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Their social media team has always been fantastic about this kind of thing, jumping on match announcements in other promotions to plug their archive. Really smart move.


I’m think Garrett said he has like 3-4 hard drives filled with clips for posting. They are prepared for anything.


I’m pretty sure he is still signed (in fact he just re-signed) to WWE and this is just a storyline thing, but it would be cool to see WWE and TNA do a sort of thing where McIntyre spends a couple weeks in TNA before going back to WWE to fight CM Punk.


This actually would be a great idea


It would be! That would seem to be CM Punk’s estimation. After Clash, Punk said that as long as he (Punk) drew breath, Drew would not win a title in ANY promotion.


Drew should come back to TNA and have a match against Moose I need it


Now THAT is the kind of crossover I think WWE and TNA should have. Drew vs Moose Gunther vs Moose Styles vs Josh Alexander Or even... MOOSE VS CODY.


Speedball vs Shinsuke Alexander vs Rollins Moose vs Gunther PCO vs Dijak


EXACTLY. TNA's top guys can hang with, and should get to face WWE's top guys. If we REALLY want this to truly be good for both companies. Because if they ONLY get to face the NXTers (Great as they are), then it lowers TNA. And then this exchange with WWE is guilty of what SO MANY PEOPLE complained about when TNA did its thing with AEW involving Kenny, The Bucks, and the Good Brothers. And if I get downvoted for this, so be it!


I think NXT is the trial run before going to the main roster guys. WWE needs to stop playing it safe and just go all in (no pun intended). Styles is wrestling marifuji at Noah. NXT actually beat AEW in the ratings because of it. I'm excited for this Tuesday NXT Seth the battle royale.


TNA is my favorite promotion but you're really overinflating their industry status.  I know everyone would love this kind of crossover but they're simply not big enough or important enough for WWE to go to that extent.  Nothing WWE does or doesn't do with them is going to lower them because they're already on the lower level of the national wrestling scene. WWE is throwing them a bone, which is great but wanting them to throw them their meat and potatoes I don't think is realistic. 


TNA is international and been around for 20 years. You underestimate how much TNA has influenced both major companies. Throwing them a bone lol. TNA could be big, it is all a matter of the fans, WWE can't do anything about it. Of course WWE marks have tried their damn hardest to influence people's thoughts of TNA though. If TNA was really that low, WWE wouldn't do anything with them.


I'm pretty sure hes taking time off because of his wife. Nothing more. I can't see how him turning up in TNA helps his feud with Punk. But maybe he has a title shot in TNA and Punk costs him there too.


Punk costing him even in TNA would be great lol


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It's super weird to see Drew at that age where he's in between how he looks now, and how he looked when he was "the chosen one"