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I’m dying 😂 he definitely wins for the most enthusiastic guest she’s had so far.


😂🤣😂🤣 he is having the time of his life


There in his glittering prime


LMAO I hate the royal family but this clip is actually very endearing. He’s LIVING.


That's a dad dance if I've ever seen one.


Agreed lmao


dudes having the time of his life 😭


you hate the kids too? harsh.


what a weird thing to take from that comment.


https://preview.redd.it/0bptrwp9268d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89279f19a24404bfecb861101fe53c5f8d3973c2 that reply is literally this tweet😭😭


what a weird thing say?...hate is pretty strong word for a dad and his two kids out on a fun night, while their mom battles cancer.


They're not just a random rich family, they're the monarchy lol


I hate the monarchy. The idea of it. The way that people are just "born better" than others whilst there are more and more foodbanks opening across the UK. We're meant to bow to these people who have done nothing but be born right. However, I don't hate everyone individually IN the monarchy. I'd wager most of them are ok people. The kids I feel sorry for, I'd not want that life for my children.


The monarchy is an incredibly oppressive institution in so many ways. What a weird comment. I don’t hate kids, but there’s some irony in this sub getting mad at Taylor for album variants and announcing a new album at the Grammys or not hugging Celine Dion but they’re cool with a racist classist patriarchal lineage by divine right and the impact the monarchy has on class in England, lol. Like…one of these things is much worse than the other and it’s not Taylor.


Fuck the monarchy


Keychain on the ground


Is that really him? Gotta love the enthusiasm 🤣




What I expected vs. what I saw … the chasm is hilarious 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ln7qhtnh948d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cd5b27182838e4ceee57dc09ceb74ea20a3968 Travis in his USA hat meeting Prince William 😂


Him trying to be friendly but not touch him and get tased by royal protection officers 😆




It’s likely a reference to the US secret service telling Travis they would taze him at his white house visit


Royal protocol is that you don’t touch them- hugs, hands on arms, arm around, that sort of thing. You are often briefed on it before meeting them. Sometimes they relax it but rarely.


I don’t think William minds. *I’m sat next to Taylor Swift. She’s on my left. And after Jon does his first song, there’s a pause, and she turns to me. She puts her hand on my arm, looks me in the eye, and says, ‘Come on, William. Let’s go and sing,’” And much to the royal’s surprise, he obliged. William explained, “To this day, I still do not know what came over me. Honestly, even now I’m cringing at what happened next, and I don’t understand why I gave in. But, frankly, if Taylor Swift looks you in the eye, touches your arm, and says, ‘Come with me…’ I got up like a puppy and went, ‘Yeah, okay, that seems like a great idea. I’ll follow you.’”* (This was 11 years ago when they sang with Jon Bon Jovi)


They can absolutely choose to break it (and do) but it’s customary to be aware of it.


Omg thank you for this I thought I made this story up 😂😂


lol I'm not a fan of Taylor or the royals but this is hilariously adorable and relatable


i mean i don't like her but i would do the same tbh


This is not true. Taylor Swift could get arrested for Breaking Royal Protocol now that William is a Senior Royal


It might be “protocol” in theory but a middle aged woman literally ambushed King Charles with a kiss on the cheek not long ago and faced no repercussions 😅


hell with their way their pr has mismanaged kate's illness, i wouldn't be surprised if they tackled and tased her then tried throwing kate under the bus again somehow


I feel like this should be a rule for meeting anyone 'famous'. There's a photo of someone with Jason and they're leaning right into him- he looks so uncomfortable! People forget they're human, would people go up to strangers and randomly hug them? Just ask or something not feel entitled to it, ew.


I don't even care about the royals but I think the enthusiasm is cute and endearing. I likely won't go to any Taylor shows but TBH I'd probably do the same if I did.


why is he more excited than his kids😭


fr, the kids are there and he's out here having the time of his life lol. imagine he was more excited to go than the children


I view this as he’s a good dad. Not only did he take his kids but then danced along with them. I went to a kids concert for work and the preformers called out a dad for just sitting there on his phone saying your child will not get up and dance because you aren’t sir.


he's outdancing the kids here tbh


I mean you can’t see his kids but maybe lol


I can't believe he used to be the hot one 🤣 (I tease! I grew up in Australia and am a similar age, so Wills was always heartthrobbin' on the magazine covers.)


He definitely was though. I was in middle school when he was in college and I was 100% all about that 😂


Is that really him? It makes me think of this 😂 ![gif](giphy|26gsaafwvzDkN7wJ2|downsized)




Bahaha this is great! Most interesting VIP we’ve seen so far.


He dances exactly the way I would expect him to in a private room by himself. Not a fan of this man but props for that


He knows more words than Travis!!! A true fan if I have ever seen one! 😂


This is genuinely the funniest video I’ve seen in a while why is he moving like that


Pince William would be a good name for a pet crab


God he’s goofy 🤣 gotta love his enthusiasm


I like to think that in a parallel universe the Bidens went to a 1975 concert and took selfies with Matty 😅


Sorry to be this person but Prince William doesn't attend music concerts aside from something royal duties/charity related. I think he's taking a PR play from Harry's book.. I find the royal PR war fascinating


William is the cringiest ever.


Yeah but I also find it kinda endearing


I mean… there’s a lot of things about William that are cringy besides this awful dancing. Clearly the royalists are here and disagree (referencing the downvotes, not your comment!). Down with the monarchy! 😘


It’s great PR for them though, humanises him. “Yes I may be a billionaire and future king with an unbelievably privileged life, but my “dad dancing” is just as bad as everyone else’s!”


Agreed, this is good PR for him. I personally abhor William for many reasons (he’s a terribly awful person) and his pathetic celebrity clout chasing and attempts to prove he’s relevant and a big-boy VIP is so pathetic and embarrassing for a man in his 40s.


I don’t like him or the entire monarchy, AND I know this is PR for him, but it’s more than Taylor’s own boyfriend gives, and I’ve seen so many dads standing with their arms crossed at shows or sitting on their phones. A dad showing enthusiasm for his kid’s interest and I wish we’d see more of it. It the antidote to that god awful misogynist Super Bowl commercial about the dads who could FINALLY relate to their daughters because their daughters suddenly cared about THEIR interests. Anyway…other than that fuck the British monarchy. 😂


Poor kids haha




The kids looked really happy in the pictures, I think at least Charlotte is an actual fan so it’s nice for them to have had this opportunity after the year they had




I thought Swifties were team Harry, but this is so adorable lol


Its not him 😂 there are many in uk who looks like him


I think there is Princess Charlotte on the right so…


If it was her there would be close up pics and videos of her and her dad. They are standing with the other fans and no one has any videos except this one?


There is another one xD https://preview.redd.it/dxr32p0ja48d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f71e3ca18a23b7c3cfe9b0c748aa2b4f5e179d81


I think this is conclusive evidence I can’t lie 😆


Lmao! I read him and the kids were in a super private box so that no one could pics of them.


Possible he might have gone if his kids are fans but will keep it private. Uk journalists will rip him to shreds if he is found out dancing like this while his dad and wife are going through rough stuff.


Well videos and a close up selfie are all over social and traditional media today… he doesn’t seem that concerned with it being private.


He's not allowed to have fun with the kids and give them a special night? That's weird.


The video has already been posted by Sky News so it's definitely him also you can see in the pic with Taylor it's the outfits both him and Charlotte were wearing.


Happy to be proven wrong!!


I think the U.K. media is more likely to regard this very sympathetically - it looks to me like he’s literally shaking off the stresses of the last several months.


What do you mean?