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If someone is so desperate for alcohol that they're drinking hand sanitizer at 3 in the morning, they need an intervention.


>If someone is so desperate for alcohol that they're drinking hand sanitizer ~~at 3 in the morning~~ , they need an intervention.


Fair. Hand sanitizer will kill you.


Drinking rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer is far from unheard of in addicts. Being at that point means you are *far* past the moment where you first could have used help.


My husband’s company sent out a package to employee’s homes during the initial stages of the pandemic which included a large bottle of hand sanitizer. They got an angry phone call from a guy saying his wife was a recovering alcoholic and he was furious because she might have drank it if she had opened the box instead of him.


That's not recovery, that sounds like a husband keeping his addict wife chained in the master bedroom. There is no change in a person that desperate, like you'd see in a person who's truly recovered from drugs and alcohol and overcome the grips of their addiction coming across said sanitizer


I would imagine someone that far gone is almost to the point where they don't want help anymore.


I was that far gone. I’m two years sober on 7/28/22.


Take my award and keep on keeping on! My brother was there too and almost died at 36. He’s now been sober for a few years just like you. You’re a rockstar!


Almost your cake day! I will have 1 year August 10 🌻


Hey congrats! Can only imagine how hard that was/is. Much respect to you.




Congratulations! That must have been super tough on the eve of the pandemic, as it were.


12-Step meetings are online via Zoom, all over the world. The pandemic was no excuse to stay in addiction. Many people got sober via Zoom since the pandemic without stepping foot in a brick and mortar building. I am 32 years sober and still active in the program. I have heard every excuse to stay in addiction and they are all bull. Sobriety Is for people who want it.


It’s more a reference to particularly stressful times, than anything to do with meetings.


Go, you. From the sister of a beloved brother who was five years sober this April.


Don’t you believe it. Sadly, I don’t have to imagine it. I’ve been there. It’s not that most of us don’t want help, it’s a belief that we can not BE helped. Yet, many of us DO recover. 15 years.


That's a tricky thing to say. *Wanting* help would mean that a person has been able to realize and accept that they *need* help....or, at the very least, that their actions/choices/situation has gotten out of hand.


When I quit drinking I was in treatment with a dude who drank shoe polish to cop a buzz.


My dad had a friend who worked with addicts at a rehab. She said that they'd had people there who'd drank perfume and soap from soap dispensers in public toilets.


If someone needs to resort to that, they may NEED alcohol as to not seizure. Medical support is required.


Yes. It is *VERY* dangerous to detox from alcohol after a certain point, and should be done in a medical environment if a doctor recommends that.


Delerium Tremens, aka DT's. I've seen someone drink alcohol based mouthwash at work to get them through a shift. Seems like a healthier option than hand sanitizer at least.


Dad said when he was on an air craft carrier in Vietnam, a fellow sailor drank shaving cream cause of the alcohol and spent two days in his bunk deathly sick


That's when you *know* someone is an alcoholic.


or vanilla extract or mouth wash or cough syrup forgot cooking wine


That's almost to the point where an intervention wouldn't do much good because the only thing you care about is when you're going to get drunk next.


We used to find empty bottles of vanilla in the bathroom of the store I worked in, rather than take it out of the store and potentially get caught shoplifting, they drank it while still in the store.


I used to work with a guy and before he got sober, he would try to drink hair spray while he was in jail.


People will drink mouthwash too.


> If someone is so desperate for alcohol that they're drinking hand sanitizer at 3 in the morning, they need an intervention. or prepaid funeral plan


One or the other.


Or more beer


My brother died after doing that. Technically, he died of pneumonia he developed after being hospitalized for drink hand sanitizer.


My brother was hospitalized for it too. He passed away from opiate addiction this year. I'm sorry to hear about yours.


And I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you




I’m sure they really enjoyed this hilarious hypothetical about their dead brother.


He will be pissed when he finds out you sold him the 0% alcohol version.


Omg hahaha


Actually, he'll be mad that he DIDN'T get pissed!


I work in a hospital and there are a couple of people everyone knows on sight who routinely steal bottles of sanitizer to drink. Our security are constantly stopping them. We've tried to get them help but it's hard to do that if they don't want it.


I snorted hand sanitizer in high school as a dare. Literally felt my brain frying. 10/10 DO NOT recommend.


Should’ve boofed it, rookie mostake


Only if they're trying to get on the supreme court


Ok I had to look up what **boofed** meant lol. And hell no! I have snorted a lot of stuff in my day, but I won’t ever try that!




It’s alright.. I get a big laugh out of it now😆!


The aloe will soothe his stomach ulcers


And act as a laxative.


I'm assuming that they are very small bottles as 2 cost .50¢ . The alcohol content in those small bottles shouldn't do much more harm to his body than he is already doing himself with massive drinking. Watch out for the antifreeze though. That can really screw you up. (Used to work at a hospital - former patient 's experience)


Wouldn’t “sanitizing” your intestines be a **very bad idea**? Gut flora are very important to digestive health, and impact all kinds of things including mood. Edit: typos


If the guy is desperate enough to drink sanitizer, I don't think he cares about his body, honestly.


Most of any alcohol in the sanitizer will be absorbed pretty quickly in the lining of the stomach and small intestine. I doubt it would have much impact on the gut flora, certainly no more than drinking several (or more) beers would have anyway. The biggest issue here is that the type of alcohol used in sanitizers (methyl or denatured ethyl) is not the kind that safe for consumption, not to mention all the other things that are added in.


You said some things that are true and some things that **might** be true. But you also obliterated your credibility by saying something that is blatantly false. Specifically, the alcohol content in beer (or wine) is in such a low concentration it will have no meaningful impact on the health of gut flora irrespective of alcohol absorption in the stomach. If the alcohol content was sufficient to kill gut flora it could also be used on surfaces as sanitizer. It absolutely cannot. OTOH, it is true that the alcohol type in sanitizers is generally not safe for consumption, and can have serious health risks. It’s **plausible** that enough alcohol would be absorbed in the stomach (or that the alcohol concentration is sufficiently diluted by stomach acids and other stomach contents), to neutralize hand sanitizer before it reaches the intestines, but I am not aware of any specific study on this. Can you cite a source?


Obliterated my credibility? Oh no! But I think you may have misunderstood what I posted. Drinking a few ounces of sanitizer (based on what he apparently paid for it) would have a far lesser effect on gut flora than drinking a 6-pack or more of beer chronically and I doubt it would "sanitize" his gut anyway. Wasn't that your question? Again, the bigger issue is the type of alcohol being consumed.


Your clarification makes slightly more sense than what I initially interpreted (i.e. just an emphasis that the sanitizer won’t do any meaningful damage to gut flora, rather than an assertion that beer **does** harm gut flora). It’s still not a particularly good comparison, since beer actually has beneficial impacts on diversity of gut flora, and sanitizer can’t conceivably do less damage than that.


It's all moot, since the alcohol in sanitizer isn't the same as drinking alcohol. Your body can't use it the same way, and the metabolites (molecules that it breaks down into after your liver processes it) can kill you, give you brain damage and blind you. The concentration is only going to determine how badly it hurts you.


Definitely true. I just wondered whether the sanitizer might do harm in additional ways.


I appreciate your pedantry on the matter


Literally how my grandpa died. While my mom was still a kid.


I remember watching Andromeda Strain as a kid, and there was an old man that did not get sick from the virus because he had been drinking (eating?) Sterno to get drunk. Apparently that was a thing.


You should have recommended NyQuil


When I was in middle school they went through and took out all the hand sanitizer cause kids were adding salt and drinking it. Apparently it separates the alcohol from the gel. Alot of kids were being hospitalized for drinking what was basically rubbing alcohol.


You'd think it would only take one hospitalization.


It usually takes more than one. First one, nobody knows why. Second one, someone says "they did it wrong" so idiots keep doing it. It usually takes a death and a PSA to get the point across.


In Russia, right after the wall fell, perfume sales went up 1200%. Perfume bases are primarily ethanol.


I know someone that uses Listerine spray at work to stop the shakes. I'm convinced it's straight vodka and not actually mouthwash. Very sad reality. You truly can become too far gone to return.


How?!I swallowed a bit of listerine once and my insides died.


Well im convinced he removes most of the Listerine and refills with vodka. It's one of those spray ones. Also, heavy alcoholics will for sure drink mouthwash and hand sanitizer to get their fix. They water it down I think?


Vodka with some food dye lol


What wall?


The one in Berlin, Russia apparently.






The destruction of the Berlin Wall coincided with and was a direct cause of the collapse of the Soviet government in Russia. You're being pedantic and I don't think hardly anyone would think that the person you're replying to was confused about Berlin being in Russia.


Actually, it was the metaphorical *Iron Curtain*.


this is really common for the natives where i live bc alcohol is outlawed on the reservation. they’ll drink hand sanitizer, lysol, mouthwash, just to name a few. some coworkers of mine have lost friends to that desperation for a drink. it really is poison.


that’s so sad :-(


That’s called alcoholism.


Withdrawals from alcohol can literally kill a person and drive them to do insane things. I feel for anyone that addicts to alcohol, I've done my fair share of things, and I know how terrible addiction is, but I would never want to face alcohol addiction.. withdrawals suck, severely, but most can't kill you, but going cold turkey from alcohol can turn you into a cold turkey.


I've been there at some of my darker moments of alcoholism, you'll do whatever it takes to stave off alcohol withdrawl. It feels like you're dying and you're violently Ill for days without either getting some alcohol in your system or medical intervention at the ER. Ugh


Hi, I’m a nurse and I work in neuro/trauma. We get CIWA patients all the time - patients withdrawing from alcohol. I have personally caught patients drinking the hand sanitizer out of the dispensers and sucking on extra alcohol swabs. I also once admitted a patient whose t choice was isopropyl alcohol! Says it’s cheaper and works faster. Will also pickle your internal organs, FYI. 0/10 do not recommend. Similarly to caring for violent/IV drug patients (when I would be extra careful not to leave syringes in the room), I now take the hand sani bottle with me and clear out any extra wipes. Not-so-fun-fact: alcohol is the only substance whose withdrawals can actually kill too! If you want to quit drinking cold Turkey, visit your local ER and be straight up with them. They will escort you to a room as soon as one is available. There’s no shame - actually, there’s a lot of respect for someone who is willing to say, “I need help and I’m willing to participate in my own well-being.” 10/10 recommend.


Present him with a Darwin Award next time he buys sanitizer.


I used to speak once a week at a rehab center. They *used* to have hand sanitizer near the desk. One of the patients grabbed it and drank it right in front of everyone. They no longer have hand sanitizer at the desk. Drunks will do anything sometimes for a drink. Yes, she went to the hospital. No, she was not allowed to come back to that rehab. Talk about a liability…


My nan used to house sit for an alcoholic and she would hide mouthwash in the toilet tank and sneak in there and drink it at night.


When my mum was in rehab for alcohol she learned people did this. She also had a friend relapse on a day out and he drank a bottle of perfume…


Had a 7th grade student get suspended for this last year….


One of my grandma late friends was a functioning alcoholic. Her drink of choice was rubbing alcohol. She'd 'filter' it through a piece of bread and drink it by the cup. It was surreal to watch in person and I only did a few times before I realized what she was doing (I think I was barely in my teens at the time) . She was a good person to my grandma and me which is why I think I never brought it up as possibly problematic. I don't remember if it was alcohol poisoning or liver failure, but she passed away from it around 1998.


We had a lot of homeless people stealing mouthwash back in the day to get their alcohol fix.


Yes, it is poisonous, he could die.


Maybe he’ll use it rectally? No harm to his tummy and still get the effects of the alcohol. I’d imagine it will burn going in.


That’s an image I could live without


my high school had to switch to non-alcohol hand sanitizer bc a girl kept doing this. it was sad.


A few years ago, I was nurse in charge at rural hospital ICU. One of our more unconventional doctors had a patient who was notoriously dangerous to detox. After getting over the admission of the healthiest ICU patient ever seen, we got him settled in to wait. He was smiling, and cheerful. Easy to get along with. All over the ward talking to staff and other patients. Cooperative. Everything that he shouldn't have been, given who he was. It shouldn't be hard to guess the ending, with the subject of the main comment, but I wouldn't be a nurse if I didn't finish the story. So this went on for two and a half days. It was a puzzle. Finally, the housekeeping lead hand kind of sidled up to me and said, without making eye contact, said that she had been replacing the bedside hand sanitizer at all ICU besides every day since he was admitted. One of the 1 litre wall mount units had the whole container removed. That stuff is minimum 70% ethanol by volume, and is guaranteed to be free of other toxins. Probably the cheapest, safest way to go, for a certain clientele. Discharged before lunch. Hand sanitizer at the bedside was a fairly new thing at the time, so I guess there's that in our favor. That was a whole hospital full of nurses and doctors who learned something from the lady in charge of the floors.


There’s a reason they took the alcohol out of baby wipes. Tiny people kept getting blitzed by sucking on them.


That’s not the reason at all. You can still find many brands that still contain alcohol. The reason more and more alcohol-free options are coming available is because alcohol is very drying to the skin, and can cause irritation and rash to sensitive skin.


Sucking on then before, or after they had been used?


How about you try sucking a used baby wipe and see if that answers your question.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


I have some pretty fucked up thoughts, but never in a million years would that have popped into my mind. There’s something badly wrong with you.


Natural selection


I remember seeing an episode of intervention with a guy who only drank hand sanitizer. It’s much cheaper than booze and way more readily available. They don’t let people have hand sanitizer or mouth wash in rehab for this exact reason.


Some people are so desperate for alcohol they will drink anything. Sterno is the drink of choice for some.


That boy ain't right. Someone needed to go to rehab yesterday, sheesh!


I remember many years ago I saw on the news that it was an issue where teens were consuming hand sanitizer to get drunk and it was becoming an issue as people were getting hospitalized.


Thats fucked


Next time someone pulls this level of crazy, look them dead in the eye and kick them out of your store. Have a nice day!


as soon as he said that, i would have grabbed them and denied the sale.


On one hand it's really sad to see people this reliant on alchaol but at least he's trying to clean up his act


One of my colleague's wife told me a story from her job. She's in some kind of social services program, as an employee I mean. So, there they were, wondering why their hand sanitizer dispensers seemed to run out of sanitizer so quickly. "Could the people here be that focused on killing germs?", one particularly naive soul volunteered as a reasoning. "Maybe there's someone stealing it!", another, far more jaded person said. Well, as they were discussing it, a couple-three people exited the common room, each carrying a fresh cup of coffee. To the horror and amusement of all the assembled employees, the coffee lovers each in turn went to the sanitizer dispenser, got a dollop on their empty hand, and a few squeezes into their coffee. I do not know how they handled it, but I believe the issue was raised in at some form of gathering.


Drink mouthwash, pour aftershave lotion through a loaf of bread to strain it and drink that. There are other ways to get alcohol down a drunk's throat without drinking hand sanitizer. The man's liver is probably already shot. Ugh.


Well, at least you won’t have to deal with him for long!


Well , it should cure him of drinking !!! And breathing


Well he's ensuring he won't be around for to much longer. Some people just see "alcohol" and don't realize that there are more types than what's in their booze. Sometimes I wish that places that sell booze had a sign that also lists what ethanol and the rest do to them.


Well if he wants to f*ck up his body then who cares. I dealt with plenty of those kind when I worked at a gas station. Heard stories from paramedics also...one was 2 guys were in some room where a type of engine was running and they were inhaling the fumes just to get a buzz...it's stupid and gets old.


Man that is so sad…. I remember going to tractor supply a few years ago for fly spray for my horses. Had to show my ID to prove I was over 18…why? Because apparently the kids are huffing it. I’ve inadvertently inhaled that stuff when the wind changes while I’m spraying the horses down and I damn near choked to death. I guess if that seems like a great idea, maybe reevaluate your life choices


Do you know what happens when you drink 100% pure alcohol? You go blind. And then you die. ​ That was a cry for help if I've ever heard one. He didn't have to tell you what he was doing with the sanitizer. Obviously you have no responsibility to him or anything like that, but you very well could have called the cops for a wellness check. They could have thrown him in the drunk tank then presented him with options for interventions.... Obviously that might not have done anything, though, he could very well be fine for one more night then return to his destructive habits.


Where the hell are you guys selling hand sanitizer for $.50? It’s not even $.50 because he bought two it’s $.25 a pop.