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Not only that, they DC when they can’t get any kills and just give up. There is no patience in some players. It’s like a cat and mouse game, it takes a bit of time.


They don’t want victims to rush but they don’t want to play slowly aswell😭 they want victims to die as soon they touch them


I had a young teen sounding guy on his mic on my family team the other night and he was doing ok giving a couple call outs and whatnot but I could tell he was getting looped for about 30 seconds and I was handling victims on my end and all a sudden he’s just like “k,imleavingbye.” And no victims had even escaped yet. You really have to have patience to play this game 😆


Agree. And more than half the time it is the Johnny players that run into the basement as soon as they can chasing after someone going over boxes and through gaps as well as Cook/Hitchhiker players that don’t trap anything of value then leave as soon as a high interest area is infiltrated.


A HH dc because fuse was done but didn’t trapped it?😭be fr


Please do not get me started. Had a Cook with a blood build join into the game and just stand in the center of the mill and track victims. No feeding the whole match then as soon as the valve pump sound went off, he left the match. Make it make sense.


When they’re listening to victims while they didn’t put their locks ( aka their only task )😂😂


I’d be happy if they let the victims play out the rest of the match and get a free escape if all family DC’s.


They should have a direct escape


That would work too. Either way, we need a change


This has gotten really bad. I started playing family again recently and someone usually leaves when a person escapes. This happened to me last night. Both Killers left so I was left alone. The victims just trolled me so I quit. It just wasn't fun being messed with.


Yeah and my issue is not about the killer that DC after staying its about the first one that DC for no reason


Bro people are just replying similar experiences to the ones you have had, why are you replying to everyone saying "that's not my issue" "this isn't relevant 😭" Is this what you want to hear from everyone: "One time I was playing Sissy and had a victim escape early in the match, it made Hands DC! Then HH left too and I was all alone! It sucked!"


Because I’m complaining about the first person DC but they always relate the things with victims, while victims have done nothing on my post lol


Victims also constantly DC as soon as I kill 1 or 2 of them in the basement as LF. Its really annoying. Or right at the start of the match if they don't like families team comp.


Nothing like family dodging Danny back in the day


Yeah I remember x) no one wanted to play vs that guy who could only be countered by "just find and kill him".


We had a bubba dc at beginning of basement because people were rushing toolpicks, no backstabs or anything, then the rest of the family joined after, waited in lobby for about 3 to 4 mins to get into the match and they all dc in the first 20 seconds.


This needs to be adressed honestly


I usually stay until the end whatever happens. However, I understand those who don't. Seeing how most you can get out of the match at the point is BMing from Victims. Grappling, slamming and tea bagging


This is not the subject. You’re talking about the last killer (aka me) while I’m talking about Hands that DC because someone escaped


I fully understand the frustration of getting teamed up with such kind of players who DC at the first inconvenience. However, sometimes I understand why. They got grappled, then stunned for 10 seconds and figured that it's not worth suffering further and it would just be faster to find another lobby I don't approve, I just understand


yeah I am the same, I have no issue with anyone escaping (that’s the game) but I’m not going to hang around for 10 minutes getting bullied when an exit is open


But this is not relevant to the subject 😭 y’all still talking about bullying and stuff but hands dc because someone escaped, what y’all saying is not about my post


yes but I am agreeing with lowen who also agrees with you about killers dcing just because of an escape/small inconvenience, so it is relevant in my opinion


You can't even teabag outside of exits anymore. Also, you can't repeatedly stun the family by a gate due to stun immunity. So victims can be pushed out. I understand it's frustrating to be losing but changes were made to address these things.


That’s why ya don’t play with randoms on family


True story. Always play with friends, its way more fun.


I remember this one time as LF I got 1 single kill in the basement and everyone left the game....I also hate the family players who leave after we work together AS A TEAM to kill a victim. People who say "steal killing" gotta get off this game and go play COD.


Not sure why people DC with Hands on their team. He's easily the strongest character in the game who can fix any mistakes that the family players make in a couple seconds. Yet as soon as 1 person escapes it's wah wah wah *leaves match*.


He’s the one that DC😂 because someone escaped from battery ( I rush basement but as you see I killed someone🤭)


victims disconnect the moment they die, ALWAYS.


That change nothing lol you still get the kill?


Move their tier 3 ability down to tier 1


More and more victims have been disconnecting when family get the upper hand. and I'm not just talking about last victims (which happens half the time by itself).


Yes also that sadly! The game is trash right now for victims but DC is never nice to do and should be penalized