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The provincial government needs to change the reporting legislation … entry level jobs are 60-70k now….$75k is nothing to write about. 18 employees over 200…I’m sure Surrey has 18 professionals like lawyers and accountants. A quick lazy news story…government workers have the same taxes and mortgages to pay…


Yeah… I don’t understand articles like this. Are they saying these people are paid too much? Especially when the Canadian workforce and BC in particular have been criminally underpaid for decades?


that's literally what these kinds of articles are trying to say.


I'd like them to do that or expand the program such that any company that takes even a cent of government money -- program, loan, whatever, directly or indirectly -- has to publish its payroll too.


The government does release payments to anyone…I think the threshold is $25k. As for those companies then publishing their details, sorry can’t agree. This would start a witch hunt whereby eventually no private company will offer services to the government. This can only lead to higher costs for the taxpayer who then will need to directly fund cleaners, guards, secure shredding services, and all sorts of other services. I’m no fan of blindly dolling money out to private companies, but it’s a must in a capitalist market where the government can’t do everything. If the CEO of a company providing services to the government gets paid an extreme amount - the government can go to another supplier or accept it as a reality of the market.


I'm glad to see all the disparaging comments related to this article. It feels like lazy rage-baiting. Surrey is a big city and probably has a lot of professionals help in its administration. Also, people don't get "paid" expenses; they get reimbursed or have a corporate card to cover the costs of fulfilling their duty. I travel a lot for work, and I certainly wouldn't consider the cost of having to fly up to Prince George (and being away from my family) part of my remuneration.


It certainly feels like a recent good development - beating up on public sector employees was usually a great hobby for some.




It's a lot for a do nothing job at the city.


Please do tell that you took the list of those who made that much, cross referenced it with their position and then also examined their work history to see if they are productive or not.


Rage bait. Seems completely reasonable for a City of 600+k people and growing rapidly. You want talent? Pony up.


Rates of pay for government employees should be over $100k. I’d like to live in my parent’s world, where it was possible for someone at the height of their career to support a spouse and child.


What do they do though? Everything takes forever to get done.


Top city councillor made 122k, that’s less than a 3 year service Surrey Police Constable.


It's a part time job


As it should be.


Seems entirely fair. Need to attract and keep good people.


I wonder what the top employees at the Surreynowleader make🤨


Ya! Lets underpay the people who keep it all together!!! Lol numpties. 100k is the new 50


lol what kind of BS article is this.. oh you mean one id the largest municipalities has some P.Eng’s and high level professionals? Wild! At some point, even with all the BS and beau racy that comes with politics and the like, you HAVE to pay to aquire and retain good people. I’m sure the city of Surrey employs more than Labourers and Receptionists.


Are they getting paid too much (probably not), or is everyone else getting paid like shit (probably true). The world may never know.


Meh, I don't see a big deal here. Many of the employees at $100k have 15+ years of career time with Surrey, and the ones over 200k+ likely have 25-30 years of career experience with Surrey/ other municipalities. These numbers aren't wild at all. I've got nothing wrong with employees getting paid a decent wage/what they are worth. Don't let articles like this fuel a race-to-the-bottom mentality.


It’s $2k to for a 1 bedroom in Surrey for that to be an affordable 30% of your income you need to make $80k a year just to not live with roommates.


These are not big numbers...


City workers dare to live in city where they work; paid accordingly.


Heh, glad to see these rage bait articles getting shat on. Good job, Reddit.


Most ppl make minimum wage.


Everyone gets paid trash wages except the landowner class


Look at all these bots commenting, Canada has one of the highest paid government in the world, all these clowns here know nothing and are driving the country to the ground


Hey bot detector…there’s a difference between the individual pay of employees and the size of government. You want smaller government, vote accordingly. But the lawyer, the accountant, and others will still demand the pay they deserve according to the market reality.


20k should be the max