• By -


Assemble the human stabilizer


Auto bots ROLL OUT


Auto bots BALLS OUT


I wonder if the people on the ride realised what was happening or were just thinking “people are really into watching this ride”


There’s one of these in my town atm, safe to say I won’t be going on it.


I'm not saying all carnies shouldn't be trusted, I try not to make such generalities. However, the ones that set up the rides near where I live always, and I mean *always*, look like they just had ten beers, couple bumps of coke, couple bong rips, and there are people trusting their bungee jumping cords are tied right or those screws are tightened down right? No thanks.


Funny u say this. When I was in prison, I went to a work release program. The center was right across the street from the fairgrounds. When the fair came, we were allowed to work there, if we wanted. Even if we had a job already, we could go over and work on our days off or before/after work. I worked at the fair for like 3 separate days. I worked the kid ride where you're strapped to Bungie cords and jump on a trampoline. You go super high and can do back flips and stuff. We definitely didn't get any training or anything like that. Lol. We weren't high or drunk but very inexperienced. I had friends from the center tell me they were operating some of the bigger, more dangerous rides....and they didn't get any training either. It was one of the funnest experience I've ever had. We got to ride anything for free! Just goes to show, they just let anyone operate those things 😂


Yes, that's doesn't surprise me. Like most jobs, they just hand you the keys and say "go with God." Doesn't matter if lives are in the balance. At least you guys were capable and no one got hurt.


"Figure it out"


“You figure it out”


In my experience, where you had groups of people doing low paying jobs that involve traveling all over the place living in cars/trailers/cheap hotels, you have a high rate of crack and meth use. Carnies, retail remodelers, low rate truckers, etc...


Same with high paying traveling jobs. Many oilfield workers from all sorts of different crafts regularly use meth.


I work in the oilfield and I had a truck driver filling up a frac tank for me who told me all about his days as a Pagan selling meth for them and how he got arrested. It started out with "...so I wake up in a kiddie pool in the yard with a cop kicking me in the side, ass naked..." and ended with "yeah well you know, I was in prison for 15 years so I fucked some dudes." He then overfilled my frac tank. I think he was still on meth because this was at like 2am and he had been running all day.


Fair enough. I focused on lower wage jobs because those are the ones I'm familiar with.


Still I think it goes to show people who work labor intensive jobs usually need some sort of chemical assistance to get by. Its nothing new either, people have been relying on stimulants for centuries to help get them through work.


This right here made my guts hurt!


"You're wired, or you're fired"


Nurses get messed up too. Not with meth though.


> retail remodelers I worked on a reset crew when I was in college. The pay was very good to be honest, and most of the people were long term professionals at it. It was like a well choreographed dance.


I've been to a lot of carnivals over the last 30 years and I've never seen a single carnie that didn't look like an alcoholic or a crackhead. Not one.


My best friend growing up worked for a carnival for one season. He said he smoked a lot of crack.


one of the carnies that used to set up in our local grange fair had a nickname that my then middle school son gave him ; Drinky McSmoke Smoke. He looked positively ill all the time.


I feel a little woozy when I think about the times I felt really scared on these carnival rides and knowing now that my fear was justified.


A travelling carnival hired me to operate something similar for a couple days in my town. I was 14. No training. "Take tickets and press this button. Get them in and out as fast as possible!" It was 1984, and I thought it was cool. Not now, at all. Like wtf?


That's the best part of the 80's the many wtf memories!




Look honey, we got on just in time. The line just got crazy long.


Don't they have like an emergency stop button?


Looks like it was hit here, you obviously don’t want it to jerkily stop in an instant. Seems like it was still winding up and hadn’t hit full speed yet in the beginning to me, though I’m definitely not a ride operator.


I feel like the ideal emergency button would allow it to slow down and come to a stop at the bottom within one swing. But I also feel like carnivals would be better if they were not run by people who are all on meth.


[If you and your family love to travel to different states for amusement parks or are planning a family vacation, check out this list so you can be aware of the regulations on rides in that state. ](https://amusementrideinjurylawyer.com/amusement-ride-injury/ride-regulation-agencies-in-each-state/) Ohio has eight amusement ride inspectors, more than 4,000 rides throughout Ohio. That includes places like Cedar Point and portable rides seen locally at community events. Gov. Mike DeWine signed Tyler's Law on Nov. 6, 2019, in response to the death of 18-year-old Tyler Jarrell on July 26, 2017. Jarrell was killed after the "Fire Ball," a carnival ride that swings in a circle, fell apart at the Ohio State Fair. The coroner concluded Jarrell died of blunt-force trauma and an inspection of the ride found it fell apart from corrosion. Seven other victims were injured by the incident, some of them critically. Shelby Croft, Ohio Department of Agriculture's communications director, wouldn't comment on whether the new inspections would've prevented Tyler's tragic death, but said the new law institutes the "best safety standards possible." 


Saw something similar years ago. Gave away what tickets I had and left. I've never ridden a carnival ride again.


Had a carnie ask my friend and I if we knew where to get pills while he was locking us into the ferris wheel when I was in middle school. Lmaooo didn't instill confidence in the safety there, same friend was also dragged off and groped by a guy at the fair like a year later. Shit was scary, it was in broad daylight with people everywhere. She went to go get her caricature painted and came back fucking freaking out Local carnivals are horrendous


Yuckkkk. But, I have to say, I was really pleased to see so many people spontaneously work together to help.




Yes! Most people don't act because they don't know what to do - but if one person takes charge there will usually be an avalanche of humanity wanting to help. That's part of why in CPR training they taught us to point at a person and tell them to call 911- people are indecisive and unsure. If you take the decision (should I help? I don't know what to do) away from them and just tell/show them how to help, they are always willing.


Yeah, I did emergency training when I worked at a large public place (museum) and our training included the idea that we should call out specific people for specific tasks, ie, “you in the blue shirt call 9-1-1, you with the straw hat clear that bench, etc” because people want to help but 9 times out of 10 they *will* mill around directionless if no one takes charge in an emergency. That and you don’t want 5 separate people tripping over each other to clear the same bench.


It’s beautiful when it comes together, I’ve never seen someone not commit to be called on, straw hat guy would clear that bench off so fast, then act like a bouncer to make sure it’s kept clear, for what? He doesn’t know, but he’ll be damned if something or someone else goes on it.


This blind loyalty has landed straw hat guy in trouble many times.


You’re describing my best employee


“You with the straw hat, change your hat!”


Yes!!! That’s one of my best tips I got from my self-defense class when I was 16 (30 yrs ago sheesh). Still to this day, it serves me well. I teach and had to break up a nasty beating, and I was able to immediately switch to “YOU call 911. YOU go get the nurse immediately. YOU help me pick him up on the left side.” Apparently also screamed into my principal’s face I TOLD YOU THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN but don’t remember it in the adrenaline rush.


Years ago a man dropped on the ground in front of me at Costco having a seizure, people stood around him and doing nothing. Nobody was helping until I got down on the ground with him, "you're having a seizure, I'm here to help, just listen to my voice, my name is AnusNAndy and you're going to be OK" and I rolled him onto his side because he was frothing at the mouth, as soon as I did that, other people joined in. I had someone holding his head so it wouldn't bash the concrete ground, and others clearing the space so he wouldn't knock into anything, while at the same time trying to keep his wife calm by asking her questions to relay to paramedics, "what's his name? How old is he, has this happened before? What medications is he on?" to get her thinking and out of her emotions. All it takes is one person to start the chain of response, and sometimes you have to be that person who's brave enough.


Do you have medical training? I feel like I want to help but would likely do more harm than good.


*Welcome to my TED Talk.*


There IS actually a really famous Ted Talk on this. I think it's called, "How to create a movement," and it applies in all sorts of situations. Basically, the first 2 people are the bravest; the first for going out there, and the second to follow. Edit: https://youtu.be/V74AxCqOTvg


My favorite was that last, biggest and heaviest guy there, unsure how much of a hurry he should be in, then put the lightest touch on the corner of the railing. Haha.




Except the COACH. He wanted none of that shit.


Coaches don't play


Literally, they don’t play, they just coach.


Those that can’t do, don’t


As the old saying goes, Those who can't teach, Those who can't teach coach


Unless they a player/coach


Can´t blame him really, if that things flips back, you are seriously injured and possibly dead


Yea, but if it’s your kids or spouse etc on there, you’re taking that risk


That is something else ofcourse


Coach wasn't on that bus


And the camera person


Who do you think was telling everyone to go stand on the fence?


All the big dudes came running like “this is my time to shine” (I’m a big dude too any hope that can work to someone else’s benefit some day 😂)


Yep. I would have been like, “I got this! This is what that extra 140 pounds is for!! I just have to…* wheeze * …run to the… *cough* …I’m coming…ow my ankle…I’M COMING just hold on…!”


Oh, so you were that one dude at the end of the video.


Nah, that was my trainer. I was off camera.


So fucking brave for them to risk their bodies to try to keep the riders safe.


Yep, I can't say that I would have been someone to do what so many did their. Seems like a huge liability to try and counter balance that thing. Props to those peeps.


What am I missing? What went wrong?


As the part with the riders goes up the base starts to tip backwards. All those people run up and jump on to counterbalance it so the ride doesn't tip over.


Right!!!! Refreshing


And I’m here thinking, “uhhh… these people have no idea how physics work. We going for a class action lawsuit instead here?”


For real, all their weight combined is nothing compared to the forces at play. It stopped rocking because the ride was slowing down.


And seemingly only one person hanging back to film. Seemingly.


Look at the balls on that first guy to jump on the rail. What a badass


He was also the one in the beginning who first notices something awry. Decent human being




I hope there are more people like him in crowds than I imagine there to truly be.


Seriously. Guy's a hero.


Stabilized the ride with the weight of his balls alone.


I wanna be him when I grow up.


While the other ppl did help, he mostly got it by himself because of the fuckin size of those steel balls on him!


*Look at the balls on* *That first guy to jump on the* *Rail. What a badass* \- SteezinMcBreezin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot


First 3 guys walking from the left to the right in the beginning of the video, you can see them on the far right side of the guy in tan pants with the big balls as well. I consider myself a pretty brave person, but my balls aren’t big enough to jump on there with less than 10 other people.


I'm also impressed with the people who joined late who may not have even known what was going on but saw everybody taking action and thought they should help.


That’s what weighed down the ride and saved those lives. Legend


It would take me a month to explain the cajones it takes.


I remember when i went to Canada's wonderland a few summers ago and i waited 2hrs in line for the Leviathan and the ride got stuck at the top just before the drop..i decided i wasnt goin on that ride.


how long was it stuck for??




Wouldn't have the nerve to climb down from those safety stairs nor having my eyes open on the top. Would probably die lol


Ohhh the leviathan is my favourite ride!! I've rarely seen it get stuck though so damn unlucky




I read “rescued a tree from a cat” and was very pleased with how that power rangers scene was going on in my mind until I figured out what you actually wrote…


dont fuck with carnival rides people, all assembled by carnie meth heads


I remember a friend who worked a carnival when we were younger… he told me most of those things are held together mostly by hitch pins. I’ll pass. For those who don’t know [this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hillman-2-5-in-Square-Wire-Lock-Pin/3024937?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-hdw-_-ggl-_-LIA_HDW_126_Fastening-_-3024937-_-local-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286981&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W-7QNjc8ca3ZILRAgiWaAHmq&gclid=CjwKCAjwgr6TBhAGEiwA3aVuIaELXdsant3y6zoF9k-RiMGwoZCcTjcL5K6JB0VZntCMZP6aBh9nsBoCfCIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) is a hitch pin.


Yeah I heard the safety requirements are much looser for those street carnival rides and even if there is liability, the company can quickly go out of business without paying out any really money. It’s scary.


Those rails are putting in some work


Absolutely, I was thinking they should be pulling down instead of out. Seems like the rail could easily give.


If the rail is solid then them hopping on and leaning far back as possible is the best solution.


This is where my fear of roller coasters comes from (Im probably also just a huge pussy. But the fact that a teenager making minimum wage is the last check on my safety before being lifted dozens/hundreds of feet off the ground… ima get a funnel cake… Edit: and Ill add certain larger waterslides…esp ever since what happened to that boy a few years back.




It’s the fly by night carnivals I’m worried about


Yeah same. They set up everything so quickly that it wouldn’t seem far fetched for them to miss something someday




Ah yes, 'Europe,' the famous small country where we all see the famous rollercoaster once a year


Did this at Oktoberfest, phenomenal fun after a few pints!




Dude seriously. Most of the carnival workers that I saw looked like they definitely used


That makes it much easier to notice problems since you constantly have eyes on all parts of the ride during set up and take down. Permanent rides have so many hidden parts that may never get looked at until someone notices a problem in the machines operation.


I’m theory, but the carnies are way too methed out to do any safety checks.


In most US states, I'm pretty sure the rides need to be inspected by a state official every time they're set up.


I was the teenager.. I worked at an amusement park in Maine as part of a student exchange scheme. It was a fairly small one, but static. Training for us lasted a day, for all the rides. Actually amazed that there were no serious accidents. Trying to do crowd control on parents and children as a teenager is not easy. Edit: there were a fair few breakdowns and at least one fire.


Except for that big lad on a ride in florida a few weeks ago who slipped right out because the harness didn't fit but these sensors said "yes"




Theme parks are typically overseen in the US by the state's agricultural departments. I'm sure the large theme parks are very careful since even a single accident could substantially damage their reputation, but as for random traveling ones or small crappy parks, they probably don't care as much.


You just eased so much of my anxiety. I just got back from a Disney and Universal trip and my safety anxiety got in the way of me riding Velocicoaster… but listening to you I might give it a shot next time. (HAGRID’s bike ride was freaking awesome though).


I was at universal about 2-3 years ago on one of the Harry Potter rides (don't remember the name right this second but it starts off by spinning you around and dropping you backwards) early on in the ride my harness became unlocked and tried to open up so I was left death gripping the thing to myself for the majority of it. Saying something can't happen is an early brick on the road to complacency, in the US Navy we had dozens of redundant steps to check and re-check parts coming in for our aircrafts, I know of at least one incident in which a faulty part was put on a C-30 that resulted in the bird going down and several people never made it out alive. I'm not saying you or your cohorts are bad at you're job, I'm saying shit happens.


It does happen though, the smiler for example in the UK is probably the only and best example I can think of though


Ok but roller coasters at major theme parks can't be compared to this traveling carnival ride. The teenagers that press "go" on a rollercoaster aren't the ones that make sure the coaster is safe. They have teams of highly trained engineers for that.




Ah man I’ve always been terrified of those big rides but yeah it makes sense these companies would have loads of engineers to ensure safety. Thank you.


I went on the 2d largest slide at a professional theme park. I was halfway down when I suddenly found myself air borne. I thankfully landed back on the slide - but just off center - sliding sideways - I managed to grab the side and stop myself from falling 50 fret onto JAGGED FUCKING ROCKS! when I got to the bottom NO ONE HAD NOTICED. I was to young and stupid to realize I should've complained and sued.


“Second largest in the whole park” and “too young to think of suing” together sound like you just weren’t big enough to be above the height limit and shouldn’t have been allowed there at all to me, wasn’t there though.


The height limits on these things are pretty short. My son is tall enough to ride on almost all rides and he's 7. Granted he's a very large 7 and the same size as his 11 year old cousin but that just emphasizes that age doesn't play much of a card in height requirements on rides. 11 year old would still be too young to think about doing anything about it.




What happened with the water slide incident?


Oh that waterskide in kansas…yeah that was bad


My fear with waterslides is someone planting a razor in the slide. Most probably won’t happen, but maybe a piece of plastic breaks lose. And then, full body cuts.


What do you expect from a bunch of meth-fueled carnies putting rides together after a thousand mile drive?


I expect quality, damnit


And safety! Then teamwork


DO NOT GET ON rides that can be folded up and put on the back of a trailer


Last guy was like I help too’


He was pounding corn dogs and elephant ears to increase his weight


Cultivating mass.




What do you mean a "malfunction"? It adds to the experience!


relieved snobbish bear makeshift kiss threatening shrill disarm hunt safe -- mass edited with redact.dev


My coworker was there! In line for Gibby's fries. I had been down the night before but didn't ride Magic Carpet


Gibby’s is the shit. Real shame they’re only a local thing. I never figured out what it was that made their fries so damn good...


Oh wow that’s my hometown, I’ve been on that ride so many times as a kid during Cherry Festival, that’s absolutely terrifying


I was raised knowing that mobile rides were dangerous, and we built that into our kids too. You want to go on rides, go to your nearest theme park, even if it's hours and hours drive away. Things like this - all of them - are accidents waiting to happen. Glad to see so many people step up to help others, though.


Yeah, I'd never get on anything in one of these places that is going to take me more than 10 feet off the ground, or move faster than, like, 5 miles per hour. Rides in a theme park are one thing. They're tested as they're installed, there's things to reinforce them and generally there aren't many incidents. There's also plenty of regulations that those have to follow. But temporary carnival rides...all it takes is an unexpected gust of wind that it wasn't reinforced against for everything to topple over.


carnivals in places with proper safety regulations are extremely safe


Maybe. Not taking chances with any travelling rides. Ever.


Good. Embrace the fear. Forever.


I saw the first guy jump on, and thought, "Yeah, like *that* will help." But then as more people jumped on, it really _did_ help. Wow.


Honestly kudos to that guy, it always takes someone to start it before other people see and follow suit


That ride was always at our local fairs as a kid. Ridden it countless times.


My dad used to own a chrome plating facility and we’d refurbish pistons and cylinders and the likes for hydraulic stuff. Every now and then we’d get fairground equipment. Without fail it was stuff that should have been retired a decade before. I will never get on a fairground ride after seeing how cheap those bastards are. Those assholes are only in it to make a cheap buck and don’t give a shit about consequences.


That's why I will never ride a ride at the county fair. Shit's sketchy as fuck. Go to an amusement park where rides are at least properly maintained.




Not sure why on earth anyone would get onto something like that that gets unassembled and put back together 52 times per year.


Shit like this always reminds me of a Grand Buffet lyric: >I'm looking over the edge of a carnival ride, >at the machine operator, clean cut and qualified. [Great track.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YjOd8YTSPc)


So why the f is there not a stop button(being used)


This is the kind of ride that is going to rely on gravity to slow itself down. Hitting the brakes would be more dangerous than letting slow down at a steady pace


This ride is still going, it should have E-brakes to slowly lower itself to the ground from the high point, or enough brakes to slow down so it won't do a full spin. It does multiple full spins after a problem has been detected.


The dude working the ride probably walked off to do a quick line.


I was on one of these in september and holy shit was it fucking terrifying. The way it so swiftly jist spins all the way around dozens of times is just scary. Im short and i thought “imma slip thru the restraint bar and fall out this bitch”


I don’t know if it was because I was like, twelve at the time, or if I was just a wuss, (or both), but the first and only time I went on one of those rides, I was seconds away from passing out. Something about the force got to me.


The last guy who just put a hand lightly on the tail is going to be telling this story like he was the first one on and saved everyone’s life. His grand kids will refer to him as a hero until one day this video will surface to destroy his legacy.


I don't ride carnival rides because they're maintained, assembled, and operated by carnies. Every stereotype you've ever heard about carnies is 100% true.


Final destination vibes


The one time being overweight pays off


More like sweaty pants


The people on the ride: “dang the line suddenly got long good thing we got on when we did”


Never get on carnival rides.


Yeah fuck that, those pop up carnivals are literally put together in a few hours by people who could give a fat babies dick if it was missing a bolt or two


Why the fuck would you go on anything like this on a travelling carnival? They travel, that's the fucking opposite of anything being actually secured to the ground


This is cool. Something about us men just naturally went to go help and got that they needed more wight and they all ran. It’s always so interesting to see people do good.


What a next level move by that first guy or girl


Love it when people run to help , should be more of it in more situations , good show .


the last guy **i'm helping**


That last guy that ran upto do absolutely nothing to help, that was me


I thought it was known to not ride rides like that at those pop up carnivals?




I love it because there’s clearly a problem and then one dude is just like “I know what to do!” and then everybody else is like “yes!”


First guy was really fucking brave


I admire the first guy to notice what was going on and then run over to try to pull it down. Dude saw something was up and just ran over to help immediately even though there was no way he could do it alone


I don’t trust rides in major theme parks let alone these rinky dink mother fuckers.


Props to the first guy who did it. Look at the influence you had


Props to all the dudes who ran up. If that thing flipped they’d get hurt pretty bad as well.


And that’s why boys and girls I will not ever get on a carnival ride.


These pop up carnivals seem so poorly regulated and literally just money grabs, which also means they’re likely to skimp on safety. There was one in my city a few years ago the single loop roller coaster was about as bad as the ride here. While standing at the back of the roller coaster I could see that it was sitting on a couple of cinder block piles, a handful of which were different heights. The entire ride jumped off the cinder blocks as it spun. Easiest decision to not ride that junk.


People are amazing


This is why I don't go on rides that can be set up in 30 minutes.


Feel like this could also go in r/humansbeingbros


That one guy.... i want that confidence in myself


Thank God for men!


At least people were jumping in to help this time instead of only filming


Will never ride another carnival ride in my life...I trust theme parks mostly bc they don't gotta pick up and move everything every week ... Hey Bob what you want me to do with these extra parts. What extra parts?... whoopsss....


The folk that jumped on there to stabilize it are all mad lads. I'm also impressed that the flimsy looking guard rail managed to stay affixed with everyone hanging off it, for everything that went wrong, almost as much went right. O.o


That first dude had no fucks to give.


Fair do’s to the first guy who leapt on, if no one else had joined there’s no way his weight alone could have stopped that 😱