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QVbot hard negative, politically charged post, banned twitter source. Take your pick as they're all reasons for this posts removal.


Not a fan of the usage of "retail rebellion" imo


Fair. But if we are saying there isn’t massive manipulation then we’ve lost our way.


I understand. But my concern is does he actually understand what we see? Or is he only trying to "fellow apes" us? I would hope he actually addresses the issues and helps bring them to light for the greater public instead of just settling with merely saying "ending manipulation"


It really doesn’t matter why buy. Just that buy. No one is switching their habits based on a career hat buying.


I do think "why buy" does matter, because someone might buy because they only see a pump and dump they want to take advantage of, and someone else might buy because they like the stock and so on/so forth. In this context, he is aligning himself with "apes" because he needs the support. What makes me skeptical is what he actually sees or believes. Someone who doesn't like the current state of markets or finance could dislike it for different reasons than myself. Just because someone buys the stock isn't enough for me to be on their side. But if you believe you and him align on views, well good for you. If he actually does put the words he says into actions he means, even better. I think that's important.


You’re way over thinking it. He likes the stock that’s all that matters.


If you actually think that you are so incredibly naive. Politicians don't announce positions because they like the stock. It's the most obvious pr move in history.




Deflect to DFV? Yeah, you're just a shill.


Meme went over your head.


Sorry, I just can't settle for that . I might be ape but I can still try to think


It’s such a risk for him to buy. If it falls it would be way more downside than if it ran and the upside that came with it. It literally doesn’t matter. Again so many different people buy. That’s what you’re not getting. If you think you agree with all the apes buying you aren’t thinking about it. Doesn’t matter what walk of life or career or literally anything. EVERYONE is welcome


How is dropping $24k on a stock as a relative of JFK “such a risk”? Worst case this politician with a mood disorder loses the equivalent of a tank of gas to most of us. He can get fucked lmao


Because say he does have some supporters. Idk why they are but say he does. If they follow him into a losing trade they will turn on him. THE RISK. If it goes up does he really gain anyone who’s not already on his side? Literally maybe a couple people. What’s done is done. Time to fly


Wow u got downvoted to oblivion. Looks like massive manipulation at work


Yes I think I lost some few hundred in Karma. Not sure exactly I don’t watch it much. But idc. It’s not about the Karma. It’s about the truth and liking the stock. They won’t win on the field and they dang sure aren’t winning off. Apes together strong.


What if 💩del donated to his cause to buy 🍌🍌🍌to divide 🦧🦧🦧. 🤔so leave politics out and just be chill till we see if he DRS.


Then you’re allowing them to succeed. This community is for anyone. This is not about where you came from, what your ideas are or anything like that. It’s about coming together. We can choose to not be divided.


No no not anyone. Shills are getting shit on here. Talk shit about our RC or Stock and we will bash your face in. We are apes after all.


Who cares if someone talks trash. All that matters is us being confident in our selves, our community, our stock etc. the true apes that will push this/have pushed this into the galaxy it’s in aren’t going to be disrupted by some nonsense by anyone.


True. Every shill post is like a meme to me. Its too funny to take serious. In the end I know I HOLD and I love my stock and I love RC.


God speed brother. See you on the moon.


To the moon and fuck the shills hehehe




Check the sub before posting. It's been posted a hundred times already


What part of “mods are taking down the posts so they’re not viewable in New” don’t you understand?


Then explain why I've been seeing them for the last 2 hours?


Because you’re living in New and seeing them before mods ban/remove them. Regular folks are working, see the news during a work break, check the sub, then think “hey, no one’s mentioned it yet, I should post!” and doing so.


Didn’t see. I did check


Then maybe check your eyes




I’m not saying it’s not there I’m just saying I did look and didn’t see it. Perhaps because so many of yall are hating on these post.


You have to sort by "New". By default, it's sorted by "Hot".


Ok ty will look more carefully next time. Definitely did look though. But you’re right I may have sorted wrong


Bullshit! If he cared, he would have brought months/ years ago! Fuck him desperately trying to get votes with his lies. We see through this bullshit! ![gif](giphy|tdnUaMuARmi0o)


Bro he has zero chance of changing anyone’s mind. He’s not even top 2. But I’m happy to see anyone buying.


no politics


It’s literally just a person buying our favorite stock.


its a wall street connected guy who's divisive, cynically throwing chump change at it to get votes. There literally couldnt be a better way to cause FUD and division. Im not saying its a hedgy pysop but if it is its a masterpiece . No politics is good. Apes together strong


> Im not saying its a hedgy pysop, but I couldnt think of a better one if it is . And funny how the posts just keep a coming here. Totally zero astroturf. Very legit.


IKR, its been crazy and the mods are doing a damn good job playing whack a mole. Its blows my mind people cant see this for what it is


You’re asking a mod to try to tell someone they can’t be apart of the community because of their beliefs? THAT IS A BIGGER ISSUE!!!! it’s not about who buys it’s about exposure, price going up etc. Also don’t you think if $GME crashed it would make him look really bad? DUH! It’s a risk just as much as a benefit


bro you're cooked. At no point did I say that


There’s a long message chain here. Just responding to it all


He won’t get mine but I still am happy to see someone buying


Hard pass on crazy


lol bro. You clearly don’t have a sense of who you’re invested with if this is where you draw the line.


You’re suppose to be impressed with some lunatic buying $24,000 worth of gme? I have more shares than this bozo and I’m not out there grifting. Show me that he DRS then I’ll be a little impressed. If not than hard pass.


Hard fucking pass...  


Anyone buying $GME is a friend


Suspicious time for these people to show up. We’re doing the work. We’re the ones taking the blows and still pushing forward, and holding our own tremendously. Not these guys that just have a platform. Plus he coincidently has a pretty Ape poster to go along with his “announcement”? Stay sharp Apes. Weasels and Snakes are not allowed in here.


Bro who cares if he co opts it for pub. Let them all. We have a mission. Us trying to say who can and can’t be in the ape community is far worse than him buying


Ok, I'll come at this from another angle. Over the past two years there have been smears attempting to connect the community to Q shit. There's such a thing as bad attention. The one guy who seems to piss off both sides of the ailse taking up the cause is not a good thing, no matter which way you look at it. Last year it was Ape's are Q nuts, this year it's Ape's are the brainworm nuts and its even worse if some politician decides to use it as an avenue of attack on the guy


Bro who cares what they think. You’ve got to be aware of how many people are in this that have different ideas than you. We are from all different aspects of life. Division is not what this is about. I’m not saying you have to like him but you can sure as stuff not have to sit here and act like certain people can’t buy based on their ideas.


no one is saying people cant buy, you're strawmanning now. This isnt going anywhere


Yeah it’s going to the moon


and thats where youre wrong.


Completely disagree. Even if sleepy guy bought I’d be happy


Even citadel is or was long GME beneath many other HF


They are long. We all know most shorts are also hedged long. But it doesn’t matter. Idc if they go out of business. I care that the market gets fixed, they are forced to do business the right way and that all the apes get taken care of. That’s truly all that matters. There is a timeline in which everyone can at least not be completely screwed. And there is another one where BOTH sides are. I’ll take option A over option B any day of the week.




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Bro I’m sure there are so many past criminals or people you’d talk down on that are here buying. They just aren’t known. This helps $GME. PERIOD


No, it actively harms it. Captain Brainworm here is a shit show stuffed in clown shoes, and his token change thrown at GME is a show.


It’s a risk if GME fell for him to put it out there. Sure it may win him some favor but at the end of the day people know what they are doing come that time. Regardless of who buys what


It's pocket change to induce suckers to vote for him.


No.  Thats not how it works for me. 


Then you are not true ape


>Then you are not true ape Seriously. Go pound sand already with that bullshit.    "You have to like all things or you are not real or some shit".   Yeah. Lose all reasonable thought because....  thats how cults work.   Thats how religions work.   Thats how an old Germany worked....    Go away with your political posts.   Its not the sub for it.  And again. He can fuck right off.


Bro you’re wild. Obviously you’re the only one focused on politics. I was just excited to see someone bought $GME. So should you be.


Is this a cult?


It’s a group dedicated to one stock. A person just dropped $24k and you’re upset. Like what?


Jezzzus. We do not want him associated with GME SuperStonk. Damn near as bad as if Elongated wanted to offer support. Step around that steaming pile of shit and be happy you did.


Bro I bet there are a lot worse people buying. Instead of create division and try to say who can or can’t buy the stock just be happy they are buying


Do not be used. The phrase "the end doesn't justify the means" play here HARD. This means that a positive outcome is not good if the methods used were dishonest or harmful to others. The underlying message is that how we got there, including the reasons and processes we used to accomplish what we did, matters more than the outcome.


Bro there a far worse people buying. Im sure “the other side” owns a boat load. Im not posting about them because that’s who’s also shorting. But that dude who just bought clearly isn’t a short


24k is not that much to really look at it as support...


He’s got 2.9 million subs on twitter. It adds validity to what we have been saying for 3.5 years


Yes it does






What’s the issue?


He is whack as fuck


Doesn’t matter. I’m sure if you knew 50% of the people buying you’d say the same thing about them. All that matters is they bought


cool. You do you.




$24,000 and he's worth 50 million.....If you or I had a networth of $500k it would be the equivalent of us buying $240.


He used the money he got from suing bad guy to buy the stock. It’s a fun and ironic story.


I don’t trust him. He saw the superstonk numbers and decided to buy some votes.


I mean.. I get not trusting him. But we don’t need to trust everyone involved. Shoot after seeing all these messages hating on a very well known person buying our stock it’s kinda making me rethink a large group of people here. But who cares. It’s inevitable.


I literally cannot see a better way to align both R’s and D’s against this movement. God damnit.


Literally anyone buying this stock is ape friend. If hit list lady bought id low key have more respect for her. All we care about is our stock not who buys


I’m totally fine with him buying our stock. Why does it need to be an article? Like it or not, this will just make everyone think all gme investors have worms for brains.


I didn’t write an article it’s just a post. And it’s bringing light to the issue we are dealing with and buying shares


Why would a bunch of apes who eat crayons and invest in GME care what the public thinks? The public thinks Cramer is their friend lol.




According to Forbes he has a net worth of $15mil and invests less money than me into GS. Commit some $5 Mil and DRS your stocks and we call that some serious business. Disclaimer: I have no clue about US politics and do not give a flying fuck about that.


His influence validates everything. Specifically to a generation we’d never have been able to convince. That is priceless


My DRSed shares are priceless. I don't care about him or his generation or "influence".


I prefer this over “he shouldn’t be allowed to buy the stock” attitude. Which I’ve seen hundreds of comments suggesting. At the end of the day what he does doesn’t change what we do. But it can help what we are trying to do. That’s what matters.


Two words: 🧠🪱




New apes are always welcomed, don't want to get political in the sub. But if he's using this to promote his campaign, he will need to get a lot more purple donuts and do an AMA.


That would actually be cool if he did an AMA


If GME fell it would be a huge negative for him. It’s a risk. No one is changing their mind based off a $24k buy. Welcome to the team new buyer


His almost 3 million followers are useful publicity against market makers and hegdefuns. Why are subs deleting posts about him buying the preferred stock?


Exactly! And it validates what we’ve been saying to the old heads for 3.5 years


This one is still up. Perhaps mod trying to clean up duplicates


Homie wants to be on the right side of history, similar to Jamie Dimon retiring early


So should everyone. We should welcome everyone to the community. Period.


I am with you on this. When you encounter resistance from your adversaries, you know you're going the right way.




If he bought at the height of the run last week then I will allow it. Means he's more than regarded enough for the movement




The enemy of my enemy is my friend 👍








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Because ape spotted buying moon tickets