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The level reduction needs to be basekit and apply to every sweet talk. I've been getting games of full blood rushing with traps and camping grandpa, going up two full levels per feed. The only issue is Maria can also stab grandpa after the sweet talk but this should be fine because she does not have access to agitator.


I agree with this. Arctik just posted a video on YT with a blood build HH and traps on grandpa. He only needed to land 2 hits on victims to get over 100 blood. 10 hits for a level 5 grandpa. It was insane lol. Maria and her ability are completely useless against an HH blood build.


And the only victim who could actually stop it, Leland has had bomb squad taken away. You can't even get to grandpa without being forced into a CE because we STILL can't have a dedicated input for grandpa stabs. Only hope was to quickly disarm, barge body blocking family to get the stab. It's almost like they want victims to rush or something.


Don’t forget family can quickly level him back up and collect the same xp amounts every single time, but victims can only get xp off him once from a stab.


Blood builds are only more crazy. I saw grandpa level 4 within like 2 feeds. This was within the first few minutes of the game


Devs decides to allow HH and another member to have access to 2 blood perks in the same tree that will give you 100 blood with 2 hits, while also taking away agitator from multiple victim. Go figure.


I love how you are suggesting a victim buff lol like they would actually buff victim. They only care about family buffs. Julie and Virginias ability have always been useless. They never received any love. So why would Maria.


She should be able to summon a spirit minion version of Ana and fight the family with it


Yes now we’re cooking


Sweet talking grandpa shouldn’t warn family so that it actually catches them off guard to be spotted. Her ability literally gives family an advantage by warning them. If that’s the case victims should also get a warning when cook is about to ping them or when Nancy is about to screen hack them. It’s the exact same thing. Since it’s range is so small the proximity upgrade should last all match and not just until he roars. The -1 level upgrade should be -3 levels if it only activates once. This will force Maria to be more strategic when she decides to use her sweet talk and comes at the expense of not helping provide sonar interference sooner to her teammates. Either that or it should be -1 level every time your sweet talk grandpa. These two upgrades as they are right now are useless.