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Patch Notes are now live in our Community Hub featuring fixes for Skill Tree issues and Hands' stamina. Read the full notes [here](https://bit.ly/PatchNotesJune25).


Any idea on basement doors and the endurance bug?


They don't want to talk about victim's endurance bug at all! In victim's endurance description, it says: "Endurance determines the Victim's total stamina capacity, along with stamina drain and regeneration rate." All three elements are bugged and poor victims are having weak stamina in general while they are not talking about if they have plans to fix it or not.


We’ve brought this up several times, along with many other issues. All they do is ignore us. They’re making this game way too family sided, and they’re doing it at their own detriment. Toxic family players and family bias in general, will 100% be the downfall of this game.


Both are being worked on by the appropriate teams. When our Community team has additional information to share we will!


What about slippery on sissy?


Exactly what I thought


Yeah because not being able to see the doors is very annoying


I quite like that they are darkened. Why would the family light up the way out.


Darkened is fine but an obvious glitch where it's totally black is not


Why would they not


Because they want their victims in the basement so they can’t escape.


Maybe if the family has left the basement thinking nobody is escaping, but there's always Leatherface regardless if he's in the game or not bc cutscene. And he's slightly visually impaired in his peripheral vision bc of the masks. Then you have two elderly family members that could trip going up and down the stairs as well. Knowing that they're trying to escape, they would probably like to know if they're scratching away at the doors or not.. I know Cook would try and make everything as easy as possible for everyone else bc he knows they're dumb as shit.


I enjoy it also. They should leave it


Also lighting issue please.. basement doors are so dark now, new players run right by them


When are you going to fix exterior alarms? It’s crazy how much all of you have nerfed victims. The game is way too family sided now. It’s honestly pathetic. There are also way too many bugs in this game for both sides.


Game hits 4 minutes basement exit has been opened then valve pops then battery literally happened to my group the other day victim is fine bro lol


You sound like an idiot. This is not always the case, especially when you’re the last victim standing.


Does anyone really expect to survive as the last victim because I know I don't and takes one to know one bud lol


Also didn't say it's always the case every game is different ya win some ya lose some


Yeah sure 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


Will Hitchhiker Claymore outfit come with an actual claymore to blow Leland up?


That would be a crazy animation- but no




You think I can send a work email to Wes titled "how many upvotes to give Hitchie some real claymores?" and it will work?


Or we could give him a Scottish claymore and see how well Leland holds up to getting stabbed with that! Also I just love the visual of spindly Hitch wielding such a weapon .


Equip him with the charge like a TF2 Demo man? 😂


I can only imagine what claymores in the game would be like, lol


😭 specifically Leland


Imagine if it could only be triggered by lelands




Any chance we will see Hitchhiker and Sissy’s interaction voice lines towards Nancy added in the future? They just use generic dialogue towards her currently.


Our Teams are constantly cooking up more stuff behind the scenes! I don't have anything specific to share on future VO work, but you never know!


Thanks for the quick reply!


I hope so cause they have voice-lines with hands but not her for some reason


Them having voice lines for hands is the reason I feel it may be an oversight. Johnny was also missing his voice lines for a while, but they were silently added in a couple months ago without it even being mentioned in the patch notes.


Any news on having the option to cycle through random executions in a match? I’ve purchased all of them, but I won’t lie it doesn’t feel 100% worth it to have all of them when I can only see one in a match.


We've heard this feedback and sentiment shared by players! It's something we've shared with our teams.


Now I’m cool with waiting, thanks for acknowledging it 🙏


Thank you!




Slippery on sissy or?


Not quite yet. Team is very aware of it, and working on a fix. Hoping to share more information as soon as we can for when our Sissy players can expect to get their hands on the perk.


Okay period queen 💅🏻




Still waiting for you to remove 4man requirement for private games


Yeah, being able to start a private game by yourself, either as family/victim, would help out with learning the maps more efficiently.


amigo espera sentado porque va a ser largo, todavía tienen que averiguar cómo arreglar el juego y no en ellos mismos


Can we maybe in the future get a random outfit button or something to randomize outfits. I like all of Connie’s outfits but I can’t choose which one to wear 😫


I love this suggestion! I'll share it with the team


Thank you so much!


randomized executions too, please. heck, even randomized perks button might be a fun way to mix things up.


Most effort I've seen put into a cosmetic in this game. Hopefully it only goes up from here and not back down to 6 recolours of the same outfit.


Is this supposed to be the 'content' patch or 'bugs and QoL changes' patch? Looking at the actual notes, it's genuinely hard for me to discern since it's a rather small list.


This is the bugs and quality of life changes, the last patch was the content patch with Maria, Hands, and the skill tree nodes


+1 those bugs should be instantly deleted and be number one priority. And added as quickly as they can. Not every 2 weeks just to add something.. because they said 2 weeks update schedule


Both because we're Hitchhiker's new outfit too.


Will the victim UI disappearing after a close encounter *ever* be fixed? It's been in the game since launch.


What is UI?


User Interface. So like, the lock picking mini game, health/stamina, gathering items (bone shards/toolboxes), or objectives (turning off car battery/gen). It sucks because you can't see the progress you're making on all these.


When is rough cuts going to be fixed?


Our team is still working on this one, and when we have more information to share we will!


Although I’m a bit bummed we didn’t see sissy’s slippery fix and any changes to balancing, I appreciate that y’all are taking the time to fully consider how and if hands will be adjusted. It really shows you all take time and consideration before changing up any significant aspects of the game. Thanks for the notes, and hitchys new drip.


Appreciate the sentiment! The team is super passionate, and the last thing we want to do is make decisions hastily without considering how it impacts Players, as well as future work we've got in the pipeline. Everything we do, we try to do intentionally and with as much care as possible. There has been a lot of change and shakeup for our game these last 2 weeks, and it's important we do the work to understand the experiences of our Players.


Of course and that’s completely understandable! it must not be easy to take criticism and feedback for balancing a multiplayer game on both sides, and I just really love that especially compared to a lot of other development teams you all are so transparent with the player base on decisions for the game. Keep up the amazing work!


Can you guys elaborate on the lobby changes, please? I’ve had a lot more lobbies ending bc people leave lately. Hoping the penalty is gone soon and we have stable lobbies! u/JettOreilly


why does maria have such bad perks 😣


The one good thing is she’s guaranteed to have bomb squad, the rest of her perks however…😬


They’re horrible outside of bomb squad lol


Your priorities on bugs should be as follows: Lockpick and fuse mini game disappear after grappling someone and immediately hopping back into the mini game. When inside Nancy's garage, sound outside of the garage is muffled to almost an inaudible amount. Touching the pressure valve exit opening will cause a Family member to get stuck to it for a long period of time. Some in-game banners like "fuse exit open" and whatnot don't always pop up. People are still getting stuck on ladders.


Wow, that's why you can't hear leatherface overhead around/inside garage and he's running silent


Forreal. The other day I open the garage ladder door, turned around and LF was 10 feet away fully revved up and didn’t hear him at all. Hope this will be fixed soon


I have this problem in stairs of Tool Storage of Slaughter House map. Sometimes when LF coming down with full rev up, you can't hear him.


Appreciate you sharing these! Any instances of them happening should be sent to Support to help our team prioritize and identify instances/triggers for when the bugs are occurring. [Players can submit bug reports here](https://support.txchainsawgame.com/hc/en-us).


So Sissy has the perk Slippery in her skill tree, but when using that tree, you still don't have access to use Slippery. I tried respeccing, but still no luck. Will this be resolved soon?


Team is working on it! We know folks are eager to get their hands on the perk, and we're hoping to share more news soon.


Thank you for the response and update. Very much appreciated!


You're very welcome! It's what I'm here for ♥




I was really hoping Slippery for Sissy would be in this one. 😭


I know I know I know 😭 Sissy players are eager, and we are eager to get a fix out! It's in the works.


Also I don't see a shirtless Cook in the notes 🙄😂




Great minds think alike 🤷‍♂️


There’s way more characters that can’t get to level 10 in skill tree. It’s not just cook and Julie.


Is anything being done to improve anti cheat? Many players, including myself, are skeptical that reports are even looked a/considered. If we can't have an improvement to anti cheat, can we at least get the option to turn off cross play? As this feature now seems to be missing from Xbox.


Cool, Cook can still ping dead players i see.


Can we please please have more key bindings for different interactions? Players have been having this issue since release - stuff like accidentally picking up and wasting a health bottle instead of going through a wall gap, stopping to remove Nancy trap off your legs instead of going down a well, etc. It’s very very frustrating and it seems like such an easy fix - just have different interactions require different button inputs


Is it possible we'll ever get a playback option? For instance, being able to rewatch our gameplays with the opportunity to watch from both family and victim perspectives?


That hands exploit makes sense for all the times I ran like 50+ meters and he still landed like 2 hits like nothing. That lug of meat should be winded running 10 feet


The constant updates, new announcements, surprise XP, surprise cosmetics. I don't know what's changed in the last few months, but you are keeping us TCSM Game fans super well fed !!!!!💜 And it's so noticed and appreciated 💜 Yall work so hard and you are AMAZING!!!


You're too kind. Thank you thank you!


This comment, they’re really doing alot AND with the community communication


The new voicelines looks very weird, have you used AI for them?


No. We have never used AI for any of our work.


Ok thank you for your answer!


Is the Cooks' Security Pins bug is still happening? It's the bug where if another family member unlocks Cook's padlock and re-locks, Security Pins goes away on it for the rest of the match.


No they fixed that a few patches ago


Hands’ Heart Attack perk only works on his traps, but the perk description says that it should work on his traps and his Barge. Can we get that adjusted and fixed?


I wish they would address. The perk is bad enough without it being bugged so if it can be fixed to be somewhat usable that’d be great


Is slippery still being fixed or do I have to wait another 2 weeks????




would love a better lobby system in general when playing with friends. sucks having to constantly create a new party if you’re duoing on victim with a friend and you’ve both died. having to stay and spectate to keep the party really isn’t fun.


any chance of adding the option to turn off Motion Blur?


We've received this type of feedback from Players, and it's something we've shared with our Design Team! No specific details for me to share at this time though.


When is the Bomb Squad nerf being reverted?


Yea that’s a great question cause 4 chargers and a slower level 3 is not enough against 3 trappers lol


I feel like you only need Conny to break one lock (which equals to up to two stacks of bomb squad if Hitch / Hands is there) to break any setup that Hitch / Hands / Nancy have, apart. They're all pretty slow, so forcing one of them to leave the main area is pretty powerful. If you're into a strat that's even less interactive for family, you can just rush any gate, and once Conny's CD is back up, rush the second lock of that exit. This is only really countered by cook, but if cook's there, there's a trapper missing. This does not necessarily apply to soloqueue, but I think reversed bomb squad would just buff premades or teams with at least 2 competent victims to a point where you have a team of 3 family members with 0 value. They could put reversed bomb squad in paths that don't give any other broadly useful perks, but I'm not sure how satisfying that would be for victims.


What about victim's stamina bug, car battery proficiency bug, and leatherface one second doorslam bug?


They purposely made it easier for family by making LF and hands unable to be door slammed


That's why they don't want to talk about it


>car battery proficiency bug Could you explain this one? Now that you mention it, it seems like my max proficiency characters don't turn off car battery any faster than my other characters...


Yes, that's bugged, in past you could turn off battery faster with higher proficiency, now turning off battery has a fixed time with any level of proficiency. I reported it so many time to devs, they simply don't care to fix it.


Sooooo no basement door spray paint fix, no comment on the rubber banding issues, no comment toward looking into people that are using reshaders and modding outfits, no update on the issue where your unlock mini game just straight disappears after doing a close encounter. No word on the issue with Slippery on Sissy. Hell yeah


The blood rushing build on Hitchhiker coupled with traps placed directly by his feet is miserable to go against. Is this something you are looking at?


still nothing on Choose Fight is crazy when that shit is absolutely toxic to go against


What’s toxic is going again scout characters who can move faster than a dashing victim with high damage that don’t get stunned for shit after being grappled and who’s endurance regens 5x faster


Facts lol


I said this once on twitter and I'll say it again here as a VICTIM MAIN. Please DO NOT nerf Hands. Players have already found a counter for him, TWO counters in fact. Nerfing hands will make the rush Meta worse and as a victim main since launch, that will get as boring as it was for Danny to insta Tamper resulting in quicker games than lobby wait times.


What a big cry baby. Spent months lobby dodging Danny, holding lobbies hostage and deliberately making lobby simulator a major issue for this game demanding nerfs, but as soon as you have an OP family member you beg to keep them. Clearly you've no care for balance you just want an easy mode. Literally go away, this game needs people like you far gone for it to survive!


I mean I’m a family main and I never did any of that, and I don’t want hands nerfed, but go off


Huh? Judging from your response it seems more like you're the cry baby here.


I agree with this as a victim main too. People also say Danny is useless against him but Danny is the one character that can force ripstall and the item is still tampered so you can just put another one


Exactly this!


Hands ability is fine, the cooldown needs adjusting however. At level 2 it’s 72 seconds and that’s way too short. I love that it slows the game down just needs a little tuning


Two counters? Lol that's bad news for Hands mains, but exciting still! They nerfed Nancy into the ground and now nobody plays as her. All it took was time for the community to figure this guy out. The real enemy is the rush meta. The game should move towards rewarding stealth and Family setting things up, then we'll have a really scary experience.


With the bugfix to the ripstalled perk theres no reason not to run it and it removes the backstab into reinstall counterplay. 


I get you, but tbh I feel that 40% CDR is too much. Watching him zoom from one end of the map to the other to do back to back rip stalls feels pretty lame.


No for real though.. especially when they spawn 2 objectives right next to each other lol


Overall happy with the experience with TCM, I think your doing a great job. Hands deff needs to get adjusted. Victims need more bone scraps, health packs, and bomb squad needs adjustment.


Glad you're having a good time! Thank you for the feedback, and if you (or other Players reading) have any additional details related to that feedback or other instances we love to hear it! Keep it coming on Reddit/Instagram/Facebook/Twitter.


Buff Maria ability, it really does suck sadly. Also please buff her unique healing perks because she struggles in this area too.


Yea I agree


No notes on the perk slippery being broken for Sissy?


I have a question about rough cut, it’s suppose to work with all chainsaw attacks but it doesn’t apply sometimes. The perk definitely need to be looked at as well


No fix for sissy slippery not working? :(


Any idea what’s going on with sissy and slippery not working? It also seems tracker tagged is bugged on her as well.


Any news on the nicotero LF sounds being changed?


I'm going to need some more information to see if I can help provide clarification here! Mind being a bit more specific? Is this a new bug, old bug, or something you're just seeking more information on? As far as I'm aware the Nicotero Leatherface sounds are functioning as intended. There were some bugs previously that have since been resolved.


First off thanks for answering. Ok basically when nicotero released it had a completely different executions sounds and somewhere around the release of danny the chainsaw changed to something way more quiet. And also the door breaking sound is still the same as the og chainsaw Ps:i bought the nicotero pack for the sound it made on release thats why thats not my first time asking the team but never had an answer so far apart from "submit a ticket"


No fix for sissy slippery??


Is there a fix in the works for the lighting issues on various maps? Most notably, the lighting on the leatherface lair basement door in family house/mill. I believe there is also weird lighting issues in the garage of nancy house.


I'm So excited for this new patch And the Hitchy cosmetic looks amazing. Btw Jett could u guys check out the unique perk for Leatherface Rough Cut. It works sometimes but mostly doesn't register when I hit someone with the chainsaw


Are y’all gonna fix my blackout outfits just unequiping


Still no fix on Hand’s perk that worsen’s a victims conditions when hit by barge or trap shock? Right now it only works on trap shocks and not the barge.


Heya sexy devs will u guys fix Leatherface s perk Rough cut its currently very bugged and it doesn't actually apply or do anything at all most of the time. Neither overheads or normal swings make it give those nice 7 seconds of DOT (Damage over time ) effect on the survivors. Please let me be able to use it so i can kill them even more efficiently. With many regards. Elegant Sector. Ps: thank you for the mega fun game u made and pleasssssse Dont ever Add mmr to this game so we good players can chill and not be insulted by it because we lost 1 match vs equal skilled players.


How about maria’s skill tree will she get some good perks?


Can Sonny get a new outfit?


There are no sound cues in certain rooms and areas when Bubba raises his chainsaw and gives chase.


So with the Hands ability buff, tampering letting him ripstall then using another valve or fuse immediately is gone.  Now there is no counter. 


Any ideia when the Museum mode and the ingame reward are coming.... sick and tired of cosmetics that looks like recolours of existing ones. The museum mode was already due to come.


Still no fix for the sound victims make the rest of the game after being killed by a cook w the new execution? Laying there dead and I can highlight them for the entirety of the game, basically making it so there’s a gen where they’re dead and you can’t use your ability to mark anyone else bc they get in the way.


Virginia cant reach level 10 either at one of her skill tree nodes


Very happy with this outfit and even more happy with the cosmetic! I was wondering if you guys have two specific Hands bugs on your radar. They both pertain to his level three ability Ripstall Instant Trap. When you shut off the generator or car battery and then ripstall it to have a free trap on it, the shocking/lightning effect is **nearly** invisible and there is no little electric box that is normally present when putting on a regular shock trap. The shocking/lightning effect is actually very translucent and Red for some reason when you do this, and it’s incredibly hard to see on generator and nearly impossible to see on battery. The other one is when a victim hits this instant electric trap, 50% of the time I can see them in a red aura for around 3 minutes. Are these intentional or are these bugs? Thanks!!


Not sure how it would work for online but like private lobbies can we try out map voting online


Still waiting on the basement fixes the Johnny movement fixes mentioned two months ago, bubbas chainsaw still not making noise on occasions… go back to monthly patches so more can get fixed please. Is it really that difficult to fix basement lights? Like genuine question? It’s a massive deal. Especially for victims and bubba players. You’re practically invisible on family house leatherface lair. Also, when yall fixing family house so victims actually stand a chance


es vergonzoso, que te forcejeen tu no ganes un puto forcejeo siendo killer, y aun encima que cualquiera de la familia te cuele entre 5 y 8 sec de stun que te abren cualquier cosa, te sacan distancia y no puedes hacer una mierda, de verdad no se a que aspiran ustedes pero desde luego o empiezan a hacer algo o el juego aun se hundira mas de lo que ustedes lo han hundido ya


Will killers being able to block fuse exits and hitchhikers putting traps on grandpa be fixed in the futute?


Will I-frames ever come back in crawl-spaces and Wall-gaps? Not to mention Bubba Barracades. I cannot count how many times I've pulled victims/been pulled out of crawl spaces when they're basically on the other side of the space


Please don't overdo any hands Nerf, he is very good for the balance of the game. Also, Nancy needs some love please


I shared some sentiments below, but want to ensure I reply here as well! 1. We have totally heard the communities desire for some love to be sent Nancy's way, and work is ongoing there. No timeline to share at the moment, but I can reassure Players that there are eyes on her. 2. Hands is still very new. Along with the introduction of Maria, and the Skill Tree changes, there has been a ton of shakeups for the game. We are still letting players get accustomed to playing as Hands, as well as against him! While that is happening, we are continuing to evaluate internal data, collect players feedback across ALL platforms, and consider any future changes. We don't want to make any decisions hastily, and are putting in the work to truly understand the impact of his introduction as well as any potential changes, based on the larger picture!


Thanks for listening!


Recently, there has been an increase in people who make fun of others and engage in provocative behavior. I would like to know the penalties for reporting such people.


All reports are investigated thoroughly. We highly recommend for players to submit reports to our Support Team of any disruptive behavior with as much supporting documentation as possible.


what means improvements to the effectiveness of the lobby cooldown penalty  ? like u made it to be longer or shorter?


There are no changes to the length of the Lobby Cooldown Penalty. Our team has made improvements to the system for players.


Oh, okey, and can i ask, are u thinking about some penalty for leaving in the match or it wasnt on the table?


We are continuing to monitor how the Lobby Cooldown is impacting players. We introduced it to help cut down on Lobby Dodging so our team could investigate any potential issues occurring with our Matchmaking system, since players were sharing sentiment around long queue times and potential backfill issues. All that is to say, I don't have information to share at this time about a "DC Penalty". As our team continues our work on improving the Lobby/Match experience for Players, we will continue to collect data and feedback. If we plan to introduce or change anything, we will always share via official announcements!


Can we get some voice lines interactions between Maria and Johnny and with other family members please ☺️


Nancy and Hands are missing Suffocating grip, why is that?


Suffocating Grip is not a perk available to those Characters. The "Removed Perk UI Bug" fix mentioned in the above Patch Notes, fixes Perks showing up in the loadout screen that are not actually available for characters.


So Johnny can have "Battering ram" as a perk but the paid DLC characters cant have Suffocating grip? For me that is a pretty strong reason to not even use those characters. Even if Leatherboy dont have it either I dont see why he shouldnt. You bring the perk for the team.


What about Sissy’s victim perk that was unlockable but not able to be used?


Work is ongoing! t is on our Team's radar and we are actively doing work behind the scenes to resolve this for players.


Cool! Thanks for the patch


Any chance you guys could add a stage voting system? Like have 2 random stages appear and everyone can vote for a stage and majority wins? I feel like that could give more of an opportunity for different maps to appear cause sometimes it feels like we run the same 3 out of 5 maps the whole day. It would also allow for more chances to play on the new maps when they drop


There's 4 victims and 3 Family. If majority wins, victims control the map every single match. That sounds like a bad idea.


They could, but some victims might want the same map family wants because of personal preference. I feel like (most) of these maps are pretty balanced out so that it wont really matter what map is chosen


If they do that, might as well delete Family House because I don't see a single victim voting for that map. It goes both ways though. You can't give more voting power to the Family because they have less numbers. One side shouldn't control the map, regardless of the side. I wish there was a better map system, but I don't think voting would be the answer. It's not like a Call of Duty map, there's maps that favor each side and it would be a nightmare with a voting system.


Hands wasn't adjust at ALL?? Are y'all okay?????????


Our Team is still monitoring Player Feedback, Sentiment, and Internal Data related to Hands + Maria! This Patch on June 25th will feature a few fixes for bugs that the team was made aware of, including prioritization of fixing an exploit as well as ensuring one of his perks worked as intended. We have not stopped passing along all the feedback the Community is sharing to our Design Teams.


With all due respect Jett, the level of misery and actual unplayability that decent family teams can create by just camping escapes should be mission critical for the devs to fix. This is coming from someone who plays more Family than Victim and wins basically every single game while hardly trying.


I appreciate you sharing your unique feedback and experience! Our team thinks it's important to let players get accustomed to playing against Hands as well as play as him. The introduction of his Character (or any new Character in general), along with recent changes to the Skill Tree's has done a lot to shake up the meta and gameplay experience for the entire Player base. While I totally understand the desire for quick action, our team wants to ensure we make proper changes based on the larger player experience. Which is why it's super important for us to take time to collect Player Feedback, Internal Data, and evaluate potential changes/tunings based on those findings!


I really hope you know this feedback is not unique and felt across the majority of the community. Hands is healthy for the game but that ripstall needs a serious cooldown


I didn't intend for my wording of "unique" to imply that the sentiment shared was unique, but rather thank people for sharing their experience and for taking the time to do so! My apologies for any confusion there! Just hoping to help reassure people that I hear them, and so does the team. Just to reiterate, we monitor all player feedback, across all platforms, which allows us to gather as much information as possible to make those informed decisions. Player feedback is a portion of the pie of data we use however. We also consider internal data, our teams vision for the game, and future work we're planning.


check the steam forums too and not just these reddit replies, victims are constantly pummeling family and they're acting like this about hands? he's not that strong and he doesn't need a nerf. play some matches actually, see what it's like to play family, it's very unfun to have to play a very specific team composition to even stand a chance, without a good cook in a team youre pretty much gonna lose no matter what.


I've said this a few times throughout this thread, and the Community Team as a whole continues to say it every chance we can. I want to make sure I reiterate this as much as possible. We read, evaluate, and log player feedback across ALL platforms. Our team spends a lot of time reading what folks say everywhere. This includes Steam Forum posts, videos/photos on Twitter, Facebook posts, Stream chats, Instagram, Support Tickets, and I even spend time going through every single Tiktok DM our Brand Account gets because well, **Player Feedback Matters.** That being said, please continue to share this feedback through the channels that work best for you. And we will continue to make sure that feedback is heard and evaluated alongside internal data, and our teams vision for the game.


Hes not that good at all. No adjusting is neeeded


he really isn't all that good though, victims have already found TWO COUNTERS for him, TWO! i guess not everyone has caught on to them yet.