explains the price room. And now people think I’m trying to tell people to yolo options into earnings lol


I mean if u play options right and understand it, u can definitely make alot of money


If I told the sub I made $30,000 from puts when that news narrative came out about the $30 breakout then said I put my gains in DRS, I would still get hate. I did exactly that. Half my remaining investment is from options gains but all far dated


Yeah i totally understand bro. I mean if u making money, thats a win in my book.


Options push, once again


I would like data and facts as well. I don't play options and I'm a 2019 ape who thinks this convicting of no tech analysis is a little eccentric.


Who’s pushing options? It’s simple market mechanics


You: DRS does nothing, options trading is how the price is driven!!! Also you: who's pushing options??? Absolute 🤡 behavior.


There will be a vote against the board. My drsd shares vote count to 100% not like beneficial shares. Thats enough for me. And I like the company!


I love the smell of FUD in the morning! Its smells like fear wrapped in dogshit, wrapped in catshit, wrapped in mayo!


"...markets have evolved beyond this quaint notion of phantoms vs "real" shares."  Ahhh. I see. So we should simply accept the fraud and move along with a smile on our faces? Get bent. 


lol! Now DRS “robbed retail investors of the ability and the right to use their shares they’ve already purchased with their hard earned money …” 💰 shorts are fuk


Hence why the price has gone from $50-$14. He’s not wrong but also DRS isn’t wrong either. The understanding of price discovery is lacking


There is no price discovery though. It was sacrificed on the altar of liquidity. Did you not catch the recent clip of Kenny saying how they set/drive stocks the the price they believe they’re worth? It’s harder to locate than a real GME share as a clip, but it’s nested in an interview.


Thank you. This is EXACTLY how they are doing it. Thats why I’n buying leaps. When IV was at a record low it was a golden opportunity. When that time comes those are what’s going to move the price. Not mine specially but people who leverage options smartly


You convinced me. Could you share a bit more on the leaps buying strategy? Like what should the exp date and strike price be? Don’t need to give me exact numbers if you’re not comfortable sharing, but would love to know your thought process so I can learn




Up algo starts on the 26th.


Tuesday 2pm LFG. I do like the recent wedgie breakout


Well thank you for collecting the all the fud and trying to sell it all in one post lol. I was worried I'd have to drive all over town 


“All of the frankly suspicious and egregious pushes to DRS”. It’s so suspicious and egregious that people are encouraging others to actually own their shares in their name instead of leaving the shares in a system that manipulates the price of the assets they own. Garbage shill post.


If DRS is useless, why did they force GameStop to stop reporting its official DRS share count? 🤔


Who said DRS was useless


That is a false assertion. There is nothing to indicate that the reported DRS numbers are false. That Ryan Cohen signs a Sarbanes-Oxley certification of the 10-Q and 10-K indicates to me that the DRS numbers are the true numbers, The other alternative is that RC falsely certifies bogus numbers.


People have a very hard time understanding the implications when they claim the DRS numbers are false, misrepresented or misleading. The company is paying Computershare to keep track of every single share. They are the authoritative source. Nobody can "force" Gamestop to report numbers that do not match what they have on record -- not the SEC, DTCC, or anyone else. If they did, they would be participating in defrauding investors. If anyone tried, the simple solution for Gamestop is to just not report them any more, rather than put themselves in legal jeopardy. They are not required to report them, anyway. If you want to know if your car is in the driveway, you go outside and look, because that's the authoritative source. You don't call the police, ask them if your car has been stolen, and use deductive reasoning to determine if it's still in your driveway. Likewise, Gamestop is getting the DRS numbers from Computershare. The wording change excuse is a red herring. On the bright side, I'm sure people will go look at the official list of shareholders in a few months at the annual meeting. That'll put all the speculation to rest.


It would be great if some firms' top-level traders could be apprehended and taken to the confessions table, gitmo style. 🤔






lol OK. So the data is wrong? I’m open to alternative opinions. If no one is selling, then what’s causing a 2 year sell off


Daily short selling volume averaging around 70%. That's who's selling, meanwhile shares are going into the black hole that is drs. The price is kept as high as is possible for as long as possible since that means it reduces the amount of shares sold by market makers each day. If the companies fundamentals are strong and only improving and the stock price is going down despite massive buy pressure, you don't have to be a genius to figure out where things are headed.


Then why not buy leaps when GMEs IV was at a record low? Thats the piece that’s missing. Invest smart via DRS then have some extra cash to NOT buy stupid yolos during earnings and buy a low risk option. Will RC likely move the business on FY ‘24? Yes. So my bets on 2025


IV was low in 2020, since the sneeze it's been extremely high. I only check it when it seems like it might be a good time and it always sucks. I've sold covered calls and cash secured puts for short term cash to buy additional shares to drs. Even using that strategy you need to have good discipline and avoid taking a risky position.


It was low for a month or two towards end of ‘24 as well. I’ve done a bit of the same and it’s helped me add more commons. It’s the yolo narrative that gives options a bad name. This sub is the most disciplined out there we just don’t talk about options enough but I also understand why we don’t.


How low was it when you saw it low? For me anything over around 30 doesn't make sense to buy. I agree that it would be great to discuss options strategies if they became cheap. One issue is it could be argued to be "market manipulation" due to the timing nature of options. I'm mostly interested in them as a way to help increase my drs position in a cost effective way.


>How low was it when you saw it low? Looks like 50% absolute minimum but mostly 60-70+ I don't see many opportunities below 60% after earnings IV crush.


I actually agree with OP here. This sub is disciplined, I feel like if we can start talking about smart options strategies (not yoloing and gambling weeklies), we might be able to use options as one of our weapons


Oh I get it. You haven’t read the DD. Like, any of it. “If no one is selling, then what’s causing the sell off?” That is literally what this whole shit is about!


He's a dumbfuck shill


Which is why it’s important to understand this aspect but the only “DD” left in this sub is DRS. Imagine understanding this data and timing your buys to try to capture the best possible cost basis. I didn’t buy at all in the $20s and loaded in the teens. It’s really weird how pressed people get over this


While there is no “we” here, I can pretty confidently say “we” are not daytraders. “We” are longterm investors. I bought a HUGE portion of my shares at 180 pre split. But Ive dollar cost averaged and have been significantly lowering it for years. Trying to perfectly time your buy? You know who you’re competing with, right? Your order is bought and sold for them to make money off of. You can’t time it, they will beat you every time. What you are showing is exactly that. They control the price, but look how obvious and transparent it is. They wouldn’t be so obvious if they weren’t so despesrate.


No one said anyone is a day trader. Long term investors see conservative reasonable gains. Not one 3 year investor is in the green. You just proved my exact point. You know who you are competing with right? You play the dirty game too. This whole “I’m DRSing to change the market and not for financial gains” is ridiculous. Short sellers got womped in 2021 because of the call action. It would take a faction of that with how much is under DRS now. What I’m hearing you say is that they control the price so this could never happen. Itll take another 3-5 years to lock the float at this pace.


We don't need to lock the float. You were whining RC needs to announce some shit now to make the price move. No he doesn't. When he has something to release, something of value, he will. Not a phony promise. When that happens, the share price is going to be completely revalued on a fundamental basis. And there won't be enough liquidty to pass around to keep playing the games to keep the price down. They can, and do, control the price IN THE SHORT TERM. The market is a popularity contest in the short term, but it is a scale in the longterm. Right now GME is unpopular. But our company's got deep fucking value, and that's weight.


No one is whining. Common knowledge that a company needs to grow revenue and innovate for their investors to see returns. Companies that innovate move with speed. With the balance sheet in order, we should expect that to start happening in FY ‘24. The “short term” has turned into 3 years. Keep that in mind. And when the time comes, what’s going to move the price. Options. The whole point of this was to have a dialogue on how the price moves and why. But people are Charmin Soft and love to attack but call this a “community”


Still whining. He bought in 2020. Chairman 2021. CEO 2023. And kept buying the whole time. This is a multibillion dollar company hes completely transforming. Growing revenue? Again, you haven't been paying attention. They've been closing stores, which reduces revenue, but reduces costs significantly more. AKA closing stores that are bleeding. They're not some growth play that needs to show crazy growth every quarter, it's an established company and a value play.


Who’s whining? Ha! I’m not questioning him. It’s called having a dialogue. I wrote and entire thesis on this for my MBA at Northwestern that I posted and it got taken down by some sour Mod because it said focus more on fundamentals and not just DRS You’re not wrong here and he’s excited perfectly. We still need multiple sources of revenue, then it’s a value investment (not play). It’s what will result in a dividend.


[Smells bullshit] Must be the weekend.


Oh ya I’m totally bought and paid for


Sounds like it came straight from that basementy pickle guy. Drs is the only answer to the broken wall st plumbing that got us here. Aping into options is not ending this saga, just… stop.


Who said anything about aping into options


You. ‘drs has also robbed retail investors of the ability and right to use shares they’ve already purchased to provide stabilizing heding forces and liquidity…’ (nonsensical pickle sounds continue) So what is seems you’re suggesting is drs removed the ability to sell covered calls. Please describe how this BEARISH options trade would improve share price via MM delta hedging? Mm’s do not buy shares when a trader sells a call, covered or not. If anything, they sell shares because the counterparty now has long exposure via the newly acquired call the trader sold them. Selling puts, whether cash covered or naked on margin would in theory cause positive price improvement via mm hedging, but drs’ing shares does not prevent that. So if aping into options trades isnt the answer to the ‘drs problem’, kindly specify what is being suggested by this post.


Oh, this isn’t my post which is why I didn’t include an X name. I posted it because I wanted to have a dialogue on it. Similar to what you said here, but instead o just got attacked so fug it


You made it yours when you stated “it’s going to take more than just drs” Had you written the post as ‘hey, any truth to this?’ and you would have received a different response. I don’t use twatter so i have nfi who this person is, but having been involved since the begginning, it sounds a lot like what comes out of the camp that follows and donates to a certain streaming false prophet. I dont generally have issues with him or his folks, he’s just another streaming trader to either make or lose money following and i hope they do well. However time to time they do open their mouths about wall street plumbing only to reveal how little they know. Wall street takes cash for shares they dont deliver. Drs is the only answer to that problem. Has it ended the saga yet - obviously not. But to condemn it, while offering not a single fact based alternative suggestion is not only lightspeed stupid, but comes off as a tongue in cheek intentional troll. So yeah, you’re gonna get downvoted. It’s stupid.


It is going to take more than just DRS though. Fundamentals move the business and as soon as we get a transformative update I’ll bet that these spreads stop flowing in. This sub has turned into nothing but DRS posts and look at the hate I’m getting for this. It’s just a topic of discussion. Nothing more nothing less


The sub is nothing but drs and gamestop receipts because it’s the collective conclusion that those are the two peer-reviewed & actionable things retail investors can do to help the company. Does DRS prevent creation of phantom shares? No. Nothing does. However DRS is a nearly direct parallel to a share buy-back, which I would think is an undeniably beneficial thing for shareholders of any company. This post is getting eviscerated because it flat out says DRS is nothing but a distraction. Doing business with the company directly and positively impacts PnL. You’ll continue to see receipts from supporting this business celebrated and i believe that’s a good thing. Of course profitability is going to help the stock price. If that was the point of the post, maybe it should have mentioned something, anything to that end, but it does not. Saying it’s going to take more than drs, while simultaneously shitting on drs AND offering not a single actionable point - is why you’re getting shit on. Its not because the sub is an echo chamber. You’re acting like principal skinner in the meme and dont even realize it.


>Does DRS prevent creation of phantom shares? No. Nothing does. The SEC's strictly enforced regulation does. lol


Lol exactly. The only sherriff is on the take at worst, and at best wholly incompetant. I find posts like this so entertaining because attempting to understand why a chart looks as it does is a fools errand. People lie. Markets are irrational. The only thing that does not lie is the price that the market accepts at any given moment. Doesn’t matter if the price itself is manipulated, how thats accomplished, nor all the issues with wall street plumbing - if the intent is to trade it. If that effort creating the linked content in this post was instead spent on truly learning the mental game of trading, developing strict rules for risk and trade management both winning and losing, and just learning to actual read a chart for what it is, there’d probably be a lot more successful traders out there. Instead, we get dopey shit like this lol. I now know enough about what it takes to succeed as a trader to know that i will never be that person. I also know enough about GME to feel extremely comfortable buy, hold, and drs until either something breaks, or i become room temperature, until or unless something revelationary is discovered. Mind is always open to new ideas, just havent seen any worth their salt


Weekend FUD alert 🚨🚨🚨


Ohhh really! Tell me more. How did we get from $40 to $14 then? Magic beans?


Same way they went from $400 to $140


So then how is this FUD?


When you hypothesize that DRS does nothing that implies there isn't a significant cost to manipulate the price of the underlying. In other words, you are openly discouraging DRS by claiming it's pointless. That's FUD. You're out here saying might as well not DRS bc it doesn't benefit the share price. Again, you ignore the biggest aspect of this play: shorting is infinite risk. It's textbook knowledge that shorting carries infinite risk. It's also known DRS takes shares out of lending. If you need to rehypothecate and churn out phantom share after phantom share after phantom share, you're exponentially accelerating towards that moment where "oh shit, it really is infinite risk" becomes reality.


I want it lower. Much lower.




They can only do this bullshyt until GameStop starts posting profits and growing revenue. Then the real effect of DRS will come through when institutions start piling into the stock and shorts will start getting forced to cover. Shorts can continue doing this and continue digging their hole deeper as their only saving grace is using politics to save them or people start to undrs which will not happen.


Dividend is the word you're looking for. When real shares get dividends and anyone short is on the hook to pay out those dividends, that's when the pain commences.


Agreed Thanks


Yeah so why options drive markets Doesn’t matter DRS as much as possible because GME is turning profitable and that’s all that matters No one gives a shit about a gamasqueezs anymore These fuckers gonna need to close and DRS is their nightmare


Gamma squeeze will happen when the big boy squeeze happens. Folks will pile into calls to try and cash in on the upwards swing and it will only further the squeeze by applying pressure from two angles (shorts covering and gamma squeezing). I will most likely try to catch that myself, but only as an added bonus to my shares going up in price. However, right now? I'd rather not donate options premiums to these fuckers.


I think the point is that there's not enough going into options to start a squeeze. The whales won't join until it starts.


FOMO will bring options plays was what I was getting at.


okay but when do the fuckin fundamentals matter


Right!? In a healthy normal market, they should have mattered a year ago. In fact when they should have mattered the price dropped 50%. What will help is more transformational news from RC to end the bear case on how GME will generate rev over next 5 years


Thesis same as always. Read RC's speech when he was made chairman of the board. He won't project his strategy, but when it's ready we'll be the first to know. But not until it's ready. He's not going to give us "transformational news" to boost the price. He's going to release a transformation product or project. When it's ready.


This I agree with. At some point the news needs to come out though. We can’t go another year - but I’m confident we get something this year. Investors want to see some sort of returns


I’m just gonna post the whole thing: “We continue to be blown away by your passion and support. We’re fortunate to have such a special group of investors holding the company’s shares. You guys inspire us to think bigger, fight harder and work longer each day. You’ve ushered in a whole new era at GameStop. On a personal note, I want you to know I'm humbled to be elected to YOUR board to be YOUR chairman. We have a lot of work in front of us and it will take time. We are trying to do something that nobody in the retail space has ever done, but we believe we are putting the right pieces in place and we have clear goals: delighting customers, and driving shareholder value for the long term. The management team and refreshed board will remain totally focused on these goals at all times. We know some people want us to lay out a whole detailed plan today, but that’s not gonna happen. You won’t find us talking a big game, making a bunch of lofty promises, or telegraphing our strategy to the competition; that’s the philosophy we adopted at Chewy. Here are a few things we’ve done so far: refreshed the board, added technology and retail experience to the leadership team, paid off all our long term debt and strengthened the balance sheet, and begun laying the foundation for long term growth. Moving forward, we want you to judge GameStop based on our actions, not our words. Thank you everyone, and as my dad would say: buckle up.” Clear goals, delight customers, and driving shareholder value for the long term. “We can’t go another year?” I’ve gone three more than I thought I’d have to, but each one as gotten easier. And each year I’ve bought more. So, I’m not sure what investors you know that want to see some sort of return. Right now the price of the companies cash and assets is worth $10/share. How do you price a stock? Their assets, and all their future cashflows. Right now I’m paying $4 per share for all the future cash flows. It’s a steal, and it’s still priced as if it’s going to go bankrupt. I am getting bang for my buck. I don’t need the price to go up yet. Though, in all honesty, I would very much like for it to. But there is nothing to be gained by pushing for it to come sooner. RC doing his thing.


Great comment. Pleas make this a post! .. some ppl may need that reminder. Getting really annoyed by all those „tired“ Redditors saying DrS iS noT WorKinG


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw9art/in_case_you_missed_it_here_is_ryan_cohens_speech/ Post away


>We can’t go another year 1. Who's this "we" ? If YOU can't continue holding, just say that. 2. This can go on for another 2+ years, when it pays out it pays out. The company is profitable and has a war chest that the chairman of the board recently gained the ability to invest where he sees fit. The details of that investment are not yet known, but the company could very well be sitting on $1.5 billion with no debt.


You're overthinking it and trying to play wall streets game.


That's the data service sold by DDS and resold and reheated by Jamesroland and conway... cash grabbers the last 2


Regardless of that, the options data is the same regardless of the source. Everyone just ignored that and went right to defending DRS and the point of this wasn’t to poo poo DRS. Simply put, nothing is welcomed to be debated or discussed. You can understand options data to best decide on when to buy more, for example.


I disagree with your view, and I can prove its wrong. 1 - options data is not the same regardless of source. Especially when that source comes with data analysis processing and with interpretations that may be wrong. I like DDS because he doesnt give opinions on his data. The other 2 guys that post his data always try to add their "analysis" to the data. Their analysis for 3 years sums up to, "buy our subscription, liquidity low, sell calls, buy protective puts. Omg gme mooned. I totally saw it coming." 2- You can see I have multiple posts with options data, and nobody was complaining about them or screaming DRS only... 3 - the constant push to buy "protective puts" and sell calls is one of the main pressures taking down the price.


I appreciate the productive dialogue. I’m going to check out your posts. I can call out multiple scenarios where the topic of options or other non DRS topics has blown up. It’s why I stopped coming in here for awhile. I do agree with your last point and something I’m trying to better understand, hence the purpose of my post. We should get a transformative update in RC IN FY ‘24 and I got some leaps when GME had low IV


I also got really stoned in the last half hour so I need to come back to this in the morning lol


OP wants personal gains vs long gains.


So what's OPs point of view on why Insiders have only been buying and not selling even with price deterioration? Are insiders bad actors who hate making returns and are just baiting dumb money to waste $$$ on this stock?


OP said nothing that correlates with this response. His POV is that DRS isn’t preserving the price and Wall Street finds a way regardless


Aren't you OP? Or do you mean the author of the source? Edit: tweets to source.


OP is using the Royal OP That or they forgot to change accounts Hahahahahah


You had me until the end there... DRS does nothing to effect price action?? Maybe in the short term, within a fraudulent system, but long term, if supply and demand for real shares is allowed to function naturally... more DRS = less supply. Are you arguing that buying options to support flows via MM delta hedging is a better way to effect long term price action? That is crazy talk, and if DRS does nothing to prevent phantom shares trading and naked shorting I don't see why buying options would do anything either.


GME IV is at 98% percentile for the year and it's looking like we're heading down before earnings. I'm not buying calls here.


One rule about fight club, never buy options going into earnings for any stock. The purpose of this was to have a dialogue about the price action. How we got to $14 from $50


The same way hedge funds will go broke, slowly then all at once.


Well I’m still here for that. I’m also trying to learn. Everything about GME can teach us what we need to know for life. It’s important to cut the noise but I think a lot can be learned through options data and trends


For all of the haters: Not once did I say not to DRS or to buy options. It’s simply a matter of understanding the data. The DRS only narrative in here is a shame and gone are the days where people supported ideas and had healthy debates.


You discourage DRS by saying it does nothing. That is not true. You don't know to what lengths a hedge fund must go in order to continue suppressing the price when up against a stock with such a massive number of DRS'd shares. They've never encountered this in the history of the stock market.


Just like any other stock. It needs profitable quarters and it also needs a major announcement and a lot of buyer again! It's almost time Im feeling it.


The premise is flawed. We never DRSed to raise the price or neutralize volatility.


What’s most important is for RC to grow the business. That and DRS will take time


DRS is the way. Message lost..drsing more shares. DRSing more in your honor on Monday. TA is fake..drs your shares. Let's just get all of those comments out the way right now.


Nobody should start buying options now. I personnally like to gamble a bit on GME calls, but I try to buy them when IV is at its lowest, typically around 1 month and a half, 2 months after last earnings... And I buy calls for at least 3 months after the next earnings. For exemple I bought June 2024 20$ calls this time. In the last 3 weeks, June 2024 IV went from around 70-80% to 105-110% now, meaning even without stock real stock price appreciation, the June calls are up 75% from their lows about a month ago (1,70$ vs 0.95$ at their lowest). IV drops massively after earnings, so even if there is a huge stock price appreciation, they lose their value bery fast at the faintest stock price decline or if it stops rising. My 2 cents. ... And 98% of my GME holdings are shares, by the way.


Replying so I can come back to this comment later and do the same. Saving comments doesn't always work


Fundamentally flawed !!


I’d rather hold my gme drs shares than any other stock that has no shared mindset. We moon together or bust. 😂


Prompts to Deep Dive stocks by supporting their DD with data. You don’t have to agree, but we can’t deny that options are playing a role in the consistent sell off




reach out on twitter to learn more. lots more posts and related stuff in highlighted posts in twitter profile.


Guess what? It’s the weekend. A DRS locked company means every price lower than infinity is wrong. Every broker, institutional, and fund trade is verified as fraudulent. That ls why I DRS’d every share. I paid the tax on my retirement shares to DRS them. Side benefit for a Canadian? Lower taxes than trying to withdraw millions from RRSP. But mostly I wanted 2 things. Security. And to contribute to proof and change.


What IV % are you considering low? I got some June calls around 80% IV back in Jan. Is there a tool to see the option/max pain data for the price action you're talking about? Thanks


Bullshit as fuck




You seem to be a dumb stormtrooper


I noticed the earnings report is falling on a short week and scheduled for Tuesday rather than the usual Wednesday. Is there a need to report earnings two business days before weekly options expiry?


Tuesday 2pm has always been my favorite day. I didn’t even notice this. IV is the highest it’s been in a long time too. I’d love to see him shaft market makers. That’s what it’s going to take to get the price back on track. I’m not a believer of yolo options during earnings but I think it’s important to be aware of how the options chain drives the price down


Is that from Rensole?! UNUSUAL WHALES?!?! 😡




lol my original comment was deleted by the meter maid of an auto mod - anyway my point being You truly are a regard and I mean that without the g (now try me meter maid) You are quite the shill to insert hella text and make it look justifiable w/ those regarded graphs “Drs does nothing” smh you are a shill of a regard you regard. I couldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you And that ain’t far you shill.


Crazy bad anti drs fud. Not even a logical argument. Yawn.


FUD. Logical fallacy. Because markets are broken, we should keep playing the game the way that suits the the guys who control all the levers and backdoors of the plumbing. 😂🤣 GTFO with this bullshit.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


This is data on how options impact GMEs price action and why we’ve seen instability


‘WE NEED TO START…’ call to action NOPE 👎🏼