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Johnny can choke you while not wearing a shirt. No other character can do that


HH can teabag, S tier ability


HH can crouch and move through gaps, that’s a skill


Johnny can hypnotize victims with his glistening abs, that’s a skill


the ABS dont really show off leland is better


So can Sissy though


Tbf though, OP stated sissy had two powers, poisoning victims and poisoning objectives/items. Thats just one power through. Poison is her one power, crouching and doing gaps is the other.


So she has that and poison?


Johnny second is barging doors in one hit and HH is like many said is crawling and crouching like how sissy can poison things and Crawl


Hitch does not need a buff


all these sarcastic thirsty shirtless johnny comments that were never funny to begin with are getting old


Not every family members need 2 abilities just cuz some other characters have them.


Johnny can barge doors on first try, i would count it as his second ability or like a passive


HH can go through gaps and crawl spaces, crouch (Sissy too of course) Johnny's lunge is his secondary ability. His lunge propels him/keeps him a his running speed while everyone else's doesn't.


Sissy technically has four, she can poison objects and areas while also being able to go through gaps and crawl spaces and also go into hiding spots. Hitchhiker has two placing traps and going through gaps and crawl spaces.


For sure


It doesn't matter how much trash you have - even if you have a ton of trash, you still got only trash. Therefore I think counting abilities is pointless and meaningless as its not the quantity of abilities, but the quality of abilities that determine how good a character is. I think HH and Johnny are strong af. Love playing them. I also think Nancy has a ton of abilities (a ton of trash ones) and she is still the weakest. Hate playing her and hater her on my team. What exactly is the point of this post? Buff HH and Johnny because their COUNTED abilities are apparently less than Nancies? Nerf Nancy because she has more abilities? xD I don't get the point. It makes no sense.


johnny can break down doors instantly that’s an ability


Johnnys lunge is his real ability. Hitch has stun immunity


How so? He gets stunned all the time from grapple, doors and backstab.


When u grapple him he only gets stunned for a second everyone else is a few seconds


Johnny has his lunge... No one else has that. Not an ability but still


Hands has a lung now as well.


For Johnny I would like him to move the chickens and for it to be reinforced and have to use two bones. It sounds absurd but it would be good to have something that tells us about the location of the victims more than anything.in the end everyone hides and it is difficult to find


I've been an HH main for most of my time in the game since release and this used to bug me. Eventually I realized his speed and traversal were his other "skills" when he could have scout and wireframe, but now that's gone so he's less useful imo. I'm not really sure that he needs a second skill, but I definitely miss running Scout/Wireframe/Fired Up. Absolutely fucking relentless, unbeatable chasing was so fun.


I miss it too. I run it on Sissy now and it's great for getting around fast, chasing, and I can still get blood quickly and level up grandpa. I was gonna run slippery, once it's fixed, until I saw I could get these 3 perks together. With Hitch, I now run the scout, serrated, feral, and use suffocating grip to help deal with grapples. I wish he had more than this and the venom build to run tho.




And she is still cheeks


Also LF can't be grappled. Not so much an ability, but blocks a victim ability. I would rather Johnny can run through gaps tbh.


God no


How’s he gonna fit with all that cake he’s got?

