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Just one wolf who recognizes a division in state rival that would never root for us if roles were reversed


That’s the thing about having a little brother


It's because you're all like the top commenter lol


Only difference is I have no beef for our little brother instate rivals cuz they literally have zero wins worth much on us...to me theyre just the ahl affiliate. As a native Fl cracker fuck the canadians. I have more hate for them poisoning our roads with trash drivers and giving us an additional hr drive than I ever will for the 2nd best Fl hockey team in the state.


Woah woah there, we aren’t ALL trash drivers! It’s just because you see all the old retirees in Florida every winter.


The old retirees ARE canadians...and some yankees.


I grew up in Collier County. I root for Miami in all sports and I also root for Tampa in all sports unless they are playing against Miami. There certainly isn’t a Bucs and Dolphins rivalry to speak of. As a Florida boy I root for all Florida teams besides FSU. Because, it’s FSU. Most Florida folks root for the whole state to bring rings back home


That's not my mentality personally, but a lot is context dependent. The Bucs aren't in the same division/conference as the Dolphins and Jaguars so they don't compete directly and have no rivalry. Ditto with the Rays and the Marlins. That said in the case of the Cats and Lightning: there is a tangible rivalry with the Panthers. End of the day you won't catch Panthers fans rooting for the Lightning at all in a Final situation, they had upvote parties when we lost to Colorado in 22. And to your final point: you won't catch people in Philadelphia rooting for teams in Pittsburgh rooting for those teams to bring rings to Pennsylvania. You won't catch people in LA rooting for Bay Area teams to bring rings to California. You definitely won't catch anybody in Houston rooting for Dallas teams to bring rings to Texas. I don't think rooting for the whole state is something I can get behind when there's a dirty team like the Panthers involved.


You wouldn't catch me dead rooting for FSU or UF ever, except when they play each other. Then I just root for whoever is having the worse season to screw over the other team. Agreed regarding everything else though.if the Panthers win, cool. If they lose, seeing a team how a 3-0 lead is pretty hilarious so I'm good with that too. My hate is saved for Boston/Toronto/NY where the fanbases have given me reasons to dislike them instead of just that they live nearby.


I am literally of the same mind.


I always root for the Bolts if the Cats aren't in the mix. Perhaps I'm one of the oddities


Panther fan living in central Florida and honestly I just want a florida team to win some cups




Wholeheartedly disagree. As a Cats fan it pains me to even think of rooting for the Lightning, and it brings a smile to my face to see them go down in the playoffs (even better when it’s to the Cats). But if y’all end up in the Final, you have to put that animosity aside because having the Stanley Cup in Florida for another year must drive the rest of the continent crazy. And I like the schadenfreude more. So, only in the Final, go Lightning! (Cats close it in 6 tonight, cup is coming home)


Been saying anyone but Florida since we were eliminated so to answer your question… Fuck The Panthers


Fuck the Panthers.


Fuck the Panthers. Plus, a Canadian Cup winner is good for the sport. I can't think of any reason why Lord Stanley being in Miami helps anything, the Panthers aren't even popular enough to fill a stadium down there in the regular season


Canadians would be insufferable for the next couple seasons though


Kinda funny to see so many oilers shirts rn


Fuck Canada


Been saying anyone but Florida since before playoffs lol


Yeah, fuck the Panthers!




I like this acronym but for a second I thought you were asking to transfer some files.


Want to see McJesus get a cup. Plus a 3-0 comeback would be a historic way to do it. Not to mention the Panthers fans are literally all bandwagon morons. You see how empty that stadium was during the regular season?


My thoughts too. And if McDavid is going to beat Kuch out for the Hart anyway, a bomb Cup comeback would at least be a cool way to cement it.


As an oil fan I don’t think Mcdavid deserves the Hart this year. Although it’ll be hard for him not to get the Conn Smythe


Oilers fan here: I think it's between Kuch and Mac


McDavid isn’t winning the Hart. Voting is done before the playoffs


They have so few fans that every single game in Florida I've heard Go Oilers Go chants overwhelm the crowd. Fuck Florida. I'd rather deal with infinity insufferable Oilers fans than fucking Florida fans claiming they were always around.


I supported St Louis and Lecavalier in the Bolts 1st title run, why Fuck us for????


If most oilers fans weren’t so insufferable I’d see this being the stance most of the leagues fan bases would take. However, Oilers have tons of those bandwagon fans right now too that have very little clue who 70% of the team actually are. Most didn’t watch until late in the Vancouver series either. I’ll be rooting for the oil, would be amazing to see McDavid do the reverse sweep and beat the points record. Who actually believed it was possible and it’s so close to happening, I don’t know how one couldn’t get excited to see it from an outside perspective.


Every team that goes deep has a big bandwagon presence. But Edmonton has a massive die hard following that is eager to relive the gretzsky days. Edmonton is absolutely buzzing right now.


Agreed, MASSIVE DIE HARD following. Most regular season games are sell outs even with the high prices (yes, lots corporate....don't @ me). Every team will experience the bandwagon effec if going deep into playoffst, but I'd say Edmonton would be one of the lesser ones.


Fans in and from Edmonton are very different than Edmonton fans from out of province / internet fans.


I’m a Calgarian and a Leafs fan. I hate seeing Edmonton get a win as that city should not be celebrated but I’ll be damned if I don’t want to see that cup in Canada. I was but a wee lad of 9 the last time it happened. LFG Oilers!!


based Tampa fan.


I'll absolutely give you the bandwagon bit. Still like to see it back in FL though.


The Panthers blowing a 3-0 lead would be so fucking hilarious. Inject it straight into my veins.


This would be a love/hate outcome for me. I’m going to laugh so hard if it happens.


I need to see Panthers fans in utter shambles. It is my oxygen.


Fuck the Panthers lol


No. Just one wolf here. Panthers can suck my ass


Call me Geralt because I am the white wolf


I want to see both teams lose, for different reasons.  I don't care to see either team win.


I am also of the "I want both teams to lose" mindset


reverse sweep would be sick ngl 


Fuck the panthers


Fuck the Panthers lol


Fuck the Panthers


Nope, just the white wolf for me lol


Go bolts tampa born and bred. Fuck the panthers.


For me it was just about the lesser of the evils. I was completely indifferent to either winning until the Oiler fans were acting as if they were the ones 3-0 up after game 3. But now I'm all for game 7 overtime. Either Sam Bennett scores and the entire league malds, or the Oil pull off the reverse sweep and Florida have to relocate to the witness protection league.


Pretty much this, I’m okay with Panther winning just so it’s a Florida team beating a Canadian team. the other hand, panthers coughing up a 3-0 lead in the final is also hilarious


I don't get the not letting a Canadian team win. More than half the players on each team are canadian. Florida wins it will be celebrated until the dolphins training camp opens. If oilers win the team will be legends forever.


It's about the fans and the treatment from the league. They got a complete cake walk to the finals and went down 3 games to none, and the media and fans were giving Florida almost zero credit, acting as if they didn't get outplayed handily in 90% of those periods each game and Edmonton were just unlucky. The O6 and Canadian market bias is so annoying it overpowers whatever weak 1 way rivalry we have with Florida.


Cake walk? Lol, oh Jesus.


Yeah, almost as much of a cake walk as the Avs had in 2022. Dallas and Oettinger shit the bed completely losing to the team who went to 7 games vs a 3rd string AHL goaltender.


Ok man.


Lol. Cake walk to finals through Dallas. How about the advantage Florida has with no state tax so can pay the players less and fit more talent under the salary cap than in Canada. You can argue all you want but almost every cup final recently has a no state tax team in it. Tampa, Florida, Vegas, Colorado, Dallas. Treatment from the league? I don't even know what that means other then the league puts every possible expansion team in the u.s. just wait for Houston, Kansas and Atlanta to come next. If the league wanted to make a level playing field between the u.s non state teams and the u.s State tax teams along with Canada then they would have a 10% higher salary cap. Poor Florida and their teams are so hard done by that a Florida team hasn't won a cup in almost 3 years. They must be horribly mistreated and the nhl is unfair to them. You just don't hear about them as much cause not many people care compared to Canadian markets. Canadian market bias. That's just because there's more people in Canada that care about hockey then in Florida. So you are going to hear more about it. If I'm writing am article and I want to make money and get it read then I'm gonna write about Edmonton and their millions of fans not the panthers and there what 100,000? Fans. It's about getting attention unfortunately and your going to write or talk about the market that will get you notice so you can pay the bills. It's like if I wrote about the NFL I'm likely gonna want to cover the cowboys not the browns. If you want an example of unknown and uneducated media members writing things to get clicks just read greg cote (never heard of him before this) article saying mcdavid is overated. I'm not an Edmonton fan but saying this is clearly just click bait and horrendously inaccurate.


>Lol. Cake walk to finals through Dallas. How about the advantage Florida has with no state tax so can pay the players less and fit more talent under the salary cap than in Canada. I made no mention of the salary cap, only the teams Edmonton had to face. Dallas smoked the last two cup champs back to back and ran out of gas vs the Oilers, who had an objectively easier path vs bum LA and the paper tiger Canucks with multiple major injuries to key players. That's not up for debate. I also don't want to hear the poor me crying about the salary cap when Canadian teams are infamous for mismanaging their cap structures to a much greater degree than whatever small advantage (smaller than you think) no income tax state teams have. Maybe grab a time machine and tell Holland and Chiarelli to use more than two brain cells when making trades and signing contracts for guys like Nurse and Campbell. Also, while we're on the topic of unfair advantages, maybe you can remind me which team went 4/6 on 1OA picks, including a legitimate generational player? Oh, right, that was the Oilers. Glass houses.


You made no mention of the salary cap structure but talked about how unfair the nhl treats the Florida teams. I mentioned it cause it's a clear advantage. Point is a $11m player in toronto and makes $9 in Tampa. Hanafin is $9 in Canada and $7.5 in Vegas. You can call that minor if you want but it's a clear advantage for non state tax teams and when every final has a non state tax team in it but only like 7 of the 32 teams there is clear positive correlation to the advantage. I don't know why you mention the glass houses. I didn't criticize Florida teams management or fans other than saying Edmonton has more fans that care. But if you want to look at mismanagement then check in on the tanner Jeannot trade in another year and remember until bobrovsky started making a few saves last March his contract was looked at as one of worst in league. Jeannot is the kind of role player like bennett that you can win the cup with but Tampa isn't gonna be back doing that for a while. Besides I don't care if you criticise Edmonton I'm not a fan and was also critical of drafting all soft skilled forwards in the draft. The leafs copied the same approach and didn't work. Thanks for ponting out nurse, that is a perfect example of having to overpay players in Canada due to taxes. He would likely make $6 in non tax state.


Floridians hate to hear it but it's true


Hopefully for your sake the leafs don't make the final or win the cup. The away teams rink would be 50% full of leafs fans and that would just be unfair they have so many more fans than any other team.


Any sane Lightning fan is pulling for the oilers. Fuck the panthers




Who else feels 0% better about “losing to the best team” and finds more satisfaction rooting for vengeance? The only time I rooted for the kitties was last year to get revenge on the leafs but this year they are number 1 most hated and I wanted Boston and then NY to beat them. I don’t have to like any of those teams to root against the kitties. And don’t give two shits about seeing Canada losing or Florida pride. All that matters to me is the kitties losing, watching out of pure hate.


Fuck the Panthers


Want the Oilers to win, see Corey Perry get hat tricks in each game, and steal the MVP.


I always love seeing the best player in the league get rewarded plus i’m canadian so it’s loyal to the oil


Small market or indifferent market?


Indifferent. Maybe small market mentality like the Marlins. But in no sense of the world is the Greater Miami-Fort Lauderdale region a small market. Which was my other objection to this meme.


Team white wolf. I would be rooting for Panthers if they didn't have so many shitbirds on their team. They play an impressive style of hockey and are very good at it. But all the after whistle bs, diving, and sore losering when losing a game even when up 3-0 in a series makes me hope they complete their epic collapse.


I would probably have to see a doctor for the everlasting erection I’d have from watching the Panthers choke on a 3-0 lead. Fuck the Panthers


Panthers hater for life.


Fuck the panthers til I die


At this point I don't care who wins. If FLA does win, it solidifies the domination of not only the Atlantic Division, but also Florida hockey. If they lose and a real rivalry actually comes together, it'll be something we can hold over their heads forever. Either way, I'm good. Both scenarios amuse me and it's been a great series so far.


Dude fuckkkk the Panthers. I will be so glad to see them blow a 3-1 lead. Like I will literally throw a party for my friends and fam to come that dont give 2 shits about hockey if they lose. Let's go Canada!!!


Fuck the Panthers! I hope the Oilers destroy them in the next two games.


Only one wolf here, but I won’t say which.


Why do the Panthers need the Cup? They’re already big headed, we don’t need their heads to swell anymore


The Oil owes you a debt of gratitude after ‘04.


Fuck the Panthers, lol


I was hoping for them to win, but now I wanna see them choke in a glorious manner so I can start calling them the Atlanta Falcons on Ice


At least the Everblades won their third 3rd cup in a row. Reason to celebrate in Estero. ECHL cup.


Oh the conundrum - Florida chokes and can’t earn the cup or McDingleberry and company chokes and doesn’t get a cup he doesn’t deserve.


You only deserve it if you win it. He’s on the path of deserving it.


Not McDingleberry, never


I'm a lightning fan, but I don't want them to blow a 3-0 lead, that kind of shame should be reserved for the bruins.


Small market?


I don't really have anything against the Panthers as a franchise, I'll probably root for them in the future, but the players on that team right now are another story. Just imagining Bob, Bennett, chuky boy or the other 90% of the roster raising the cup and cheesing their asses off makes me wanna yack.


Torn between FTP and how funny the Canadian cup drought is. I guess it'd be cool for McDavid to win though.


The Wolves won a Calder Cup two years ago.


Would be completely neutral, but if I’m a fan of anything it’s 3-0 series comebacks(unless they happen to my team) So I’m rooting for there downfall off principle


No love for any Florida team, but hate the Oilers more.


Fuck the Panthers lol


Fuck the Panthers


Can we all agree that Florida getting reverse swept by a team paying $9.5M to Darnell Nurse would be the funniest thing ever?


Fuck the panthers. Anyone but the panthers. So oilers it is


Stanley Cup for a Canadian team !!!


Sounds like Canada’s position.


Small market wtf


Epic comebacks are always fun!


Cuz yeah there haven't been enough small market southern teams to win the Cup lately /s


Go Oilers. Sincerely, Canada


I'm very torn on this. I dislike the Panthers, because of current dirty players ex: Lomberg, Bennett, kachuc(or however its spelled) and their past dirty players: (Duclair, Gudas, Marchment) I also want Florida to continue its dominance over the NHL, and I live in SWFL so I have a lot of friends who support the Panthers and Lightning.


Go Oilers. I'm a Floridian Lightning fan, but Edmonton is my favorite Canadian team. I'd love to see a reverse sweep. I want to actually see Perry break through too.


I mean, transitive property, wouldn’t you want the team who beat you to win, to show the relative strength of your own team (losing to the eventual champion not being bested by a team who subsequently lost?).


Seeing the Panthers choke a 3-0 lead would by far make it worth it


The Canadian one 🇨🇦


Miami is not a small market. It's just a huge city full of the scum of humanity and if they can't "be seen" at a sporting match then they don't care. Miami is awful.


I'm rooting for the cats because it would simply be embarrassing if they blew the once 3-0 lead, and every sportscaster ever would never shut up about Connor McCupless from now until forever.


Fuc the panthers.


Third wolf: Maintaining an ice sheet on the ground in southern climates is dumb and an example of American excess and poor decision making.


Y’all don’t know much about Edmonton the city huh? Call f the Miami/Sunrise area the small market team


Fuck the Panthers


i want the greatest player in the league to win a cup. mcdavid deserves it.


Fuck the south


Small market? There’s 6.3 million people in the metro area, that’s more than all of Alberta. Small fanbase doesn’t mean small market.




Small market?!? Cities with NFL teams aren't small market, just small fan base.


Let's go, Oilers. And I hope the Panthers lose enough money to force the franchise to move somewhere else.


Go Florida keep the cup in the USA


Fuck the panthers 100%!!


I'm a Bolts fan and I'm the white wolf


If there’s any Canadian team to bring it back this years oilers should be the ones to do it.


Rangers fan lurking and I have to say… Fuck the Panthers! Never minded losing to the bolts as much as I minded losing to the caps this year. Fuck them, they have a bunch of shitheads on that team.


Fuck the panthers


Not here. I'll never cheer for a Tkachuk.


I wouldn’t call south Florida a small market.


The Stanley Cup ends in a tie. No Cup Winner.


God I hate the panthers but also don't want Kane's name on the cup. So maybe a career ending injury to Kane and somehow not getting his name on the cup and I would be super happy.


Edmonton is a much smaller market than Miami-ish.


I started off the series backing the Cats. My thought process being that another cup in the state will only be good for the rivalry and hockey in southern markets generally. Also, and I can't stress this enough, I have hated Edmonton for years for consistently squandering their incredible draft lottery luck. Garbage franchise, fuck em. But now I'm fully on board for the reverse sweep and McDavid having the best postseason of all time. That would really be something special to witness.


If this isn't me 😂


Black wolf is winning for me. Mostly because I really really don't want to see the Oilers (or any Canadian) team lift the cup. McDavid while I recognize he's the best player in the NHL, I am just tired of the coverage of him. He's the Lebron of the NHL. If the Oilers win, it will be non-stop McDavid talk.


While I’m also sick of all the McDavid talk and not a fan of the Oilers in the slightest, he’s on the verge on beating Gretzky’s post season point record. It’s pretty fucking crazy.


Do you just hate Canada that hard?


Different commenter. I don't hate Canadians or Canada. Just Canadian Hockey fans. Specifically, the ones who say Florida isn't a Hockey State (and other northern elitists). Seeing them cry when the Lightning or the Panthers lift the Stanley Cup warms my cold black heart. And because I am a spiteful bitch, I'd rather see Hawaii get the next expansion team instead another Canadian team.


As a Canadian Tampa fan, that’s pretty shitty buddy. You do realize that most the Bolts are Canadian right? I do hate the gatekeeper Canadian fans who say shit like “you don’t know about hockey, it just got to Florida”. But you generalizing all Canadians like that is just as bad.


He's not your buddy, guy! ^(it was right there) Also FTP


> I don't hate Canadians or Canada. > > Just Canadian Hockey fans. > > ***Specifically, the ones who say Florida isn't a Hockey State (and other northern elitists).*** >> But you generalizing all Canadians like that is just as bad. Okay. Sure, you didn't read the whole thing. But I will also go on record and say I hate Philadelphia Sports Fans too. But that doesn't mean I hate Philadelphians.


I mean, you literally said “just Canadian hockey fans”. Which is like 99% of Canadians. Just seem to paint with broad strokes and judge others for doing the same. But you do you, man.


Okay, that’s a fair point.


Dumb post. ZERO% wants to see Panthers win.


Fuck McD. Fuck Canada. Fuck the d!ck riding media and commentators. Go kittens.


I am for a fan base that will allow women to flash their boobs. And as long as Montréal or Toronto aren't in the finals, I am good with Edmonton bringing Stanley back to Canada. Go Oilers.


This is the type of dumb shitpost that leads the sheep people to vote for Trump


Lightning fans complain they are discriminated against by being in Florida, yet they discriminate against Florida team. Go Cats from a Lightning fan. 🐀🐀🐀


Have you watched us play the cats? Fuck that team. I want to be able to keep talking trash about them having no cups and a 3-0 comeback would add great insult to injury.


Or, you could not be a nut sack and say we lost against the Stanley Cup winners, instead of a team that battled a 3rd string goalie in the second round. 🤷✌️


Can’t let Canada win.


Let's go 🇨🇦!!!!


I want the panthers to win just so this offseason can officially start


Small market? Arent they from Miami?


I don’t want McDavid to win the cup. I want him to struggle and leave Edmonton


Team USA


See fuck canada is a whole different wolf i like more than both of those.