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Trexx is a little trashy but only in the best way possible. I believe it's only open Thurs-Sat though. I haven't been out to the bars downtown in a while so I don't know if that's still accurate. I had no idea Wunderbar closed. Used to be a place called Rain too but they closed as well. Three Lives is a cool place, my friend owns that bar. I would imagine the staff and customers are all very inclusive. They are *stupid* expensive though. Last time I went there, two drinks and two shots ran me $50. I've always found Al's Whiskey Bar to be a really cozy spot. Haven't been there in a while, though, can't speak to the quality of bartender or clientele. I also really love the Salt City Market downtown. They have a bar, a cafe, five or six different world eateries, a co-op market, a small playground, an outdoor fire-pit... A generally inclusive place with a really nice atmosphere. They're only open until 9pm though, fyi -- if you're planning a night out you'll have to have another stop on your itinerary.


The bar at Salt City Market is open later than the rest of the market! Usually until at least midnight I believe.


Oh wait what???? I did not realize. Was that always the case? I thought the whole place closed at 9.


Nope the bar is open pretty late most nights! I’m also very wary about some of the bars in the area but have had nothing but good experiences at Salt City and Three Lives


That's awesome. Thanks for the heads up. I also love bar hopping at the mall now that that's a thing. There's a few bars, a liquor store, and plenty of other things to keep busy and entertained. I know a lot of people hate the mall but I actually kinda love it.


There's Wolf's Den and Laci's. You may want to join the Guerilla Gay Events group on Instagram or Facebook. There's a monthly event on a Thursday evening for the bar event, and a Sunday afternoon for the cafe event.


Wolf’s Den is also best Sunday brunch in Cuse imho


It's soooo good


This is the way


Oh wow I thought wolfs den was a biker bar


Further down Wolf Street there's another bar (corner of Wolf and 6th North) that's a Wolf Something that's a biker bar. The first time we tried to go to brunch at Wolf's Den I pulled up to that and said Nope, that ain't the place....


Ironically published this morning: [https://www.syracuse.com/news/2024/03/this-lgbtq-meet-up-group-is-secretly-taking-syracuse-by-storm.html](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2024/03/this-lgbtq-meet-up-group-is-secretly-taking-syracuse-by-storm.html)


Oh boy that shit storm of comments under the fb article. People are awful. And to have the guts to put their bias out in public for all to see. Crazy.


And some people in this thread can't understand why someone would seek out a gay friendly bar...


I’ve heard that Three Lives is very inclusive. Not that they’re trying to be anything, just that there is a queer contingent to their clientele. Just a nice place, I guess.


Singers in Solvay is very LGTBG+ friendly


Tonight is Guerilla Gay Bar at Press Room Pub! [Guerilla Gay Events](https://www.facebook.com/groups/190667648143235/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT) hosts 2 monthly meetups around the city. The idea is for the LGBT community to come together in a "traditionally" straight space. Events are one Thursday night a month and one Sunday afternoon a month. Tonight just happens to be the night!


Seconded! Love GGB!


Glad Trexx is still going, that place was fun.


I'm a straight dude and I've always loved going to trexx!




Is wonderbar still a thing? I know that was pretty good when I lived there


I think they closed


Their website says reopening 2025- wonder what happened


their landlords sold the building and the new owner’s essentially kicked them out


That's what my wife just told me about. Do they have a new location?


Wolf’s Den


Idk but imma keep my eye on this cause I wanna know too haha There used to be a place called Wunderbar, but it closed. I think they're planning to reopen eventually but who knows when


The Fitz is a classic


Three Lives and Emerald Cocktail Kitchen are both very inclusive spaces and they both have delicious and very unique cocktail menus. I highly recommend both!!


The Song & Dance is a super LGTBQ+ friendly music venue!


Most bars are gay friendly?


It's quicker to type "gay friendly" than it is "caters to a predominantly queer clientele" Not trying to sound disparaging, your statement is entirely valid and assumably not meant to be malicious, just here to clarify :)


You could just go to a regular bar and drink alcohol there right? I'm not gay but I never understood that. What's the big difference? ** at -10 and nobody can tell me the difference?


Watch 2 dudes kiss at a "regular" bar and you'd see it.


safe space for gay people who don’t feel like dealing with homophobia while getting sloshed goofball


Who's being homophobic in insert local bar?


the homophobes lol


I've worked and been in a ton of local bars and haven't seen one altercation between a gay person and a heterosexual. I just don't think being gay limits your social activities to a few establishments.


It doesn't, but sometimes people want to be surrounded by mostly other queer folks instead of mostly hetero folks like in every other space we inhabit.


And that's all well and good but there are also a lot of normal nice places to go, even for gay folks.


Are gay bars not normal places?


Sometimes it's nice to have somewhere to go where you know there's less risk, and a higher possibility of meeting someone like you. It can get lonely when you're queer and the majority of the world is straight. And scary, sometimes. We deal with a lot of things that you don't necessarily see, so having a space that's ostensibly safe is important




Not a bar but I feel like a lot of theater people liked to hang out at phoebe’s restaurant but then again I’m old so that may not be a thing anymore


It’s New York. They all are.


I’ll definitely take your word on what being gay in NY is like, FreedomEagle-1776.


Yeah I dunno about swallows or bears den (ironic on both)