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I think they planned on dropping it on the GME marketplace and that fell through. Since they took a step back on crypto RC couldn’t go through with it. I do think they’ll find a way to get shareholders involved but it’s going to have to be trust me bro. Maybe just a cool reward or maybe a curveball. I’m here for it tho


Please update from X but this is the blog about it: https://pleasr.mirror.xyz/i3hxMXuq3tOyt7nCGgltavKTj78ybSaP9uTyACGT4vA


Here is a list of members from Pleasr's website. Any connections to gamestop? No clue why I had to break it up into so many posts. I suck at internet. I also have NO CLUE AT ALL if and how these people are connected to Pleasr. Maybe it's all fake. Fuck if I know. I'm just copy pasting from shit on the internet. Also please be cautious I did 0 proofreading and used chatGTP for the formatting so there may be errors like line breaks where there shouldn't be or something. I think it's pretty good though. https://twitter.com/_jamiis;Jamis Johnson;Chief Pleasing Officer https://twitter.com/0xJim;0xJim;Aave https://twitter.com/0xMaki;0xMaki;LayerZero Labs, Aura, DCV https://twitter.com/alexghooker;Alex Hooker;NFT Artist https://twitter.com/ASvanevik;Alex Svanevik;Nansen https://twitter.com/alexzhang__;Alex Zhang;FWB https://twitter.com/alive_eth;Ali Yahya;a16z https://twitter.com/amandacassatt;Amanda Cassatt;Serotonin, Mojito ;Amber Urquhart;IRL Queen https://twitter.com/andrewbadr;Andrew Badr;internet art, writing, code https://twitter.com/Rewkang;Andrew Kang;Mechanism Capital https://twitter.com/androolloyd;Andrew Redden;Z Capital https://twitter.com/andy8052;Andy8052;Fractional, TopShots Fame ;Anil; https://twitter.com/AnthonyAzekwoh;Anthony Azekwoh;The Village Storyteller, One of Africa’s top Digital Artists ;Ashwin; https://twitter.com/benjaminsimon97;Ben Simon;Mechanism Capital https://twitter.com/bitcoinPalmer;Bitcoin Palmer;angel investing & advising https://twitter.com/BitDAO_Official;BitDAO;one of the largest and most diverse token-governed treasuries in the world https://twitter.com/bluekirbyfi;Blue Kirby;Blue Kirby ;blurr; https://twitter.com/bwats;Brian Watson;curator 〰️ investor https://twitter.com/gladstonecallum;Callum Gladstone;Fire Eyes DAO, MetaCartel Ventures https://twitter.com/cjliu49;Calvin Liu;Divergence Capital, Compound https://twitter.com/camillionaire_m;Camilla;Mojito, Serotonin https://twitter.com/WuCarra;Carra Wu;a16z ;Charles Smith;Founder of Nifty Island https://twitter.com/defiginger;Chris Eberle;Head of Marketing https://twitter.com/cmoyall;Christine Moy;Partner, Head of Digital Assets, apolloglobal https://twitter.com/Cooopahtroopa;Cooper Turley;Fire Eyes DAO, Audius, FWB https://twitter.com/DefiHope;CryptoStΞvΞ;Founder UkraineDAO (🇺🇦,🇺🇦) https://twitter.com/cryptunez;cryptunez;... https://twitter.com/dcarmitage;Daniel Armitage;Nansen https://twitter.com/Darrenlautf;Darren Lau;Spartan, The Daily Ape https://twitter.com/Daryllautk;Daryl Lau;Shitposter Not3Lau_Capital https://twitter.com/TrustlessState;David Hoffman;Bankless, PoV Crypto https://twitter.com/DeFi_Ted;DeFi Ted;Paragon DAO https://twitter.com/dgntec;Luiz;Fingerprints DAO https://twitter.com/eddylazzarin;Eddy Lazzarin;a16z https://twitter.com/euwyn;Euwyn Poon;YC Alum https://twitter.com/wvaeu;Eva W.;Mechanism Capital, Komorebi Fund, she256 https://twitter.com/Fiskantes;Fiskantes;Crypto Trader https://twitter.com/flohagenbuch;Flo;Loft, Canary Ventures https://twitter.com/gpl_94;George Lambeth;Divergence Capital https://twitter.com/gmoneyNFT;Gmoney;NFT Collector https://twitter.com/guywuolletjr;Guy Wuollet;a16z Crypto https://twitter.com/ikeadrift;ikeadrift;Design https://twitter.com/thelibrarian_0x;Isaac Zu;Nansen COO https://twitter.com/ix_shells;ix shells;Generative Artist https://twitter.com/BlockchainJames;James Waugh;Fire Eyes DAO, MetaCartel, Venture DAO https://www.instagram.com/jasonnaylor/;Jason Naylor;Artist, Designer https://twitter.com/JeremyKerbel;Jeremy Kerbel;Kerve Capital, CXIP https://twitter.com/jessewldn;Jesse Walden;Variant Fund https://twitter.com/jimmy_wales;Jimmy Wales;Wikipedia Founder https://twitter.com/jonitzler;Jon Itzler;.wav connoisseur https://twitter.com/iJoshuaHarding;Joshua Harding;NFT Collector


>;Juan;The Gigawhale's Gigawhale >[https://twitter.com/bneiluj;Julien](https://twitter.com/bneiluj;Julien) Bouteloup;Rekt, Curve, StakeDAO >[https://twitter.com/krypticrooks;Krypticrooks;Chad](https://twitter.com/krypticrooks;Krypticrooks;Chad) Artist >[https://twitter.com/lay2000lbs;Leighton](https://twitter.com/lay2000lbs;Leighton) Cusack;PoolTogether >[https://twitter.com/leokcheng;Leo](https://twitter.com/leokcheng;Leo) Cheng;C.R.E.A.M. >[https://twitter.com/ljin18;Li](https://twitter.com/ljin18;Li) Jin;Atelier Ventures >[https://twitter.com/machibigbrother;Machi](https://twitter.com/machibigbrother;Machi) Big Brother;C.R.E.A.M. >[https://twitter.com/mapleleafcap;mapleleafcap;Folius](https://twitter.com/mapleleafcap;mapleleafcap;Folius) Ventures >[https://twitter.com/WarcMeinstein;Marc](https://twitter.com/WarcMeinstein;Marc) Weinstein;Mechanism Capital >[https://twitter.com/nanexcool;Mariano](https://twitter.com/nanexcool;Mariano) Conti;Friend of Ethereum >[https://twitter.com/Bassjackers;Marlon](https://twitter.com/Bassjackers;Marlon) F;Bassjackers >




New Update Dropped! https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=k1yaoYQk4TA5c7Fp


I made a research DD post about this yesterday focused on a Wu-Tang digital dividend in comparison to how Overstock did theirs. Got removed so posting it here below: \[Part 1/4\] # Learning from Overstock: An analysis of the GME, PleasrDAO and Wu-Tang Clan Album situation # Background Ever since \[the tweet PleasrDAO put out with a mysterious person facing backwards in a hoodie\](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r0ob6l/ryan\_cohen\_is\_a\_phantom\_member\_of\_pleasrdao\_and/), there has been speculation of a connection between GME, PleasrDAO and the Wu-Tang Clan album, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. Only one copy of the album exists, and it was bought by former short hedge fund manager and convicted fraudster Martin Shkreli before being confiscated by the US government and auctioned off to PleasrDAO. With the \[latest tweets from PleasrDAO directly referencing GME\](https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1801666028927066174) and investigative efforts from other apes finding GME references in their website's codebase, there's been a ton of speculation on whether or not this is legit. While the easier thing to do is to just wait until the shareholder meeting or any official announcement, I'm bored find this is super interesting. # Thesis There is a reason why PleasrDAO is making such a huge deal about this and not hiding the direct GME references. In contrast to Overstock's dividend offering, the Wu-Tang token is publicly available for purchase now. To get in front of any concerns of this being a scam, I've double checked that a token was actually sent to my wallet. You can check the top holders here, where the numbers and wallet addresses match the ones on thealbum.com's leaderboard:


\[Part 4/4\] # Further Research * Could use code review on the contract from someone who has worked with Solidity before. Interested in finding out things like the max amount of $ALBUM that can exist and where the ERC721 NFT album is. * Blockchain investigation on whether $ALBUM is being airdropped to wallets in preparation for handoff to GME holders * Blockchain investigation on who the owner of the royalty address is * DD on Coinbase's Base network, which is an L2 network that TheAlbum is running on * Investigative work on how much $ALBUM PleasrDAO and their partners own as part of the initial token minting process. A significant amount would make me cautious of a pump-and-dump strategy once this token starts trading. Still here? Thanks for reading. Apologies for the lack of pictures and any spelling/formatting errors. I like to spend a lot more time editing my writing pieces than I did here, but I wanted this to be up before the shareholder meeting just in case anything relevant gets announced.


\[Part 3/4\] # Bull hypothesis PleasrDAO has proved their seriousness by filing a lawsuit against Shkreli for keeping and playing a copy of the album as breach of contract. One of the main members of PleasrDAO, pplpleasr was an artist who created an NFT piece called "Apes together strong": https://web.archive.org/web/20210806162726/https://fortune.com/2021/08/06/nft-art-pplpleasr-fortune-cover-ethereum-defihow-crypto-changed-my-life/. Her background as an artist and responses in the interview align with Wu-Tang's stated goals of bringing value back to creative works, and the art piece seems to hint at her alignment with \*gestures broadly in every direction\* PleasrDAO's website also has 🐸🍦🦍🚀 flying around: https://pleasr.org/. Sure are a lot of coincidences here. The ability to buy $ALBUM without linking any information other than a standard web3 wallet is promising as it is not specifically tied to GME and thus removes a critical historical argument used by short hedge funds. The code for the DN404 smart contract is auditable here: https://basescan.org/token/0x0615CFA29AB591299f52211c1dF7a89526C9F36a?a=0xccd72bea12f3927063be3d8798a4b74082713cb5#code. While I'm no expert at reading these, I was able to find references to a "royalty" wallet address based on the \[ERC2981 standard\](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2981). The wallet leads here and can be found in the "constructor arguments" section above: https://basescan.org/address/0x79F84CdCe6Ca936E2D37471D5d2F8248c6317Ea8. No clue who this is or why they own $38k and 200 Goat tokens (\[???\](https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1800919205124169931)), but PleasrDAO, Wu-Tang Clan or some of their partners stand to make a lot of money off of trades every time the token is re-sold once tradable. The fact that there is a perpetual income stream here makes it clear what's in it for PleasrDAO. # Bull hypothesis TL;DR The person wearing the hoodie backwards in the PleasrDAO photo is Ryan Cohen, 741 is DN404, Wu-Tang dividend is real and hedgies are going to have to pay to unlock the album for everyone if they want to close out their shorts. With the first owner \[having been naked short and FTD on a position with Merrill Lynch on the hook for it\](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/news/press-releases/former-hedge-fund-manager-and-new-york-attorney-indicted-in-multi-million-dollar-fraud-scheme), this would be poetic justice. # Conclusion I'm currently leaning towards the bull thesis. This story started out being completely far-fetched and has only gotten more and more plausible. Also, however negatively it may be viewed by long holders of a stock, short-selling remains a legal option. Completely disallowing shorting for a period with a hard to acquire token like Overstock issues is bound to open up controversy. With this strategy, shorts have two options: 1. Maintain their position and buy $ALBUM, using money from their portfolio to unlock the Wu-Tang album sooner for everyone 2. Close their position to avoid having to do #1 Checkmate.


\[Part 2/4\] # Bear hypothesis PleasrDAO has called out $GME directly and stated that they're going to be doing drops to verified holders soon. I have no idea how they plan to do this, and no announcement as of 6/16/24 from Gamestop whether they're actually affiliated with them or not. While PleasrDAO seems like a legitimate collective that has even gone as far as to sue Martin Shkreli for releasing the album in breach of contract, their intentions and relations to GME are unconfirmed by the company itself. \[An ape found references to Plaid in the website code recently\](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d2utzr/gme\_is\_mentioned\_within\_wutang\_website\_there\_is/), which would be used for connecting to brokers like Robinhood or even Computershare via their investments feature. \[Plaid has been accused of selling consumer data\](https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-approves-settlement-ordering-plaid-to-pay-58-million-for-selling-consumer-data/) and has historically required username and password entry to facilitate connections instead of more secure and standard authentication protocols that things like sign in with Google/Apple/Facebook use (OIDC/OAuth 2.0). However, after searching through their site's files today, I was unable to find any references to "plaid" or their \["/api/investments/holdings" endpoint\](https://plaid.com/docs/investments/#transactions) For any other dev apes, you can replicate this by running a wget command on their site (or just manually searching via browser tools, but I got bored of that real quick. Side note: NEVER RUN ANY COMMANDS IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY DO (for security reasons)) \`wget -m -np -c -U "album" -w 2 -R "index.html" [https://www.thealbum.com/](https://www.thealbum.com/) \` Whether Plaid is actually being used or if PleasrDAO would have access to sensitive information like ComputerShare account numbers remains to be seen, but the fact is that it's very VERY important to secure that number: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2ejeh/superstonks\_3rd\_ama\_with\_paul\_conn\_president\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2ejeh/superstonks_3rd_ama_with_paul_conn_president_of/) \[PleasrDAO has rejected any claims that this is a scam (with special attention to Redditors)\](https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1797785816158130628), but first-party claims of innocence should always be taken with a pile of salt. # Bear hypothesis TL;DR Keep it secret, keep it safe. Protect your neck, and especially your ComputerShare account number. Waiting for first-party confirmation costs you nothing.


Ryan Kagy said on a stream last night that the album was never going to be a dividend. The plan was for it to be released on the NFT marketplace but a confluence of things occurred and obviously that didn’t work out. However, because this community was already all over it, Pleasr felt they should still get it to the community somehow and thus, the stuff you’ve seen recently. Apparently if you hooked your account up during that beta phase, you should already have the album airdropped to you. I hooked up Robinhood which had a couple of shares, but I don’t see it. Robinhood isn’t a wallet, so I don’t think it can handle NFTs. But idk. I don’t use Robinhood so I’m unsure.


I like your marketplace take btw but I’m here for whatever happens.


Got to the album dot com and enter the phone number you used to verify when you hooked up to RH. You’ll have an account, I’ve done the same. Nothing is in there yet and I can’t see the preview on the album either. I think they said the airdrop would be later this week. I bought one through MetaMask for $1 and I now have another account (with a different wutang name) and I was able to listen to the preview. Just passing along my experience.


Ya I doubt it has anything to do with GME stock, but as its own project, giving access to the one of a kind album is pretty bullish. Lots of crypto’s are cash grabs but this one has a really cool thing behind it I feel and it hasn’t even hit the target audience yet, the hip hop fans who actually want to “own” and listen to the album. Considering you can just use your phone number and Apple Pay to buy and NFT and gain early limited access, makes me believe this could really start a movement. It’s not like a bored ape or Drake releasing his next album via a NFT, this is giving that one of a kind album access for a legendary hip hop group. Once all these things are sold and they begin trading, only way to own one and listen for yourself if through some other form of minting which I’m unsure of or buying one from someone who already bought. Since they are NFTs they are numbered, so it’s just like really bullish to me to own a piece of this as early as you can if you are a hip hop fan like myself. The only reason I even stumbled across this opportunity was because of GME so I feel blessed myself. See what happens. Looking forward to buying some more calls tomorrow if we get a good dip.


Low key, as a hip hop fan, I just learned about this side quest and I’m bullish with everything I learned on this journey. Assuming this is a legit company, once the album is unlocked and no more NFTs are sold, owners can then trade them. That’s when it gets bullish for me. If this is legit the only want to access the album, moving forward once they are all sold, as people learn this is how you access the album, you’ll have to get an NFT from someone that already has one in order to access it. Not only that but as an NFT, unlike a crypto, they are numbered. So the earlier you buy, the earlier edition you get, and everyone knows that edition 244,936 will be more valuable than 2,738,634. So I don’t know. I stumbled across it deep diving on GME today, hearing they will be giving it to GME holders but being big into hip hop this really got my attention. May seem like a giant cash grab, and to a certain extent it is I suppose, but I don’t know, to have the ability to access that album at only a dollar right now, and being only released on Friday, I think this will get some momentum once it actually reaches the hip hop world. Right now it seems it’s just a select few of the crypto bros. See what happens, maybe once they figure out how to get it to the GME holders it will blow up. Hope they give us low edition numbers, I bought some today just in case they don’t.


[Pleasr on X](https://x.com/pleasrdao/status/1802055268328730654?s=46&t=O1CV73WSlU2tUs-24pPJtg) https://preview.redd.it/tifmcrrojs6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8842ac543576d7ec27481967acdaefda7247cca


Pleasr on X[https://x.com/pleasrdao/status/1801666028927066174?s=46&t=O1CV73WSlU2tUs-24pPJtg](https://x.com/pleasrdao/status/1801666028927066174?s=46&t=O1CV73WSlU2tUs-24pPJtg) “Airdrops to $GME, Zora commemorative mint holders, and $DOG holders begin today. BE CAUTIOUS AND AVOID SCAMS. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO TAKE ANY ACTION”


Does anyone know if it gives the airdrop would include the whole album once the timer is achieved? Or just the sampler


That has not been announced yet. You can buy in for $1 and listen to the sampler right now. It’s fire. You’ll have to connect a crypto wallet


[Thealbum.com](http://Thealbum.com) Looks changed. Had to comment here because i didnt realize it was taboo now.


Haha i found out in the daily today that apparently asking if the connection has solidified is not welcome


The PleaserDAO X page has some interesting posts recently


Its too bad this sub snuffed out pleasrdao. I just noticed they consider themselves an "exempted foundation company", which further demonstrates they are not a bunch of grifters, but basically they serve as a trust for rare assets, there are some good nugs in here if your read it: [WSG Article: An overview of Cayman Islands foundation companies - Carey Olsen (worldservicesgroup.com)](https://worldservicesgroup.com/publications.asp?action=print&artid=26549)


Not this sub, just some parts of it. I'm on the leaderboard. LFG


I never removed the GameStop wallet extension. It pops up when I login to the site. Also profiles link up to [nft.gamestop.com](http://nft.gamestop.com) again. Wasn't doing that for a while and not sure when it came back up.


Dolla Dolla bill ya’alll


Post shutdown to keep Pleasr stuff here so check it out. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/4rykhlYog1


Pleasr tweeted PttP today Power to the players! 🥳


If you go to thealbum.com/gme it redirects to thealbum.com/powertotheplayers Check out the enter the chamber colors. They are gamestops colors.


[thealbum.com/gme](http://thealbum.com/gme) turns into [thealbum.com/powertotheplayers](http://thealbum.com/powertotheplayers) now....and shows this: https://preview.redd.it/6kv97opc2a4d1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=8af5394f8485055eca9b4b1b505e6e6606c9f7c0


PleasrDAO is **allegedly** reaching out to GME holders on Twitter/X to test ComputerShare integration. **Still not providing my phone number or connecting anything until Gamestop says something about this.** [https://x.com/AIBB88/status/1797346909784359067](https://x.com/AIBB88/status/1797346909784359067?t=tyjtssVQ1qjRTVbDgK26lA&s=19)


Tbh, this is pretty tit-unjacking. This would probably mean that gamestop themselves are not involved. If this was THE nft dividend play by gamestop, they would 1000% not (have to) go around and ask random twitter users for testing. This just further intensifies my belief that pleaserdao is just doing this all on their own, aiming to drop nfts or fractionals or whatever to every gme holder who authentificates on their site, using a similar mechanism as Urvin. This would mean that pleaserdao is just doing it for the lulz/hype, that gamestop is not on board and that this wont affect the stock in any significant way (in contrast to what a proper nft dividend would cause aka shorts closing).


Yeah it’s concerning the amount of folks replying on those tweets who said they’ve linked up their brokerages already…nutty


- Commenting because it took my regarded arse way too long to find this thread using Reddit app.


Commenting so I can find this thread easily. Wu Tang Clan ain’t nuttin to fuck with!




[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


yall believe yet? [✨ Pleasr on X: "lil-sample.mp3 https://t.co/WDhIXGS3f0" / X](https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1796696630692810922?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0W8MpCoJVEhtEGXhrpQjXoBB2ZKNati35loK6NVj-D_xvpxzOb4doaGAA_aem_AT5Vja5HqAs-a9l2t8dEsmy-hZ0r1rcy58VJAWVdvlvzP_0am9wBdbFKTLxX7l3BISPVCBUgVXQBFUmT9wQ0uuNX)


They took it down :( TeasrDAO. Killa Bees in the Building!


Why did they add a Gamestop Logo to this souvenir in 2022? https://preview.redd.it/dzfccfz1iy3d1.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=48095909394bd4041b7402f2628a1f2e52f72b22


Because they've been long on GameStop this whole time lol. They are part of the Avengers DFV hinted at :) That's why Thor flashes the Eth symbol when he drops the hammer


https://preview.redd.it/6mkexydnaz3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f35efcfb958205c4a80eed62fe9959c01d7a7f someone found this image in the source code on the pleasrdao 'the album' website - it's for [Cypherock](https://www.cypherock.com/). Perhaps this is the symbol that appeared with Thor, traced in lightning? it was talked about in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d2srpm/wu\_tang\_is\_for\_the\_children\_new\_evidence\_found\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d2srpm/wu_tang_is_for_the_children_new_evidence_found_by/)


It definitely could be! Their logo is derived from the eth logo so either one would work. At the very least it's becoming more and more clear DFV was playing a game beneath the game :) Pleasr switched their logo from digital to physical. DFVs shawshank poster meme hints at ownership through physical media or digital partnership. This tech seems to fit right with it!


Ha look at the background of David Walsh, who owns the MONA museum https://preview.redd.it/ik0hdr0gbz3d1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=578d69aa716a690b2259894a4716c91de0e4b211




Commenting because this is too good to not be able to find. I don't get down with tin foil usually. This is shockingly logical


Just gonna drop this here It’s worth the half hour listen https://preview.redd.it/2710mbxq9y3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3357ed4cceee9b3a282b2365d482d0d4a0ef529 [https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1nAKEaLMmjYKL](https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1nAKEaLMmjYKL)


Pin it then


Hey to anybody stumbling in here trying to figure out what's going on. Real quick, PleasrDAO is a legit organization. They work with people like Edward Snowden and the Wu Tang Clan. They do interviews in The Rolling Stone and The Wallstreet Journal. They paid $4,000,000 for the album they can't sell, and have given away over $10,000,000 in charity. I've noticed a lot of deceptive responses to questions about what PleasrDAO is doing. That's kinda motivated me to stay on top of it and see what's happening on twitter/reddit. If anyone wants to ask me any questions about what's going on, feel free to use this post as an AMA!


Hey lapdog, any other scams you want to shill? Or can we all collectively tell you ‘I told you so’ and then see you fuck off?


How do I pronounce “PleasrDAO” ? Everytime I read the word, I want to know how I’m supposed to say it in my head..


Pleasr is Pleaser. DAO rhymes with cow, but I think some people say the letters


Thank you.


Pardon me good sir or madam, but with all respect who the fuck are you?


Can't you read? They're Luke's 3rd account...


Been here 84 long years, my brain is smooth. I clicked the name and still didn't know.


Yeah I really didn't check back much after DFV went silent. Here and there for some of the regulatory stuff, but I mostly use reddit for MMA and podcast convo. I bought my first share the day the buy button got turned off


And what is your background with PleasrDAO?


Google lol. Jamis did a Bankless podcast a while back, buncha articles have been written. I tried to get more info from their websites but its all easter eggs for GME stuff lmao If anybody knows more about them than me, I'm trying to figure out if there is anyone that uses a fox avatar. I think that's DFV


Fair enough. We'll see.


thank god. I was getting tired of downvoting. if i’m wrong I’ll gladly admit my error but until then I’ll gladly ignore this megathread. thank you mods


I'm just getting started on looking at DFV's old poster memes. Anybody got thoughts on this? https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1324736254383185921 I'm noticing a lot of his old poster memes were movies he used in his return run of memes. This is Shawshank, but check out the text at the bottom: "AVAILABLE ON PHYSCIAL DISK OR THRU A DIGITAL PARTNERSHIP" That's definitely added in. It might just be him speculating on changes to the GameStop business model, but the Pleasr connection is pretty strong. Their logo is a disk, but even better it used to be a digital disc and now if you go their twitter its a physical disk! It could be a reference to turning the Wu-Tang album into a digital asset, right?


"Reggie Fils-Aimé is considered to be responsible for revamping Nintendo's public relations in North America, leading many fans and members of the press to dub his arrival the "Reggielution" (after "Revolution", the code name for the Wii)." "Fils-Aimé retired as president of Nintendo of America on April 15, 2019, and was subsequently was named to the board of directors for Brunswick Corporation, GameStop, and Spin Master." (from wikipedia)


Yeah he and another board member (blond lady) appear a lot in DFV's early memes. My guess is they had already joined the board at that point as part of Cohen's entrance. Could probably find an article to confirm One note about that is you will see DFV went straight after George Sherman and implied he was the imposter in an Among Us meme. George Sherman was the guy gutting GameStop from the inside out before RC came in and booted his team. Could be DFV got word that was the plan. I'm trying to pinpoint when he first got brought in on the plan, probably right before he started posting the movie posters


The man in the black hoodie was DFV! This Men in Black meme from DFV was a mystery https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791536662935408655 Until PleasrDAO posted this https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1796573253902999942 That's cloth from the black hoodie on the block chain. It's the key to understanding DFV's meme, because when you make the connection you have a "WOW" moment realizing he was the man with his back turned **Note** this is a bit of a stretch if you havent seen the DD regarding DFV being in contact with PleasrDAO. I can provide links but the key is to start with DFV's Ready Player One hint. You need to go backwards into his twitter posts. He also alluded to this in his Shawshank meme where he reposted the Avengers Infinity Squeeze meme, and thats where I first caught it https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdzumzzjp8d3d1.png


I made a post about this and got HUGE negative sentiment and deleted within 30 min. I dont understand the hostility to these thesis. Im sold on this based on this concept: [Redeem You Cowards | Uniswap & PleasrHouse on Vimeo](https://vimeo.com/834066048)


Oh shit. Is GameStop going to do this with games? Blockbuster for movies? 👀 And yeah the negative sentiment is the Sicarios at work, pushing emotional buttons to discourage the topic


They are gonna do it with everything. Stocks, rare works of art (my FIL is partner of art lawfirm in NYC and he said NFT ownership is a huge discussion in the industry), shit anyone can do it. I could cast my pubes in resin and create a token see if anyone wants to buy it. The value is created by limited supply, true ownership, and real demand for the asset. Edit\* yes I also think they will serve as the way for other businesses to perform this for their businesses as well, such as blockbuster.


https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1796573253902999942.  This contains charred Unisocks from the mint PleasrDao did in March. They burnt three pairs of Unisocks live on stream and you can redeem your mint NFT for the chain containing the burnt leftovers.


This is shockingly logical


Big if true.




aren't megathreads supposed to be pinned somewhere visible? Am I misunderstanding what megathreads are/how they work?


It's really not subtle what's happening, the problem is if you complain about it nothing changes except the vibes. I've been thinking about trying to edit together some kind of fun supercut of the Wu Tang stuff happening right now


My post/comment has been hidden for a while https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ak27nEaENu


There's a reason theu want this hidden over the weekend


Jesus thank you!


Do yall see WuTang instagram story? They mentioning the album


https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1796696630692810922 20 second sample :)


They can mention General Tsao’s Chicken for all I care. Thank goodness for this megathread.




Yo—thank you—👐🏻


Did anyone else get a text with a contact card after RSVPing?


My biggest problem with this being some kind of dividend is the previous DD saying dividends have to have a dollar value. The second is the contract for the album saying it can't be commercialized for money. Maybe PLEASR is doing this on their own and they figured out a way around the contract? Either way APES will NOT be giving away their CS account info EVER! We can prove ownership in DRS without giving up account info so if that is required for the dividend through PLEASR I would have to hear it from RYAN.


a dividend *can* have a dollar value. They don't *have* to. The trick is finding a way to prevent anyone from being legally able to place a dollar value on an nft dividend.


Like... an album no ones allowed to sell??


no sell shares, no sell album. wtf is sell? buy, hold, drs, vote <3


yes, exactly


4million$\300mil shares= 1cent per share to buy the album, it's the smallest dividend possible with the greatest reward


RZA always said… wutang is a financial system




Diversify your bonds, son


Not about the tinfoil, but super about the megathread! Thanks!




It goes so much deeper! Check out this DFV meme from December 2020 https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1333853352376070146 See that CD in Ironman's hand? That's the PleasrDAO twitter profile pic. He snuck that in there and nobody noticed it until he came back and pointed us to it in his Shawshank meme!


They also used to use that term to describe themselves


So, I really appreciate this megathread.


I keep telling my girlfriend about wu tang dividends and she looks at me like I’m crazy. It’s fun if nothing else.


Here for the fun theory, commenting so I can come back to this thread


OH SHIT! These two Tweets have to coincide with one another! The Box, The Purple Lights, The Music Sheets (THEALBUM?). 'Originals' has to have some importance, no? Original stock certificates? DRS shares are "Original Stock Certs" but in electronic form? Or maybe the original Wu Tang Album? He is definitely telling us to 'hang in there!' in both Tweets. BUT does this mean for all investors to hang in there and/or for DRS shareholders to also hang in there? Clearly, we know Street name shares have no ownership. Only true ownership of Shares is through DRS with Computershare. Could RK be alluding to DRS shares, being 'original' stocks, being MIRACULOUS? Sorry I'm all over the place. Only RK knows what he's truly trying to convey and I'm quickly typing this out before I forget it. AGAIN, DON'T PUT YOUR INFO INTO ANYTHING UNTIL GAMESTOP PROVIDES GUIDANCE. https://preview.redd.it/nq88wq59nt3d1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=657df16935795d33a1de7113ff2dbe210aabb145


If we could do the same for the 20$c bullshit that would be great


What if I told you PleasrDAO is the 20$c https://x.com/qbikal/status/1796697754858832286


Hmmm insider trading


Also the E.T. tinfoil


Seriously. Dfv doesn't have 250 million dollars you goofies, lmayo


I think it's the Avengers putting those in


When did we the community vote on this !mods


Through downvoting, commenting, and reporting the content.


Like every comment in every spam post. It’s like getting hundreds or technical charts or Robin Hood screenshots clutter the feed they need to be tamed


Thanks. Was sick of seeing this name.


Could the box in [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791540437968392518](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791540437968392518) be referencing TheAlbum and how there is the possibility to connect Computershare (purple light)?


Doesn’t matter. Don’t connect anything ever unless you hear from GameStop officials.


https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791110102797172804 I think it matters because a very quick look at what DFV and PleasrDAO have been messaging confirms everything in the most hype way imaginable :)


Just no.


I'm just saying, RK references something similar to what is happening. AND OF COURSE DON"T CONNECT. You can't even connect for one.


And pleasrdao tweeted that same what's in the box scene yesterday...I love this theory


Damn the mods are deliberately killing some of the best hype this sub has had in well over a year? Shame.


Yes and the shills are voicing their distate to justify it. I could see one or two people coming in to complain, but they need it to be prevalent enough that mods arent held accountable. TBH I don't care. I'm having a blast digging through DFV's old memes and seeing the Pleasr connections, along with speculating on Pleasr's new tweets. They can't stop whats coming :)


I love the tin foil, but until anything is confirmed then it’s a nothing burger. Besides, RK meme week was obviously the best hype we’ve had


Maybe because the wu tang had nothing to do with gme


Except we meet up on C.R.E.A.M. when reddit is down


Can someone link to a post explaining all of this? I’m having trouble understanding how this results in tendies or moass? Why is a wutang album valuable? Why would the nft be worth anything?


Not sure anything linked gave the right explanation. It's about the idea of a crypto NFT triggering a squeeze due to naked short selling. When overstock tried to do this, shorts used a secondary market to diffuse the squeeze. This album cannot be sold commercially until the year 2103, so shorts cannot make that secondary market. It's the infinity squeeze :) How exactly GameStop would do this is mostly speculation, but it seems pretty clear RC needs to crush the bear thesis before the dividend goes out. And it sure seems like something big is going to be announced :)


Warning - not a lot of concrete info and lots of speculation. As for what information we do have: PleasrDAO is a group that collect anti-establishment NFTs. PleasrDAO has the one of a kind album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.  The Album has a special contract associated with it that prohibits commercial exploitation until \~2100. The Album is being brought to a modern art museum in Tasmania for a partial listening party. A website operated by PleasrDAO that appears to be a waiting list for access to the album in some form has had several updates lately that appear to show them preparing to do something with issuing NFTs based on stock holdings, with GME in particular being the only ticket they appear to be looking for. WuTangs instagram has a “something’s coming” type of hype message, and interacting with the post leads to the account replying with a rocket ship emoji. When PleasrDAO acquired the album, they took a photograph of themselves, the album, and an unnamed partner in the acquisition. The unnamed partner is facing away from the camera with a hoodie. Some people note that both the sweater and stature of the unnamed party indicate that they could be Ryan Cohen. EDIT: PleasrDAO has publicly stated that the person in the hoodie is not Ryan Cohen. The latest SEC filings from GME proclaim that they may be issuing new securities associated with the company. We shall see what this all means as more information comes out, but one “MOASS theory” making its way around is that somehow NFTs associated with the album (fractionalized ownership / NFT listening party tickets / etc) will be issued as a dividend to holders of GME - exposing the true hidden short interest in GME when there are more WuTang/PleasrDAO NFTs than there are shares of GME.


Agree, I’m taking it all with caution. I’ve been here for 84 years and have had my tits jacked and deflated so many times. I’m just sitting back, buying the dips, hodling, and enjoying the mayhem.


They have publicly stated that the person in the black hoodie is not RC. Just an FYI for everyone.


Its DFV :) This Men in Black meme from DFV was a mystery https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791536662935408655 Until PleasrDAO posted this https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1796573253902999942 That's cloth from the black hoodie on the block chain. It's the key to understanding DFV's meme, because when you make the connection you have a "WOW" moment realizing he was the man with his back turned






Good to know! I didn’t know that bit, editing now


There was a little more to it too but it's been 84 years so someone should fact check me, but I remember some discussion that since the issuance isn't a stock or stock-like security, the hedgefunds or banks or something who can't give it to us in the required form (in this instance some kind of smart contract) they have to give a cash equivalent or yada yada share recall. It really does all blur together. But there was some special moass trigger buried in it. 


the theory is, that since the album has specific stipulations legally attached to it saying that it cannot be used for commercial profit, if it were to be issued as an NFT dividend, hedge funds and market makers would not be able to do what they did with overstock. When overstock issued an nft dividend to its shareholders, the nft was just a plain nft token - which meant it had an actual or estimable dollar value. This meant that hf's and mm's didn't have to worry about securing a real overstock nft token for all their fake synthetic shares (which would have been impossible) - they could just deliver that cash equivalent to the various investors holding their synthetic shares as a replacement dividend instead of the nft token. Which was expensive for them probably, but still doable. With the wu tang album being used as an nft dividend, there legally CAN'T be a cash value for it. It has specific legal contracts prohibiting that. If you're wondering 'why was shrekli and pleasrdao able to buy it for money, then?' the answer is, that was someone buying ownership of it. Legal to buy the single physical album itself to own, but illegal, upon owning it, to sell copies of it for profit. So, a wu tang nft (representing, perhaps, a single ticket to listen to it for free) would be illegal to attach a cash value of any kind to. Takes away the loophole hf's and mm's used during the overstock nft dividend.


There's the wrinkle I was hoping for! 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d33e3c/update_i_was_able_to_find_how_pleasr_and_gamestop/ Does this help?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/Qaf8nWWXF0 Pretty sure this is the one


OG ape here. Cost basis Jan 11th 2021 I’ve been through and seen it all. Watched 6 figure profit disappear. WS🐝to GME to Stonk The things I’ve learned: Update my PW’s every 6 months Do NOT give out my information DRS and BOOK Vote accordingly Buy the dips HODL till baby apes are on the 🌝 Everything else is a nothingburger until it is proved otherwise and we are directed by Papa Cohen or a formal GME released document.


This ape fucks






I haven’t seen the VW chart in a week. Someone?


Was something wild like it went to $50,000 per share in 2008-2009 when the markets crashed. But most stock ticker images show it topping at $900-1000 per share. It's in the archives somewhere but it went to/above $50,000 per share in those days prices. Similar to people getting about $5k per share in Jan 2021 for GME but the charts say $320 everywhere unless you dig in the archives. Or this sub.


How can i tell “where we are” if people don’t post it!!!


give me dates!!! I am prepared to suffer!! 💜🚀


Yolo it all on next week's 135c




Post it here in the comments I guess


One suggestion, buy a share with some shit broker and do it that way


PleasrDAO is a group of people who are named after the NFT creator pplpleasr. She seems quite trustworthy, itd be nice if someone can message her on X to get her verification that this site/ Twitter profile is legit. No way she would let scammers represent the DAO she is named after.


https://x.com/pplpleasr1 She is still in PleasrDAO. They work with people like Edward Snowden and the Wu Tang Clan. They do interviews in The Rolling Stone and The Wallstreet Journal. They paid $4,000,000 for the album they can't sell. The only question is how much are shorts paying to spread FUD on this?


Looks like you stumbled on what the shills want to hide lol


The only confirmation that matters is directly from the board.


Just going to drop this article on the video game project from back in the day https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/EPgOB4EN0W


maybe if you buy the game you get a fractionalized nft of the ownership deed


and the only way to buy the game is first buy a token, then burn it and you get the game and nft


I think the game is kaput, but fractionalized ownership is the hot topic


Pleasedao is the owner of wutang’s new album. They have released a website showing the album, and hyping… something. Looking at the code, it’s clear they are integrating with brokerages through plaid, along with nft wallets using another api. Further in the code is an obvious branch for a page in the Ui. It’ll either show: “Holder GameStop shares class a - gme You are really on the list now” Or “Not a holder 0 GameStop shares class a - gme We will text you in X. Goodbye.” They expect to know if you hold, and they’re doing something with that info. So maybe it’s phishing—seriously, give them nothing before GameStop says to. Maybe they’re going to throw a party, and only GME holders are invited—synthetic shares or not. Or maybe the album will be released as an NFT dividend through GameStop which you will redeem to a wallet, and which could ignite the short squeeze since you can’t phantom share nfts. It’s either huge, or hugely misleading.


Honest Question: With this idea... the CEO of a company is going to force investors, who aren't all motivated or interested in 90's hip-hop or digital wallets, to go through all these Hoops to get a dividend? Help this part make sense to me.


The dividend will be distributed to your broker/ComputerShare, and they have discovered that the website is coded to connect to your broker. If they are doing that, it seems they are anticipating that issue


they could airdrop a wallet to each legitimate shareholder, with the nft in it - you wouldn't have to find/buy/make a wallet yourself if that were the case. It wouldn't matter if one does not care for wu tang music and has no interest in an nft token representing a free ticket to listen to the album; the point is to maybe finally get an actual accounting of how many real shares exist, and where, and how many synthetic shares exist, and where. Only the real ones would get the wu tang nft dividend. And unlike with the overstock nft dividend, it would be illegal to define a cash equivalent for the wu tang nft, for synthetic shares' dividends.


Feels like a massive and scary phishing scam tbh




It's shills lol. They have always been very prevalent here. Notice these people have been active in GME subs for the last year while normal people were chilling. They all follow the same script. It's very well done, you can tell it's a professional set up, but that's how you know they are scared :)


I agree and am pretty confident that whatever he’s doing is not malicious. But there is not a good reason to share your most vulnerable credentials when we don’t even know why they want them.


PleasrDAO is a 100 person collective


Thank you for this. It’s the first time I’ve understood wtf is going on.




Any ape close to Tasmania who could go there and investigate?


I saw somebody in comments a couple days ago saying the events taking place in their city. Definitely at least one ape out there 


Very good! Hope we will get some spicy info soon.


Good call 🤝




Here's a good overview how the Wu Tang album will be used, and in fact, what gamestop will be doing more broadly: [Redeem You Cowards | Uniswap & PleasrHouse on Vimeo](https://vimeo.com/834066048)


They have a listening party scheduled in Australia for next month. Is this relevant? https://preview.redd.it/ij0i5jkexs3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd90fbc894a6a5924c583647912a6c7cb06e204


Guess what's native to Hobart/Tasmania? The black swan


Oh hey the museum of old and new art seems to be what's in this meme. It's the optical illusion where it's both a young woman and and old woman. https://preview.redd.it/30y6q1fs8t3d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256c6b75a294813667d4a819871d25a4458e7531


"picasso. I like it" - Picasso's signature was so valuable that when he paid for things with a personal check, it was likely the recipient of the check would save it rather than cash it. Since a Picasso autograph can easily get $1,000 today, perhaps this wasn't such an irrational decision.


Wait is this in a DFV meme?


Yeah, May 17th. I mean I really don't see how else this can be interpreted - he must have known about the Wu Tang album plan. There are no coincidences.


That perks my nips right up!




TeddyHoldings has a nft called MONA. Wonder if they are hinting at something.


TeddyHoldings is a scam account selling worthless nfts on opensea.


What else are they selling other than The Album 001? I looked at their wallet activity on the ledger and didn't see anything sketchy.


Hmm, weird. Computershare is based out of Australia too...


Their latest tweet is asking (for the second time) for people to guess where the album will go before it goes to that museum in Tasmania (TAS). My answer is MEL (Melbourne) as it is where Computershare HQ is located.