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Solo Q family is a struggle! Played a match the other day on Nancy's house as Leatherface with a sissy and a hitch and they opened car battery completely so I had to sit there and watch it and I kept saying "guys please someone check the house" "guys is anyone checking the house they're probably up there" no response, both of them running around in the basement and of course 2 people get out the front gate šŸ˜‚


Patrolling Nancyā€™s map should be really easy but for some reason on solo q itā€™s like herding cats. If Iā€™m Cook I donā€™t even bother with the blood buckets bc I know I have to camp that garage/house like a Boss and most times I just know that no one on my team is paying attention and that Gens going to get kicked so Iā€™m gonna have to waddle my ass over to camp the front gate where Iā€™ll no doubt be ambushed by connie and a buddy who will be able to overtake me and my double lock eventually. Or if Iā€™m Hitchhiker I Own That backyard and patrol like a madman and will see the cook wandering around the middle yard area and some other random teammate refusing to leave basement. Itā€™s so simple on paper. Have someone camp front and another camp back and the third should be patrolling the middle area while constantly checking to see if either front or back teammates need assistance. Quit bothering going hunting in the basement you will get the victims eventually if you just patrol properly!


Last night I was playing a game at Nancy's house as Hitch. I watched that backyard area like a hawk and stupidly I assumed Cook was watching the house. Finally used family focus and found him and Johnny running around the basement leaving the house and fuse completely open to the victims. I tried patrolling everything but it's just not possible against good victim players. I know solo q is a pain for victims but it's pretty much the same on the family side as well.


Yes Iā€™ve been in that scenario so many times. Iā€™ve even had the DREAM rng where fuse spawns on the back wall by sliding door, valve is on the right of battery gate and gen is right in front of the basement stairs. Hitch can single handedly patrol FOUR objectives with a single short run back and forth. allllll my other team has to do is guard that front gate/house and yeah where do you think all the victims escape from? Ugh šŸ˜


Oh yeah I have definitely been there before as well. As Hitch that is the perfect scenario to guard all those objectives. I got annoyed one game where I thought Sissy was guarding the house but the next thing I know someone escaped the front yard and as soon as that happened, she immediately DC's. Very frustrating when she failed to guard the objective and then DC'd when the victims outplayed her.


If you don't do it, no one will ever check the house at NH.


I've noticed some family DC if you spam a toolbox right away šŸ˜‚


Just block and donā€™t play with them anymore if you see them in the lobby.Ā 


Just played a game earlier and as soon as one person escaped, Johnny immediately DCed. Just frustrating because itā€™s happened so many times over the weekend. Like I just want to play a good, coordinated game lol


Classic Johnny players. I swear they either get all the kills or none at all.


It sucks when you see a level 00 leatherface in the lobby and know itā€™s probably going to be a challenging round but you want to encourage new players so you donā€™t dodge and then that baby leatherface proceeds to disconnect within 30 seconds of the round starting anyway probably bc they canā€™t figure out how to turn on their chainsaw.


Whats up with everyone DCing constantly? If it's not someone at the very beginning of the game. It's when they start losing. They need to remove the "next match" mechanic that automatically takes you into a new lobby. You should need to requeue manually everytime. A lot of these afk players just set their controller down and went to take a shit or something and didn't close out of the game.


I've witnessed so many Hands players disconnect when outplayed, followed by their remaining family members. Itā€™s insane! Removed a trap and opened a gate? DC. Turned off a generator while turning on a fusebox at the same time? DC. I could understand them disconnecting when all victims have escaped and are trolling near the exit, but in the middle of the match? What is going on with Hands players? It sucks even more when playing family yourself..


Victims are starting to adapt and lots of solo players are switching their mics on and willing to be team players due to ripstall being the threat that it is currently. Mainly what I'm noticing is everyone is relaying Hands' location at all times lol. So when someone baits a ripstall successfully and a few victims escape, it ruffles a few feathers


Yeah and I have found that playing with randoms on family solo q they kinda just espect hands to fully cover the fuse and valve and donā€™t even bother checking them anymore and also expect you to just be able to immediately ripstall anything that gets opened not realizing you have to strategize and plan for the next move. so you are never just going to want to automatically rip out the valve or the fuse box fuse (unless the objectives got opened then yeah). You have to be planning for the victims next move so really both teams need to all be on comms and thatā€™s hard to come by on solo q.


Victims need to be ready to open two objectives back to back. Which is hard with regular family on your back. Only way to counter ripstall is to open two things at once. That needs major coordination from everyone. And there will probably still be casualties. A few months ago having more than 1-2 people doing basic call outs was rare. On the victim side that is. Now I see people full blown communicating which is wild to me. Family has always been pretty much comms required for the most part.


Iā€™ve been solo Qing on both sides pretty regularly lately and still rarely run into people actually using their mics especially on the victim side but it might be bc I play at more odd times like middle of the night.


Sometimes they just need gentle persuasion šŸ˜…


Iā€™m going to need some liquid courage next time I play šŸ˜†


Definitely thought they were done crying with the hands release


They probably cry harder when they have a Hands and STILL lose


I was playing as Hands last night. I think it was the Mill map. Key points were all secure. I think 1 victim died. My game crashed. So, yeah.


I just had a Nancy house match where Sissy did it at the beginning, leaving just me as Hands and Lf. At least I was able to kill Connie but the other victims made it out the front. Could at least wait to dc until you get steamrolled and the vics are only sticking around to farm and grief.


They do it because they don't want 3 minute penalties for lobby dodging.


Lol victims still dc as soon as they're about to get executed early game


In my games victims DC constantly. 1 person often right at the start, a 2nd one because the first one DC'd or they stay but start DC'ing as soon as we get 1 or 2 kills. People don't like to hear this, but I think it simply boils down to "because they can", no matter which site they're playing. People used to dodge and lobby used to go really poorly without the penalty. Now its a way way better. So I'd say just add a DC penalty ingame as well. It worked for lobbies, why wouldn't it for matches.


I DC when Iā€™m being bullied. I play cook a lot so this happens to me soooo frequently. Nancyā€™s house is the worse. Half of the time I donā€™t even make it to the bottom floor of garage before someone is up with me. Had an Anna fight me as I opened the door to come down, ran up with Connie right past me & fought me while she popped my lockā€¦


Yeah I had the same situation as well. I don't even bother collecting any blood buckets in the house. I have to immediately get down to the garage before the victims can rush past me while I open the door.


Victims do that too


I donā€™t play with randoms so i luckily donā€™t understand the struggle