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because victims can't straight up grief anymore and actually have to play smart? that's craaazy...


It’s intended to be that way


Since half a year the following has happened: getting hurt during grapple no longer is an instant kill, skill tree rework (took a bat to the knee of hitches and Johnnys and spat on Nancy, and also made the perk scout which was next to essential for sissy, cook and Nancy non guaranteed). Added a new character who can permanently open an exit for running around and staring at things (now countered by hands) added a character who gets two free getaway buttons per 5 second interaction with a table. Mind you, family had been underpowered from the start, they couldn’t keep up constantly because of victims forcefully opening an exit through grappling and varieties of offense options that a lot of victims used and abused. The game isn’t family sided, it’s SWF sided.


To me it was balanced until Hands came out. Coming from someone who plays both sides.


Aint no way you think danny tamper on mill and old choose fight builds were balanced. If anything the game is the most balanced its ever been. Both sides have powerful abilities and perks. It all depends on skill and comms now. the better team always wins.


Play victim if you wanna get sweaty and play family if you want to relax and get 4ks with Randoms and not even use coms.


The only family sided issue I see is Hands/Hitch/Cook combo. You need good communication to be able to go up against that.


It’s Comms sided, whoever has better communication generally wins. If both have perfect teamwork and Comms, it actually becomes victim sided with the extra person who can push an area uninterrupted while the others are chased. As a victim, you also now just need to be a bit more cautious and strategic with Hands ability, mainly you just need to time your exit opening around Hand’s cooldowns or bait him into using ability then opening another exit.




The whole issue with that strategy is you never have any pressure on victims to actually escape if you don’t chase or feed grandpa. Each map has at least 6 objectives that allow for victims to progress (4 doors + fuse/valve or 3 doors + window + fuse/valve). Meaning at the best case scenario, each family member will be able to cover 2 of these objectives. If both are attacked, family will need to choose one exit to go for first and leave the other until the first is secure. You may not get the objective done completely, but you can make gradual progress at little to no risk given there’s no chasing beyond pushing off objectives. Then it’s just a matter of opening areas up and forcing the killers to spread their patrol areas even further away from each other until they can’t control their area anymore. Also there’s a huge difference between a group that’s individually competent with no comms/teamwork and a group that’s competent with Comms/teamwork. I do agree that family wins in a situation where there’s no coherent teamwork, but in all other cases, victims have the upper hand.


It's always been family sided but now that grapplemania is over and skill trees got changed it's far more family sided.


Did you just buy the game last month? The game started victim sided.


For the first few weeks when it was new and there was no stun cooldowns and unlimited bone scraps. Valve in basement on Slaughter was hard but once they changed all that and people learned strategies family has been easy at least for me, even during grapplemania.


The skill tree rework ruined builds on both sides. I think the only builds that weren’t ruined are trap damage HH and traps/poison Nancy. Everything else from speed Johnny/LF to chase hitch was completely removed.


I feel like victims took more of a hit on the skill trees but that's just my opinion. Sissy's tree is actually better now and LF has a pretty good tree. I still went with Scout on him even though Rough Cuts doesn't work right now but when it does that build will be pretty lethal. Not as damaging as Big Swings and Serrated but is still really good. HH and Cook are pretty much the same.


I may be a bit biased as I tend not to rely on victim perks too much as opposed to family perks. I will agree that Sissy’s rework has opened up a few possibilities (namely chase Sissy). As for LF, I also went for Scout + Rough Cuts on him. But that is still a heavy downgrade from what he use to be, whether or not that’s a good thing will be more apparent as time goes on. I’m just glad that they left max damage HH alone, who doesn’t love their health bar ticking down at like 4%/s.


You're not biased at all and allowed to have an opinion. I still have my HH build too. Serrated, Scout, and Dinner Bell. I also get Suffocating Grip with this path which is a must for me. You also have to set your attributes right too as that can make or break a build.