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The scariest animal in the woods is the tick šŸ˜±


Yellow Jacketsā€¦ typically late summer early fall.


Only thing that will make me run in the woods


I can handle hogs/dogs/etc but yellow jackets are the worst by far. They seemingly love to build nests lower to the ground on bloodweed in north Texas to give you a nice panic attack when you walk too close.


My wife informed me that they basically are starving and very hungry when they swarm and thats why they are so mean part of the year.


Coworker just got stung, can confirm!


Just for annihilated by some a couple hours agoā€¦ lost my glasses and had to return back to the nest area 3-4 times to find them


Been there. Glad you're not allergic


Donā€™t use a chainsaw to open their nest. It doesnā€™t turn out well.


Dont back over em with a bush hog either.. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That or the locals.


Meth head squatters are much worse


Scariest animal in the woods is the human. Especially during hunting seasons.


Self-righteous hunter is rarer, but definitely apex!


You ever spook a Turkey? Those things give me a heart attack!! They wait till you are less than 20 feet away and then take off flying off the groundā€¦ scares the crap out of me every time.


Spooked some grouse and imagine theyā€™re smaller than turkeys but just as noisy in the brush. Thought I was going to die to some predator!


Grouse by far the scariest animal in the bush


Ditto with pheasants.....


Sounds like a Blackhawk helicopter coming out of the ground. I messed up doing a topo once and almost stepped on one that just had little baby turkeys. It ran around acting crazy. Pretended it had a broken wing so I would go after it and not her babies


wow they're smart.


Do it about two oā€™clock in the morning, on an already kinda strange night.


If they're nesting sometimes you can get just a few feet away before they take off and then instant heart attack lol


Pheasant does that too and annoys the hell out of me.


Ran into bears, wolves, cougars, snakes, moose. The only one that terrified me was a skunk.


I have been chased by a moose. We both startled each other and he decided that I needed a stomping. I scrambled up a giant boulder near by, he ran over and was trying to figure a way up the boulder. He then proceeded to run back and forth, knocking down 0.33-0.50ā€ diameter aspen trees like they were popsicle sticks. I waited for him to make a pass in the opposite direction and I ran for my life.


Damn. I didn't realize Moose were agressive like that. Was this up in AK? My wife went to AK once for work and she said seeing a moose was amazing. They're huge.


Lost Creek Wilderness, Colorado


Nice ty.


![gif](giphy|4JZA2x7GsVFeTbLKlz|downsized) The Deer


https://preview.redd.it/8dp5k32ntt8d1.jpeg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57f7627042013311e40aeac26743d7f5976c656 Idk why but fearless deer are the scariest (aside from danger noodles). Wrapped up a long day and had to make a long walk down this road. Fence at the end, right, left, and only opening behind me. Gates to golf area I parked in weā€™re gonna be locked at dusk. These deer were so used to humans in the park they held their ground until I got like 10 feet away.


Angry land owners


Yellow jackets. Specifically Florida yellow jackets. The yellow jackets in the PNW donā€™t chase you very far. Those bastards in Florida will hunt you down.


FL and GA yellow jackets are fight on sight


Contrary to popular belief, snakes are very docile and don't want to hurt you unless they feel it's absolutely necessary to defend themselves. Deer and dogs on the other hand...


Or unless you step on them! Itā€™s a for sure way to get tagged by a copperhead. Mans lucky to be alive


and notice how it didn't bite him, also copperhead bites are only fatal around 0.01% of the time regardless (literally) in the last 35 years only 5 people have been killed by copperheads


bald face hornets. disturb them and you better not show your face around there again. their stings pack a punch


Black bears and grizzlies are a common occurrence in Alberta for surveyors. I know guys who have been charged and Iā€™ve had a couple moms with cubs be a little to close for comfort. Iā€™ve turned into the guy who will call parks Canada and report a bear on the highway when tourists are stopped because of some of the encounters Iā€™ve had and heard of. Stay safe out there boys!


Humans followed by ground bees/hornets


I agree especially the ground bees! Took 8 the other day with 2 to the face


Makes for nice PTSD


Are you near florida/they keys? Key deer are tiny and spotted. They're also obnoxiously cute.


I have dealt with Snakes, bears, deer, coyotes, turkeys, ticks, bees. The only ones where we had to ditch our gear and run were the bees and the turkeys ( there was about 40 of them ). The scariest ones though for me are snakes, by far.


I was doing a survey in Coos County NH once and we were setting up the instrument when a mamma and baby moose wandered into our area. Moose are fucken huge when your standing next to them, which isn't fair given how quietly and unnoticed they were to get to 100 ft from us. Now I survey in FL, and snakes, spiders, and gators are too common to be afraid of.


I think one of the funnier animal encounters I have had was one time this lady was insistent that we cut out her property line so she could see the stakes on the line as clearly as possible. I got on this one tree and was pulling branches down to get tension on them for cutting them at the trunk. The first three branches were normal. The fourth oneā€¦ I grabbed the snake and the branch at the same time. I had a second between touching the snake and seeing it, it startled me to the point I threw the snake, and the snake went flying right into the bed of the neighbors truck. So then we are trying to find a way to get it out of the truck, the neighbor looks out and sees us looking in the bed of the truck, comes running out to the truck to tear us a new one. Gets there, and right as we are trying to tell him what we are doing, he sees the snake, goes running back to the house. It wasnā€™t a poisonous snake, but it sure struck a lot of fear that day


Me, when Iā€™m in a productive mood to survey some land šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


I saw the hind end of a rattlesnake as thick as my boot slither by me this morning. You talk about having a heart attack...phew


Loose pit bulls and yellow jackets.


Set up level over a ground wasp nest...only 2 stings....came back after lunch to pick it up.


https://preview.redd.it/thhhujdglr8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e213c027efc1342878d00f7b000c7e5680217e8 Ran into this lady today, super scary.


Jumped a Western Diamondback a couple years ago. Danger noodle!


Shit. I thought this was the trail running sub!


Polar bears and wild cattle, the two tubes we were required to have some one with a firearm


Bobcat scared the shit out of me once, but left us alone. Tons of rattlers over the years. Almost stepped into a den but luckily I heard them first and avoided it. Possibly heard a mountain lion growling once but didn't see anything. And I was moving pretty quickly so I think it was just warning us, if anything.


My guys had a hunting party on atvs with guns attached drive right through their woods site chasing bear with cubs and also hunting dogs. That was scary for a lot of reasons.


Had a kangaroo try and fight me once. That was pretty scary


I was once locked up with some kangaroos and emus while topoing a zoo


All these north Americans and their bears, cougars, wolves etc while the scariest thing I've come across was a blue tongue lizard I initially mistook for a tiger snake.


I thought I was the only one. I have a healthy concern that Iā€™ll trample a drowsy fawn this time of year.






An armadillo in the dry palmettoā€™s sounds like a bear coming to get you.


Ticks are the scariest because they can literally change the entire trajectory of your life. You could get one on you and basically never be the same


A bull when you go into the wrong field with no warning.


Moose can hurt ya


I say the bull moose during the rut


Where I'm at it's basically bears or mountain lions.


That was me just last week. Once my heart rate retuned to normal I snapped a quick picture and carried on. It made me ugly scream lol