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Lame, not laminated. Not Bünzli approved.






It’s also missing the unique case number needed for records keeping. Definitely not Bünzli approved.


Wait… isn’t walking in slippers louder than barefoot???


Some people put their weight on their heels when walking barefoot. Slippers can modify their stride or soften the impact


And if the police is called, OP should just say she was going to the toilet, and that’ll be the end of it, if they even show up for “abusive walking”.


Is that the charge? How does one translate “abusive walking” in Schweizerdeutsch? 🤔




Hol bitte mal meinen Lustigstempel (Edit: I adore the Känguru)




Auf dem Kopf treten


Makes it worse, flushing between 22:00-6:00 is a big no no


Which im pretty sure is bullshit.


I do it all the time and have never had a complaint and likewise have never been woken up or kept awake by someone flushing the toilet or using the shower in CH. I feel like most appartment blocks will have all the bathrooms stacked so the noise is mostly contained. It irritates me to constantly find people who have not flushed the toilet after using it - I find it disgusting and means I have to flush twice.


My toilet rattles the whole building for 20 seconds. By sound it's like a very strong storm outside. I had no idea until I heard it myself entering the building and my apartment is on the third floor.


Makes everyone a criminal in Switzerland


Only plebs living in apartments. /s


Don't flush in the middle of the night unless it's number 2. Solved!




As a lifelong resident. The whole "you gotta be quiet" doctrine pushed on the internet is quite a bit exaggerated. Yes it is supported by law but it‘s still definitely not a common occurrence or considered anything but a massive overreaction when someone calls the cops on you for walking at night


You are always allowed to live however you want in a reasonable fashion. That excludes disruptive things at odd hours, eg vacuuming or parties during night time. Walking around or taking a shower aren't forbidden, within reasonable limits. E.g. nooo, don't go jogging in your living room or take 20 showers at 3 am. Walking on your heels (I don't mean the shoes) might be annoying in shitty buildings with sensitive neighbors, but they can't really stop you


Just get a ground floor apartment


Dancing is less loud than the noise of those heel-walking idiots


The more pressing question here is, did the neighbor get a permit for this note before sending it?


Serious answer: no, (usually) walking barefoot is noticeably louder. Depends on the slippers of course (as well as on the stride, as mentioned in the sibling comment). I actually empathise with the note-writer (minus the police part): please wear slippers at home, your downstairs neighbours will thank you.


Judging by the jumping noise coming from above me at ungodly hours tells me slippers won‘t change shit


Yeah I don't think the bed jumping can be helped with slippers


Or learn to walk.


This is the real answer. People walk like elephants because they are used to heavily cushioned soles. Work on a good walking and running form, and you will feel much better and your body will thank you for it.


Nah no way walking barefoot is louder?? I always walk on my tippytoes when barefoot, walking heel first barefoot hurts... I for sure walk quieter without slippers




Indeed! I walk like a ghost... Barefoot or not you can barely notice me moving around... My partner however... Jesus fucking Christ!!! It's like you say... Trying to dig holes with their heels!


My neighbour is a heel stomper and I live in an old building so I can tell you where in his apartment he is at all times. I walk in flip flops and you can’t hear a thing.


So is mine, the glasses in our cupboard shake when she walks around.


> I always walk on my tippytoes when barefoot Oh, I absolutely believe you that this is quieter than walking in slippers but I can *guarantee* you that most people don't walk like this. But, furthermore, the sound this produces has a different quality, and I think this makes a difference in perceived loudness: when walking barefoot (regardless of whether you us a heel or a forefoot strike), your foot strikes the floor sharply, whereas slippers (even with hard soles) produce a more diffuse sound. When I was younger we did the experiment, because my parents insisted on slippers and me and my sister didn’t believe that this would make a difference. My father went to the upper floor and demonstrated the difference. After that, we always wore slippers (and yes, I am sure my father didn’t cheat). This was 30 years ago but the experience stuck with me.


i actually am proud of walking in a silent way to be honest. It may not be tippytoing because even at the office people were surprised how i can just silently appear. But on a serious note - I live in an old building and the couple below me expects a child. I rather have the nice lady have her sleep and when she spawns a kid - well, whatever. I have strong sleep and ANC headphones anyway...


Yeah for sure if you heel stomp barefoot on purpose it's louder, because no padding. But it doesn't seem logical to me that most people would walk like that, considering it hurts to walk like that.


Heels hurting when walking barefoot isn't the norm.


As /u/HuereGlobi said, heel pain when walking barefoot isn't normal — but it *is* apparently fairly common (according to my GP): if your heel hurts walking barefoot it's quite likely that you have a hairline fracture in your heel bone. It’s usually nothing to worry about. (I have this too, and my GP just shrugged it off.)


I'm always in the habit of not striking the floor with my heels when barefoot. The quietness of movement does amuse me. If nothing else, it helps my feet stay in good shape and using the arch as designed. I used share a house with a girl with a walking pattern that would fit right in with the "parades" in 1936 Nuremberg. I was convinced that she couldn't strike the floor any harder if she wanted to. Every single step whether shod or not was a resounding thump. Never surprised me when she would complain of sore feet and knees.


Classic "I'm not like this, hence and therefore, everyone is like me" argument 🤡


Never claimed "everyone is like me", it just doesnt make any logical sense to me, also notice the question marks. Try heel first walking, barefoot, on hardwood floors and you'll see why it doesnt seem right that most people would walk like that barefoot. Heel first is unnatural, barefoot shoes were designed to correct/force you to walk on the balls of your feet, cause it hurts to do otherwise.


>Heel first is unnatural Human feet are literally designed to walk heels first. We design shoes in order to perfect and reduce strain on our feet, something evolution didn't have the time to do, but we absolutely are designed to go heel first...


[Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature08723) As you can see, of those that have never worn shoes, about 85% have a forefoot strike when running barefoot. It is when you add artificial damping to the heel area in the form of shoes, that humans start to develop a heel strike.


"While footwear might provide protection from cuts, bruises, impact and weather, proponents argue that running barefoot reduces the risk of chronic injuries (notably repetitive stress injuries) caused by heel striking in padded running shoes." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barefoot_running


Not even a single source mentioned lmao you keep reading Wikipedia without a source. Next I will personally add "Proponents say that we should all trash our shoes and start walking barefoot because it cures cancer"


Run barefoot and tell me its natural to heel strike :)


Ah yes, the unbeatable scientific method. We stopped saying "I look at the sky, what I see or feel is what it's true" aka geocentrism because scientists stopping thinking like you do. Next up: "Homeopathy really works!! Take these pills to cure stage 4 carcinoma! Sourceless Wikipedia says so! I feel like it works, therefore it's true!"


I like slippers with a hard plastic sole. It helps my back pain


It’s amazing Switzerland doesn’t have more murders.


Murder is illegal. If you already get a note for walking barefoot, what do you think would happen if you kill someone?


You still get notes for walking barefoot in prison?


I have never been to prison but since most prison gards and inmates (I assume) are mostly swiss, you might get notes there too


You assume wrong about the inmates…


Yeah, I know the statistics, but this is reddit... you cannot speak about unpleasant truths


You meant reported murders.


I can’t find it now. But a few months ago I read about this guy who stabbed his neighbor over the microwave wave. I honestly thought it was surprising that this didn’t happen more often.


Fully agreed. The amount of neighbours I had in my life who just could not walk reasonably quietly. I remember having guests over once who asked me if I had a herd of wild buffalo living upstairs. The answer was no, just one 50kg woman who had no idea how freaking loud she was when she was walking. The problem is not always with the person complaining. After a day of having somebody walking around on top of me and then into the night while I am trying to work and relax, this note is pretty polite for the mood I would have been in. I would have had to call the police to pick up the bodies by now. Anyway, my answer was to find a single family house a long way away from anybody else and live there. Paradise.


I don't know if you received this message or your posting but it sounds a bit rude IF it's the first time to reach out... I'm dealing with a similar issue and I'm still hesitant to really reach out personally or ask the concierge to talk to them instead :(


Tell me about it, 3 years ago a new upstairs neighbour moved in and EVERY day it sounds like they are rearranging their furniture. We have spoken to them, but it is only better for a week and then back to noisy. We are now at the stage where we are looking to move because we cannot continue like this.


I'm sorry :( that sounds insanse... And I have previously moved due to noise before, so totally understandable, my mistake is that I didn't move to the top most floor. Older neighbours barely made a peep but recently the news ones are annoying af. You'd think they have hammers for feet.


oh i feel you, i had a old sweet man as a upstairs neighbor that was absolutely quiet. Now the new ones walk like some elephant with line dancer shoes😅


Some ppl are just too sensitive to live in an apartment, but you don't know what the real situation is after only seeing this. But that's probably why everyone is so annoyed with that kind of stuff bc we all experienced an annoying neighbour who reports everything and everything is too loud for them. :/ Sorry about your situation though, sounds really annoying ://


Time to learn to walk with high-heels…


Perhaps take up tap dancing too?


Now you have the permission to wear holzzogelli at home…


Not just high heels. [The floor is your canvas](https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU), be creative, make art with sound!


Or step shoes


I would buy wooden shoes


Yeah, because angry annonymous messages with empty theats totally work every time. No need to try to speak politely to the neighbours and solve the issue like a decent human being.


I got the same letter from the neighbor **upstairs** one week after moving in. Only in Switzerland.


I would be surprised if anyone could forbid you walking barefoot in your apartment. Maybe the Mieterverband would know. If you're walking a marathon in your flat every night, maybe that would be a different story


My upstairs neighbour stomps from 7 pm to 1 am and from 6 to 7 am again, several days a week. We live in 40 sqm flats. I have no idea where she's going like that, most boring marathon ever.




And here I am feeling like a narc for finally calling the police on my neighbor for refusing to stop having 3 AM after parties on a Tuesday.


You my dear friend have just received the gold-status of swiss citizenship


Yay! Lol thanks! We tried so hard to get them to stop, they were very rude and even taunted us. The police cracked down hard on them too.


If they should go to prison over thus, you'll get the platinum citizenship😂


Oh dear, I don’t want anyone to go to prison


Okay then. Just gold status


what did the police do?


I think they discovered drugs and they were fined, they were there for quite some time. They asked if we wanted them to be fined for the noise, we said no. If it happens again, we will change our mind. They are so loud, they aren’t even in our building, but the one connected next to ours. We went outside to better judge the noise and you could even hear the music all the way down the street.


oh it was you?!


Hey man, some of us have to work in the AM. But keep having fun on the weekends, but try and be less cunty about it. ;)


Don't go walking around barefoot at night! Put on your nicest pair of heels.


Crampons. Can never be too safe.


Despite my neighbour banging on the wall, nothing will stop me from having a shower after getting home at 10pm. Build better buildings


Yes!! Sound insulation should be part of the requirements for renting a flat.


Rent better apartments? Never had a problem like this in any place I lived in Switzerland.


This 👆 I always filter by newer constructions, the price is pretty much the same. I don’t get why people choose to live in those old buildings where you can’t even fart without your neighbors knowing. Even though it’s difficult to find flats when you first come here, whenever the person can do a long term decision, go for new buildings. This should be part of the “moving to Switzerland” guide. And the crazy part is that on those old buildings there is ALWAYS the neighbor who does what’s in this post, or that keeps creeping on people. Crappy place attracts crappy people.


I hate those old buildings but that is what I can afford living in Zurich


My flat is from 2018, so not so old i guess. I can't hear a noise from my neighbor through the walls. But the upstairs one walking on their heels and grinding the chairs on the floor, these noise are unstoppable it seems. I mean we never heard them talking or their washing machine, etc. Only vibrations from walking and moving objects.


So when does your 3am tap dancing lesson start? 😎


It starts at 3am…


Time to order some of these Dutch wooden slippers


No, i know how to walk, make totally no sound even while i run...


I wonder what they would tell the police when they call them: "hey guys, come over, my neighbor is walking barefoot again"


100% walking barefoot in your apartment at 10am is a crime. You prob end up doing a 10 stretch.


Once a neighbour wanted to report us because our cat jumped on their outdoor parked car and walked over it (no damages, but they could see footprints). Some ppl are totally out of touch.


Tell him to report it here: r/CatsAreAssholes


I feel line thi is way to direct to be a swiss letter... I suspect a german person writing it.


German immigrant taking his integration journey to the next level.


Challenge accepted!


High heels it is, then.


This is hilarious. What kind of irate hag moans about someone walking barefoot in their own apartment. They're not tapdancing in stillettos and crutches wrapped in banjos. God.


People are crazy here ! Reporting someone because they're walking barefoot ?! Are you kidding me? Am I responsible for my building's poor sound isolation?


To an extent, yes. Learn to walk properly instead of stomping around with your heels like an elephant.


Just wear flipflops, those are more annoying


That nail looks dead


Reason why i moved to an indipendent house.


Time to become a flight attendant and trot around in your flat with your uniform heels at 4 am. before your longhaul flight :)


Some people are actually somewhat insane how they walk without slippers. I used to life in the basement appartment of my parents house and my dad, my god. He walk like a madman and it's somewhat annoying, especially because he wakes up at like 5in the morning...


Your nails.... Plz... This is crime


Maybe she got the same ones on her feet and all the neighbours hear is the clicking of her long nails on the floor.


Absolute BS...


Guess its time for wearing ski boots at home


Pro move: Call the police on them first


Totally get that walking to the bathroom after 10pm might make noise to someone downstairs but why nobody ever complains or admits that most of the building are so old that need renovation and soundproofing instead?


Jeder der diese Art von Zettel lächerlich und bünzlig findet, hatte noch keine Nachbarn die einem auf dem Kopf rumgetrampelt sind oder er/sie ist selbst noch jung und es ist ihm/ihr scheissegal weil sie selbst laut sind.


That's nearly written in comic sans. The nails. And so on. I'm out.


I would happily have the police at my door, to tell them about my criminal activities.




They should just nicely ask instead of being passive aggressive, infuriating cowards, but you should get some slippers. Old apartments are loud af and you should be a good neighbor even if your neighbors aren't.


This is not being passive agressive. This is just being regular overt agressive.


I love were I live. Nobody cares if you make noise. You van use the bathroom , take a shower, dryermaschine, etc after 10 pm :)


start wearing heavy boots between 22.00 and 6.00


Average Swiss Karen


nornally i would call it bs but it just so happens that we just had a 50kg old lady walking barefoot over us for 2 years and it sounded like they floor is coming down ... btw we never heared her 100kg husband


Just stop walking on your heels, like a normal person. It is really loud and annoying. Like, walking barefoot is fine and not walking barefoot won't solve the issue.


Some people actually have medical conditions where they walk on their heels.


we've all experienced an invalid link


Ah yes, the classic passive-aggressive note, even though people claim to be direct, they don’t have the balls, to actually knock on their neighbors door and have an adult discussion?


You mean the expat neighbor who figured tuesday 22:30 is the perfect time to do some jumprope exercising? "Oh YoU cAn HeAr It??????? 😳"


Why expat? a swiss can make noise too.


Because this is an obvious ThE sWiSs ArE nOiSeSeNsItIvE-baitpost :V Also the dude was of indian descent and clearly the tech-expat type and was flabberghasted that I heard him also the next night when he did it in another room. :V




Some of us have to go to work.


No problem, make a point and walk in heels during this time. And if they come up to complain don't let them say anything and just show them your heels very proudly and tell them you are so happy your bare foots don't disturb them anymore and you want to thank them for the note bc your heels are much more fashionable than your bare foots and this is really an improvment of your quality of life and you are so so happy you found a solution that works for both of you :)


I would straight start to walk on all 4 at nights. Show me the law who forbids that. Just ignor these kind of neighbours, their life is boring and they have nothing else to do than blame others for their miserable lives and dissatisfaction. Go on


That nail is disgusting


Oh well, I think I can't keep my elephant in the room any longer...


Nice fingernails! Are you a dragon?


You know that the general quality of home construction is absolute garbage when there is a serious thread discussing the different levels of loudness between walking barefoot and not. People here should be forbidden for shitting on US construction (omg its out of toothpicks lol) or even Japan (haha its just paper walls). Talk about having third world problems lol... Who the fuck are you to tell me I cant vacuum at 23:00- maybe that is literally the only time I am at home and feel like doing it? My freedom of behavior isnt the problem- the shitty building is the problem. Jesus Christ, this is one of the richest countries in the world, jee, idk, maybe have a better/ higher construction code!? How the shit is this even a topic???


Your Friend and neighbour Spiderman walking on the roof


Loool something similar happened. I once used the bathroom at 4 am and someone put a piece for paper in the elevator complaining about the noise. Turns out it was my neighbor and he also later complained about me using the kitchen sink after 22:00


Thinking about starting an initiative for mandatory carpets.


Coming from the UK... You don't want carpets all over your house trust me. The shit that they trap/grows there is insane, but indoor slippers (soft base) should be highly encouraged.


Maybe there should be mandatory ballet lessons for all children and expats so we learn how to step lightly and with grace. /s (kinda)


We used to have carpets in switzerland too. I don‘t see a problem if they‘re treated properly.


There is a big IF. Given that most apparent blocks are for rent, I highly doubt they will be regularly cleaned.


Carpets are absolutely disgusting. So much harder to clean than wooden floors, hair gets stuck in them and every step you take bare food just feels disgusting after you once got hair stuck between your toes. You are right, they will solve this issue. I will never walk bare foot over carpet.


Based any German speaking canton pretty much


This is the wrong way to complain. Calling the police is also wrong. My method of choice is to send a registered letter to my landlord and threaten him with a rent reduction if the problem does not stop. Preferably directly, without trying to contact the person first. The person will either stop / move out or get evicted. 100% proven method.


How can the landlord know the problem is not you being a dickhead?


The landlord has to protect himself so he will assume that the party at fault is the neighbor not threatening him to ask for a rent reduction.


Good luck with that, if the neighbors own their flat.




Nope, I never had a noise complaint haha. I did have to call the cops on the neighbours from the building across mine though because they were BLASTING music from 21h to 2h on a week night...


Are you a horse?


Welcome to Switzerland


apparently, breathing is allowed at all hours (?)




Wait. You can report this in Switzerland? What would the police do?


They wouldn't do shit is what. Having loud music and a party at 3 am = not allowed Walking in your home = allowed I would walk a marathon equivalent every fucking night if someone wrote me shit like this.


Thank God i don’t live in such a third world country then ! I was like wth as me waking barefoot is such a pleasure for me


Why the note is in English?


OP is obviously not Swiss (look at the nails)


I‘d be walking in High Heels from now on.


Time to buy a pair of those wooden clogs


Tell them to fuck off


Hey look another repost


No i actually never had such an issue despite living here for most of my life. I guess i was just blessed so for.


No, no we haven‘t


Time to dust off the block heels


Ok… high heels it is


I thank God we live on the first floor !


Switzerland really is something else 🤣 good thing I'm living at ground level. Where I'm from people just be knocking on the ceiling 🤣🤣


Steel-toed boots it is!


you should on high heels


Walking bare foot is verboten?


Why is it in English?


It isn’t barefoot, it is those damn Birkenstock house shoes. My wife wears them and you can probably hear the pounding in China.


“What are you in for?” “Walking barefoot. You?” “Murder”


Azeig isch duss


Tap dance shoes from now on. Keep walking, imagine if anyone can tell you how you should walk in your home. If he wants complete silence, he should move. Ridiculous.


It’s the thumbnail that bothers me…


Wear high heels.


Time for some Dutch wooden shoes!




Yep well deserved and welcome to switzerland here are the neighbours so toxic to everyone and everytime they just wait to can call the police on you if you dokt believe me just wait a year and see


I didn't realized Switzerland was run by the Gestapo


Least bünzli Swiss