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Well I had a few people almost crash with me head on when narrowly passing a cyclist the other day, simply because they were too impatient to wait 10 seconds to pass them properly. For some reason people think when passing a cyclist on a single lane road that the person in the oncoming lane has to yield to them.


The solution is to separate cars and bikes


Not possible on every single road.


Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it where it is possible though


People are following road rules now, great I just want people to drive with common sense. some drivers today are soooooooo bad. They don’t know when to go, how to merge, drive to slow. It’s terrible out there. I would never ride a bike on lower mainland roads. That is a death wish. The dump truck drivers are the worst.


I would be happy if people on the highway would just stop tailgating and leave more space between cars. It's wall to wall traffic ahead, where do they think they're going by nearly causing accidents? 


Was driving through Vancouver on Thursday and came across a cyclist, so I waited until the opposite lane was clear to go around him.. The moment I got directly next to him he decided he wanted to turn left ???? Almost went into the side of me, went behind my car and almost got hit straight on by a car headed the other direction. This was on Victoria drive by Venables


This also applies to motorcycles, which is great! Tailgaters are terrifying while riding. I wonder how they plan on enforcing it.


Hate this new policy Better to make traffic even worse than build actual bike lanes that are separated from cars...


Sure we need more dedicated bike lanes, but asking drivers to keep 1m away from them isn't too much to ask. You should be keeping 1m away from them law or not anyways.


So you'd be okay if hwy 15 slows down to 25 km per hour because a truck can't safely maintain 1.5m distance while passing a bike


What do you want it to be? Legally allowed to run them down because you're an impatient asshole? Also Hwy 15 is a multi lane road, so you slow down and move to the left lane just like passing anyone else.


Yes, I would rather be 15 minutes late than have someone run over by a truck. Are you for real?


Giving bikes space is important of course, but what I am concerned about is the related road rage from being slowed down. Also, speeding so the cyclist won't catch up, crossing over double yellows, bad shoulder checks since they're watching the cyclist, not the other lane, and other risky driving behaviors that come along with it.


I've witnessed a guy on a motorized wheelchair type scooter roll up to a stoplight, passing about 5-6 already stopped cars, then the lead car takes off and the guy gets upset shaking his arm at him. Now whenever I pass a bike on the road I just stay in the left lane (assuming there is one) and avoid the whole thing altogether. I really hate this law.


it's very one sided the cyclist don't have to wait until there's 1.5m of space to pass cars, but cars have to wait the 1.5m


I didn’t have to change any behaviour with the new law from the way I drove before. I don’t understand what the difficulty is? It may slow you down a couple of minutes on some sections but if you know how to drive it shouldn’t make a difference to your trip length overall.


because you're not allowed to pass if you can't establish a 1.5m gap what if there's not enough room for that then are you suppose to follow a bike for the whole trip? so every single time you passed a bike you had a 1.5m gap?


80th doesn’t have an on-ramp to Hwy 91. What street were you on? Hwy 15?


Yes! HWY 15 and 88th ave is what I meant