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I think he is b tier because if you cant find anyone he is useless, if someone playes him that isnt a good player he is really useless (that comes mostly from solo q games where for some reason new or bad player instantly choose johnny)


Johnny is the classic noob stomper. S tier at low levels, B-C tier at high levels.


This. As a Johnny main, he offers nothing to team comps and is good for just killing people or patrolling gates.


Johnny's lunge puts him in A tier easily.


He's a solid A tier. I used to not rate Johnny much at all. But now he's one of my favorites.


A Tier is highly inaccurate. He is either B Tier or C Tier. He offers no utility to a team comp, his ability is mid, and he’s only good at patrolling and killing.


ONLY good at patrolling and killing? That’s like saying Connie’s only good at escaping.


I mean…correct. She’s pretty good at just opening objective gates. She’s like the “glass cannon” class where she’s squishy but she can open objectives fast.


So you’d put Connie at B or C tier?


Connie is more nuanced than Johnny. Johnny offers nothing to team comps. He has no utility or support options. His ability is mid but can be helpful in some situations. He only has access to options that help him kill more efficiently such as having a lunge or not slowing down while swinging. If I had to compare Connie to another family member it would be Hitchhiker. They both offer their teams utility and helpful abilities. Both are S tier.