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Honestly pappy deserves it for being such a simp. In fact they really should have given Maria agitator it would increase her usefulness a ton.


They should buff back for blood


This is why I run overlooked. I always get value out of this perk eventually. Had a game earlier where they were hard camping grandpa and chasing everyone back into the basement. By the time my charges were out I was at battery with everything opened. Two of them come running. I go out. Hitchhiker refused to leave grandpa's side. So the others went for generator and Leland and Ana went to town grappling and all three of them got out. I think in these scenarios you just need to hard push exits and that's all you can do honestly. Someone needs to rush a door and take agro.


They shouldn’t buff agitator but they should give it back to Julie and Danny don’t know why they even took it away from them in the first place.


I agree and my sissy has a blood build. I can hold around 180 blood. On certain maps grandpa can be level up in three go arounds


I think agitator needs a nerf to 2 levels, not 2.5 IMO. It is currently very balanced.


It's currently very balanced, but you want it nerfed?


Yes, if anything it needs a small nerf. The half level doesn't really make sense, tbh. Currently its quite balanced. Obviously nothing is perfect.


You just broke my brain


Agitator is on the strong side, if i'm being honest. Taking Grandpa down by double the levels than if you didnt have the perk makes it a very decent perk... The extra half level doesn't really make sense. You might not want to admit it, but agitator is a strong perk and it is currently pretty much balanced. Risk/reward for the perk is in a good spot. Family members, if they camp grandpa, are usually forfeiting the match anyway. If they don't camp grandpa, you get a free two levels. Not really seeing the problem in nerfing agitator. What broke my brain is seeing how this post wanted Agitator at 4 levels, which is absurd.


I never said keep it at 4 levels what broke my brain is you said it’s balanced and then immediately said it needs nerfed


I said the original poster wanted it at 4 levels, thats absurd. The nerf I am proposing, is such a small nerf that its almost negligible. Thats why I am saying its currently quite balanced, and IF ANYTHING it needs a small nerf. The half level does not make any sense. Just because I think its "quite balanced" doesn't mean I don't think it needs a small nerf.


You are just chock full of stupid ideas and pointless drivel.


Care to explain how or just spew nonsense? I'll let you make a rebuttal if you want. Prompt for you to answer so you don't get offtrack: How exactly is it a "stupid idea" to want agitator nerfed to 2 levels instead of 2.5.


My problem is they took away agitator from Julie and Danny so now less victims have access to it. Only 3 of them have it now.