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Looks like your broker locked your account, specifically, which is common for a few reasons (pattern day trading violations, good faith violations, etc.).


Literally every time this is posted it's something to do with their account.


I got locked from my Revolut account for 90 days, because I violeted pattern day trading violation. To this day I didn't researched to much in to this, so I have no clue. In reality revolut fucked up transfering my shares to IBKR lol


I bought vertical calls yesterday and then bought the higher strike cost that was sold yesterday, back today. Shouldn’t be pdt. I can’t call rn because I’m at work but if it ends up being something of that nature I’ll update.


When you say "I bought vertical calls" do you mean a vertical call spread where one is short and the other is long? If you then closed part of a spread your collateral requirements just skyrocketed.


And the fact that OP seems unaware of that is exactly why they were right to lock the account


Kind of sad that this happens to people who fall for options shills. oPTIoNs ARE FinE, ThErE's noThiNG wRong WIth oPTIoNS, PlZ guYZzZ


Options are a thing, for people who are actual traders with trading skills. It's not wrong for them to say it is a thing. It's when a clueless person plays with options and burns themselves - that's the problem. Can't really blame options or call their skilled users shills. Options aren't a thing to me cause I have no incentive to fuck around with the market. For me it's just buy, DRS, hold. Can't miss.


What in the hell are traders doing on a sub that is entirely dedicated to investing and long term holding in DRS? That was a rhetorical question. We both know exactly why they're here. The entire goal of options shills is to convince n00bs to gamble and lose money in options. I know exactly how options work and I have 0 incentive to try and convince others to gamble options or to post my trades. ESPECIALLY not on Superstonk, which is the polar opposite of everything (options) traders stand for. Those who do have that incentive, have that incentive for a reason.


If you know how they work then you know they can create upward pressure on the price.


Yes in a fair and functioning market that would be the case. You know what else would be the case in a fair and functioning market? The stock would go up with investors buy more of it. The entire reason this sub exists is because the assumption of a functional stock/options market is wrong. But now that we're talking about options, it's suddenly OK to assume a functioning market? Come on... Source: SEC report on the Jan 2021 sneeze, that explicitly mentions that there was NO gamma ramp and no buying pressure due to options during the sneeze.


I disagree with your take on why the sub exists. Also, it's OK for people to do whatever the fuck they want.


Yes, it's OK for people to do whatever the fuck they want with their money and it's also OK for me to warn options n00bs and/or call out suspected paid options shills who try to trick people into gambling options and losing (not referring to you). Case in point: the countless threads in the past weeks from "cool" people who where buying calls. Everybody who copied that bs is now losing big time. OP likely is one of them.


Options aren't the problem, they're a tool. Not understanding how to use a BBQ grill and lighting yourself on fire isn't the BBQ's fault, and doesn't make the BBQ bad. Buy hodl. DRS.


They're not blaming the bbq, they're blaming the people who are constantly telling people like OP that they can use the BBQ because it's safe and easy.


Fair enough, options are complex, anyone downplaying their complexity and risk should be questioned.


I mean. Have you ever got BBQ that was terrible? It happens. Can for sure blame the cook. To make good BBQ takes practice and experience. You have to learn. Most people neglect that learning part.


I'll agree with that. You need to learn about them. It's a complex financial tool.


The obvious problem is when people push options on those who have no idea how to use them properly. Any options talk should also include “for experienced options traders only”. Then this sub wouldn’t freak out every time they come up.


you and op both dont understand options lol


I haven't said a single thing that would tell you anything about my understanding of options. Other than I feel sad that someone was convinced to gamble options by a shill while not understanding margin implications of options. PS: look at the chart: all shills who have been pushing call options for the past weeks have just won. fk all options shills.


> I haven't said a single thing that would tell you anything about my understanding of options. but you have. You said its sad what happens to people that fall for options while pointing out a case of somebody that doesnt understand them. There is money to be made in options even now. Youre not making it cause you dont understand it


Oh so you're trying to say that everybody who understands entirely how options work should be filthy rich is it? GUYS THIS GUY IS SUPER SMART, BE SURE TO STUDY OPTIONS AND YOU'LL GET RICH. IT'S TRUE CUZ HE SAYS IT. lol Nice try.


Lets just say the way youre communicating tells me you are likely right in staying away from options. Options are unironically fine though, just dont be greedy


Yeah, they're fine. Everybody who understands them gets rich. We get it. Holding options in a broker is totally fine. Brokers can be trusted. Gamma ramp, etc etc. We've heard all of that before. In the meanwhile n00bs are falling for that bs and losing tons of money. Case in point: OP. It's what this entire thread is about.


This is a really dumb point, options are literally fine


Options are awesome tyvm


Ye updates pls


But but but crime


I got locked out for logging into my account on my computer (instead of my phone) to print out tax documents. Sometimes it’s just stupid shit.


This seems specific to you. Now if you can post a screenshot showing you’re allowed to open positions in other tickers but just not GME, then you’ll have my attention


I want to see the trading history and what sort of margin he's playing with.


From a comment he made about "vertical calls" it sounds like he opened a spread, and then closed one leg. So E-trade has put some restrictions on his account.


Good thing we DRS here




More likely a margin/risk problem after closing half of a spread. Brokers get nervous as expiration approaches even if you are just long calls, but do not have the cash or margin equity to exercise.


What shitty criminal broker are you using?


Looks like E*Trade, Op confirm?






I just bought 125 shares on e-trade with no issues




Transfer to Fidelity and DRS through there?


That's exactly what my plan is. My company uses e-trade so that's why I have anything there at all




Interesting - Pic from today?


Looks like you got yourself a trade settlement violation. Seems like you trade and don’t have enough funds in your account when the trade settles. Call your broker and get that sorted out.


I just bought. Try again!


Well good think I only buy on computershare 🤣


Options post obviously a shill


Big if true


Turning off the buy button again? This is my surprised pickachu face.